Trump calls Chris Cuomo an 'out of control animal' after 'Fredo' video flap

Trump is worse than a 2nd grader......

Fuck off loser. All you do is cry like a bitch. Trump has the balls to say the truth. You don't even know what the truth is.
You might be confusing schoolyard insults with balls. Trump is a truly balless wonder, who consistently punches down, not up. There are no balls in that.

No wonder you worship him.
After that outburst Cuomo should be the first trial of the red flag rules. Petty obvious anger management problems there.

Some jackass who was a Trump supporter went up to Cuomo and called him "Fredo", which is the name of the stupid brother in the Godfather movies. And, he was the one that threw the first insult, not Cuomo.

What would you do if some jackass walked up and called you an insulting name? Let him, or offer to kick his ass like Cumo did?
It’s Chris Cuomo, who gives a shit...
He has really bad little man syndrome
Now who called us deplorables? Hypocrisy much?
Deplorable is a race now?

Try to keep up, petunia. There was nothing about race and you can't point to anything Trump said as a racial slur.

Just imagined bullshit in your mind.

Kinda looks like YOU need to keep up as well. Some idiot called Cumo an insult, and he got upset about it. And, because it had been recorded, it ended up on the internet, and that is where Trump saw it, and commented about Cuomo being an out of control animal.

Sorry, but like I said further up the thread, how would a lot of you people on these boards react if some idiot walked up to you and started shooting off his mouth? Me? I'd react much like Cuomo did and tell the idiot to piss off.
Cuomo called himself a journalist. He is a purveyor of hate fest propaganda. A deplorable situation that the dregs just don't understand.Hoe could somene say a word to someone who pushes venom on the air that helps to get people assaulted, maimed and killed You know for like just wearing a campaign you notice how many marriages, families are involved in the swamp in everything that circles it. TV, elected, non elected, lawyers, lobbyists, judges, and on and on? No one ever does a study on these things.
This is actually quite amusing coming from someone who listens to rush limbaugh and quotes from the daily Caller.

I've gotta buy a new hypocrisy meter now, but it's still pretty funny.
S...Ss...Sss....Saul Alinsky lives!!! Give me the amount of so called conservative people as TV and entertainers that we see everyday. Give me the pure conservative drama and comedy shows we see everyday. Naming a few people or a program is nothing. The modern Bible is what you believe in. I am caught in the middle of many things. The power fiefdoms that control us and the political ways that dominate. So let us go with a few radio hosts...Oh boyyy! And a few Fox TV people...Golly we are so lucky! And a few who write opinions... Our cup runneth over! Just the fraud comedy shills outnumber all of those. We have been moving to the left my whole life. I am in my early 60's. We are not allowed to have an equal footing in everything TV/entertainment. And I do not listen or watch these people everyday. Many even have progressive communists as guests thus wasting valuable time. Sometimes I think they are there to just schmooze people not infected with Progressive socialist agendas yet. And the numbers are dropping. Anyway why care about a nickname for Cuomo? You guys/gals and others are the masters of sarcastic names.
Trump is worse than a 2nd grader......

Fuck off loser. All you do is cry like a bitch. Trump has the balls to say the truth. You don't even know what the truth is.

The truth is that Trump is a spoiled idiot, and his followers are fools. Did you hear his latest chain of consciousness bullshit speech? The idiot changes subjects 3 times in the same sentence, but it didn't make any difference anyway, because he didn't know what he was talking about on any of those subjects.
Trump is worse than a 2nd grader......

Fuck off loser. All you do is cry like a bitch. Trump has the balls to say the truth. You don't even know what the truth is.
You might be confusing schoolyard insults with balls. Trump is a truly balless wonder, who consistently punches down, not up. There are no balls in that.

No wonder you worship him.
The vary definition of no balls - career politicians

Like the Clintons and community organizers. Lol
The truth is that Trump is a spoiled idiot........

That's all you ever say BullshitDog. Grow up loser.

As I said in Post 34... ...I seem to remember Republicans Sarah Sanders and Ted Cruz being accosted by crowds in a restaurant screaming in their faces. They maintained their dignity and left without engaging the mobs. Thats what adults do.

But Fredo is not an adult. One single person called him Fredo and he lost his lunch.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the best proof ever of the difference between filthy vermin Liberals, and Conservatives with values, how they react in the same situation.
Trump is worse than a 2nd grader......

Fuck off loser. All you do is cry like a bitch. Trump has the balls to say the truth. You don't even know what the truth is.

The truth is that Trump is a spoiled idiot, and his followers are fools. Did you hear his latest chain of consciousness bullshit speech? The idiot changes subjects 3 times in the same sentence, but it didn't make any difference anyway, because he didn't know what he was talking about on any of those subjects.

He is hard to follow when it is longer than a tweet.
The truth is that Trump is a spoiled idiot........

That's all you ever say BullshitDog. Grow up loser.

As I said in Post 34... ...I seem to remember Republicans Sarah Sanders and Ted Cruz being accosted by crowds in a restaurant screaming in their faces. They maintained their dignity and left without engaging the mobs. Thats what adults do.

But Fredo is not an adult. One single person called him Fredo and he lost his lunch.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the best proof ever of the difference between filthy vermin Liberals, and Conservatives with values, how they react in the same situation.

I thought you liked Trump because he hits back. Which is it?
... Trump has the balls to say the truth. You don't even know what the truth is.
You might be confusing schoolyard insults with balls. Trump is a truly balless wonder, who consistently punches down, not up. There are no balls in that. No wonder you worship him.
When one is POTUS punching down is the only option.

Trump is worse than a 2nd grader when it comes to calling people names, and his idiot supporters breathlessly wait to see who he will call a doo doo head next. Such a childish bunch.

Mr. Cuomo attacked his President many times in the past. Lies about "collusion" and "obstruction" and "white nationalism/supremacy".

Fredo has to be willing to take the blowback, if he is going to attack Donald J. Trump.

President Trump was raised in the tough streets of New York City, he's not going to take shit from Cuomo.
Trump is worse than a 2nd grader when it comes to calling people names, and his idiot supporters breathlessly wait to see who he will call a doo doo head next. Such a childish bunch.

Mr. Cuomo attacked his President many times in the past. Lies about "collusion" and "obstruction" and "white nationalism/supremacy".

Fredo has to be willing to take the blowback, if he is going to attack Donald J. Trump.

President Trump was raised in the tough streets of New York City, he's not going to take shit from Cuomo.

Trump wasn’t raised on any tough streets, he was raised in wealth and privilege.

He is thin skinned.
I’m Italian and I’ve never heard of Fredo being a slur against Italians.

I've known Italians all my life, and I know every slur about the Italian people out there.

And no, "Fredo" isn't one of them.

"Fredo" is a reference to the stupid brother- regardless of the brother's ethnicity. The fact that the Fredo Corleone character was Italian and so was the actor that played him isn't relevant.

Plenty of brothers of every nationality have had this observation thrown at them.
Trump is worse than a 2nd grader when it comes to calling people names, and his idiot supporters breathlessly wait to see who he will call a doo doo head next. Such a childish bunch.

Mr. Cuomo attacked his President many times in the past. Lies about "collusion" and "obstruction" and "white nationalism/supremacy".

Fredo has to be willing to take the blowback, if he is going to attack Donald J. Trump.

President Trump was raised in the tough streets of New York City, he's not going to take shit from Cuomo.

Trump wasn’t raised on any tough streets, he was raised in wealth and privilege.

He is thin skinned.

Actually, you're wrong. When I was in college, one of the guys I knew lived in Trump's neighborhood in New York City, Queens.

Whenever he went home, he always had to call to make sure that his boys from his hood were at the Port Authority because he had to fight his way home.
Trump is worse than a 2nd grader when it comes to calling people names, and his idiot supporters breathlessly wait to see who he will call a doo doo head next. Such a childish bunch.

Mr. Cuomo attacked his President many times in the past. Lies about "collusion" and "obstruction" and "white nationalism/supremacy".

Fredo has to be willing to take the blowback, if he is going to attack Donald J. Trump.

President Trump was raised in the tough streets of New York City, he's not going to take shit from Cuomo.

Trump wasn’t raised on any tough streets, he was raised in wealth and privilege.

He is thin skinned.
I saw thin skinned on election night by the Progs. That was abhorrent. Hillary is the ultimate thin skin. Trump talks like a New Yorker. You are not going to change that. Most of his business dealing were with people who speak like him. And most of them would vote Progressive. Trump has many employees and has done business that has hired many people. In a tough region of the nation to get things done.

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