Trump calls Chris Cuomo an 'out of control animal' after 'Fredo' video flap

ME: I love the Donald more and more every day. If anybody deserves to get bitch-slapped its Fredo Cuomo, that sniveling fake news bitch. Rush calls him Fredo all the time too. Its great. Some remarks:

Trump calls Chris Cuomo an 'out of control animal' after 'Fredo' video flap
President Trump mocks CNN's Chris Cuomo after a viral video shows the TV host threatening a man who apparently called him 'Fredo.'

Fuck Chris Cuomo. Trump is a stupid, whiny little bitch.

Trump is a counterpuncher, not a "whiner" at all.

He's known for his well orchestrated plans, I would not be surprised if the Fredo fan was an associate of the President setting up that fool.
ME: I love the Donald more and more every day. If anybody deserves to get bitch-slapped its Fredo Cuomo, that sniveling fake news bitch. Rush calls him Fredo all the time too. Its great. Some remarks:

Trump calls Chris Cuomo an 'out of control animal' after 'Fredo' video flap
President Trump mocks CNN's Chris Cuomo after a viral video shows the TV host threatening a man who apparently called him 'Fredo.'

Why is it a good thing for the President of the United States to get involved in detritilike this? Is it dignified? Is it mature? Is it necessary? Is it endearing to adults who graduated high school and are not the typical booger eatin' moron who thinks Trump is great?
ME: I love the Donald more and more every day. If anybody deserves to get bitch-slapped its Fredo Cuomo, that sniveling fake news bitch. Rush calls him Fredo all the time too. Its great. Some remarks:

Trump calls Chris Cuomo an 'out of control animal' after 'Fredo' video flap
President Trump mocks CNN's Chris Cuomo after a viral video shows the TV host threatening a man who apparently called him 'Fredo.'

Why is it a good thing for the President of the United States to get involved in detritilike this? Is it dignified? Is it mature? Is it necessary? Is it endearing to adults who graduated high school and are not the typical booger eatin' moron who thinks Trump is great?

Obama unpresidentially attacked Trump at the WH Correspondents dinner in 2011. Did you criticize Obama for that?
ME: I love the Donald more and more every day. If anybody deserves to get bitch-slapped its Fredo Cuomo, that sniveling fake news bitch. Rush calls him Fredo all the time too. Its great. Some remarks:

Trump calls Chris Cuomo an 'out of control animal' after 'Fredo' video flap
President Trump mocks CNN's Chris Cuomo after a viral video shows the TV host threatening a man who apparently called him 'Fredo.'

Why is it a good thing for the President of the United States to get involved in detritilike this? Is it dignified? Is it mature? Is it necessary? Is it endearing to adults who graduated high school and are not the typical booger eatin' moron who thinks Trump is great?

Obama unpresidentially attacked Trump at the WH Correspondents dinner in 2011. Did you criticize Obama for that?

Venue and context, my man. Venue and context.
Fredo Cuomo like most of the MSM is essentially an unelected propaganda official of the DNC who was and still is part of the coup attempt by the democrats to attack our democracy!
Trump is worse than a 2nd grader when it comes to calling people names, and his idiot supporters breathlessly wait to see who he will call a doo doo head next. Such a childish bunch.

You don't get it , BD. Mr. Cuomo has been attacking his President for years. Trump is strictly a counter puncher.

But if you attack him, he'll attack you 10 times as hard back.

When the Clintons attacked him with the "Access Hollywood" October surprise, he went after them with all of the real victims of the Clinton Family ready to testify. All Trump did was shoot the shit a little bit with the Bush scion and didn't do anything.

Yet Trump whines and insults when Cuomo responded to someone who attacked him. You seem to think that is a good quality when Trump does it, but not when Cuomo does. Hypocrite much?

No one "attacked" Fredo.

The fan was just making an observation, constructive criticism. Mr. Cuomo needs to actually address the problems people have with him, namely his treasonous stupidity, and not just terrorize the fan.

What do you call this?
After that outburst Cuomo should be the first trial of the red flag rules. Petty obvious anger management problems there.

Some jackass who was a Trump supporter went up to Cuomo and called him "Fredo", which is the name of the stupid brother in the Godfather movies. And, he was the one that threw the first insult, not Cuomo.

What would you do if some jackass walked up and called you an insulting name? Let him, or offer to kick his ass like Cumo did?

I'd buy your fake outrage and a bit of the "roid rage" from Chris Cuomo if I just did not hear a clip of Fredo calling HIMSELF "Fredo" on air...

Cuomo Called Himself ‘Fredo’ in Conversation Comparing His Family to the Mob
ME: I love the Donald more and more every day. If anybody deserves to get bitch-slapped its Fredo Cuomo, that sniveling fake news bitch. Rush calls him Fredo all the time too. Its great. Some remarks:

Trump calls Chris Cuomo an 'out of control animal' after 'Fredo' video flap
President Trump mocks CNN's Chris Cuomo after a viral video shows the TV host threatening a man who apparently called him 'Fredo.'

Fuck Chris Cuomo. Trump is a stupid, whiny little bitch.

Trump is a counterpuncher, not a "whiner" at all.

He's known for his well orchestrated plans, I would not be surprised if the Fredo fan was an associate of the President setting up that fool.

Oh god I think I might vomit all over my keyboard from reading this.
Trump is worse than a 2nd grader when it comes to calling people names, and his idiot supporters breathlessly wait to see who he will call a doo doo head next. Such a childish bunch.

Mr. Cuomo attacked his President many times in the past. Lies about "collusion" and "obstruction" and "white nationalism/supremacy".

Fredo has to be willing to take the blowback, if he is going to attack Donald J. Trump.

President Trump was raised in the tough streets of New York City, he's not going to take shit from Cuomo.

Trump wasn’t raised on any tough streets, he was raised in wealth and privilege.

He is thin skinned.

He''s a New Yorker.. I'm known enough to verify they are all fully skinned.... You'd get that treatment from any cranky cabbie or deli employee....
Trump is worse than a 2nd grader when it comes to calling people names, and his idiot supporters breathlessly wait to see who he will call a doo doo head next. Such a childish bunch.

You don't get it , BD. Mr. Cuomo has been attacking his President for years. Trump is strictly a counter puncher.

But if you attack him, he'll attack you 10 times as hard back.

When the Clintons attacked him with the "Access Hollywood" October surprise, he went after them with all of the real victims of the Clinton Family ready to testify. All Trump did was shoot the shit a little bit with the Bush scion and didn't do anything.

Yet Trump whines and insults when Cuomo responded to someone who attacked him. You seem to think that is a good quality when Trump does it, but not when Cuomo does. Hypocrite much?

No one "attacked" Fredo.

The fan was just making an observation, constructive criticism. Mr. Cuomo needs to actually address the problems people have with him, namely his treasonous stupidity, and not just terrorize the fan.

What do you call this?
View attachment 274296

The question of Red Flag legislation is currently being considered. The President was observing someone who in his opinion is losing it.
Trump is worse than a 2nd grader when it comes to calling people names, and his idiot supporters breathlessly wait to see who he will call a doo doo head next. Such a childish bunch.

You don't get it , BD. Mr. Cuomo has been attacking his President for years. Trump is strictly a counter puncher.

But if you attack him, he'll attack you 10 times as hard back.

When the Clintons attacked him with the "Access Hollywood" October surprise, he went after them with all of the real victims of the Clinton Family ready to testify. All Trump did was shoot the shit a little bit with the Bush scion and didn't do anything.

Yet Trump whines and insults when Cuomo responded to someone who attacked him. You seem to think that is a good quality when Trump does it, but not when Cuomo does. Hypocrite much?

No one "attacked" Fredo.

The fan was just making an observation, constructive criticism. Mr. Cuomo needs to actually address the problems people have with him, namely his treasonous stupidity, and not just terrorize the fan.

What do you call this?
View attachment 274296

The question of Red Flag legislation is currently being considered. The President was observing someone who in his opinion is losing it.

Thank Fredo for that meltdown then.. Because the path down the Red Flag laws WILL BE ABUSED by partisan politics and the media... The more examples of people who need "their heads examined" or are potential threats to society the better.. LOL....
Tucker is on vacation but had been successfully telling the truth about Fredo and other corrupt democrats for years. :p

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That is one of the reasons I call him the fitting name of tramp, he calls everyone else names.

So it’s okay for you to call people names in order to offend them, but if it is done to a lefty like Cuomo, then it’s a “racist term” like the N-word.
ME: I love the Donald more and more every day. If anybody deserves to get bitch-slapped its Fredo Cuomo, that sniveling fake news bitch. Rush calls him Fredo all the time too. Its great. Some remarks:

Trump calls Chris Cuomo an 'out of control animal' after 'Fredo' video flap
President Trump mocks CNN's Chris Cuomo after a viral video shows the TV host threatening a man who apparently called him 'Fredo.'

Fat donnie, the orange fatty, baby trump, dumbo, baby trump, agent orange....he is an easy target.
As an American you should be ashamed that a grown ass man who happens to be the leader of this country, has tweeter fights and bullying people online...when the whore gold digger In the White House is running a no bullying campaign. :102:....can't make this shit up.
Cuomo is a FUCKING DICK but good for him for standing up for himself. Especially in front of his wife and child. Had that been me I would have done my best to knock a few teeth out of that assholes mouth. There is a line and he crossed it. Good on Cuomo for taking him to task.

Often times Trump should just SHUT THE FUCK UP. This is one of those times.

“Hey Fredo” is a line in the sand?
Personal insults are personal insults are they not? Go call someone a retard in a bar and see how it goes for you. That is essentially what he did in front of his family.
This is what you get when you megadose on anabolic steroids.
They can't keep up cranking out the Fredo T-shirts.
Fredo will now forever be known as Fredo.
The bitch will assault someone and be convicted and fired from CNN.
Personal insults are personal insults are they not? Go call someone a retard in a bar and see how it goes for you. That is essentially what he did in front of his family.

....just like you people did to Sarah Sanders and Ted Cruz in restaurants, except in those cases it was mobs of you people.

The difference is that the conservatives responded in a dignified manner by walking away and not responding in kind, and your piece of shit Fredo responded like the punkass bitch he is, a violent leftwing asshole.

And you defend it. That speaks volumes about your sorry ass.

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