Trump Calls Democratic Senator ‘Phony Vietnam Con Artist’ After Comments On Russia Probe

We would not have had the tax cuts. WE would have had a surplus, paying down the debt. Gore ran on that. Bush didn't - he wanted to give it back meaning no surplus & no balanced budget. Greedy stupid fuck you voted for that. Now you cry about the debt.

As for global warming, there would have been b o tripling of electric bills. You are once again lying. There were cap & trade policies that would have reduced our emission without causing significant rising in electric costs. Pull you head out of Trump's ass & get better informed.

You know nothing that is real.

The deficit increased under Bush mostly because the tech bubble collapsed and we had a recession because of 9/11. So, no, we wouldn't have had a surplus.

Germany has been following exactly the same fucked up energy policies that you endorse and utility bills there are three times what America pays. The empirical evidence says your claim is bullshit. Furthermore, cap and trade does nothing to reduce the price of your "green energy" boondoggles.
Tech bubble was a little bump. Gore might have prevented 9-11.

No, look up the cap & trade programs. Get educated, Get informed. Be a new person!
I know all about cap and trade, moron. There's no way a tax can reduce the amount of C02 that a coal fired power plant produces, or a natural gas plant.
Lying fuck. You don't know shit about cap & trade.

In a cap & trade, a limit for emissions is set. Those that emit less earn credits. Those that pollute more must buy credits from those who pollute less or buy them from the government.. Those needing to buy credits will have higher costs & be less competitive. Those who emit less will be more competitive & have a higher market share. It uses free market to reduce the amount of emissions. That, asshole, is how cap & trade works. They reduce emissions or find themselves out of the market.

If you put a cap and trade on breathing would that reduce the amount of CO2 that humans emit? Obviously not. As I pointed out previously, but you are too fucking dumb to understand, cap and trade will work with some things, but it can't alter the laws of physics and thermodynamics. It can't alter the fact that the combustion of a certain weight of coal or natural gas will produce a certain amount of CO2.

If you run the plants that pollute the most out of business while helping the ones that pollute the least, you reduce the emissions.

It is that fucking simple.

Not all coal burning plants are created equal. Not all coal is created equal.
Clinton got into the Guard as well and got out of serving in the Guard. Bash Budh all you want.... he was flying airplanes for the Guard while Clinton was getting big high in London and Moscow.
Both dodged the draft. Bush joined the Guard, used military time & money learning how to fly & then quit flying while he was in the Guard. Some say he quit flying when they initially started drug testing pilots. Bush left hos g-Guard base to play politics. There is evidence hew went AWOL & never finished his duty.

Neither Bush or Clinton trashed soldiers like your orange buddy. & that is the subject of this thread

You still keep giving Clinton a pass. You still need to pull Bush down with the specious AWOL evidence..... bet you are reading the same 1972 Microsoft Word documents on Bush AWOL; the same ones Dan Rather used when he tried to interfere with the 2004 Election and it cost him his legacy.
I did not give Clinton a pass. I clearly stated he dodged the draft.

There is plenty of proof Bush left his Guard duty early. He did quit flying at one point. He left his base to go to NC to help a political campaign.

Poor Dan Rather, got tossed for reporting something that turned out to not true. Especially when you assholes elect & protect a President that lies every fucking day in office.

You keep giving Trump a pass on dissing McCain & POWs.

Let me be explicit. I voted for McCain in '08 when all of the liberals and Democrats were calling him and his policies "racist". Did you vote for McCain? During that time, Donald Trump was focusing most of his attacks on Bush. Were you upset at Trump for those comments? Trump and McCain never liked one another. Same with Trump and Bush. Same with Trump and Obama. Trump ran against Washington and won. He ran against Bush, McCain, Romney, McConnell, Ryan, Shumer, Pelosi, Kerry, Obama, Clinton, and The Press and WON. For many, this is the core impeachable offense and those will never forgive Trump for that.

All that being said, he should have never made that quip about McCain being captured. It was distasteful and disrespectful.

Fuck McCain. He's been using his POW status as a shield so he can attack people without reprisal. He's a douche bag.
So Trump has you trashing POWs. Just how easily duped are you?
The deficit increased under Bush mostly because the tech bubble collapsed and we had a recession because of 9/11. So, no, we wouldn't have had a surplus.

Germany has been following exactly the same fucked up energy policies that you endorse and utility bills there are three times what America pays. The empirical evidence says your claim is bullshit. Furthermore, cap and trade does nothing to reduce the price of your "green energy" boondoggles.
Tech bubble was a little bump. Gore might have prevented 9-11.

No, look up the cap & trade programs. Get educated, Get informed. Be a new person!
I know all about cap and trade, moron. There's no way a tax can reduce the amount of C02 that a coal fired power plant produces, or a natural gas plant.
Lying fuck. You don't know shit about cap & trade.

In a cap & trade, a limit for emissions is set. Those that emit less earn credits. Those that pollute more must buy credits from those who pollute less or buy them from the government.. Those needing to buy credits will have higher costs & be less competitive. Those who emit less will be more competitive & have a higher market share. It uses free market to reduce the amount of emissions. That, asshole, is how cap & trade works. They reduce emissions or find themselves out of the market.

If you put a cap and trade on breathing would that reduce the amount of CO2 that humans emit? Obviously not. As I pointed out previously, but you are too fucking dumb to understand, cap and trade will work with some things, but it can't alter the laws of physics and thermodynamics. It can't alter the fact that the combustion of a certain weight of coal or natural gas will produce a certain amount of CO2.

If you run the plants that pollute the most out of business while helping the ones that pollute the least, you reduce the emissions.

It is that fucking simple.

Not all coal burning plants are created equal. Not all coal is created equal.

They are all pretty close to being created equal when it comes to how much CO2 they produce per Killowatt hour. That is determined by basic physics.

Yes, you can reduce Co2 by switching from coal to natural gas, but that is about as low as you can go. There is no fossil fuel that produces less C02 than natural gas.
Both dodged the draft. Bush joined the Guard, used military time & money learning how to fly & then quit flying while he was in the Guard. Some say he quit flying when they initially started drug testing pilots. Bush left hos g-Guard base to play politics. There is evidence hew went AWOL & never finished his duty.

Neither Bush or Clinton trashed soldiers like your orange buddy. & that is the subject of this thread

You still keep giving Clinton a pass. You still need to pull Bush down with the specious AWOL evidence..... bet you are reading the same 1972 Microsoft Word documents on Bush AWOL; the same ones Dan Rather used when he tried to interfere with the 2004 Election and it cost him his legacy.
I did not give Clinton a pass. I clearly stated he dodged the draft.

There is plenty of proof Bush left his Guard duty early. He did quit flying at one point. He left his base to go to NC to help a political campaign.

Poor Dan Rather, got tossed for reporting something that turned out to not true. Especially when you assholes elect & protect a President that lies every fucking day in office.

You keep giving Trump a pass on dissing McCain & POWs.

Let me be explicit. I voted for McCain in '08 when all of the liberals and Democrats were calling him and his policies "racist". Did you vote for McCain? During that time, Donald Trump was focusing most of his attacks on Bush. Were you upset at Trump for those comments? Trump and McCain never liked one another. Same with Trump and Bush. Same with Trump and Obama. Trump ran against Washington and won. He ran against Bush, McCain, Romney, McConnell, Ryan, Shumer, Pelosi, Kerry, Obama, Clinton, and The Press and WON. For many, this is the core impeachable offense and those will never forgive Trump for that.

All that being said, he should have never made that quip about McCain being captured. It was distasteful and disrespectful.

Fuck McCain. He's been using his POW status as a shield so he can attack people without reprisal. He's a douche bag.
So Trump has you trashing POWs. Just how easily duped are you?
I haven't trashed POWs, you sleazy lying moron. Saying they aren't heroes isn't trashing them anymore than saying I'm not a millionaire is trashing me.
During the draft days of the Vietnam War.

Ask any poster here who was of draft age during that time. Getting in the Guard meant you were likely not going to Vietnam. Bush needed daddy's pull to get in.

Clinton got into the Guard as well and got out of serving in the Guard. Bash Budh all you want.... he was flying airplanes for the Guard while Clinton was getting big high in London and Moscow.
Both dodged the draft. Bush joined the Guard, used military time & money learning how to fly & then quit flying while he was in the Guard. Some say he quit flying when they initially started drug testing pilots. Bush left hos g-Guard base to play politics. There is evidence hew went AWOL & never finished his duty.

Neither Bush or Clinton trashed soldiers like your orange buddy. & that is the subject of this thread

You still keep giving Clinton a pass. You still need to pull Bush down with the specious AWOL evidence..... bet you are reading the same 1972 Microsoft Word documents on Bush AWOL; the same ones Dan Rather used when he tried to interfere with the 2004 Election and it cost him his legacy.
I did not give Clinton a pass. I clearly stated he dodged the draft.

There is plenty of proof Bush left his Guard duty early. He did quit flying at one point. He left his base to go to NC to help a political campaign.

Poor Dan Rather, got tossed for reporting something that turned out to not true. Especially when you assholes elect & protect a President that lies every fucking day in office.

You keep giving Trump a pass on dissing McCain & POWs.

Let me be explicit. I voted for McCain in '08 when all of the liberals and Democrats were calling him and his policies "racist". Did you vote for McCain? During that time, Donald Trump was focusing most of his attacks on Bush. Were you upset at Trump for those comments? Trump and McCain never liked one another. Same with Trump and Bush. Same with Trump and Obama. Trump ran against Washington and won. He ran against Bush, McCain, Romney, McConnell, Ryan, Shumer, Pelosi, Kerry, Obama, Clinton, and The Press and WON. For many, this is the core impeachable offense and those will never forgive Trump for that. T

All that being said, he should have never made that quip about McCain being captured. It was distasteful and disrespectful.
I voted for McCain in 2000. I could care less what Trump said.

Trump ran for himself & won by duping ignorant, uneducated white people. Trump never beat Obama. Trump lost to everyone in 2000. Trump never beat any Democrat other than Hillary Clinton.

Donald trump is a fraud. He is a crappy businessman. He is a liar. He is a groper. He is basically ignorant.

He has proven to be capable of nothing other than encouraging hae & violence.
You still keep giving Clinton a pass. You still need to pull Bush down with the specious AWOL evidence..... bet you are reading the same 1972 Microsoft Word documents on Bush AWOL; the same ones Dan Rather used when he tried to interfere with the 2004 Election and it cost him his legacy.
I did not give Clinton a pass. I clearly stated he dodged the draft.

There is plenty of proof Bush left his Guard duty early. He did quit flying at one point. He left his base to go to NC to help a political campaign.

Poor Dan Rather, got tossed for reporting something that turned out to not true. Especially when you assholes elect & protect a President that lies every fucking day in office.

You keep giving Trump a pass on dissing McCain & POWs.

Let me be explicit. I voted for McCain in '08 when all of the liberals and Democrats were calling him and his policies "racist". Did you vote for McCain? During that time, Donald Trump was focusing most of his attacks on Bush. Were you upset at Trump for those comments? Trump and McCain never liked one another. Same with Trump and Bush. Same with Trump and Obama. Trump ran against Washington and won. He ran against Bush, McCain, Romney, McConnell, Ryan, Shumer, Pelosi, Kerry, Obama, Clinton, and The Press and WON. For many, this is the core impeachable offense and those will never forgive Trump for that.

All that being said, he should have never made that quip about McCain being captured. It was distasteful and disrespectful.

Fuck McCain. He's been using his POW status as a shield so he can attack people without reprisal. He's a douche bag.
So Trump has you trashing POWs. Just how easily duped are you?
I haven't trashed POWs, you sleazy lying moron. Saying they aren't heroes isn't trashing them anymore than saying I'm not a millionaire is trashing me.

Saying they are not heroes is trashing them.

If you & your orange POS buddy want to say something about McCain, talk about how he voted or his policies but neither of you two Pillsbury Doughboys have no cred to trash his service to this county. None Fuck You. Fuck Trump.
I did not give Clinton a pass. I clearly stated he dodged the draft.

There is plenty of proof Bush left his Guard duty early. He did quit flying at one point. He left his base to go to NC to help a political campaign.

Poor Dan Rather, got tossed for reporting something that turned out to not true. Especially when you assholes elect & protect a President that lies every fucking day in office.

You keep giving Trump a pass on dissing McCain & POWs.

Let me be explicit. I voted for McCain in '08 when all of the liberals and Democrats were calling him and his policies "racist". Did you vote for McCain? During that time, Donald Trump was focusing most of his attacks on Bush. Were you upset at Trump for those comments? Trump and McCain never liked one another. Same with Trump and Bush. Same with Trump and Obama. Trump ran against Washington and won. He ran against Bush, McCain, Romney, McConnell, Ryan, Shumer, Pelosi, Kerry, Obama, Clinton, and The Press and WON. For many, this is the core impeachable offense and those will never forgive Trump for that.

All that being said, he should have never made that quip about McCain being captured. It was distasteful and disrespectful.

Fuck McCain. He's been using his POW status as a shield so he can attack people without reprisal. He's a douche bag.
So Trump has you trashing POWs. Just how easily duped are you?
I haven't trashed POWs, you sleazy lying moron. Saying they aren't heroes isn't trashing them anymore than saying I'm not a millionaire is trashing me.

Saying they are not heroes is trashing them.

ROFL! No it isn't. Only a douche bag snowflake would make such a claim. If all POWs are heroes, then why didn't the Navy give them a Medal of Honor? Obviously the Navy doesn't agree with you, so why should anyone else?

If you & your orange POS buddy want to say something about McCain, talk about how he voted or his policies but neither of you two Pillsbury Doughboys have no cred to trash his service to this county. None Fuck You. Fuck Trump.

ROFL! so says the pig who trashed Bush and the Swiftboat vets every day of his presidency. You only care about service people when it serves your political agenda. Otherwise you are trying to get them disenfranchised.

You're a lying two-faced reptile. Only the ethically challenged would post that kind of despicable shit.
Let me be explicit. I voted for McCain in '08 when all of the liberals and Democrats were calling him and his policies "racist". Did you vote for McCain? During that time, Donald Trump was focusing most of his attacks on Bush. Were you upset at Trump for those comments? Trump and McCain never liked one another. Same with Trump and Bush. Same with Trump and Obama. Trump ran against Washington and won. He ran against Bush, McCain, Romney, McConnell, Ryan, Shumer, Pelosi, Kerry, Obama, Clinton, and The Press and WON. For many, this is the core impeachable offense and those will never forgive Trump for that.

All that being said, he should have never made that quip about McCain being captured. It was distasteful and disrespectful.

Fuck McCain. He's been using his POW status as a shield so he can attack people without reprisal. He's a douche bag.
So Trump has you trashing POWs. Just how easily duped are you?
I haven't trashed POWs, you sleazy lying moron. Saying they aren't heroes isn't trashing them anymore than saying I'm not a millionaire is trashing me.

Saying they are not heroes is trashing them.

ROFL! No it isn't. Only a douche bag snowflake would make such a claim. If all POWs are heroes, then why didn't the Navy give them a Medal of Honor? Obviously the Navy doesn't agree with you, so why should anyone else?

If you & your orange POS buddy want to say something about McCain, talk about how he voted or his policies but neither of you two Pillsbury Doughboys have no cred to trash his service to this county. None Fuck You. Fuck Trump.

ROFL! so says the pig who trashed Bush and the Swiftboat vets every day of his presidency. You only care about service people when it serves your political agenda. Otherwise you are trying to get them disenfranchised.

You're a lying two-faced reptile. Only the ethically challenged would post that kind of despicable shit.

Wow, you think the only military heroes are the ones who receive the Medal of Honor.

I bashed Bush for his lack of completing his duties. Are you calling Bush a hero?

I do think the Swiftboaters lied & played politics with John Kerry. I never trashed their service to this country. But John Kerry is another example of Republicans trashing a vet who served in combat.

Show me where I ever trashed a vet's service to this country. You can't. Yet I can show you doing it and supporting your draft dodging pillsbury doughboy calling McCain not a hero for his service in Vietnam. For saying he doesn't like POWs.

Fuck McCain. He's been using his POW status as a shield so he can attack people without reprisal. He's a douche bag.
So Trump has you trashing POWs. Just how easily duped are you?
I haven't trashed POWs, you sleazy lying moron. Saying they aren't heroes isn't trashing them anymore than saying I'm not a millionaire is trashing me.

Saying they are not heroes is trashing them.

ROFL! No it isn't. Only a douche bag snowflake would make such a claim. If all POWs are heroes, then why didn't the Navy give them a Medal of Honor? Obviously the Navy doesn't agree with you, so why should anyone else?

If you & your orange POS buddy want to say something about McCain, talk about how he voted or his policies but neither of you two Pillsbury Doughboys have no cred to trash his service to this county. None Fuck You. Fuck Trump.

ROFL! so says the pig who trashed Bush and the Swiftboat vets every day of his presidency. You only care about service people when it serves your political agenda. Otherwise you are trying to get them disenfranchised.

You're a lying two-faced reptile. Only the ethically challenged would post that kind of despicable shit.

Wow, you think the only military heroes are the ones who receive the Medal of Honor.

I bashed Bush for his lack of completing his duties. Are you calling Bush a hero?

I do think the Swiftboaters lied & played politics with John Kerry. I never trashed their service to this country. But John Kerry is another example of Republicans trashing a vet who served in combat.

Show me where I ever trashed a vet's service to this country. You can't. Yet I can show you doing it and supporting your draft dodging pillsbury doughboy calling McCain not a hero for his service in Vietnam. For saying he doesn't like POWs.


Did you vote for John McCain in 2008?
The trouble is that Trump ducked out of military service. He has no ability to criticize anyone's service record. You are a Trump cultist and if anyone disagrees with Trump you attack them but excuse Trump when he does the same thing. Trump is the King of Con Men and you are living proof of it.

dipshits like Trump who duck serving their country havent earned the right to say a damn word about those who have.

two words .....


Trump is serving the country right now, where did you serve?

He is serving some of the country. Racists never serve all of the country.
Fuck McCain. He's been using his POW status as a shield so he can attack people without reprisal. He's a douche bag.
So Trump has you trashing POWs. Just how easily duped are you?
I haven't trashed POWs, you sleazy lying moron. Saying they aren't heroes isn't trashing them anymore than saying I'm not a millionaire is trashing me.

Saying they are not heroes is trashing them.

ROFL! No it isn't. Only a douche bag snowflake would make such a claim. If all POWs are heroes, then why didn't the Navy give them a Medal of Honor? Obviously the Navy doesn't agree with you, so why should anyone else?

If you & your orange POS buddy want to say something about McCain, talk about how he voted or his policies but neither of you two Pillsbury Doughboys have no cred to trash his service to this county. None Fuck You. Fuck Trump.

ROFL! so says the pig who trashed Bush and the Swiftboat vets every day of his presidency. You only care about service people when it serves your political agenda. Otherwise you are trying to get them disenfranchised.

You're a lying two-faced reptile. Only the ethically challenged would post that kind of despicable shit.

Wow, you think the only military heroes are the ones who receive the Medal of Honor.

I bashed Bush for his lack of completing his duties. Are you calling Bush a hero?

I do think the Swiftboaters lied & played politics with John Kerry. I never trashed their service to this country. But John Kerry is another example of Republicans trashing a vet who served in combat.

Show me where I ever trashed a vet's service to this country. You can't. Yet I can show you doing it and supporting your draft dodging pillsbury doughboy calling McCain not a hero for his service in Vietnam. For saying he doesn't like POWs.

You just trashed the Swiftboat vets, moron. That's what douche bags like you would call it if Republicans were criticizing them.

Please show me where I criticized anyone's service. I'm sure it will be hilarious.
The trouble is that Trump ducked out of military service. He has no ability to criticize anyone's service record. You are a Trump cultist and if anyone disagrees with Trump you attack them but excuse Trump when he does the same thing. Trump is the King of Con Men and you are living proof of it.

dipshits like Trump who duck serving their country havent earned the right to say a damn word about those who have.

two words .....


Trump is serving the country right now, where did you serve?

He is serving some of the country. Racists never serve all of the country.
And you think Dims and snowflakes do? Who are they serving when they shoot cops? Who are the serving when they burn down a city?
The trouble is that Trump ducked out of military service. He has no ability to criticize anyone's service record. You are a Trump cultist and if anyone disagrees with Trump you attack them but excuse Trump when he does the same thing. Trump is the King of Con Men and you are living proof of it.

ahhhh... Liberals met their match. Trump plays their game even better than they do. That's why they hate him so much.
The trouble is that Trump ducked out of military service. He has no ability to criticize anyone's service record. You are a Trump cultist and if anyone disagrees with Trump you attack them but excuse Trump when he does the same thing. Trump is the King of Con Men and you are living proof of it.

dipshits like Trump who duck serving their country havent earned the right to say a damn word about those who have.

two words .....


Trump is serving the country right now, where did you serve?

He is serving some of the country. Racists never serve all of the country.

Regressive talking points, is that really the best you can do?

So Trump has you trashing POWs. Just how easily duped are you?
I haven't trashed POWs, you sleazy lying moron. Saying they aren't heroes isn't trashing them anymore than saying I'm not a millionaire is trashing me.

Saying they are not heroes is trashing them.

ROFL! No it isn't. Only a douche bag snowflake would make such a claim. If all POWs are heroes, then why didn't the Navy give them a Medal of Honor? Obviously the Navy doesn't agree with you, so why should anyone else?

If you & your orange POS buddy want to say something about McCain, talk about how he voted or his policies but neither of you two Pillsbury Doughboys have no cred to trash his service to this county. None Fuck You. Fuck Trump.

ROFL! so says the pig who trashed Bush and the Swiftboat vets every day of his presidency. You only care about service people when it serves your political agenda. Otherwise you are trying to get them disenfranchised.

You're a lying two-faced reptile. Only the ethically challenged would post that kind of despicable shit.

Wow, you think the only military heroes are the ones who receive the Medal of Honor.

I bashed Bush for his lack of completing his duties. Are you calling Bush a hero?

I do think the Swiftboaters lied & played politics with John Kerry. I never trashed their service to this country. But John Kerry is another example of Republicans trashing a vet who served in combat.

Show me where I ever trashed a vet's service to this country. You can't. Yet I can show you doing it and supporting your draft dodging pillsbury doughboy calling McCain not a hero for his service in Vietnam. For saying he doesn't like POWs.

You just trashed the Swiftboat vets, moron. That's what douche bags like you would call it if Republicans were criticizing them.

Please show me where I criticized anyone's service. I'm sure it will be hilarious.

I trashed them for their actions against John Kerry. I did not trash their service.

It is sad you are too stupid to understand this difference.

You & your orange buddy trashed McCain's service not his policies or votes.

You defended your buddy Trump so you must agree with him.

'Man up big boy for a change & admit it.
I haven't trashed POWs, you sleazy lying moron. Saying they aren't heroes isn't trashing them anymore than saying I'm not a millionaire is trashing me.

Saying they are not heroes is trashing them.

ROFL! No it isn't. Only a douche bag snowflake would make such a claim. If all POWs are heroes, then why didn't the Navy give them a Medal of Honor? Obviously the Navy doesn't agree with you, so why should anyone else?

If you & your orange POS buddy want to say something about McCain, talk about how he voted or his policies but neither of you two Pillsbury Doughboys have no cred to trash his service to this county. None Fuck You. Fuck Trump.

ROFL! so says the pig who trashed Bush and the Swiftboat vets every day of his presidency. You only care about service people when it serves your political agenda. Otherwise you are trying to get them disenfranchised.

You're a lying two-faced reptile. Only the ethically challenged would post that kind of despicable shit.

Wow, you think the only military heroes are the ones who receive the Medal of Honor.

I bashed Bush for his lack of completing his duties. Are you calling Bush a hero?

I do think the Swiftboaters lied & played politics with John Kerry. I never trashed their service to this country. But John Kerry is another example of Republicans trashing a vet who served in combat.

Show me where I ever trashed a vet's service to this country. You can't. Yet I can show you doing it and supporting your draft dodging pillsbury doughboy calling McCain not a hero for his service in Vietnam. For saying he doesn't like POWs.

You just trashed the Swiftboat vets, moron. That's what douche bags like you would call it if Republicans were criticizing them.

Please show me where I criticized anyone's service. I'm sure it will be hilarious.

I trashed them for their actions against John Kerry. I did not trash their service.

It is sad you are too stupid to understand this difference.

According to liberlogic, you trashed their service.

You & your orange buddy trashed McCain's service not his policies or votes.

You defended your buddy Trump so you must agree with him.

'Man up big boy for a change & admit it.

Although there's plenty to question about McCain's service, Trump didn't "trash it." He pointed out an irrefutable fact: getting captured by the enemy doesn't make you a hero.
Saying they are not heroes is trashing them.

ROFL! No it isn't. Only a douche bag snowflake would make such a claim. If all POWs are heroes, then why didn't the Navy give them a Medal of Honor? Obviously the Navy doesn't agree with you, so why should anyone else?

If you & your orange POS buddy want to say something about McCain, talk about how he voted or his policies but neither of you two Pillsbury Doughboys have no cred to trash his service to this county. None Fuck You. Fuck Trump.

ROFL! so says the pig who trashed Bush and the Swiftboat vets every day of his presidency. You only care about service people when it serves your political agenda. Otherwise you are trying to get them disenfranchised.

You're a lying two-faced reptile. Only the ethically challenged would post that kind of despicable shit.

Wow, you think the only military heroes are the ones who receive the Medal of Honor.

I bashed Bush for his lack of completing his duties. Are you calling Bush a hero?

I do think the Swiftboaters lied & played politics with John Kerry. I never trashed their service to this country. But John Kerry is another example of Republicans trashing a vet who served in combat.

Show me where I ever trashed a vet's service to this country. You can't. Yet I can show you doing it and supporting your draft dodging pillsbury doughboy calling McCain not a hero for his service in Vietnam. For saying he doesn't like POWs.

You just trashed the Swiftboat vets, moron. That's what douche bags like you would call it if Republicans were criticizing them.

Please show me where I criticized anyone's service. I'm sure it will be hilarious.

I trashed them for their actions against John Kerry. I did not trash their service.

It is sad you are too stupid to understand this difference.

According to liberlogic, you trashed their service.

You & your orange buddy trashed McCain's service not his policies or votes.

You defended your buddy Trump so you must agree with him.

'Man up big boy for a change & admit it.

Although there's plenty to question about McCain's service, Trump didn't "trash it." He pointed out an irrefutable fact: getting captured by the enemy doesn't make you a hero.

Trump said he did not like those that were captured.

What do you question about McCain's military service?
ROFL! No it isn't. Only a douche bag snowflake would make such a claim. If all POWs are heroes, then why didn't the Navy give them a Medal of Honor? Obviously the Navy doesn't agree with you, so why should anyone else?

ROFL! so says the pig who trashed Bush and the Swiftboat vets every day of his presidency. You only care about service people when it serves your political agenda. Otherwise you are trying to get them disenfranchised.

You're a lying two-faced reptile. Only the ethically challenged would post that kind of despicable shit.

Wow, you think the only military heroes are the ones who receive the Medal of Honor.

I bashed Bush for his lack of completing his duties. Are you calling Bush a hero?

I do think the Swiftboaters lied & played politics with John Kerry. I never trashed their service to this country. But John Kerry is another example of Republicans trashing a vet who served in combat.

Show me where I ever trashed a vet's service to this country. You can't. Yet I can show you doing it and supporting your draft dodging pillsbury doughboy calling McCain not a hero for his service in Vietnam. For saying he doesn't like POWs.

You just trashed the Swiftboat vets, moron. That's what douche bags like you would call it if Republicans were criticizing them.

Please show me where I criticized anyone's service. I'm sure it will be hilarious.

I trashed them for their actions against John Kerry. I did not trash their service.

It is sad you are too stupid to understand this difference.

According to liberlogic, you trashed their service.

You & your orange buddy trashed McCain's service not his policies or votes.

You defended your buddy Trump so you must agree with him.

'Man up big boy for a change & admit it.

Although there's plenty to question about McCain's service, Trump didn't "trash it." He pointed out an irrefutable fact: getting captured by the enemy doesn't make you a hero.

Trump said he did not like those that were captured.

What do you question about McCain's military service?

He said he likes those who aren't captured. That's something different.

McCain crashed two plains, and there is some evidence he caused an accidental missile launch on the deck which led to a conflagration that killed over 100 sailors. He wasn't exactly the Navy's best pilot.

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