Trump Calls Democratic Senator ‘Phony Vietnam Con Artist’ After Comments On Russia Probe

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! There are times when I really love Trump's tweets. He really knows how to skewer a big wind bag.

President Trump is on vacation, but that hasn’t stopped him from watching early morning cable TV and tweeting angrily in response.

On Monday, President Trump went after Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who was on CNN earlier in the morning to discuss the ongoing investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

Blumenthal also expressed concern that the Trump administration has “weaponized” investigations into leaks of classified information. On Friday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the agency will be aggressively investigating leaks to the media.

Blumenthal’s remarks touched off a trio of tweets from Trump, who began his vacation at his Bedminster, N.J. golf resort on Friday.

In 2010, The New York Times reported that Blumenthal falsely claimed that he served in the Vietnam War. In fact, Blumenthal served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve between 1970 and 1976, but he was stationed in the U.S. and never went to Vietnam. He had received five deferments between 1965 and 1970.

Blumenthal said after the Times revelation that he “misspoke” about being in Vietnam.

Trump himself received four student deferments and one medical deferment, preventing him from being drafted. But unlike Blumenthal, Trump has never claimed to have served in Vietnam.

Trump has gone after Blumenthal about his Vietnam statements in the past.

In February, after Blumenthal pledged to block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, Trump criticized CNN anchor Chris Cuomo for not asking Blumenthal about his Vietnam record.
Only one of those guys was ever in the military.
Only one lied about serving in Vietnam.
Only one called POWs trash.
who was that?
BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! There are times when I really love Trump's tweets. He really knows how to skewer a big wind bag.

President Trump is on vacation, but that hasn’t stopped him from watching early morning cable TV and tweeting angrily in response.

On Monday, President Trump went after Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who was on CNN earlier in the morning to discuss the ongoing investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

Blumenthal also expressed concern that the Trump administration has “weaponized” investigations into leaks of classified information. On Friday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the agency will be aggressively investigating leaks to the media.

Blumenthal’s remarks touched off a trio of tweets from Trump, who began his vacation at his Bedminster, N.J. golf resort on Friday.

In 2010, The New York Times reported that Blumenthal falsely claimed that he served in the Vietnam War. In fact, Blumenthal served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve between 1970 and 1976, but he was stationed in the U.S. and never went to Vietnam. He had received five deferments between 1965 and 1970.

Blumenthal said after the Times revelation that he “misspoke” about being in Vietnam.

Trump himself received four student deferments and one medical deferment, preventing him from being drafted. But unlike Blumenthal, Trump has never claimed to have served in Vietnam.

Trump has gone after Blumenthal about his Vietnam statements in the past.

In February, after Blumenthal pledged to block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, Trump criticized CNN anchor Chris Cuomo for not asking Blumenthal about his Vietnam record.
Only one of those guys was ever in the military.
Only one lied about serving in Vietnam.
Only one called POWs trash.
who was that?
Agent Orange. He said he didn't like people who were captured.
This is the biggest crock of shit yet.

"sailors on rolling seas" Really.

Maybe someone sighed it while driving across a RR track?

The idea that the election was decided by a state whose Governor was one candidate's brother is too much. A State where one county official was caught manipulating absentee ballots.

Too bad your hero Bush won. If Gore would have won, there might no have been a 9-11 as Gore would have read the Hart Rudman report instead of throwing it in the trash, 4400 soldiers killed in Iraq would be alive today, the fight against Global Warming would be far far ahead of where it is now, no Bush recession, We would very likely e nearly debt free as predicted in 2000 by the CBO.

But hey, you assholes use soldiers as pawns ion your political lies all the time. Too bad you don't support rhem when it counts.

Your fantasies about what might have happened are entertaining, if not enlightening. If Gore had been in charge, he would have pleaded with the terrorists to stop killing Americans. He would have taken no concrete action. That's what Dims do nowadays. "The fight against global warming" means he would have been taxing us all to death and bankrupting us with energy bills that are triple what they currently are. We would also have had just as much debt.

We would not have had the tax cuts. WE would have had a surplus, paying down the debt. Gore ran on that. Bush didn't - he wanted to give it back meaning no surplus & no balanced budget. Greedy stupid fuck you voted for that. Now you cry about the debt.

As for global warming, there would have been b o tripling of electric bills. You are once again lying. There were cap & trade policies that would have reduced our emission without causing significant rising in electric costs. Pull you head out of Trump's ass & get better informed.

You know nothing that is real.

The deficit increased under Bush mostly because the tech bubble collapsed and we had a recession because of 9/11. So, no, we wouldn't have had a surplus.

Germany has been following exactly the same fucked up energy policies that you endorse and utility bills there are three times what America pays. The empirical evidence says your claim is bullshit. Furthermore, cap and trade does nothing to reduce the price of your "green energy" boondoggles.
Tech bubble was a little bump. Gore might have prevented 9-11.

No, look up the cap & trade programs. Get educated, Get informed. Be a new person!
Gore couldn't do anything cause he didn't win. you can play with unicorns all day for all I care, but the fact is that is a fantasy land. say hi to the fairies.
No,Bush won & we got 9-11, the worst recession in 80 years, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, two quagmire wars And a trillion dollar deficit. You voted for that?
BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! There are times when I really love Trump's tweets. He really knows how to skewer a big wind bag.

President Trump is on vacation, but that hasn’t stopped him from watching early morning cable TV and tweeting angrily in response.

On Monday, President Trump went after Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who was on CNN earlier in the morning to discuss the ongoing investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

Blumenthal also expressed concern that the Trump administration has “weaponized” investigations into leaks of classified information. On Friday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the agency will be aggressively investigating leaks to the media.

Blumenthal’s remarks touched off a trio of tweets from Trump, who began his vacation at his Bedminster, N.J. golf resort on Friday.

In 2010, The New York Times reported that Blumenthal falsely claimed that he served in the Vietnam War. In fact, Blumenthal served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve between 1970 and 1976, but he was stationed in the U.S. and never went to Vietnam. He had received five deferments between 1965 and 1970.

Blumenthal said after the Times revelation that he “misspoke” about being in Vietnam.

Trump himself received four student deferments and one medical deferment, preventing him from being drafted. But unlike Blumenthal, Trump has never claimed to have served in Vietnam.

Trump has gone after Blumenthal about his Vietnam statements in the past.

In February, after Blumenthal pledged to block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, Trump criticized CNN anchor Chris Cuomo for not asking Blumenthal about his Vietnam record.
Only one of those guys was ever in the military.
Only one lied about serving in Vietnam.
Only one called POWs trash.
who was that?
Agent Orange. He said he didn't like people who were captured.
well now you can just post the link where he made that comment. go.
Your fantasies about what might have happened are entertaining, if not enlightening. If Gore had been in charge, he would have pleaded with the terrorists to stop killing Americans. He would have taken no concrete action. That's what Dims do nowadays. "The fight against global warming" means he would have been taxing us all to death and bankrupting us with energy bills that are triple what they currently are. We would also have had just as much debt.

We would not have had the tax cuts. WE would have had a surplus, paying down the debt. Gore ran on that. Bush didn't - he wanted to give it back meaning no surplus & no balanced budget. Greedy stupid fuck you voted for that. Now you cry about the debt.

As for global warming, there would have been b o tripling of electric bills. You are once again lying. There were cap & trade policies that would have reduced our emission without causing significant rising in electric costs. Pull you head out of Trump's ass & get better informed.

You know nothing that is real.

The deficit increased under Bush mostly because the tech bubble collapsed and we had a recession because of 9/11. So, no, we wouldn't have had a surplus.

Germany has been following exactly the same fucked up energy policies that you endorse and utility bills there are three times what America pays. The empirical evidence says your claim is bullshit. Furthermore, cap and trade does nothing to reduce the price of your "green energy" boondoggles.
Tech bubble was a little bump. Gore might have prevented 9-11.

No, look up the cap & trade programs. Get educated, Get informed. Be a new person!
Gore couldn't do anything cause he didn't win. you can play with unicorns all day for all I care, but the fact is that is a fantasy land. say hi to the fairies.
No,Bush won & we got 9-11, the worst recession in 80 years, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, two quagmire wars And a trillion dollar deficit. You voted for that?
and Gore lost and Bush won again 2nd term. so sorry, your unicorn needs feeding.
Like all snowflakes, you're a lying sack of shit. Here are the facts of the matter:

The main battlegound was Duval County, home to more military families than any other county in Florida. Duval had more absentee ballots from overseas than any other county – 618 of 3,500 cast statewide. Five Gore lawyers showed up at the elections office at 9 a.m. Friday to disqualify as many of those ballots as possible.

Tom Bishop, one of the Republican lawyers, was incensed as he watched the Democrats, armed with the smoking-gun memo, blatantly go about disqualify large numbers of military ballots.

“They had their little cheat sheet they were using, and they objected on every single possible ground they could, no matter how spurious,” Bishop told Sammon. “It was so bad that there was rolling of the eyes by even some of the Democrats there who were watching their lawyers work.”

Before Nov. 17, the Duval supervisor of elections compared signatures on ballot envelopes against signature cards on file. He could find only two absentee ballots that could not be included because the signatures did not match.

“But now the Democrats insisted that they be allowed to compare all signatures, one by one. For seven tedious hours, they bitterly argued that signatures on more than 100 envelopes did not precisely match the signature cards – although some envelopes had been signed by sailors on rolling seas in hostile situations,” Sammon wrote.

“You could clearly tell it was the same person´s signature, but they would object because it didn´t have a certain curlicue or didn´t have a certain twist or it was smaller,” Bishop told him.

The Democrat lawyers sought to disqualify military ballots that had no overseas postmark on the grounds that some voters might have marked their ballots a day or two after the election and then mailed them in.

This is the biggest crock of shit yet.

"sailors on rolling seas" Really.

Maybe someone sighed it while driving across a RR track?

The idea that the election was decided by a state whose Governor was one candidate's brother is too much. A State where one county official was caught manipulating absentee ballots.

Too bad your hero Bush won. If Gore would have won, there might no have been a 9-11 as Gore would have read the Hart Rudman report instead of throwing it in the trash, 4400 soldiers killed in Iraq would be alive today, the fight against Global Warming would be far far ahead of where it is now, no Bush recession, We would very likely e nearly debt free as predicted in 2000 by the CBO.

But hey, you assholes use soldiers as pawns ion your political lies all the time. Too bad you don't support rhem when it counts.

Your fantasies about what might have happened are entertaining, if not enlightening. If Gore had been in charge, he would have pleaded with the terrorists to stop killing Americans. He would have taken no concrete action. That's what Dims do nowadays. "The fight against global warming" means he would have been taxing us all to death and bankrupting us with energy bills that are triple what they currently are. We would also have had just as much debt.

We would not have had the tax cuts. WE would have had a surplus, paying down the debt. Gore ran on that. Bush didn't - he wanted to give it back meaning no surplus & no balanced budget. Greedy stupid fuck you voted for that. Now you cry about the debt.

As for global warming, there would have been b o tripling of electric bills. You are once again lying. There were cap & trade policies that would have reduced our emission without causing significant rising in electric costs. Pull you head out of Trump's ass & get better informed.

You know nothing that is real.

The deficit increased under Bush mostly because the tech bubble collapsed and we had a recession because of 9/11. So, no, we wouldn't have had a surplus.

Germany has been following exactly the same fucked up energy policies that you endorse and utility bills there are three times what America pays. The empirical evidence says your claim is bullshit. Furthermore, cap and trade does nothing to reduce the price of your "green energy" boondoggles.
Tech bubble was a little bump. Gore might have prevented 9-11.

No, look up the cap & trade programs. Get educated, Get informed. Be a new person!
I know all about cap and trade, moron. There's no way a tax can reduce the amount of C02 that a coal fired power plant produces, or a natural gas plant.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! There are times when I really love Trump's tweets. He really knows how to skewer a big wind bag.

President Trump is on vacation, but that hasn’t stopped him from watching early morning cable TV and tweeting angrily in response.

On Monday, President Trump went after Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who was on CNN earlier in the morning to discuss the ongoing investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

Blumenthal also expressed concern that the Trump administration has “weaponized” investigations into leaks of classified information. On Friday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the agency will be aggressively investigating leaks to the media.

Blumenthal’s remarks touched off a trio of tweets from Trump, who began his vacation at his Bedminster, N.J. golf resort on Friday.

In 2010, The New York Times reported that Blumenthal falsely claimed that he served in the Vietnam War. In fact, Blumenthal served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve between 1970 and 1976, but he was stationed in the U.S. and never went to Vietnam. He had received five deferments between 1965 and 1970.

Blumenthal said after the Times revelation that he “misspoke” about being in Vietnam.

Trump himself received four student deferments and one medical deferment, preventing him from being drafted. But unlike Blumenthal, Trump has never claimed to have served in Vietnam.

Trump has gone after Blumenthal about his Vietnam statements in the past.

In February, after Blumenthal pledged to block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, Trump criticized CNN anchor Chris Cuomo for not asking Blumenthal about his Vietnam record.
Only one of those guys was ever in the military.
Only one lied about serving in Vietnam.
Only one called POWs trash.
None did, asshole.
Like all snowflakes, you're a lying sack of shit. Here are the facts of the matter:

The main battlegound was Duval County, home to more military families than any other county in Florida. Duval had more absentee ballots from overseas than any other county – 618 of 3,500 cast statewide. Five Gore lawyers showed up at the elections office at 9 a.m. Friday to disqualify as many of those ballots as possible.

Tom Bishop, one of the Republican lawyers, was incensed as he watched the Democrats, armed with the smoking-gun memo, blatantly go about disqualify large numbers of military ballots.

“They had their little cheat sheet they were using, and they objected on every single possible ground they could, no matter how spurious,” Bishop told Sammon. “It was so bad that there was rolling of the eyes by even some of the Democrats there who were watching their lawyers work.”

Before Nov. 17, the Duval supervisor of elections compared signatures on ballot envelopes against signature cards on file. He could find only two absentee ballots that could not be included because the signatures did not match.

“But now the Democrats insisted that they be allowed to compare all signatures, one by one. For seven tedious hours, they bitterly argued that signatures on more than 100 envelopes did not precisely match the signature cards – although some envelopes had been signed by sailors on rolling seas in hostile situations,” Sammon wrote.

“You could clearly tell it was the same person´s signature, but they would object because it didn´t have a certain curlicue or didn´t have a certain twist or it was smaller,” Bishop told him.

The Democrat lawyers sought to disqualify military ballots that had no overseas postmark on the grounds that some voters might have marked their ballots a day or two after the election and then mailed them in.

This is the biggest crock of shit yet.

"sailors on rolling seas" Really.

Maybe someone sighed it while driving across a RR track?

The idea that the election was decided by a state whose Governor was one candidate's brother is too much. A State where one county official was caught manipulating absentee ballots.

Too bad your hero Bush won. If Gore would have won, there might no have been a 9-11 as Gore would have read the Hart Rudman report instead of throwing it in the trash, 4400 soldiers killed in Iraq would be alive today, the fight against Global Warming would be far far ahead of where it is now, no Bush recession, We would very likely e nearly debt free as predicted in 2000 by the CBO.

But hey, you assholes use soldiers as pawns ion your political lies all the time. Too bad you don't support rhem when it counts.

Your fantasies about what might have happened are entertaining, if not enlightening. If Gore had been in charge, he would have pleaded with the terrorists to stop killing Americans. He would have taken no concrete action. That's what Dims do nowadays. "The fight against global warming" means he would have been taxing us all to death and bankrupting us with energy bills that are triple what they currently are. We would also have had just as much debt.

We would not have had the tax cuts. WE would have had a surplus, paying down the debt. Gore ran on that. Bush didn't - he wanted to give it back meaning no surplus & no balanced budget. Greedy stupid fuck you voted for that. Now you cry about the debt.

As for global warming, there would have been b o tripling of electric bills. You are once again lying. There were cap & trade policies that would have reduced our emission without causing significant rising in electric costs. Pull you head out of Trump's ass & get better informed.

You know nothing that is real.

The deficit increased under Bush mostly because the tech bubble collapsed and we had a recession because of 9/11. So, no, we wouldn't have had a surplus.

Germany has been following exactly the same fucked up energy policies that you endorse and utility bills there are three times what America pays. The empirical evidence says your claim is bullshit. Furthermore, cap and trade does nothing to reduce the price of your "green energy" boondoggles.
Tech bubble was a little bump. Gore might have prevented 9-11.

No, look up the cap & trade programs. Get educated, Get informed. Be a new person!
I love the way you call millions of people losing their jobs "a little bump." furthermore, the stock market lost trillions of dollars in net work, and of course, revenue from capital gains dried up. There goes Slick Willy's balanced budget.

As for Gore preventing 9/11, your fantasies are hilarious. You might as well claim he cured cancer or invented the internet.
- I did not vote for the guy protesting against them while he dodged Vietnam and The National Guard

- I did not vote for the guy who lawyered down on the troops to make sure their vote would be disqualified on a technicality.

You are the one with outrage issues. That said, I will not take your advice. I simply pointed out facts and you responded in vitriol devoid of any logic.
You stupid fuck. We did not protest against soldiers, we protested against the fucking war. You are one dumb ignorant ass. As for the Guard, no one could get in because all the spots were taken by rich kids.

As for your ignorant lie about Obama suppressing military votes, if you had a fucking brain, you would know absentee ballots, both military & civilian, are handled by the States.

You really don't know shit.

Clinton got out of Vietnam AND the National Guard. I did not say Obamacare suppressed the Military Vote. It was Gore in 2000.... the first thing he did was deploy lawyers to Florida to make sure the Florida absentee troop ballots were disqualified on the minute technicality. You can scream and name call all you want but I defy you to grow a pair and justify that to one or more troops impacted by the Gore lawyer brigade.

Finally, as for protesting against the Vietnam War and not the troops, who were the pussies spitting on returing troops and calling them "baby killer"?
Those absentee ballots were discarded originally because a Republican official had other Republicans going through & correcting all the errors on Republican absentee ballots.

How did Clinton get out of the Guard? The Guard was full.

The Guard was full? When in God's name as a military branch turned away personnel because they had too many people? Please site a valid third party source. What lies between your ears is getting tiresome. Back it up or back off.

During the draft days of the Vietnam War.

Ask any poster here who was of draft age during that time. Getting in the Guard meant you were likely not going to Vietnam. Bush needed daddy's pull to get in.

Clinton got into the Guard as well and got out of serving in the Guard. Bash Budh all you want.... he was flying airplanes for the Guard while Clinton was getting big high in London and Moscow.
You stupid fuck. We did not protest against soldiers, we protested against the fucking war. You are one dumb ignorant ass. As for the Guard, no one could get in because all the spots were taken by rich kids.

As for your ignorant lie about Obama suppressing military votes, if you had a fucking brain, you would know absentee ballots, both military & civilian, are handled by the States.

You really don't know shit.

Clinton got out of Vietnam AND the National Guard. I did not say Obamacare suppressed the Military Vote. It was Gore in 2000.... the first thing he did was deploy lawyers to Florida to make sure the Florida absentee troop ballots were disqualified on the minute technicality. You can scream and name call all you want but I defy you to grow a pair and justify that to one or more troops impacted by the Gore lawyer brigade.

Finally, as for protesting against the Vietnam War and not the troops, who were the pussies spitting on returing troops and calling them "baby killer"?
Those absentee ballots were discarded originally because a Republican official had other Republicans going through & correcting all the errors on Republican absentee ballots.

How did Clinton get out of the Guard? The Guard was full.

The Guard was full? When in God's name as a military branch turned away personnel because they had too many people? Please site a valid third party source. What lies between your ears is getting tiresome. Back it up or back off.

During the draft days of the Vietnam War.

Ask any poster here who was of draft age during that time. Getting in the Guard meant you were likely not going to Vietnam. Bush needed daddy's pull to get in.

Clinton got into the Guard as well and got out of serving in the Guard. Bash Budh all you want.... he was flying airplanes for the Guard while Clinton was getting big high in London and Moscow.
Both dodged the draft. Bush joined the Guard, used military time & money learning how to fly & then quit flying while he was in the Guard. Some say he quit flying when they initially started drug testing pilots. Bush left hos g-Guard base to play politics. There is evidence hew went AWOL & never finished his duty.

Neither Bush or Clinton trashed soldiers like your orange buddy. & that is the subject of this thread
This is the biggest crock of shit yet.

"sailors on rolling seas" Really.

Maybe someone sighed it while driving across a RR track?

The idea that the election was decided by a state whose Governor was one candidate's brother is too much. A State where one county official was caught manipulating absentee ballots.

Too bad your hero Bush won. If Gore would have won, there might no have been a 9-11 as Gore would have read the Hart Rudman report instead of throwing it in the trash, 4400 soldiers killed in Iraq would be alive today, the fight against Global Warming would be far far ahead of where it is now, no Bush recession, We would very likely e nearly debt free as predicted in 2000 by the CBO.

But hey, you assholes use soldiers as pawns ion your political lies all the time. Too bad you don't support rhem when it counts.

Your fantasies about what might have happened are entertaining, if not enlightening. If Gore had been in charge, he would have pleaded with the terrorists to stop killing Americans. He would have taken no concrete action. That's what Dims do nowadays. "The fight against global warming" means he would have been taxing us all to death and bankrupting us with energy bills that are triple what they currently are. We would also have had just as much debt.

We would not have had the tax cuts. WE would have had a surplus, paying down the debt. Gore ran on that. Bush didn't - he wanted to give it back meaning no surplus & no balanced budget. Greedy stupid fuck you voted for that. Now you cry about the debt.

As for global warming, there would have been b o tripling of electric bills. You are once again lying. There were cap & trade policies that would have reduced our emission without causing significant rising in electric costs. Pull you head out of Trump's ass & get better informed.

You know nothing that is real.

The deficit increased under Bush mostly because the tech bubble collapsed and we had a recession because of 9/11. So, no, we wouldn't have had a surplus.

Germany has been following exactly the same fucked up energy policies that you endorse and utility bills there are three times what America pays. The empirical evidence says your claim is bullshit. Furthermore, cap and trade does nothing to reduce the price of your "green energy" boondoggles.
Tech bubble was a little bump. Gore might have prevented 9-11.

No, look up the cap & trade programs. Get educated, Get informed. Be a new person!
I love the way you call millions of people losing their jobs "a little bump." furthermore, the stock market lost trillions of dollars in net work, and of course, revenue from capital gains dried up. There goes Slick Willy's balanced budget.

As for Gore preventing 9/11, your fantasies are hilarious. You might as well claim he cured cancer or invented the internet.

You asswipes use the dot com bust as an excuse for the poor performance of your pthetic party. You blame everything on it.

Yet you assholes bitch about Obama while ignoring the total economic disaster Bush left behind.

If the Bush recession was not a factor then the dot comm bust is a bump in the road.

As for preventing 9-11, the Hart Rudman commission was formed in Clinton's last year with the committee reporting to the new President as to our risk of a terrorist attack here in the US. Al Gore would hsave met with them & acted on their findings.

Your hero Bush refused to meet with them. Instead he formed his own Commission headed by Cheney & Bush's campaign manager. Their first meeting was set for late September of 2001.

So yes, Al Gore might have prevented 9-11. Bush was hanging out in Crawford Texas cutting brush.

When will you admit the failures of your own party?
BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! There are times when I really love Trump's tweets. He really knows how to skewer a big wind bag.

President Trump is on vacation, but that hasn’t stopped him from watching early morning cable TV and tweeting angrily in response.

On Monday, President Trump went after Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who was on CNN earlier in the morning to discuss the ongoing investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

Blumenthal also expressed concern that the Trump administration has “weaponized” investigations into leaks of classified information. On Friday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the agency will be aggressively investigating leaks to the media.

Blumenthal’s remarks touched off a trio of tweets from Trump, who began his vacation at his Bedminster, N.J. golf resort on Friday.

In 2010, The New York Times reported that Blumenthal falsely claimed that he served in the Vietnam War. In fact, Blumenthal served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve between 1970 and 1976, but he was stationed in the U.S. and never went to Vietnam. He had received five deferments between 1965 and 1970.

Blumenthal said after the Times revelation that he “misspoke” about being in Vietnam.

Trump himself received four student deferments and one medical deferment, preventing him from being drafted. But unlike Blumenthal, Trump has never claimed to have served in Vietnam.

Trump has gone after Blumenthal about his Vietnam statements in the past.

In February, after Blumenthal pledged to block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, Trump criticized CNN anchor Chris Cuomo for not asking Blumenthal about his Vietnam record.
Only one of those guys was ever in the military.
Only one lied about serving in Vietnam.
Only one called POWs trash.
None did, asshole.

" I don't like those that were captured"

YOUR hero said McCain was not a hero.

And you hate soldiers so much that you agree with Trump.
This is the biggest crock of shit yet.

"sailors on rolling seas" Really.

Maybe someone sighed it while driving across a RR track?

The idea that the election was decided by a state whose Governor was one candidate's brother is too much. A State where one county official was caught manipulating absentee ballots.

Too bad your hero Bush won. If Gore would have won, there might no have been a 9-11 as Gore would have read the Hart Rudman report instead of throwing it in the trash, 4400 soldiers killed in Iraq would be alive today, the fight against Global Warming would be far far ahead of where it is now, no Bush recession, We would very likely e nearly debt free as predicted in 2000 by the CBO.

But hey, you assholes use soldiers as pawns ion your political lies all the time. Too bad you don't support rhem when it counts.

Your fantasies about what might have happened are entertaining, if not enlightening. If Gore had been in charge, he would have pleaded with the terrorists to stop killing Americans. He would have taken no concrete action. That's what Dims do nowadays. "The fight against global warming" means he would have been taxing us all to death and bankrupting us with energy bills that are triple what they currently are. We would also have had just as much debt.

We would not have had the tax cuts. WE would have had a surplus, paying down the debt. Gore ran on that. Bush didn't - he wanted to give it back meaning no surplus & no balanced budget. Greedy stupid fuck you voted for that. Now you cry about the debt.

As for global warming, there would have been b o tripling of electric bills. You are once again lying. There were cap & trade policies that would have reduced our emission without causing significant rising in electric costs. Pull you head out of Trump's ass & get better informed.

You know nothing that is real.

The deficit increased under Bush mostly because the tech bubble collapsed and we had a recession because of 9/11. So, no, we wouldn't have had a surplus.

Germany has been following exactly the same fucked up energy policies that you endorse and utility bills there are three times what America pays. The empirical evidence says your claim is bullshit. Furthermore, cap and trade does nothing to reduce the price of your "green energy" boondoggles.
Tech bubble was a little bump. Gore might have prevented 9-11.

No, look up the cap & trade programs. Get educated, Get informed. Be a new person!
I know all about cap and trade, moron. There's no way a tax can reduce the amount of C02 that a coal fired power plant produces, or a natural gas plant.
Lying fuck. You don't know shit about cap & trade.

In a cap & trade, a limit for emissions is set. Those that emit less earn credits. Those that pollute more must buy credits from those who pollute less or buy them from the government.. Those needing to buy credits will have higher costs & be less competitive. Those who emit less will be more competitive & have a higher market share. It uses free market to reduce the amount of emissions. That, asshole, is how cap & trade works. They reduce emissions or find themselves out of the market.
Clinton got out of Vietnam AND the National Guard. I did not say Obamacare suppressed the Military Vote. It was Gore in 2000.... the first thing he did was deploy lawyers to Florida to make sure the Florida absentee troop ballots were disqualified on the minute technicality. You can scream and name call all you want but I defy you to grow a pair and justify that to one or more troops impacted by the Gore lawyer brigade.

Finally, as for protesting against the Vietnam War and not the troops, who were the pussies spitting on returing troops and calling them "baby killer"?
Those absentee ballots were discarded originally because a Republican official had other Republicans going through & correcting all the errors on Republican absentee ballots.

How did Clinton get out of the Guard? The Guard was full.

The Guard was full? When in God's name as a military branch turned away personnel because they had too many people? Please site a valid third party source. What lies between your ears is getting tiresome. Back it up or back off.

During the draft days of the Vietnam War.

Ask any poster here who was of draft age during that time. Getting in the Guard meant you were likely not going to Vietnam. Bush needed daddy's pull to get in.

Clinton got into the Guard as well and got out of serving in the Guard. Bash Budh all you want.... he was flying airplanes for the Guard while Clinton was getting big high in London and Moscow.
Both dodged the draft. Bush joined the Guard, used military time & money learning how to fly & then quit flying while he was in the Guard. Some say he quit flying when they initially started drug testing pilots. Bush left hos g-Guard base to play politics. There is evidence hew went AWOL & never finished his duty.

Neither Bush or Clinton trashed soldiers like your orange buddy. & that is the subject of this thread

You still keep giving Clinton a pass. You still need to pull Bush down with the specious AWOL evidence..... bet you are reading the same 1972 Microsoft Word documents on Bush AWOL; the same ones Dan Rather used when he tried to interfere with the 2004 Election and it cost him his legacy.
Those absentee ballots were discarded originally because a Republican official had other Republicans going through & correcting all the errors on Republican absentee ballots.

How did Clinton get out of the Guard? The Guard was full.

The Guard was full? When in God's name as a military branch turned away personnel because they had too many people? Please site a valid third party source. What lies between your ears is getting tiresome. Back it up or back off.

During the draft days of the Vietnam War.

Ask any poster here who was of draft age during that time. Getting in the Guard meant you were likely not going to Vietnam. Bush needed daddy's pull to get in.

Clinton got into the Guard as well and got out of serving in the Guard. Bash Budh all you want.... he was flying airplanes for the Guard while Clinton was getting big high in London and Moscow.
Both dodged the draft. Bush joined the Guard, used military time & money learning how to fly & then quit flying while he was in the Guard. Some say he quit flying when they initially started drug testing pilots. Bush left hos g-Guard base to play politics. There is evidence hew went AWOL & never finished his duty.

Neither Bush or Clinton trashed soldiers like your orange buddy. & that is the subject of this thread

You still keep giving Clinton a pass. You still need to pull Bush down with the specious AWOL evidence..... bet you are reading the same 1972 Microsoft Word documents on Bush AWOL; the same ones Dan Rather used when he tried to interfere with the 2004 Election and it cost him his legacy.
I did not give Clinton a pass. I clearly stated he dodged the draft.

There is plenty of proof Bush left his Guard duty early. He did quit flying at one point. He left his base to go to NC to help a political campaign.

Poor Dan Rather, got tossed for reporting something that turned out to not true. Especially when you assholes elect & protect a President that lies every fucking day in office.

You keep giving Trump a pass on dissing McCain & POWs.
The Guard was full? When in God's name as a military branch turned away personnel because they had too many people? Please site a valid third party source. What lies between your ears is getting tiresome. Back it up or back off.

During the draft days of the Vietnam War.

Ask any poster here who was of draft age during that time. Getting in the Guard meant you were likely not going to Vietnam. Bush needed daddy's pull to get in.

Clinton got into the Guard as well and got out of serving in the Guard. Bash Budh all you want.... he was flying airplanes for the Guard while Clinton was getting big high in London and Moscow.
Both dodged the draft. Bush joined the Guard, used military time & money learning how to fly & then quit flying while he was in the Guard. Some say he quit flying when they initially started drug testing pilots. Bush left hos g-Guard base to play politics. There is evidence hew went AWOL & never finished his duty.

Neither Bush or Clinton trashed soldiers like your orange buddy. & that is the subject of this thread

You still keep giving Clinton a pass. You still need to pull Bush down with the specious AWOL evidence..... bet you are reading the same 1972 Microsoft Word documents on Bush AWOL; the same ones Dan Rather used when he tried to interfere with the 2004 Election and it cost him his legacy.
I did not give Clinton a pass. I clearly stated he dodged the draft.

There is plenty of proof Bush left his Guard duty early. He did quit flying at one point. He left his base to go to NC to help a political campaign.

Poor Dan Rather, got tossed for reporting something that turned out to not true. Especially when you assholes elect & protect a President that lies every fucking day in office.

You keep giving Trump a pass on dissing McCain & POWs.

Let me be explicit. I voted for McCain in '08 when all of the liberals and Democrats were calling him and his policies "racist". Did you vote for McCain? During that time, Donald Trump was focusing most of his attacks on Bush. Were you upset at Trump for those comments? Trump and McCain never liked one another. Same with Trump and Bush. Same with Trump and Obama. Trump ran against Washington and won. He ran against Bush, McCain, Romney, McConnell, Ryan, Shumer, Pelosi, Kerry, Obama, Clinton, and The Press and WON. For many, this is the core impeachable offense and those will never forgive Trump for that.

All that being said, he should have never made that quip about McCain being captured. It was distasteful and disrespectful.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! There are times when I really love Trump's tweets. He really knows how to skewer a big wind bag.

President Trump is on vacation, but that hasn’t stopped him from watching early morning cable TV and tweeting angrily in response.

On Monday, President Trump went after Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who was on CNN earlier in the morning to discuss the ongoing investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

Blumenthal also expressed concern that the Trump administration has “weaponized” investigations into leaks of classified information. On Friday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the agency will be aggressively investigating leaks to the media.

Blumenthal’s remarks touched off a trio of tweets from Trump, who began his vacation at his Bedminster, N.J. golf resort on Friday.

In 2010, The New York Times reported that Blumenthal falsely claimed that he served in the Vietnam War. In fact, Blumenthal served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve between 1970 and 1976, but he was stationed in the U.S. and never went to Vietnam. He had received five deferments between 1965 and 1970.

Blumenthal said after the Times revelation that he “misspoke” about being in Vietnam.

Trump himself received four student deferments and one medical deferment, preventing him from being drafted. But unlike Blumenthal, Trump has never claimed to have served in Vietnam.

Trump has gone after Blumenthal about his Vietnam statements in the past.

In February, after Blumenthal pledged to block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, Trump criticized CNN anchor Chris Cuomo for not asking Blumenthal about his Vietnam record.
Only one of those guys was ever in the military.
Only one lied about serving in Vietnam.
Only one called POWs trash.
None did, asshole.

" I don't like those that were captured"

YOUR hero said McCain was not a hero.

And you hate soldiers so much that you agree with Trump.

Getting captured does not make you a hero. Did he get a medal? Tens of thousands of Americans wee captured during WW II. Did any of them get a medal for it? Admitting that fact doesn't mean you hate soldiers. It just means you are not a brain damaged troll who will say any lie to attack Trump.
During the draft days of the Vietnam War.

Ask any poster here who was of draft age during that time. Getting in the Guard meant you were likely not going to Vietnam. Bush needed daddy's pull to get in.

Clinton got into the Guard as well and got out of serving in the Guard. Bash Budh all you want.... he was flying airplanes for the Guard while Clinton was getting big high in London and Moscow.
Both dodged the draft. Bush joined the Guard, used military time & money learning how to fly & then quit flying while he was in the Guard. Some say he quit flying when they initially started drug testing pilots. Bush left hos g-Guard base to play politics. There is evidence hew went AWOL & never finished his duty.

Neither Bush or Clinton trashed soldiers like your orange buddy. & that is the subject of this thread

You still keep giving Clinton a pass. You still need to pull Bush down with the specious AWOL evidence..... bet you are reading the same 1972 Microsoft Word documents on Bush AWOL; the same ones Dan Rather used when he tried to interfere with the 2004 Election and it cost him his legacy.
I did not give Clinton a pass. I clearly stated he dodged the draft.

There is plenty of proof Bush left his Guard duty early. He did quit flying at one point. He left his base to go to NC to help a political campaign.

Poor Dan Rather, got tossed for reporting something that turned out to not true. Especially when you assholes elect & protect a President that lies every fucking day in office.

You keep giving Trump a pass on dissing McCain & POWs.

Let me be explicit. I voted for McCain in '08 when all of the liberals and Democrats were calling him and his policies "racist". Did you vote for McCain? During that time, Donald Trump was focusing most of his attacks on Bush. Were you upset at Trump for those comments? Trump and McCain never liked one another. Same with Trump and Bush. Same with Trump and Obama. Trump ran against Washington and won. He ran against Bush, McCain, Romney, McConnell, Ryan, Shumer, Pelosi, Kerry, Obama, Clinton, and The Press and WON. For many, this is the core impeachable offense and those will never forgive Trump for that.

All that being said, he should have never made that quip about McCain being captured. It was distasteful and disrespectful.

Fuck McCain. He's been using his POW status as a shield so he can attack people without reprisal. He's a douche bag.
Your fantasies about what might have happened are entertaining, if not enlightening. If Gore had been in charge, he would have pleaded with the terrorists to stop killing Americans. He would have taken no concrete action. That's what Dims do nowadays. "The fight against global warming" means he would have been taxing us all to death and bankrupting us with energy bills that are triple what they currently are. We would also have had just as much debt.

We would not have had the tax cuts. WE would have had a surplus, paying down the debt. Gore ran on that. Bush didn't - he wanted to give it back meaning no surplus & no balanced budget. Greedy stupid fuck you voted for that. Now you cry about the debt.

As for global warming, there would have been b o tripling of electric bills. You are once again lying. There were cap & trade policies that would have reduced our emission without causing significant rising in electric costs. Pull you head out of Trump's ass & get better informed.

You know nothing that is real.

The deficit increased under Bush mostly because the tech bubble collapsed and we had a recession because of 9/11. So, no, we wouldn't have had a surplus.

Germany has been following exactly the same fucked up energy policies that you endorse and utility bills there are three times what America pays. The empirical evidence says your claim is bullshit. Furthermore, cap and trade does nothing to reduce the price of your "green energy" boondoggles.
Tech bubble was a little bump. Gore might have prevented 9-11.

No, look up the cap & trade programs. Get educated, Get informed. Be a new person!
I know all about cap and trade, moron. There's no way a tax can reduce the amount of C02 that a coal fired power plant produces, or a natural gas plant.
Lying fuck. You don't know shit about cap & trade.

In a cap & trade, a limit for emissions is set. Those that emit less earn credits. Those that pollute more must buy credits from those who pollute less or buy them from the government.. Those needing to buy credits will have higher costs & be less competitive. Those who emit less will be more competitive & have a higher market share. It uses free market to reduce the amount of emissions. That, asshole, is how cap & trade works. They reduce emissions or find themselves out of the market.

If you put a cap and trade on breathing would that reduce the amount of CO2 that humans emit? Obviously not. As I pointed out previously, but you are too fucking dumb to understand, cap and trade will work with some things, but it can't alter the laws of physics and thermodynamics. It can't alter the fact that the combustion of a certain weight of coal or natural gas will produce a certain amount of CO2.

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