Trump Calls Democratic Senator ‘Phony Vietnam Con Artist’ After Comments On Russia Probe

So you don't know? Did you lie?

The list has been posted in this forum before, idiot. I don't feel the need to humiliate you further.

there is no list of modern presidents, you blithering idiot.

"Modern presidents?" When did "modern" become a criteria? Did it suddenly become against the law to own a business at some point?

Obviously, you're unbelievably stupid.

if that makes you feel better about being a lowlife ignorant uneducated troll, have at it.

btw, I said modern because I couldn't be bothered to go back and google whether John Adams had a brewery or something. but you're making an assertion. go prove what presidents had businesses, moron.

lying loon.
Jimmy Carter had a peanut farm, you stupid dingbat.

He placed it in a blind trust when he took office.
He didn't put it in his kid's name & discuss business with them.

She me a president that had a business that was not in a blind trust while President.

Show me one that actively was involved in his businesses after taking office.
All of you Liberals circling the wagons around Dickie Blumenthal to asail Donald Trump are only proving what US already are anti-Military, anti-troop. The Majority of the Military voted for Trump. Al Gore and his cadre knew this in 2000 when their first order of business was to disqualify the Military vote in Florida.
You defend a man that called POWs scum.

The mere idea you voted for that asshole tells me everything I need to know about what you think of the military.

Go fuck yourself & this pretend outrage.

Republicans love the military so much that they didn't give a shit that their buddy Bush sent thousands to their death in a war based on lies.

So really, dude. Go fuck yourself.
The trouble is that Trump ducked out of military service. He has no ability to criticize anyone's service record. You are a Trump cultist and if anyone disagrees with Trump you attack them but excuse Trump when he does the same thing. Trump is the King of Con Men and you are living proof of it.
Um...there's a huge difference between one's true service record and a fabricated service record, dipshit.
...and back to the thread topic...

Again, Blumenthal took a shot at the President...and got his ass handed to him by Trump pointing out that Blumenthal claimed 'False Valor', lied about heing a COMBAT veteran for political benefit.

Now Blumenthal is trying to spin the story into him being a 'victim' in this whole thing.

Blumenthal just needs to STFU and mind his own business...or at least not talk about someone if he can't handle the blowback.
I asked this before in this thread and got no response. What exactly did Blumenthal say? Trump is being accused of exaggerating, distorting, and outright lying about what Blumenthal said. So, what comment can you quote that backs up trump's exact claims, or even yours about Blumenthal claiming to be a combat vet.
The trouble is that Trump ducked out of military service. He has no ability to criticize anyone's service record. You are a Trump cultist and if anyone disagrees with Trump you attack them but excuse Trump when he does the same thing. Trump is the King of Con Men and you are living proof of it.
Um...there's a huge difference between one's true service record and a fabricated service record, dipshit.

Lets be real here.

Most of Blumenthal's problem was the press. The press took his duty during the Vietnam War years & assumed he was in Vietnam. After all, he did serve during the Vietnam War. Blumenthal's problem was not correcting it. He also had said a few times that he served in Vietnam instead of during Vietnam. He did clear that up & offer his apologies.

This should never have happened.

At no time did Blumenthal diss soldiers. At no time did he call any vets trash. He has only called to honor their service.

Yes, both Bush & Blumenthal got into the Guard/Reserves through family influence. In that regard, they both dodged the Vietnam War. There were lots of questions concerning Bush's time in the Guard.

The problem I have with this thread is that the OP supported a draft dodger never served who has no businesses saying anything bad regarding the record of anyone who did served. Especially when they lied about it.

If there was a pyramid of military service, those that served in combat sit at the top.

Those the hid from the draft by enlisting in the Guard or Reserves sit down the list - above those that dodged the draft by running to Canada.

At the bottom are those that dodged the draft & call war heroes - not war heroes because they were captured in the line of duty. How dare any of these people to EVER dis a man like John McCain. Flyers flew into dangerous situations & sometimes they got shot down. To not call that heroic is disgusting. To support a man who said those things is disgusting. Then trash yet another former soldier just adds to it.

No one is trying to make Blemernthal a military hero. Far from it. But is is still miles ahead of the Pillsbury Doughboy who dodged the draft & lounged in daddies money while other fought in war. When it comes to our vets, Trump needs to STFU.
All of you Liberals circling the wagons around Dickie Blumenthal to asail Donald Trump are only proving what US already are anti-Military, anti-troop. The Majority of the Military voted for Trump. Al Gore and his cadre knew this in 2000 when their first order of business was to disqualify the Military vote in Florida.
You defend a man that called POWs scum.

The mere idea you voted for that asshole tells me everything I need to know about what you think of the military.

Go fuck yourself & this pretend outrage.

Republicans love the military so much that they didn't give a shit that their buddy Bush sent thousands to their death in a war based on lies.

So really, dude. Go fuck yourself.

- I did not vote for the guy protesting against them while he dodged Vietnam and The National Guard

- I did not vote for the guy who lawyered down on the troops to make sure their vote would be disqualified on a technicality.

You are the one with outrage issues. That said, I will not take your advice. I simply pointed out facts and you responded in vitriol devoid of any logic.
All of you Liberals circling the wagons around Dickie Blumenthal to asail Donald Trump are only proving what US already are anti-Military, anti-troop. The Majority of the Military voted for Trump. Al Gore and his cadre knew this in 2000 when their first order of business was to disqualify the Military vote in Florida.
You defend a man that called POWs scum.

The mere idea you voted for that asshole tells me everything I need to know about what you think of the military.

Go fuck yourself & this pretend outrage.

Republicans love the military so much that they didn't give a shit that their buddy Bush sent thousands to their death in a war based on lies.

So really, dude. Go fuck yourself.

- I did not vote for the guy protesting against them while he dodged Vietnam and The National Guard

- I did not vote for the guy who lawyered down on the troops to make sure their vote would be disqualified on a technicality.

You are the one with outrage issues. That said, I will not take your advice. I simply pointed out facts and you responded in vitriol devoid of any logic.
You stupid fuck. We did not protest against soldiers, we protested against the fucking war. You are one dumb ignorant ass. As for the Guard, no one could get in because all the spots were taken by rich kids.

As for your ignorant lie about Obama suppressing military votes, if you had a fucking brain, you would know absentee ballots, both military & civilian, are handled by the States.

You really don't know shit.
All of you Liberals circling the wagons around Dickie Blumenthal to asail Donald Trump are only proving what US already are anti-Military, anti-troop. The Majority of the Military voted for Trump. Al Gore and his cadre knew this in 2000 when their first order of business was to disqualify the Military vote in Florida.
You defend a man that called POWs scum.

The mere idea you voted for that asshole tells me everything I need to know about what you think of the military.

Go fuck yourself & this pretend outrage.

Republicans love the military so much that they didn't give a shit that their buddy Bush sent thousands to their death in a war based on lies.

So really, dude. Go fuck yourself.

- I did not vote for the guy protesting against them while he dodged Vietnam and The National Guard

- I did not vote for the guy who lawyered down on the troops to make sure their vote would be disqualified on a technicality.

You are the one with outrage issues. That said, I will not take your advice. I simply pointed out facts and you responded in vitriol devoid of any logic.
You stupid fuck. We did not protest against soldiers, we protested against the fucking war. You are one dumb ignorant ass. As for the Guard, no one could get in because all the spots were taken by rich kids.

As for your ignorant lie about Obama suppressing military votes, if you had a fucking brain, you would know absentee ballots, both military & civilian, are handled by the States.

You really don't know shit.

Clinton got out of Vietnam AND the National Guard. I did not say Obamacare suppressed the Military Vote. It was Gore in 2000.... the first thing he did was deploy lawyers to Florida to make sure the Florida absentee troop ballots were disqualified on the minute technicality. You can scream and name call all you want but I defy you to grow a pair and justify that to one or more troops impacted by the Gore lawyer brigade.

Finally, as for protesting against the Vietnam War and not the troops, who were the pussies spitting on returing troops and calling them "baby killer"?
The trouble is that Trump ducked out of military service. He has no ability to criticize anyone's service record. You are a Trump cultist and if anyone disagrees with Trump you attack them but excuse Trump when he does the same thing. Trump is the King of Con Men and you are living proof of it.

dipshits like Trump who duck serving their country havent earned the right to say a damn word about those who have.

two words .....

calling a liar a liar is anyone's business.

Could explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion? Quote a few of these alleged lies and prove that they are lies, jackass.
All of you Liberals circling the wagons around Dickie Blumenthal to asail Donald Trump are only proving what US already are anti-Military, anti-troop. The Majority of the Military voted for Trump. Al Gore and his cadre knew this in 2000 when their first order of business was to disqualify the Military vote in Florida.
You defend a man that called POWs scum.

The mere idea you voted for that asshole tells me everything I need to know about what you think of the military.

Go fuck yourself & this pretend outrage.

Republicans love the military so much that they didn't give a shit that their buddy Bush sent thousands to their death in a war based on lies.

So really, dude. Go fuck yourself.
He didn't call POWs scum, you lying piece of shit.

I marvel how you snowflakes whine so much about Trump shading the facts when you lie so so flagrantly and so incessantly.
All of you Liberals circling the wagons around Dickie Blumenthal to asail Donald Trump are only proving what US already are anti-Military, anti-troop. The Majority of the Military voted for Trump. Al Gore and his cadre knew this in 2000 when their first order of business was to disqualify the Military vote in Florida.
You defend a man that called POWs scum.

The mere idea you voted for that asshole tells me everything I need to know about what you think of the military.

Go fuck yourself & this pretend outrage.

Republicans love the military so much that they didn't give a shit that their buddy Bush sent thousands to their death in a war based on lies.

So really, dude. Go fuck yourself.

- I did not vote for the guy protesting against them while he dodged Vietnam and The National Guard

- I did not vote for the guy who lawyered down on the troops to make sure their vote would be disqualified on a technicality.

You are the one with outrage issues. That said, I will not take your advice. I simply pointed out facts and you responded in vitriol devoid of any logic.
You stupid fuck. We did not protest against soldiers, we protested against the fucking war. You are one dumb ignorant ass. As for the Guard, no one could get in because all the spots were taken by rich kids.

As for your ignorant lie about Obama suppressing military votes, if you had a fucking brain, you would know absentee ballots, both military & civilian, are handled by the States.

You really don't know shit.

Again, you're a lying sack of shit. Human debris like you spit on soldiers returning from Vietnam and called them "baby killers."

It was Algore who disqualified the votes of the military with some cheap ass lawyers trick. He used lawyers in the state of Florida to make sure their votes didn't count. He's a bigger scumbag than you are.
All of you Liberals circling the wagons around Dickie Blumenthal to asail Donald Trump are only proving what US already are anti-Military, anti-troop. The Majority of the Military voted for Trump. Al Gore and his cadre knew this in 2000 when their first order of business was to disqualify the Military vote in Florida.
You defend a man that called POWs scum.

The mere idea you voted for that asshole tells me everything I need to know about what you think of the military.

Go fuck yourself & this pretend outrage.

Republicans love the military so much that they didn't give a shit that their buddy Bush sent thousands to their death in a war based on lies.

So really, dude. Go fuck yourself.

- I did not vote for the guy protesting against them while he dodged Vietnam and The National Guard

- I did not vote for the guy who lawyered down on the troops to make sure their vote would be disqualified on a technicality.

You are the one with outrage issues. That said, I will not take your advice. I simply pointed out facts and you responded in vitriol devoid of any logic.
You stupid fuck. We did not protest against soldiers, we protested against the fucking war. You are one dumb ignorant ass. As for the Guard, no one could get in because all the spots were taken by rich kids.

As for your ignorant lie about Obama suppressing military votes, if you had a fucking brain, you would know absentee ballots, both military & civilian, are handled by the States.

You really don't know shit.

Again, you're a lying sack of shit. Human debris like you spit on soldiers returning from Vietnam and called them "baby killers."

It was Algore who disqualified the votes of the military with some cheap ass lawyers trick. He used lawyers in the state of Florida to make sure their votes didn't count. He's a bigger scumbag than you are.

You mean when the Republican in charge of the absentee ballots in one county had two republicans sit in her office & correct errors on Republican absentee ballots. This caused the absentee ballots to be trashed in the first place.

Your fucking worthless POS Soldier killing Party got caught cheating & caused them to be trashed.
All of you Liberals circling the wagons around Dickie Blumenthal to asail Donald Trump are only proving what US already are anti-Military, anti-troop. The Majority of the Military voted for Trump. Al Gore and his cadre knew this in 2000 when their first order of business was to disqualify the Military vote in Florida.
You defend a man that called POWs scum.

The mere idea you voted for that asshole tells me everything I need to know about what you think of the military.

Go fuck yourself & this pretend outrage.

Republicans love the military so much that they didn't give a shit that their buddy Bush sent thousands to their death in a war based on lies.

So really, dude. Go fuck yourself.
He didn't call POWs scum, you lying piece of shit.

I marvel how you snowflakes whine so much about Trump shading the facts when you lie so so flagrantly and so incessantly.

He only likes soldiers that weren't captured.

And here you are defending that orange POS.

You are just as bad.
The trouble is that Trump ducked out of military service. He has no ability to criticize anyone's service record. You are a Trump cultist and if anyone disagrees with Trump you attack them but excuse Trump when he does the same thing. Trump is the King of Con Men and you are living proof of it.

dipshits like Trump who duck serving their country havent earned the right to say a damn word about those who have.

two words .....

calling a liar a liar is anyone's business.

Could explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion? Quote a few of these alleged lies and prove that they are lies, jackass.
All of you Liberals circling the wagons around Dickie Blumenthal to asail Donald Trump are only proving what US already are anti-Military, anti-troop. The Majority of the Military voted for Trump. Al Gore and his cadre knew this in 2000 when their first order of business was to disqualify the Military vote in Florida.
You defend a man that called POWs scum.

The mere idea you voted for that asshole tells me everything I need to know about what you think of the military.

Go fuck yourself & this pretend outrage.

Republicans love the military so much that they didn't give a shit that their buddy Bush sent thousands to their death in a war based on lies.

So really, dude. Go fuck yourself.

- I did not vote for the guy protesting against them while he dodged Vietnam and The National Guard

- I did not vote for the guy who lawyered down on the troops to make sure their vote would be disqualified on a technicality.

You are the one with outrage issues. That said, I will not take your advice. I simply pointed out facts and you responded in vitriol devoid of any logic.
You stupid fuck. We did not protest against soldiers, we protested against the fucking war. You are one dumb ignorant ass. As for the Guard, no one could get in because all the spots were taken by rich kids.

As for your ignorant lie about Obama suppressing military votes, if you had a fucking brain, you would know absentee ballots, both military & civilian, are handled by the States.

You really don't know shit.

Clinton got out of Vietnam AND the National Guard. I did not say Obamacare suppressed the Military Vote. It was Gore in 2000.... the first thing he did was deploy lawyers to Florida to make sure the Florida absentee troop ballots were disqualified on the minute technicality. You can scream and name call all you want but I defy you to grow a pair and justify that to one or more troops impacted by the Gore lawyer brigade.

Finally, as for protesting against the Vietnam War and not the troops, who were the pussies spitting on returing troops and calling them "baby killer"?
Those absentee ballots were discarded originally because a Republican official had other Republicans going through & correcting all the errors on Republican absentee ballots.

How did Clinton get out of the Guard? The Guard was full.
The trouble is that Trump ducked out of military service. He has no ability to criticize anyone's service record. You are a Trump cultist and if anyone disagrees with Trump you attack them but excuse Trump when he does the same thing. Trump is the King of Con Men and you are living proof of it.

Sure he does when the claim of a service record is false.

In typical Liberal fashion, when a Liberal like Blumenthal lies and is caught, the excuse is misspeak. It's the same as someone asking you a direct question of whether or not you did something, you saying no when you actually did, then calling it a misspeak. It's a lie.
All of you Liberals circling the wagons around Dickie Blumenthal to asail Donald Trump are only proving what US already are anti-Military, anti-troop. The Majority of the Military voted for Trump. Al Gore and his cadre knew this in 2000 when their first order of business was to disqualify the Military vote in Florida.
You defend a man that called POWs scum.

The mere idea you voted for that asshole tells me everything I need to know about what you think of the military.

Go fuck yourself & this pretend outrage.

Republicans love the military so much that they didn't give a shit that their buddy Bush sent thousands to their death in a war based on lies.

So really, dude. Go fuck yourself.

- I did not vote for the guy protesting against them while he dodged Vietnam and The National Guard

- I did not vote for the guy who lawyered down on the troops to make sure their vote would be disqualified on a technicality.

You are the one with outrage issues. That said, I will not take your advice. I simply pointed out facts and you responded in vitriol devoid of any logic.
You stupid fuck. We did not protest against soldiers, we protested against the fucking war. You are one dumb ignorant ass. As for the Guard, no one could get in because all the spots were taken by rich kids.

As for your ignorant lie about Obama suppressing military votes, if you had a fucking brain, you would know absentee ballots, both military & civilian, are handled by the States.

You really don't know shit.

Again, you're a lying sack of shit. Human debris like you spit on soldiers returning from Vietnam and called them "baby killers."

It was Algore who disqualified the votes of the military with some cheap ass lawyers trick. He used lawyers in the state of Florida to make sure their votes didn't count. He's a bigger scumbag than you are.

You mean when the Republican in charge of the absentee ballots in one county had two republicans sit in her office & correct errors on Republican absentee ballots. This caused the absentee ballots to be trashed in the first place.

Your fucking worthless POS Soldier killing Party got caught cheating & caused them to be trashed.

Like all snowflakes, you're a lying sack of shit. Here are the facts of the matter:

The main battlegound was Duval County, home to more military families than any other county in Florida. Duval had more absentee ballots from overseas than any other county – 618 of 3,500 cast statewide. Five Gore lawyers showed up at the elections office at 9 a.m. Friday to disqualify as many of those ballots as possible.

Tom Bishop, one of the Republican lawyers, was incensed as he watched the Democrats, armed with the smoking-gun memo, blatantly go about disqualify large numbers of military ballots.

“They had their little cheat sheet they were using, and they objected on every single possible ground they could, no matter how spurious,” Bishop told Sammon. “It was so bad that there was rolling of the eyes by even some of the Democrats there who were watching their lawyers work.”

Before Nov. 17, the Duval supervisor of elections compared signatures on ballot envelopes against signature cards on file. He could find only two absentee ballots that could not be included because the signatures did not match.

“But now the Democrats insisted that they be allowed to compare all signatures, one by one. For seven tedious hours, they bitterly argued that signatures on more than 100 envelopes did not precisely match the signature cards – although some envelopes had been signed by sailors on rolling seas in hostile situations,” Sammon wrote.

“You could clearly tell it was the same person´s signature, but they would object because it didn´t have a certain curlicue or didn´t have a certain twist or it was smaller,” Bishop told him.

The Democrat lawyers sought to disqualify military ballots that had no overseas postmark on the grounds that some voters might have marked their ballots a day or two after the election and then mailed them in.
No, sorry. Trump pointed out Blumenthal's 'Stolen Valor' claim, and you are pissed Trump is actually right. Suck it up, buttercup. :p

Notice how when Democrats lie about something for which there is an objective answer it's a misspeak when they get caught.

"It's taken out of context" is also one of their favorite weasels, and the media always let's them get away with it.
No, sorry. Trump pointed out Blumenthal's 'Stolen Valor' claim, and you are pissed Trump is actually right. Suck it up, buttercup. :p

Notice how when Democrats lie about something for which there is an objective answer it's a misspeak when they get caught.

"It's taken out of context" is also one of their favorite weasels, and the media always let's them get away with it.

Regardless of what is used, they all center around it not being their fault they did what they did or said what they said. Even when, in rare cases, they admit it is, they think a simple apology makes it OK.

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