Trump calls family of victim of illegal in L.A.

And secondly if Illegal immigrants commit less crimes than why is 1/3 of the prison pop illegal?
That's not true. Thanks for proving you rubes are as willfully ignorant, stupid, and credulous as I said.

What's more, three quarters of the illegals in jail are there for immigration violations.

OK my numbers were off a little , 27 % of the federal prison population are illegal aliens including 2% Germans, but that is just the federal numbers not counting State prison or county jail, so whats really BS is you saying that they commit less crimes. How many illegal aliens have you known personaly? I have worked with several in the construction trades and one thing that I notice is that even a lot of the really ones that are great to work with and nice guys have no problem getting behind the wheel to drive home drinking beers. They basically just don't give a shit in general. Their culture unfortunantly does not discourage drunken driving, so dont expect the ones who come here illegaly to respect these laws.
You poor dumb rube. You think anecdotes are evidence. No wonder you drink Trump's piss.

And your own link says 90 percent of illegals in jail were arrested for immigration violations and drugs. Not violent crime.

Also, the 27 percent figure is for all jails. Federal, state, and local.

"Specifically, in 2005, GAO reported that the percentage of criminal aliens in federal prisons was about 27 percent of the total inmate population from 2001 through 2004. Based on our random sample, GAO estimates that the criminal aliens had an average of 7 arrests, 65 percent were arrested at least once for an immigration offense, and about 50 percent were arrested at least once for a drug offense. Immigration, drugs, and traffic violations accounted for about 50 percent of arrest offenses. About 90 percent of the criminal aliens sentenced in federal court in fiscal year 2009 (the most recently available data) were convicted of immigration and drug-related offenses. About 40 percent of individuals convicted as a result of DOJ terrorism-related investigations were aliens. SCAAP criminal aliens incarcerated in selected state prison systems in Arizona, California, Florida, New York, "

Looks like it Says Federal Prison to me, They have an average of SEVEN arrests each while arrested at least ONCE for immigation, you also left out that part of that 90% was for drug related offenses. Regardless of the numbers there, they Cost well over a billion to take care of annually. You also forgot to notice below,

"About 50 percent of the criminal aliens in our study population were arrested at least once for either assault, homicide, robbery, a sex offense, or kidnapping. About half of the criminal aliens were arrested at least once for a drug violation. Figure 9 shows the percentage of criminal aliens arrested at least once by....
I can't wait to you see your slack-jawed faces when Trump and the GOP grant amnesty to most of the illegals in this country.

I would be very happy if he just deported all the violent ones in prison and ones with multiple drunk driving arrests.
This has been US policy for quite some time.

Trump has you creduloids bleeving he invented it.
Did Trump call the families of the victims of Dylan Roof?


Did Trump even mention the Sandy Hook shooting on the anniversary of that bloodbath? Did he call those families?

Nope. He tweeted a photo of Bill Gates and Jim Brown instead.

Seriously. Go look at his December 14 tweet.

You see, Trump is a big follower of Alex Jones who believes Sandy Hook was a hoax.

Yeah. I kid you not.

You see, Trump knows how you tards work. He knows you have no clue that immigrants commit less crimes than Americans. He knows you are willfully ignorant of that fact, and he knows your propaganda outlets keep you ignorant of that fact.

Trump the Huckster knows all he has to do is feed your tard confirmation bias, and you'll be screaming in horror at the sight of Mexicans.

Any time any Mexican anywhere kills someone, your propaganda outlets and Dear Leader will be there to dip their hands in the dead body and smear the blood on their faces.
Clearly you have suffered a stroke. Why are you in favor of illegal immigration? Curious. Are you a business owner pocketing money?

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