Trump calls FBI ‘Human Scum’ for Investigating Russia ties to his campaign

That's so true, but we have come to expect that from the MSM. That's why they have lost all credibility. Personally, I won't click on anything written by the WaPo, the NYT or the Communist Chinese papers. To me, they're no more than a real bad smell on the planet.
You may not realize how much of an understatement that is.
I find it even more laughable that these sheep actually pay them to subscribe to the propaganda.

I would burn my money before giving a penny to either the Washington Post or the NY Times.
I haven't read a Washington post article in weeks. They have that paywall to subscribe or share your browsing history. Some of the articles sound interesting, but not interesting enough for me to change privacy settings.
I know what you're saying. They do have talented writers but their mission is evil. It's a shame to waste talent like that. Those communists and globalists must have a lot of money to be able to push this BS.
“These were crooked people. There are bad people. These are very dangerous people,” Trump told reporters. “You know what they are, though? They’re scum. They’re human scum.”
Thats no worse than what Deep State, aka, FBI and CIA mouth pieces called trump
Oh - Link to an FBI or CIA higher-up calling Dear Leader "human scum"? :link:
They called trump a traitor and thats the same or worse than human scum

Still no Linky? Sad :(
You need a “linky?”

sorry I dont have one with pictures but maybe you can figure the words out


Evan McMullin hasn't been a CIA officer since 2010. Furthermore, he was a Republican who left the Trumpublican Party in 2016 (like SO many others) to become an Independent. Evan is correct - Trump campaign's 140+ plus meetings with Russian spies and encouragement of dirt on Hillary using his buddy Roger Stone as an intermediary on timing with Wikileaks was indeed traitorous.


he was fawned over by the anti trump lib media because he was ex CIA

So you were lying and came up with a lame example of a current or recent CIA or FBI higher-up calling Dear Leader traitorous?
Check - We already knew that ;)
I can find more examples but one is enough
No ties were ever found because no ties ever existed yet liberals still bang this drum because their feelings were not satisfied by Mullers efforts or the failed impeachment attempt
No class? That's such a sad thing for President Trump. He instinctively knows when things are right and not right. If they are not right, he tends to make it right, and some people do not like leadership that averts wrong and supports what is the right thing to do. What he does is in no way personal, it is the best thing to do for the American people when he makes a change. The only people who hate change do not have the courage nor the maturity to endure what has to be done, including fire someone if they are wrongfully bent or positively disingenuous by rejecting a better panacea. What is classy about the President is he makes changes with no fear of dissent. He doesn't wuss out just because his employed person who was put in a leadership position wussed out on doing what was the rightest thing to have done. Our best hope is that those who can't abide doing the rightest thing will let time be the judge and not themselves lest sin is crouching at their door.

And being a good caller in the world often takes the patience to wait and see, and not jumping in with a sledgehammer to tap a bulletin board tack. :laughing0301:
When people who swore an oath to defend the constitution so blatantly disregard it they are human scum and treasonous seditious bastards....

The same could be said of Trump, oh that's right in the eyes of Trump Humpers he is bigger than the Constitution.
No ties were ever found because no ties ever existed yet liberals still bang this drum because their feelings were not satisfied by Mullers efforts or the failed impeachment attempt

The only reason Trump got away with this was because the spineless Senate allowed it.
I'm at a loss for words with regard to the human scum who's fat orange ass occupies an office requiring dignity, compassion and honesty. I don't watch his daily clown shows anymore, but do catch a few of the lowlights. This is one of the ones I'd missed. Now In 3-2-1 we're going to hear from his worst USMB sycophants that Dear Leader is correctly speaking out against the "Deep State" and the NWO. Sad, not to mention dangerous.

During Monday's daily press briefing, Trump described the FBI’s investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort, and former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone as a “scam” and a “fraud.”​
“You’ll find out what I’m going to do,” he told a reporter who asked if he planned on pardoning Stone and Manafort. “I’m not going to say what I’m going to do, but I will tell you the whole thing turned out to be a scam and it turned out to be a disgrace to our country.”​
Trump crowed that “now the tables are turned” and the need to “investigate the investigators,” referring to a U.S. Attorney John Durham’s current investigation into the FBI’s Russia probe. Attorney General Bill Barr had directed Durham to open the investigation.​
“These were crooked people. There are bad people. These are very dangerous people,” Trump told reporters. “You know what they are, though? They’re scum. They’re human scum.”​

/——-/ He’s talking about the corrupt few that launched this scam, not the rank and file. But you already knew that.
I'm at a loss for words with regard to the human scum who's fat orange ass occupies an office requiring dignity, compassion and honesty. I don't watch his daily clown shows anymore, but do catch a few of the lowlights. This is one of the ones I'd missed. Now In 3-2-1 we're going to hear from his worst USMB sycophants that Dear Leader is correctly speaking out against the "Deep State" and the NWO. Sad, not to mention dangerous.

During Monday's daily press briefing, Trump described the FBI’s investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort, and former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone as a “scam” and a “fraud.”​
“You’ll find out what I’m going to do,” he told a reporter who asked if he planned on pardoning Stone and Manafort. “I’m not going to say what I’m going to do, but I will tell you the whole thing turned out to be a scam and it turned out to be a disgrace to our country.”​
Trump crowed that “now the tables are turned” and the need to “investigate the investigators,” referring to a U.S. Attorney John Durham’s current investigation into the FBI’s Russia probe. Attorney General Bill Barr had directed Durham to open the investigation.​
“These were crooked people. There are bad people. These are very dangerous people,” Trump told reporters. “You know what they are, though? They’re scum. They’re human scum.”​

If Trump feels the convictions of his lackeys is unjust, he should pardon them RIGHT NOW! The point is, he's going to delay until after the election, because he knows that would already ruin his already dismal chance of cheating the system a second time.

Second point- Weirdbeard Durham has got nothing. The Senate Intelligence committee just concluded that the Russians REALLY DID interfere with the election and their intent was to help Trump. The same conclusion the intelligence community concluded when they investigated Trump's lackeys.
If Trump feels the convictions of his lackeys is unjust, he should pardon them RIGHT NOW! The point is, he's going to delay until after the election, because he knows that would already ruin his already dismal chance of cheating the system a second time.

Second point- Weirdbeard Durham has got nothing. The Senate Intelligence committee just concluded that the Russians REALLY DID interfere with the election and their intent was to help Trump. The same conclusion the intelligence community concluded when they investigated Trump's lackeys.

Weirdbeard will make up a sort of faux possible bombshell of some sort just before election day. He'll pull a Comey and say something that makes people wonder. Then, the week after the election he'll say "Oh it was nothing - never mind!" Weirdbeard will flush his credibility too. Everyone in Trump orbit falls into an inescapable black hole. Either prison, or a career ender.

I should note that Fauci, Birx and the CDC Director stood up to Donnie's imaginary world of aspirational hunches yesterday. Good on them! :)
“These were crooked people. There are bad people. These are very dangerous people,” Trump told reporters. “You know what they are, though? They’re scum. They’re human scum.”
Thats no worse than what Deep State, aka, FBI and CIA mouth pieces called trump
Oh - Link to an FBI or CIA higher-up calling Dear Leader "human scum"? :link:
They called trump a traitor and thats the same or worse than human scum

Still no Linky? Sad :(
You need a “linky?”

sorry I dont have one with pictures but maybe you can figure the words out


Evan McMullin hasn't been a CIA officer since 2010. Furthermore, he was a Republican who left the Trumpublican Party in 2016 (like SO many others) to become an Independent. Evan is correct - Trump campaign's 140+ plus meetings with Russian spies and encouragement of dirt on Hillary using his buddy Roger Stone as an intermediary on timing with Wikileaks was indeed traitorous.


he was fawned over by the anti trump lib media because he was ex CIA

So you were lying and came up with a lame example of a current or recent CIA or FBI higher-up calling Dear Leader traitorous?
Check - We already knew that ;)
I can find more examples but one is enough

If you felt one was enough you could have found a better one than a REPUBLICAN who LEFT the CIA six years prior to his treason comments. :heehee:

“These were crooked people. There are bad people. These are very dangerous people,” Trump told reporters. “You know what they are, though? They’re scum. They’re human scum.”
Thats no worse than what Deep State, aka, FBI and CIA mouth pieces called trump
Oh - Link to an FBI or CIA higher-up calling Dear Leader "human scum"? :link:
They called trump a traitor and thats the same or worse than human scum

Still no Linky? Sad :(
You need a “linky?”

sorry I dont have one with pictures but maybe you can figure the words out


Evan McMullin hasn't been a CIA officer since 2010. Furthermore, he was a Republican who left the Trumpublican Party in 2016 (like SO many others) to become an Independent. Evan is correct - Trump campaign's 140+ plus meetings with Russian spies and encouragement of dirt on Hillary using his buddy Roger Stone as an intermediary on timing with Wikileaks was indeed traitorous.


he was fawned over by the anti trump lib media because he was ex CIA

So you were lying and came up with a lame example of a current or recent CIA or FBI higher-up calling Dear Leader traitorous?
Check - We already knew that ;)
I can find more examples but one is enough

If you felt one was enough you could have found a better one than a REPUBLICAN who LEFT the CIA six years prior to his treason comments. :heehee:

One spokesman for the Deep State is all I need

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