Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won

Your ignorance is astounding.

He didn’t have any classified documents, by the way.
Trump didn't have "any classified documents"? Wow, you must have your head so far up trump's ass for the last few weeks. Better to stop getting whatever information you have and seek to understand and accept reality.
Your post above, to wit:

Imagine the outrage on the left if in 2016 something similar happened with Don Jr. You have to admit, lefties would be outraged. I mean look how pissed they were over the made up hoax known as Russiagate.

Yet another thing you duopoly types have in common.

Ludicrous is defined as "so absurd or incongruous as to be laughable"
You think you’re different from a rabid Trumper, but you aren’t.
Trump concocted a fake elector scheme with multiple volunteers to steal an election, lost 60 court cases about election fraud, made up conspiracies including space lasers, bamboo ballots, Hugo Chavez getting involved, and other wacky conspiracies. He also tried to get the SOS of Georgia to invent 11,780 brand new votes out of thin air, and he wants a new election? :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
Trump concocted a fake elector scheme with multiple volunteers to steal an election, lost 60 court cases about election fraud, made up conspiracies including space lasers, bamboo ballots, Hugo Chavez getting involved, and other wacky conspiracies. He also tried to get the SOS of Georgia to invent 11,780 brand new votes out of thin air, and he wants a new election? :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
Try the truth. You aren't even close.
Trump made this demand this afternoon. There are grave concerns about the mental state of someone who would make such a bizarre demand, especially since all his silly accusations about a stolen election have been laughed out of court, and there is no constitutional provision for either of his demands to be met. Normally, in a case of break with reality like this, the patients family might consider an inpatient facility where he could get the care and treatment he will need to recover. Short of an inpatient facility, he should at least have round the clock care by trained professionals to gently nudge him back to reality. So far, none of his children have made any remarks about their plans for his care. There is speculation that none of them want to take the responsibility for him, but someone obviously will have to, and soon.

Trump made this demand this afternoon. There are grave concerns about the mental state of someone who would make such a bizarre demand, especially since all his silly accusations about a stolen election have been laughed out of court, and there is no constitutional provision for either of his demands to be met. Normally, in a case of break with reality like this, the patients family might consider an inpatient facility where he could get the care and treatment he will need to recover. Short of an inpatient facility, he should at least have round the clock care by trained professionals to gently nudge him back to reality. So far, none of his children have made any remarks about their plans for his care. There is speculation that none of them want to take the responsibility for him, but someone obviously will have to, and soon.

The FBI interfered in the election that Biden would not have won. Suck on it

Walls are closing in......

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