Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won

Jan 6 dude who eye gouged got 17 years.

Maximum years for Trump having that many top secret documents, assessed by document, would be 18,490 years.
Your ignorance is astounding.

He didn’t have any classified documents, by the way.
Not really a question to anyone, you lie all the time, it is what you do. When you have been proven something is a lie you say you do not care and keep spreading it anyhow.

You are the model Trump worshiper.
What exactly did I lie about nitpicker?
The American thing to do was investigate the states in question. It would all be over by now. Strange they chose not to take that option. They shit on 74 million people. That is not American.
Sure pal. Whining about your loss in not the American way, but it is humiliating for the old GOP to see it. Maybe it is where you come from.......
Imagine the outrage on the left if in 2016 something similar happened with Don Jr. You have to admit, lefties would be outraged. I mean look how pissed they were over the made up hoax known as Russiagate.

Yet another thing you duopoly types have in common.
Like an investigation opened before Trump's opponent and leaked to the press months before the election and then reopened 11 days (and everyone informed ). Then closed as if nothing happened...

All the time they were also investigating Trump Campaign which did break the law with their manager going to jail...

We have shown the proof of Trump Campaign helping Russia in interfering in the US Election...

You will ig ore it and keep repeating the lie... Don't seem to want to read the actual facts..
Not quite. If there is a legitimate dispute ongoing at the time of the States certification there can be two slates. Hawaii had that in it's first election in 1960 I think.

There were no legitimate disputes in 2020 in any state at the time of certification, EC vote, or the Jan 6th counting of those EC votes.
Cassidy Hutchinson, an aide to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, said in recorded testimony that the White House counsel's office advised Meadows, Giuliani and others that the plan was not legally sound. And two Trump campaign lawyers, Justin Clark and Matt Morgan, testified that they were uncomfortable with the idea of tapping fake electors.

The tactical details of the effort, according to evidence presented Tuesday, included a clandestine plot for fake electors to sleep overnight in the Michigan Capitol, the involvement of members of Congress, and a Trump campaign request for false Wisconsin certification documents to be flown across state lines to Washington in time for the Jan. 6 count.

Laura Cox, former chair of the Michigan Republican Party, testified in a video clip that a person affiliated with the Trump campaign told her about the sleepover stratagem.

"He told me that the Michigan Republican electors were planning to meet in the Capitol and hide overnight so that they could fulfill the role of casting their vote per law in the Michigan chambers," she said. "And I told him in no uncertain terms that was insane and inappropriate."

And a Wisconsin Republican complained in a text message about the Trump campaign's Jan. 4, 2021, search for a plane to carry false certification documents.

"Freaking Trump idiots want someone to fly original elector papers to the senate President [Pence]," Mark Jefferson, the executive director of the Wisconsin GOP, wrote. "They're going to call one of us to tell us just what the hell is going on."

When Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers, a Trump supporter who rebuffed Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani's entreaties to switch electors in his state, learned that fake electors had met, he was shocked.

Her eyes are wide open now so she can see who to arrest and harass.
There's that ugly American attitude ya'll like to spread. If they were however......


but they're not, If he is charged he will have his day in court.
Like an investigation opened before Trump's opponent and leaked to the press months before the election and then reopened 11 days (and everyone informed ). Then closed as if nothing happened...

All the time they were also investigating Trump Campaign which did break the law with their manager going to jail...

We have shown the proof of Trump Campaign helping Russia in interfering in the US Election...

You will ig ore it and keep repeating the lie... Don't seem to want to read the actual facts..
What lie?

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