Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won

You are in total, fool fledge denial.

Here is the most recent about that so called symbolism:

Nearly a dozen of Georgia’s "fake electors" revealed Tuesday they've been subpoenaed to appear before the Fulton County special grand jury hearing evidence in the criminal investigation into possible 2020 election interference by former President Donald Trump and his allies.

The revelations came in a court filing where attorneys for 11 of the state's 16 false presidential electors attempted to quash the subpoenas, calling them “unreasonable and oppressive."

The attorneys also argued that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ office initially said their clients were “witnesses, not subjects or targets” of the investigation, and that the electors had agreed to voluntary interviews with the team investigating election interference beginning in April.

In a separate court filing, an attorney for Willis said all 16 of the false electors have been notified they are targets of her investigation.

After the 2020 election, certificates purporting to be from Trump electors were sent to the National Archives in Washington, D.C., by Republicans in seven battleground states that Joe Biden won — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. That effort, which was ultimately unsuccessful, created two sets of electors: an official group selected by the states and the fake ones.

During a public hearing last month, the House Jan. 6 committee presented documents and testimony that appeared to show Trump’s team had plotted to overturn the 2020 election by organizing the slates of alternate “fake electors” in those seven states.

The fake electors submitted false certifications of Trump victories to the National Archives hoping that then-Vice President Mike Pence would swap them for the legitimate electoral votes that solidified Joe Biden’s victory, the panel alleged.

Denial and kangaroo courts are what you have.
Of course there is NO such “ fact.” And the claim isn’t true. So much for shitycroc’s efforts.
Sure it’s not been proven in a court of law….yet. They are just getting started and we are giving eye pokers 17 years. WhT do you think spies will get? Probably 17,000 years. I heard up to 18,500.
Actually the crime was sending the phony (forged) elector certificates to the National Archives and to congress.

Like with counterfeiting, The crime isn't making phony stuff. The crime is trying to pass it off as real.
That did not happen or who runs the National Archives should be fired. In fact, Congress should be fired. I know someone who is good at that.
  • Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani is expected to make a Tuesday appearance in Atlanta.
  • Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., is scheduled to appear Aug. 23, but he's challenging the demand.
  • The demands for testimony from high-profile figures suggests the probe has found its focus.

That did not happen or who runs the National Archives should be fired. In fact Congress should be fired. I know someone who is good at that.
Actually the National Archives after receiving the phony elector certificates, made copies, and never forwarded them to congress
  • Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani is expected to make a Tuesday appearance in Atlanta.
  • Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., is scheduled to appear Aug. 23, but he's challenging the demand.
  • The demands for testimony from high-profile figures suggests the probe has found its focus.

First, no brain, it is August 29th. Second, this is not American justice. It is weaponized persecution for intimidation purposes. The only ones scared are the corrupt bastards running the show.
He's in full-out panic mode now.

He also called on MAGA FBI agents to revolt.

This is a former President doing this. And the rubes are all in.
Prove it hack. You have gossip at best. You turn my stomach sometimes.
Prove it hack. You have gossip at best. You turn my stomach sometimes.
Trump loves you. You're special.


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