Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won

If the election was rigged I'd be very curious to know why democrats lost so many seats in the house only to eek out a majority by 2 seats and lose the senate entirely. The problem with being in a cult is, nothing ever has to make sense, your job is simply to obey and follow.
Appointing those electors is symbolic. That was pointed out when Nevada picked the first ones. Goldfish memory, and brain apparently.
There has never been any such Alternate electors, no need for them Before 2020, or after.

There was no symbolism, just fraud intended.

Cillizza: Let’s start simple: What, exactly, did Rudy Giuliani (and his team) do? And what was their goal?

: By December 2020, Trump had already lost the election but the electoral votes from each state still had to be certified. Giuliani and his team effectively tried to subvert that process in an effort to overturn Biden’s legitimate victory – a push that involved replacing real electors from seven states Trump lost with GOP electors.

Giuliani and his team enlisted GOP allies from these states to sign certificates falsely claiming they were the duly-elected electors – even though they were not.

After various election fraud lawsuits in these states failed, Giuliani and his team shifted their focus to January 6. The idea, as outlined in a memo written by conservative lawyer John Eastman, was for then-Vice President Mike Pence to throw out President Joe Biden’s electors and replace them with the GOP electors on January 6 when Congress counted the electoral votes.

This, in theory, would give Trump more electoral votes than Biden and allow him to maintain his grip on power.

Cillizza: How detailed was this plan? How far down the rabbit hole did they go?

: This plan was very detailed, and our sources made clear Giuliani and Trump campaign officials were intimately involved. They tried to recruit GOP electors to fill the slots needed to put forward an “alternate slate,” secured meeting rooms in statehouses where the GOP electors could meet on December 14 and circulated drafts of these fake certificates that falsely declared Trump had won.

Trump campaign officials and GOP electors from at least one state, Pennsylvania, even haggled over the language of these fake certificates in the immediate lead up to December 14.

Cillizza: What do we know about Trump’s involvement? Was he aware of what Rudy was doing?

Honestly, we don’t know if Trump was involved in the behind-the-scenes efforts. It would have been strange for the President of the United States to be involved with these nuts-and-bolts details of the operation – but we know that Trump campaign officials, on the national and state level, were involved.

But we do know that on a zoomed-out level, Trump publicly supported and encouraged the scheme. There are a few examples of Trump advocating for state legislatures in many of these battleground states to overturn their election results, by recognizing the legitimacy of the pro-Trump electors. Trump kept pressing the state legislatures to spring into action and appoint GOP electors, in states where Biden won. He mentioned this at a rally in Georgia for the Senate runoff races, and he mentioned it again at the infamous speech on the Ellipse before his supporters invaded the US Capitol on January 6.

Cillizza: Tell me about how these fake elector slates wound up at the National Archives – and why it’s significant.

: Lots of people assume that the “election” ends after the networks project a winner. But obviously, that’s not the case. The transfer of power from one US president to the next is spelled out in the US Constitution and various federal laws. It all works through the “Electoral College.”

The people go to the polls in November. Then the state counts the votes and certifies the results. The state awards its electoral votes to the candidate who won. Then those electors meet in the statehouse at a designated date in December, where they sign certificates to finalize the process. It’s a formality. They sign the certificates and send copies to the National Archives in DC, and to several other government entities, like the chief judge of the federal district court where the electors met. The National Archives processes the official certificates and then the real certificates are opened and counted during a joint session of Congress on January 6.

The fake certificates are important because some legal experts, and some state attorneys general, are now saying that it might have been illegal for the GOP electors to send fake documents to the National Archives. (To be clear, the people who were involved in the plot, who have spoken publicly, deny any wrongdoing.)

Cillizza: Finish this sentence: “The threat to the 2020 election results from this scheme was __________. ” Now, explain.

: “The threat to the 2020 election results from this scheme was that it was literally an attempt to nullify the will of the people of millions of voters in seven states – Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico.”

(full article online)

There has never been any such Alternate electors, no need for them Before 2020, or after.

There was no symbolism, just fraud intended.

Cillizza: Let’s start simple: What, exactly, did Rudy Giuliani (and his team) do? And what was their goal?

: By December 2020, Trump had already lost the election but the electoral votes from each state still had to be certified. Giuliani and his team effectively tried to subvert that process in an effort to overturn Biden’s legitimate victory – a push that involved replacing real electors from seven states Trump lost with GOP electors.

Giuliani and his team enlisted GOP allies from these states to sign certificates falsely claiming they were the duly-elected electors – even though they were not.

After various election fraud lawsuits in these states failed, Giuliani and his team shifted their focus to January 6. The idea, as outlined in a memo written by conservative lawyer John Eastman, was for then-Vice President Mike Pence to throw out President Joe Biden’s electors and replace them with the GOP electors on January 6 when Congress counted the electoral votes.

This, in theory, would give Trump more electoral votes than Biden and allow him to maintain his grip on power.

Cillizza: How detailed was this plan? How far down the rabbit hole did they go?

: This plan was very detailed, and our sources made clear Giuliani and Trump campaign officials were intimately involved. They tried to recruit GOP electors to fill the slots needed to put forward an “alternate slate,” secured meeting rooms in statehouses where the GOP electors could meet on December 14 and circulated drafts of these fake certificates that falsely declared Trump had won.

Trump campaign officials and GOP electors from at least one state, Pennsylvania, even haggled over the language of these fake certificates in the immediate lead up to December 14.

Cillizza: What do we know about Trump’s involvement? Was he aware of what Rudy was doing?

Honestly, we don’t know if Trump was involved in the behind-the-scenes efforts. It would have been strange for the President of the United States to be involved with these nuts-and-bolts details of the operation – but we know that Trump campaign officials, on the national and state level, were involved.

But we do know that on a zoomed-out level, Trump publicly supported and encouraged the scheme. There are a few examples of Trump advocating for state legislatures in many of these battleground states to overturn their election results, by recognizing the legitimacy of the pro-Trump electors. Trump kept pressing the state legislatures to spring into action and appoint GOP electors, in states where Biden won. He mentioned this at a rally in Georgia for the Senate runoff races, and he mentioned it again at the infamous speech on the Ellipse before his supporters invaded the US Capitol on January 6.

Cillizza: Tell me about how these fake elector slates wound up at the National Archives – and why it’s significant.

: Lots of people assume that the “election” ends after the networks project a winner. But obviously, that’s not the case. The transfer of power from one US president to the next is spelled out in the US Constitution and various federal laws. It all works through the “Electoral College.”

The people go to the polls in November. Then the state counts the votes and certifies the results. The state awards its electoral votes to the candidate who won. Then those electors meet in the statehouse at a designated date in December, where they sign certificates to finalize the process. It’s a formality. They sign the certificates and send copies to the National Archives in DC, and to several other government entities, like the chief judge of the federal district court where the electors met. The National Archives processes the official certificates and then the real certificates are opened and counted during a joint session of Congress on January 6.

The fake certificates are important because some legal experts, and some state attorneys general, are now saying that it might have been illegal for the GOP electors to send fake documents to the National Archives. (To be clear, the people who were involved in the plot, who have spoken publicly, deny any wrongdoing.)

Cillizza: Finish this sentence: “The threat to the 2020 election results from this scheme was __________. ” Now, explain.

: “The threat to the 2020 election results from this scheme was that it was literally an attempt to nullify the will of the people of millions of voters in seven states – Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico.”

(full article online)

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:You are a piss poor propagandist.
I just love these Trump worship post! They are so much fun
Then I watch the videos...oh the videos...of violence and mayhem. Worship that has been going on for many decades. In near every town, city and area it is the same. With the same speaking drawl. You can never come up with an answer to poverty because you do not have one. You cannot because what you support lives off of it. It is fun watching this nastiness never end. This is not nearer to the great society infancy. The great society is near retirement age now and the ghettos are still with fresh legs filled with piss and vinegar. And Joe...oh Joe...has been around for near all of it. Bwhahaha!
Trump is, of course, delusional, but his followers are exceedingly ignorant, and believe his rhetoric. He continues to pose a clear and present danger to the country.
The fbi buried the Hunter story and Ashley's diary on purpose. People in the doj and fbi need to go to jail.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:You are a piss poor propagandist.
You are in total, fool fledge denial.

Here is the most recent about that so called symbolism:

Nearly a dozen of Georgia’s "fake electors" revealed Tuesday they've been subpoenaed to appear before the Fulton County special grand jury hearing evidence in the criminal investigation into possible 2020 election interference by former President Donald Trump and his allies.

The revelations came in a court filing where attorneys for 11 of the state's 16 false presidential electors attempted to quash the subpoenas, calling them “unreasonable and oppressive."

The attorneys also argued that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ office initially said their clients were “witnesses, not subjects or targets” of the investigation, and that the electors had agreed to voluntary interviews with the team investigating election interference beginning in April.

In a separate court filing, an attorney for Willis said all 16 of the false electors have been notified they are targets of her investigation.

After the 2020 election, certificates purporting to be from Trump electors were sent to the National Archives in Washington, D.C., by Republicans in seven battleground states that Joe Biden won — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. That effort, which was ultimately unsuccessful, created two sets of electors: an official group selected by the states and the fake ones.

During a public hearing last month, the House Jan. 6 committee presented documents and testimony that appeared to show Trump’s team had plotted to overturn the 2020 election by organizing the slates of alternate “fake electors” in those seven states.

The fake electors submitted false certifications of Trump victories to the National Archives hoping that then-Vice President Mike Pence would swap them for the legitimate electoral votes that solidified Joe Biden’s victory, the panel alleged.

Then what good are they. Looks like the governors prevented the crime you think happened. Right?
Actually the crime was sending the phony (forged) elector certificates to the National Archives and to congress.

Like with counterfeiting, The crime isn't making phony stuff. The crime is trying to pass it off as real.

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