Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won

You steal elections.
NFBW: How many conspirators do you believe it wouild take to pull election fraud off in each of the seven swing states that Biden won.

Did the conspirators coordinate fraud on a national level from Michigan Wisconsin Pennsylvania Arizona Nevada and New Mexico?

Trump told his cult following last Saturday in Wilkes-Barre Pa specifically “I think at nine o'clock in the evening, we went 950,000 votes up with 73 percent of the vote cast. All of a sudden, around 3:02 or something, the equipment closed down. It all closed down. And then you had that massive spike. Remember the spike that went to heaven and came back? It should have gone to hell and come back. … And all of a sudden we were tied and then all of a sudden, we lost by a whisper. A rigged election.

So who was it that shut the machines down and installed the “spike” from hell for Biden? And how many Democrats and Repubs were in on it?


He knew that. He knew it. He knew it. But he did it soon as the election was rigged and it was considered over. I don't know if it's ever going to end, if you look at what's going on, because more and more facts are coming out, like the FBI with Facebook the other day can you believe but you know what? Read everything Donald Trump said at his first rally after Mar-a-Lago raid

Young guys come up, beautiful, staffers, there a lot of them here right now and here all over the place. That just came up to me. You won Pennsylvania by a lot, sir. That's right. You're right about that. I think at nine o'clock in the evening, we went 950,000 votes up with 73 percent of the vote cast. All of a sudden, around 3:02 or something, the equipment closed down. It all closed down. And then you had that massive spike. Remember the spike that went to heaven and came back? It should have gone to hell and come back.

And all of a sudden we were tied and then all of a sudden, we lost by a whisper. A rigged election. But the people would come upm some of them are here, "Sir, sir. It's such an honor to meet you, sir. Sir. Can I ask you a question? You know, what is it? What do you think about Russia?"

No, not really, but I know probably less than you know. But I have a lot of common sense and I know how to defend our country and I'll end up being friendly with them and will do just fine.

But what the FBI did was corruption and election interference on a scale that we have never seen before in our country. According to pollsters, it made a 10 to 20 point difference, not even including all of the other totally determinative evidence of illegality that was found having to do with the 2020 presidential election scam, including ballot stuffing and not adhering to the laws, rules and regulations of state legislatures, which is totally illegal. They just did whatever they wanted to do. And frankly, Republicans locally that ran things in a lot of states—should be ashamed of themselves.

Should be ashamed of yourself. And a guy like Mitch McConnell, who allowed this stuff to happen, should be ashamed. You should be ashamed. The 2020 election was rigged, and now our country is being destroyed by people who got into office through cheating and through fraud.

Now watch, the cameras will all turn off as soon as I say that because they're not allowed to put the cameras. They'll all turn off. They don't want to hear that. They don't want to hear that. You know why? DJT220904-Wilkes-Barre

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We apologize
Apparently we misunderstood when you are flying your F*ck Joe Biden flags and calling us communist groomer baby killers
That you so desperately wanted unity

We really don't want any unity. Trump tried that and this is the response he got.


Are you going to deny that your party is the party of baby killers? Are you going to deny the Democrat agenda is nearly identical to the Communists?
Accusing half of the Country of being a "threat to democracy" is dangerous rhetoric. Accusing the FBI of political interference is common these days.
You didn't think he could win in 2016.
I did not. I was sure people would come to their senses. I was wrong. Now they know after paying dearly for it. 85M people voted against Donald Trump and since then he contributed to overturning Roe (losing many) created a riot (losing many) and refused to stop saying the election was stolen (losing more). He has only lost support since the day he was elected. Prove me wrong.
I did not. I was sure people would come to their senses. I was wrong. Now they know after paying dearly for it. 85M people voted against Donald Trump and since then he contributed to overturning Roe (losing many) created a riot (losing many) and refused to stop saying the election was stolen (losing more). He has only lost support since the day he was elected. Prove me wrong.
Did you notice how well fundraising for 2024 is going for Trump?
Trump is a businessman like any other. Like many of his success he spent a lifetime of getting audited by the IRS. You don't get business deals by screwing everybody because word gets around fast.

Trump sacrificed a world where nearly everybody loved him on the left and right, knowing he'd become an enemy of the left by winning the presidential race for the Republicans. He's the only President of our time that decided to do the job and donate all his presidential pay to various charities and causes. He's a guy that flies around on his private jet liner, been with the most beautiful women of the world, to having the FBI raid his wife's panty drawer and followed around by the SS wherever he goes.

Donald Trump truly loves this country because moving to the White House was a step down from the luxury life he was used to. In spite of the deep state and constant hounding almost two years since he left office, he's willing to do it again for our country.

Those who opened their minds would see that. It took a lot for a man with his New York Street personality to convince voters. And the agendas were what most Americans need whether they think so or not or whether they want it or not.
Did you notice how well fundraising for 2024 is going for Trump?
Reflects depth of loyalty not breadth of support. That’s why you guys confuse rally size, yard signs and boat rallies as a mandate. It’s a small group of ever loyal marks, stooges and useful idiots. Not a breadth of support.
Trump is a businessman like any other. Like many of his success he spent a lifetime of getting audited by the IRS. You don't get business deals by screwing everybody because word gets around fast.

Trump sacrificed a world where nearly everybody loved him on the left and right, knowing he'd become an enemy of the left by winning the presidential race for the Republicans. He's the only President of our time that decided to do the job and donate all his presidential pay to various charities and causes. He's a guy that flies around on his private jet liner, been with the most beautiful women of the world, to having the FBI raid his wife's panty drawer and followed around by the SS wherever he goes.

Donald Trump truly loves this country because moving to the White House was a step down from the luxury life he was used to. In spite of the deep state and constant hounding almost two years since he left office, he's willing to do it again for our country.

That is the funniest shit I’ve read on here my friend. I love it. You keep doing you. I’m sure it will all work out.
Those who opened their minds would see that. It took a lot for a man with his New York Street personality to convince voters. And the agendas were what most Americans need whether they think so or not or whether they want it or not.

It's a shame we allow everybody to vote in this country otherwise we would have much better leadership. Our founders were brilliant people when they considered it.

It goes back to the Reagan question: Are we better off today than we were four years ago? Only a complete moron would say we're better off today, and there are a lot of them.
It's a shame we allow everybody to vote in this country otherwise we would have much better leadership. Our founders were brilliant people when they considered it.

It goes back to the Reagan question: Are we better off today than we were four years ago? Only a complete moron would say we're better off today, and there are a lot of them.
Are we better off today than we were when Trump left? Fuck yea.
I did not. I was sure people would come to their senses. I was wrong. Now they know after paying dearly for it. 85M people voted against Donald Trump and since then he contributed to overturning Roe (losing many) created a riot (losing many) and refused to stop saying the election was stolen (losing more). He has only lost support since the day he was elected. Prove me wrong.
Men and women who have been bums their entire lives not producing much in wages and taxes is not healthy in voting.

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