Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won

Beijing Biden cheated. Election fraud.


That never gets old!
Nope. I just said abortions are not constitutionally protected which has nothing to do with religion or MAGA.
NFBW; I engaged in response to your religion driven hate speech this past Monday.
Ray_From_Cleveland220905-#764 “Are you going to deny that your party is the party of baby killers?”​
As far as abortion goes, it's none of my business what a person does.

The false idea that a human being, or a bsby, or a child is created at fertilization is a politicized idea that comes from MAGA hard right. white Christian religion.

Your point about the lack of Constitutional validity coming from a political hack such as yourself Ray From Cleveland who approves “baby killing” because it’s none of your business, then turns around spewing hate speech that Dems are the only party of Baby killers because you vote Republican which has the religious faction and core of loyal MAGA voters who consider that abortion at any stage from fertilized egg on is killing a unique new baby ttat is created by God.

Ray_from_Cleveland220907-#797 “The Dobbs ruling simply stated there was no constitutional protection for abortions, and I totally agree with that.”

The Dobbs ruling came from rightwing activists judges on religion issues. Five of the six are Catholics. Catholics are taught that life begins at conception because God has a plan for every unique new special human being because God seeks a personal relationship with him or her.

That “created by God” status is the only means to establish full civil rights (personhood) for a one cell fertilized egg that has no brain and no heart and no lungs and no stomach and no consciousness which means terminating a pregnancy is a sin against God and murder as if the one-celled fertilized egg the size of this dot . were equal in rights to a thirty trillion cell highly complex viable hunan being.

Dobbs gives states rights to coerce by government force all pregnancies to go to full term because ttat is what the Roman Catholic Church Demands if it’s citizens.

I am an American citizen not a Vatican citizen - What are you Ray From Cleveland ??? END2209070347
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To be honest I could care less about the abortion issue religious or otherwise.
You should. There is no REPUBLICAN Party that can win a Federal election ever again if The religious glue of opposing “babiy killers” is finished because that religious political platform does not have a majority of voters. Trump’s selection of three Federalist Society Catholics that acquired power to destruct a woman’s right to choose what happens in her body in private and with no government intrusion END2209070455
I'm glad to hear that election fraud discussion never gets old, since it will be discussed in every election from 2020 on. People will NEVER stop talking about this. That's what happens when you cheat.


Like Birtherism and Trutherism. I love making fun of idiots.

First of all his father wasn't even worth 435 million.

As far as I heard the parents of Donald Trump gave about 1 billion to their children. And I heard his father and he not payed taxes which had been adequate to their money.
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Trump is a businessman like any other. ...

Perhaps I am wrong - but I think to harvest the money from tenants in New York is one of the most easy jobs in the whole world. Specially during the last hundred years. I would not compare Donald Trump with a real great businessman like Henry Ford for example (who made the production of cars cheap enough so everyone was able to buy a car).
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Perhaps I am wrong - but I think to harvest the money from tenants in New York is one of the most easy jobs in the whole world. Specially during the last hundred years. I would not compare Donald Trump with a real great businessman like Henry Ford for example (who made the production of cars cheap enough so everyone was able to buy a car).

Donald Trump owned or operated over 500 businesses in his career including a hit television series. Yes, I would call that a businessman.
As far as I heard the parents of Donald Trump gave about 1 billion to their children. And I heard his father and he not payed taxes which had been adequate to their money.

You're hearing wrong. I posted a Politiafact link on it. If you don't have time to scroll back or search it, I'll post it again if you'd like.
I'm glad to hear that election fraud discussion never gets old, since it will be discussed in every election from 2020 on. People will NEVER stop talking about this. That's what happens when you cheat.

Look at this completely failed administration. 1/6 is all they really have. They can't run on their accomplishments, that's for sure.
You should. There is no REPUBLICAN Party that can win a Federal election ever again if The religious glue of opposing “babiy killers” is finished because that religious political platform does not have a majority of voters. Trump’s selection of three Federalist Society Catholics that acquired power to destruct a woman’s right to choose what happens in her body in private and with no government intrusion END2209070455

If you have to use lies for a debate, you already lost the argument.

The judges simply did the right thing. They ruled there is no constitutional protection for abortion. Unless you can prove them wrong, then you're beating a dead horse with your lies.
NFBW; I engaged in response to your religion driven hate speech this past Monday.
Ray_From_Cleveland220905-#764 “Are you going to deny that your party is the party of baby killers?”​

The false idea that a human being, or a bsby, or a child is created at fertilization is a politicized idea that comes from MAGA hard right. white Christian religion.

Your point about the lack of Constitutional validity coming from a political hack such as yourself Ray From Cleveland who approves “baby killing” because it’s none of your business, then turns around spewing hate speech that Dems are the only party of Baby killers because you vote Republican which has the religious faction and core of loyal MAGA voters who consider that abortion at any stage from fertilized egg on is killing a unique new baby ttat is created by God.

Ray_from_Cleveland220907-#797 “The Dobbs ruling simply stated there was no constitutional protection for abortions, and I totally agree with that.”

The Dobbs ruling came from rightwing activists judges on religion issues. Five of the six are Catholics. Catholics are taught that life begins at conception because God has a plan for every unique new special human being because God seeks a personal relationship with him or her.

That “created by God” status is the only means to establish full civil rights (personhood) for a one cell fertilized egg that has no brain and no heart and no lungs and no stomach and no consciousness which means terminating a pregnancy is a sin against God and murder as if the one-celled fertilized egg the size of this dot . were equal in rights to a thirty trillion cell highly complex viable hunan being.

Dobbs gives states rights to coerce by government force all pregnancies to go to full term because ttat is what the Roman Catholic Church Demands if it’s citizens.

I am an American citizen not a Vatican citizen - What are you Ray From Cleveland ??? END2209070347

Show me any evidence that the judges ruled based on their personal religious beliefs. It had nothing to do with religion, it had to do with what is written in the Constitution.
Look at this completely failed administration. 1/6 is all they really have. They can't run on their accomplishments, that's for sure.


Completely failed, huh? That doesn't speak well for Trump then given an average of job approval polls shows Biden has a higher approval than Trump had at this same point in his presidency.
The judges simply did the right thing. They ruled there is no constitutional protection for abortion
NFBW: That’s right. The Constitution recognizes birth as the beginning of human life. The five Catholic judges have religious upbringing that ingrained in their spiritual, civic legal and moral minds that life begins (a human being is created by God) in a one cell human egg that is fertilized by at least one male sperm cell. ONE Fucking CELL gets the same fucking personhood rights as a thirty trillion cell human being. That is absurd from a scientific and legal perspective but not as a religious belief.

It’s so absurd the five Catholic judges cannot rule personhood starts in cell or prior to viability outside the womb after 28 weeks., so they did it the cowardly way by kicking it back to white fanatic Christian legislators in states where enough white Christian religious fanatics show up to vote to give a one cell tissue with no brain no heart no lungs the right to 100 percent life protection by casting the pregnant woman aside. Her reproductive organs belong to the white MAGA Christians in red states by banning a legal procedure.

Without religious power assigning personhood to one cell fertilized eggs inside a womans body Roe v Wade is not overturned.

Most Americans do not see one cell being equal to their thirty trillion cells and the brain to contemplate the issue. Even if you are not religious but When you endorse the absurdity that religious Republican want done because you need their millions of votes - you Ray From Cleveland are shoving religion down every American’s throat in violation of the Constitution, END2209071357
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I don't know if they called DumBama. Do you think I was there? What we do know is what Dementia stated, that the prosecutor was fired before he left the country.

Ukraine needed to attract foreign investment and they couldn't because Shokin was so corrupt.
NFBW: That’s right. The Constitution recognizes birth as the beginning of human life. The five Catholic judges have religious upbringing that ingrained in their spiritual, civic legal and moral minds that life begins (a human being is created by God) in a one cell human egg that is fertilized by at least one male sperm cell. ONE Fucking CELL gets the same fucking personhood rights as a thirty trillion cell human being. That is absurd from a scientific and legal perspective but not as a religious belief.

It’s so absurd the five Catholic judges cannot rule personhood starts in cell or prior to viability outside the womb after 28 weeks., so they did it the cowardly way by kicking it back to white fanatic Christian legislators in states where enough white Christian religious fanatics show up to vote to give a one cell tissue with no brain no heart no lungs the right to 100 percent life protection by casting the pregnant woman aside. Her reproductive organs belong to the white MAGA Christians in red states by banning a legal procedure.

Without religious power assigning personhood to one cell fertilized eggs inside a womans body Roe v Wade is not overturned.

Most Americans do not see one cell being equal to their thirty trillion cells and the brain to contemplate the issue. Even if you are not religious but When you endorse the absurdity that religious Republican want done because you need their millions of votes - you Ray From Cleveland are shoving religion down every American’s thrust in violation of the Constitution, END2209071357

What does the constitution say about the fetus?
The judges simply did the right thing. They ruled there is no constitutional protection for abortion.

NFBW: They could have ruled the truth , Ray! There is no constitutional objections or restrictions against the medical procedure of abortion and a woman’s right to choose having one
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The judges simply did the right thing. They ruled there is no constitutional protection for abortion. Unless you can prove them wrong, then you're beating a dead horse with your lies.
Where in the Constitution did the five Catholic Judges, three from Trump, find “personhood” for a one cell fertilized egg; inside a Fallopian tube, in a thirty trillion cell human being’s body?

Why did they decide religious majorities in each state can take away the natural right to control what goes on inside her own body when no other ”person” is harmed, because she lives in a white authoritarian Christian ruled state?

WTF Ray? The Catholic judges didn’t rule on a Constitutional basis -They ruled to satisfy the religious Americans they agree with on personhood of a brainless zygote. END2209071445
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