Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won

Yes, in our system of justice it does go by what you say--not by what somebody else thinks. And in that transcript, nowhere will you find Trump threatening Zelenskyy.
It was a request. Stop changing what actually was said, and the meaning of someone requesting information on one's opponent during a election.



This is dangerous rhetoric.

View attachment 688838

Understand something.

Before the FBI raid I would have probably agreed with you. I would have probably said, yeah, fair or not fair, his time has past. As I have said many times, before the raid, I was supporting DeSantis for '24. You can search my posts and see it's true.

But now after the raid AND this Der Fuhrer act last night, I'm MAGA all the way. On principle. Your Demented Basement Dummy has pushed me and legions like me right into the arms of the MAGA crowd.

Well done.

Your man fails over and over.
Understand something.

Before the FBI raid I would have probably agreed with you. I would have probably said, yeah, fair or not fair, his time has past. As I have said many times, before the raid, I was supporting DeSantis for '24. You can search my posts and see it's true.

But now after the raid AND this Der Fuhrer act last night, I'm MAGA all the way. On principle. Your Demented Basement Dummy has pushed me and legions like me right into the arms of the MAGA crowd.

Well done.

Your man fails over and over.
The “raid” produced 100 confidential documents after Trumps attorneys swore there were none.

Biden’s speech called out anti democratic rhetoric.

If either of those bother you then you’re the problem not Biden.
You are a stupid German. That is on you.

Good that you do not underestimate my stupidity. But perhaps you should also ask yourselve how good you speak German and not how bad I speak English if you like to say something about Germany.

PS: Did you ever try to think about why 99% of all Germans - maybe more - never agreed with Donald Trump in anything what he said - although he also has German ancestors?
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Wow, truth is not many were excited about Biden, think most who voted for him just wanted all the insane drama to end.
a screaming crisis Every day was not good for our nation.
Seems wrong to hate your fellow American Only because they belong to a different political party.
And supporting violence as a solution not really a good idea.
Wow, truth is not many were excited about Biden, think most who voted for him just wanted all the insane drama to end.
a screaming crisis Every day was not good for our nation.
Seems wrong to hate your fellow American Only because they belong to a different political party.
And supporting violence as a solution not really a good idea.
One day the rubes are screaming that not even Democrats like Biden.

The next day the rubes are saying that Biden is Hitler and Democrats are Nazis.

Their thought processes are as disordered as those of the man-child they adore.
Understand something.

Before the FBI raid I would have probably agreed with you. I would have probably said, yeah, fair or not fair, his time has past. As I have said many times, before the raid, I was supporting DeSantis for '24. You can search my posts and see it's true.

But now after the raid AND this Der Fuhrer act last night, I'm MAGA all the way. On principle. Your Demented Basement Dummy has pushed me and legions like me right into the arms of the MAGA crowd.

Well done.

Your man fails over and over.

Fortunately for America, you're a minority. Trump lost the lead he had in head-to-head polls against Biden since the raid.
Good that you do not underestimate my stupidity. But perhaps you should also ask yourselve how good you speak German and not how bad I speak English if you like to say something about Germany.

PS: Did you ever try to think about why 99% of all Germans - maybe more - never agreed with Donald Trump in anything what he said - although he also has German ancestors?

No, I never wondered at all. Hitler was born in Austria but you sure listened to him.
Understand something.

Before the FBI raid I would have probably agreed with you. I would have probably said, yeah, fair or not fair, his time has past. As I have said many times, before the raid, I was supporting DeSantis for '24. You can search my posts and see it's true.

But now after the raid AND this Der Fuhrer act last night, I'm MAGA all the way. On principle. Your Demented Basement Dummy has pushed me and legions like me right into the arms of the MAGA crowd.

Well done.

Your man fails over and over.

My niece and nephew just paid off their college loans about two years ago. They struggled but got it done. I don't know how they vote as neither of them are really heavy into politics like their Uncle Ray, but I can certainly predict how they will vote the next couple of elections if Dementia gets this debt forgiveness through.

Republicans seething with rage
MAGA Republicans are seething with rage because Biden hit his target

Republicans are in a rage over President Biden’s speech in Philadelphia, in which he flatly declared that the American democratic experiment is in serious danger due to Donald Trump and the Republicans who remain allied with his political project.
So here’s a question for those Republicans: What exactly in Biden’s speech was wrong?

Many objections have been general: Republicans say his speech disparaged millions, that it was angry, or divisive, or political, or hateful, or depicted Republicans as the enemy.
In coming days, these Republicans will retreat into right-wing media safe spaces to fulminate without facing cross-examination. But when they venture into mainstream forums, they should be pressed on specifics.

Let’s take Biden’s most fundamental claim about the MAGA-fied GOP and democracy:

Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.
Biden elaborated:
MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election.
Some Republicans insist they do respect the Constitution and the rule of law. But Biden carefully distinguished between MAGA and non-MAGA Republicans, casting only the former in these terms.
The category of “MAGA Republicans” is vague. But we can certainly say a whole lot of them — including members of Congress — were largely supportive of Trump’s effort as president to overturn his election loss.
That MAGA coup attempt included extraordinarily corrupt pressure on many government actors, including law enforcement, which flouted the rule of law on its face. It involved pressure on Vice President Mike Pence to violate his constitutional duty. Pence himself said he was being asked to betray basic tenets of constitutional democracy.

Many Republicans who are now professing outrage supported all that. A review of their own conduct proves Biden right.

Biden also said this:
They look at the mob that stormed the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, brutally attacking law enforcement, not as insurrectionists who placed a dagger at the throat of our democracy, but they look at them as patriots.
Biden went on to accuse “MAGA forces” of fanning “political violence.”
Republicans sometimes say those who committed violent crimes should be prosecuted. That may be sincere in some cases, but again, what Biden said just does apply to Trump and the GOP’s MAGA wing.
This week, Trump strongly suggested that if elected again, he would pardon untold numbers who violently attacked the U.S. Capitol to prevent a legitimately elected government from taking power. Trump also said he would issue a government apology, meaning the Jan. 6 defendants are persecuted victims. This drew not a peep from most elected Republicans.

Meanwhile, other MAGA Republicans actually have called the Jan. 6 defendants “political prisoners” or have otherwise described the rioters as patriots. Many continue to hand-wave away or actively cover up Trump’s own role in inciting that violence, implying it was perhaps excessive but motivated by an underlying just cause.

Here’s more from Biden on MAGA:
They’re working right now as I speak in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.
He amplified:
And they see their MAGA failure to stop a peaceful transfer of power after the 2020 election as preparation for the 2022 and 2024 elections.
Which part of this do Republicans deny?
Right now, dozens of Republicans are seeking positions of control over election machinery, with Trump’s active support, while campaigning explicitly on their refusal to acknowledge that Biden was legitimately elected president. All of that represents a threat to use the power of their offices to treat future Democratic election wins as subject to nullification.

And so, the openly declared intentions of Trump and those MAGA Republicans show that they undeniably do pose a threat to our democratic system at a bedrock level.
Does that mean the system couldn’t recover if all Jan. 6 defendants walked or if Trump (or an imitator) and his allies illicitly overturn a future presidential election?
Not necessarily. But their actions are plainly a threat to our foundational democratic bargain, in which electoral losses are accepted as binding and the losers live to fight another day, and a hard line is drawn at political violence.

On that latter score, in fact, some scholars of political breakdown fear that the MAGA takeover of large swaths of the GOP really does portend future political violence and instability. Not civil war, necessarily, but higher levels of violence directed at influencing or contesting political outcomes.

And so, at a fundamental level, Biden’s core claim — that Trump and the swaths of the GOP allied with him pose a foundational threat — is absolutely reasonable.
Here’s the most basic point of all. Despite screams that Biden’s speech was dictatorial and cast MAGA as the enemy, he said this:
There are far more Americans, far more Americans from every background and belief, who reject the extreme MAGA ideology than those that accept it. And folks, it’s within our power, it’s in our hands, yours and mine, to stop the assault on American democracy.
That’s a call for Americans to defeat Trump and MAGA in a manner that is peaceful and democratic. Biden is saying that an anti-MAGA majority exists in this country that can and must mobilize to stabilize our system.
And the idea that this majority is out there and exists for the rousing — well, that’s what enrages Republicans most of all.

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