Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won

Sure, you know of nothing.

Gun law

Infrastructure law

Build Back Better law

Student debt relief

Clips & Science law

Just to name a few

How do all of those things help ALL Americans?

And what the fuck does "Passing urging violent overthrow of an election" mean? Why are you running away from that idiotic statement?
That’s because it’s not evidence of anything.
It is evidence of late night ballot drops that went for Biden with impossible percentages. It is graphs that show ridiculous spikes for Biden in 4 of the swing states. It shows a ridiculous turnout percentages in Democratic shitholes. It also highlights the stonewalling and no cooperation or transparency from election officials.

There is far too many anomalies to realistically explain. You believe the impossible happened. That makes you a dummy or just a selfish prick that thinks he is on the winning side.
It is evidence of late night ballot drops that went for Biden with impossible percentages. It is graphs that show ridiculous spikes for Biden in 4 of the swing states. It shows a ridiculous turnout percentages in Democratic shitholes. It also highlights the stonewalling and no cooperation or transparency from election officials.

There is far too many anomalies to realistically explain. You believe the impossible happened. That makes you a dummy or just a selfish prick that thinks he is on the winning side.

I don't think the Roe decision has moved people toward Biden. I think what it did was make those who were already his supporters more vocal...
Polls say differently. Just a guess but republican women who want to be more than breeding animals have slid over.
Imagine the outrage on the left if in 2016 something similar happened with Don Jr. You have to admit, lefties would be outraged. I mean look how pissed they were over the made up hoax known as Russiagate.

Yet another thing you duopoly types have in common.

Fox News's Tucker Carlson mocked for 'lost in mail' Biden documents claim​

This article is more than 1 year old
UPS has now confirmed that a package sent by Fox News was lost, but has since been found
Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson’s show has been one of the main conduits of conspiracy theories about Joe Biden’s son Hunter. Photograph: Richard Drew/AP

The Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been mocked for his attempt to explain why he could not produce documents he had promised relating to Joe Biden, implying some kind of conspiracy.
On Thursday United Parcel Service (UPS) confirmed that it had indeed lost, and then found, the package in question.

Carlson said the only copy of the papers, which he alleged added to claims about Biden’s son Hunter, had been lost. In a segment delivered to camera, Carlson said.

Only very special kind of morons believe this shit. If there is really something, please bring it on...

How do they not?

Well, for starters, forgiving federal student loans doesn't help me, or anyone I know, an iota.

Now, coward, what the fuck does "Passing urging violent overthrow of an election" mean?" Exactly what are you saying Biden accomplished with that?
Post the meaning of "rabid duopoly believer" in this comment.

I suspect you are echoing something that you don't understand.
A rabid duopoly believer is you. Just look in the mirror. Anyone who supports the Ds or Rs unquestionably, is a rabid duopoly believer.

Do I need to define Duopoly for you too?
You are German.


Do you realize your government only lets you hear what they want you to?

No. I realize that you have not any idea about Germany. Did anyone ever listen to anything what anyone in our governments said without to fall into a deep sleep and to awake on a strange fairy tale planet?

The fraud was obvious and the reaction of the media and politicians, judges and bureaucrats showed nothing but guilt. Trump was censored and some press was intimidated into not even saying the word.

You need to look at your own history to see what is going on.

Exactly because I know the German history from my special point of view I have to say: "'Hang Trump' - before he will hang you!"

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