Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won

I don’t think he can win under any circumstance but I think your post is entirely sensible.

Oh, I believe that Trump could easily win if his opponent is Biden, who has proven, at his very best, to be incredibly inept...
Oh, I believe that Trump could easily win if his opponent is Biden, who has proven, at his very best, to be incredibly inept...
Inept at what?

Passing legislation?

Not asking Ukraine for favors?

Passing on urging a violent overthrow of an election?
Oh, I believe that Trump could easily win if his opponent is Biden, who has proven, at his very best, to be incredibly inept...
He beat incumbent Trump and since then the Roe decision has moved even more people toward Biden and Trump has become even more controversial if that was even possible. I don’t expect Biden will run but if he does I’d bet on his corpse.
Wow, that’s a grievance list not a political argument.

BTW fascism is on the right of the political spectrum.

I'm sure you believe that. It's how brainwashing works. Just repeat what you are told to say without even thinking about it. Say it enough times and some people will believe it.
Inept at what?


Passing legislation?

What has he gotten passed thus far during his tenure which of of a true, tangible benefit to ALL Americans?

Not asking Ukraine for favors?

They're a little busy fighting a war at the moment. Besides, he's far too comfortable appeasing China...

Passing urging violent overthrow of an election?

Um, what?

That doesn't even make sense...
He beat incumbent Trump and since then the Roe decision has moved even more people toward Biden and Trump has become even more controversial if that was even possible. I don’t expect Biden will run but if he does I’d bet on his corpse.

I don't think the Roe decision has moved people toward Biden. I think what it did was make those who were already his supporters more vocal...
I'm sure you believe that. It's how brainwashing works. Just repeat what you are told to say without even thinking about it. Say it enough times and some people will believe it.
Sorry ray, but you can’t change the political spectrum.

Say didn’t the former 1-term president want a giant military parade in DC?
I'm sure you believe that. It's how brainwashing works. Just repeat what you are told to say without even thinking about it. Say it enough times and some people will believe it.

RAY RAY!!!!! :hhello:

how ya doin', man? how'z it feel seeing yer chosen one getting backed into a corner with no place to go 'cept to prison?


What has he gotten passed thus far during his tenure which of of a true, tangible benefit to ALL Americans?

They're a little busy fighting a war at the moment. Besides, he's far too comfortable appeasing China...

Um, what?

That doesn't even make sense...
I’d pay attention more to the news if I were you.
I'm a German. I personally do not understand how it had been possible that Donald Trump got more than one vote. I guess our worst problem was and is that we think much too positively about the USA.

Okay. You demonstrate with this words that your have absolutelly not any idea what you try to speak about.

What a nonsense. Not any of the weird accusations of Donald Trump was able to be taken serios from the judges of the USA. Nothing - absolutelly nothing - gives any concrete reference to anything what someone could call "systemic fraud". On the other side it's totally clear that Donald Trump tried to overtake the USA illegally and to install a new political system there ala "kingdom USA". And this automatically a real republican party would make to his enemy. So it makes a lot of sense for him to destroy the republocan party and to overtake the USA the same time. Keeps the question: Who is the Borg Queen in the background? Putin? Xi-Jinping? Saudi-Arabia? ... Who else? ... ¿Trump on his own? - I fear never anyone else existed in history who destroyed the USA so fast and so consequent as it did do Donald Trump.

You are German. Do you realize your government only lets you hear what they want you to? The fraud was obvious and the reaction of the media and politicians, judges and bureaucrats showed nothing but guilt. Trump was censored and some press was intimidated into not even saying the word.

You need to look at your own history to see what is going on.
You are German. Do you realize your government only lets you hear what they want you to? The fraud was obvious and the reaction of the media and politicians, judges and bureaucrats showed nothing but guilt. Trump was censored and some press was intimidated into not even saying the word.

You need to look at your own history to see what is going on.
Stop the Squeal!

Stop the Squeal!!
Okay, so you're unable to answer my question.

Got it.
I guess I shouldn't be too shocked, considering that's coming from someone who, when asked what Biden has accomplished, came up with "Passing urging violent overthrow of an election" as if that, somehow, made sense...
Sure, you know of nothing.

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