Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won

As for Dementia, during the phone call with Zelenkyy he was running for the Communist party nomination. He wasn't even Trump's rival yet, so the entire thing was a complete lie like always with the left.
Geez Ray, you're missing a great deal of the details...

In early match up polling of the proposed candidates, before Joe Biden even declared a run, Joe Biden beat Trump for president in the polling....!!

This sent trump in to a whirl wind of madness!

He sent his CAMPAIGN lawyer, Giuliani to the Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden's son, hoping to smear Biden.

Your claim that this Ukraine extortion of Zelensky had nothing to do with finding or creating dirt on Biden so to hurt him politically is laughable.....

Giuliani was sent there silly one, who is his private campaign lawyer, not the DOJs international unit to address fraud or illegalities of Americans overseas.

It was not just the phone call with Zelensky for goodness sake! How can You NOt know this....? Where have you been?

Trump illegally held back, congressionally passed military aid for the Ukraine to defend against the Russian aggression, killing Ukrainians daily, until President Zelensky would go to CNN International and claim his administration has reopened a case in to Hunter Biden illegalities...whether they did or not, he just wanted Zelensky to say he was starting the investigation, then Trump would handle the rest thru his lies...:rolleyes:

He used Giuliani to do all of this ahead of the phone call, using our state dept diplomats, paid by us tax payers.... Sheesh Ray, you actually think that is A OK?
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Geez Ray, you're missing a great deal of the details...

In early match up polling of the proposed candidates, before Joe Biden even declared a run, Joe Biden beat Trump for president in the polling....!!

This sent trump in to a whirl wind of madness!

He sent his CAMPAIGN lawyer, Giuliani to the Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden's son, hoping to smear Biden.

Your claim that this Ukraine extortion of Zelensky had nothing to do with finding or creating dirt on Biden so to hurt him politically is laughable.....

Giuliani was sent there silly one, who is his private campaign lawyer, not the DOJs international unit to address fraud or illegalities of Americans overseas.

It was not just the phone call with Zelensky for goodness sake! How can You NOt know this....? Where have you been?

Trump illegally held back, congressionally passed military aid for the Ukraine to defend against the Russian aggression, killing Ukrainians daily, until President Zelensky would go to CNN International and claim his administration has reopened a case in to Hunter Biden illegalities...whether they did or not, he just wanted Zelensky to say he was starting the investigation, then Trump would handle the rest thru his lies...:rolleyes:

He used Giuliani to do all of this ahead of the phone call, using our state dept diplomats, paid by us tax payers.... Sheesh Ray, you actually think that is A OK?

Pure bullshit. Trump sent 80% of the aid and held back 20%. It was all delivered before the expiration date.

And there you go, another Thought Police leftist. Like you and the commies in Congress could read Trump's mind why Trump asked Zelenskyy to look into the crooked deals of the Biden family.

The only person to use Russian information against a political opponent was Hillary along with DNC money. The only one to use a quid pro quo was Dementia. America is getting sick of these two tier justice systems which is why polls show most don't trust the LEFT-BI any longer.

Impeachment is for high crimes, misdemeanors and treason, none of which Trump ever did during both phony impeachments. And no, asking another political leader for a FAVOR does not fit any of those categories. But since the commies set the new standard, I don''t want to hear any of you on the left bitch when we impeach Dementia a couple of times for bullshit reasons. You started this war, you're going to have to accept the casualties of it.

No. I realize that you have not any idea about Germany. Did anyone ever listen to anything what anyone in our governments said without to fall into a deep sleep and to awake on a strange fairy tale planet?

Exactly because I know the German history from my special point of view I have to say: "'Hang Trump' - before he will hang you!"
You are a stupid German. That is on you.
Pure bullshit. Trump sent 80% of the aid and held back 20%. It was all delivered before the expiration date.

And there you go, another Thought Police leftist. Like you and the commies in Congress could read Trump's mind why Trump asked Zelenskyy to look into the crooked deals of the Biden family.

The only person to use Russian information against a political opponent was Hillary along with DNC money. The only one to use a quid pro quo was Dementia. America is getting sick of these two tier justice systems which is why polls show most don't trust the LEFT-BI any longer.

Impeachment is for high crimes, misdemeanors and treason, none of which Trump ever did during both phony impeachments. And no, asking another political leader for a FAVOR does not fit any of those categories. But since the commies set the new standard, I don''t want to hear any of you on the left bitch when we impeach Dementia a couple of times for bullshit reasons. You started this war, you're going to have to accept the casualties of it.
So, it's your assertion that the former 1-term president while withholding the Javelin missiles didn't ask for a favor? Didn't push rudy one them?

And that you still suffer from Clinton Derangement Syndrome.
So, it's your assertion that the former 1-term president while withholding the Javelin missiles didn't ask for a favor? Didn't push rudy one them?

And that you still suffer from Clinton Derangement Syndrome.

Yes, he did ask for a favor. That's the point. Asking a leader of another country for a favor is not an impeachable offense. It's not a misdemeanor, it's not treason, and it's not a crime yet alone a high crime.

That's besides the fact it had nothing to do with withholding anything. The commies had to stop Zelenskyy from telling Trump anything. If they really thought he'd withhold aid, why didn't they wait until he actually did it and allow it to expire? Because they had to act fast to stop Zelenskyy from talking.
Yes, he did ask for a favor. That's the point. Asking a leader of another country for a favor is not an impeachable offense. It's not a misdemeanor, it's not treason, and it's not a crime yet alone a high crime.

That's besides the fact it had nothing to do with withholding anything. The commies had to stop Zelenskyy from telling Trump anything. If they really thought he'd withhold aid, why didn't they wait until he actually did it and allow it to expire? Because they had to act fast to stop Zelenskyy from talking.
Yes, asking a foreign nation to provide you personal material value in a domestic election is against the law.

The Javelin missiles were being held by the WH as hostage to the request for a personal election favor for the former 1-term president.

Try to deal in facts ray.
Yes, he did ask for a favor. That's the point. Asking a leader of another country for a favor is not an impeachable offense. It's not a misdemeanor, it's not treason, and it's not a crime yet alone a high crime.

That's besides the fact it had nothing to do with withholding anything. The commies had to stop Zelenskyy from telling Trump anything. If they really thought he'd withhold aid, why didn't they wait until he actually did it and allow it to expire? Because they had to act fast to stop Zelenskyy from talking.

It is when that favor is a violation of the law.

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or​

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.​
Yes, asking a foreign nation to provide you personal material value in a domestic election is against the law.

The Javelin missiles were being held by the WH as hostage to the request for a personal election favor for the former 1-term president.

Try to deal in facts ray.

The transcript of the phone call is all over the internet. Show me where Trump said Zelenskyy better give him what he wanted or he'll stop aid. Paragraph and sentence please.
The transcript of the phone call is all over the internet. Show me where Trump said Zelenskyy better give him what he wanted or he'll stop aid. Paragraph and sentence please.
The Javelin missiles were already being held up. The former 1-term president asked for a favor which made the aid contingent on that. He was pushing rudy on them to help with the favor request.

ray stop being an idiot sycophant.
The transcript of the phone call is all over the internet. Show me where Trump said Zelenskyy better give him what he wanted or he'll stop aid. Paragraph and sentence please.

Even if Trump didn't hold up the Javelins in exchange for that favor, which he did, it's still a crime to solicit a foreign national to provide something of value to a campaign for public office.
The Javelin missiles were already being held up. The former 1-term president asked for a favor which made the aid contingent on that. He was pushing rudy on them to help with the favor request.

ray stop being an idiot sycophant.

And stop thinking you can read minds. I know the leftist Holy Bible is the book 1984, but were not there yet and there is no such thing as Thought Police.
And stop thinking you can read minds. I know the leftist Holy Bible is the book 1984, but were not there yet and there is no such thing as Thought Police.
Your post is not germane to the discussion and therefore is seen as a white flag. You can now remove your wounded ego from the field and retreat to another discussion.
Let me type slower: Pull up the transcript and show me where Trump demanded cooperation from Zelenskyy to get the rest of his aid. I'm not about to sit through a video of a lying back stabbing deep stater like this guy.
Trump does not DEMAND. You are playing games. That is not how Trump has ever done things.

Even you do know that.

On page 3 of 5. # 4

Delegitimize what was said all you like.
Trump does not DEMAND. You are playing games. That is not how Trump has ever done things.

Even you do know that.

On page 3 of 5. # 4

Delegitimize what was said all you like.

Yes, in our system of justice it does go by what you say--not by what somebody else thinks. And in that transcript, nowhere will you find Trump threatening Zelenskyy.

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