Trump calls on fed to weaken the dollar. Yes, weaken.

Currencies manipulated = bad.
Taxing 70% for rich=good?

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Except that since the wealthy can get themselves paid in stock dividends, they typically only pay the 15% capital gains rate.
The wealthy know all the loopholes and how to use them, so they do not pay much in taxes.

WTF, that's not a loophole, and that same "loophole" is available to everyone.

And they shouldn’t be punished for being successful, or made to fund everyone.

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The more successful you are, the more the system has benefited you.
It is easy to be successful if you have enough capital to work with.
But without starting capital, it is impossible to succeed.

Whoa, slow down on that one, it's not impossible. Many of us started with nothing, worked those minimum wage jobs and dealt with all the political BS. If you feel it's impossible you are guaranteed to not succeed.
Currencies manipulated = bad.
Taxing 70% for rich=good?

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Except that since the wealthy can get themselves paid in stock dividends, they typically only pay the 15% capital gains rate.
The wealthy know all the loopholes and how to use them, so they do not pay much in taxes.

WTF, that's not a loophole, and that same "loophole" is available to everyone.

And they shouldn’t be punished for being successful, or made to fund everyone.

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The more successful you are, the more the system has benefited you.
It is easy to be successful if you have enough capital to work with.
But without starting capital, it is impossible to succeed.

Whoa, slow down on that one, it's not impossible. Many of us started with nothing, worked those minimum wage jobs and dealt with all the political BS. If you feel it's impossible you are guaranteed to not succeed.

Works for some but it will not work for tens of millions. There are not tens of millions of opportunities out there.
WTF, that's not a loophole, and that same "loophole" is available to everyone.

No, that is silly.
You have to be a top exec or on the board of directors to be able to get yourself paid in stock options or dividends instead of a cash salary.
No ordinary worker is allowed to do that.
The only way the IRS will let you do that is if you are an investor in the company, and not just an employee.

So we've gone from stock dividends to stock options?

My intent was to write options originally, but dividends also are only available to the wealthy, who have purchased stock.
So most people can not get their income taxed at the 15% capital gains rates that the wealthy can.

Which is where I jumped in, before you changed your mind, dividends are available to everyone.

Dividends are quite small usually, like 3% or so, so it would have a huge amount of stock in order to support yourself on dividends. So only the very wealthy can do that.

Yep, although 3% is pretty decent considering what banks are paying. Sounds like you're wanting to make a living out of this on day one....doesn't quite work like that.
Except that since the wealthy can get themselves paid in stock dividends, they typically only pay the 15% capital gains rate.
The wealthy know all the loopholes and how to use them, so they do not pay much in taxes.

WTF, that's not a loophole, and that same "loophole" is available to everyone.

And they shouldn’t be punished for being successful, or made to fund everyone.

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The more successful you are, the more the system has benefited you.
It is easy to be successful if you have enough capital to work with.
But without starting capital, it is impossible to succeed.

Whoa, slow down on that one, it's not impossible. Many of us started with nothing, worked those minimum wage jobs and dealt with all the political BS. If you feel it's impossible you are guaranteed to not succeed.

Works for some but it will not work for tens of millions. There are not tens of millions of opportunities out there.

There may not be tens of millions, but there sure are millions.
WTF, that's not a loophole, and that same "loophole" is available to everyone.

And they shouldn’t be punished for being successful, or made to fund everyone.

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The more successful you are, the more the system has benefited you.
It is easy to be successful if you have enough capital to work with.
But without starting capital, it is impossible to succeed.

Whoa, slow down on that one, it's not impossible. Many of us started with nothing, worked those minimum wage jobs and dealt with all the political BS. If you feel it's impossible you are guaranteed to not succeed.

Works for some but it will not work for tens of millions. There are not tens of millions of opportunities out there.

There may not be tens of millions, but there sure are millions.

As a country we have to address the needs of tens of millions.
And they shouldn’t be punished for being successful, or made to fund everyone.

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The more successful you are, the more the system has benefited you.
It is easy to be successful if you have enough capital to work with.
But without starting capital, it is impossible to succeed.

Whoa, slow down on that one, it's not impossible. Many of us started with nothing, worked those minimum wage jobs and dealt with all the political BS. If you feel it's impossible you are guaranteed to not succeed.

Works for some but it will not work for tens of millions. There are not tens of millions of opportunities out there.

There may not be tens of millions, but there sure are millions.

As a country we have to address the needs of tens of millions.

No we don't, because there will always be crybaby's, such as yourself, that want things for free.
Typical knee jerk trump dick sucking worship from you. The man can do no wrong I guess

Someday, he may stop driving you insane. But, until then, he's da man.


Dang man, you've got one seriously bad case of smallism from all that Turmp blowing.

Have the toxic fumes from breathing through hilly’s granny panties, caused you brain damage?

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Brain damage? :icon_rolleyes: You seriously think pointing out how patheticly small and childish Trump and most of his supporters are is indicative of brain damage?

Tell you what internet doctor, take you 2 worthless Trump pennies and shove them up your ass.
Typical knee jerk trump dick sucking worship from you. The man can do no wrong I guess

Someday, he may stop driving you insane. But, until then, he's da man.


Dang man, you've got one seriously bad case of smallism from all that Turmp blowing.

Have the toxic fumes from breathing through hilly’s granny panties, caused you brain damage?

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Brain damage? :icon_rolleyes: You seriously think pointing out how patheticly small and childish Trump and most of his supporters are is indicative of brain damage?

Tell you what internet doctor, take you 2 worthless Trump pennies and shove them up your ass.

As opposed to the [emoji533] up yours? Is this Bernie?

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The more successful you are, the more the system has benefited you.
It is easy to be successful if you have enough capital to work with.
But without starting capital, it is impossible to succeed.

Whoa, slow down on that one, it's not impossible. Many of us started with nothing, worked those minimum wage jobs and dealt with all the political BS. If you feel it's impossible you are guaranteed to not succeed.

Works for some but it will not work for tens of millions. There are not tens of millions of opportunities out there.

There may not be tens of millions, but there sure are millions.

As a country we have to address the needs of tens of millions.

No we don't, because there will always be crybaby's, such as yourself, that want things for free.

I'm not asking anything for myself. I'm past that point. Nothing in it for me. I simply don't live in some make believe land.
your reaction proves your ignorance
proves you haven't a clue what a weak dollar does
it makes American produced products overseas cheaper there for increasing exports increasing jobs here in America
a weaker dollar also makes vacationing in America cheaper there for attracting more tourist
You better start producing a whole lot of crap real quick because the price of imports is going to go up as well.
A weak dollar is going to pinch the working man.
as import prices increase demands for American made increase creating American jobs
but here you are arguing against that happening it's why its undeniable you liberals hate America
They never met a tax on business they didn’t like until trump levied one. Problem is he levied a tax they don’t understand. Which is clear as crystal every time they discuss it.
it only increases on corporations that outsourced their production overseas it helps companies that stayed and produced their product in America
I know what tariffs are and what they do. I don’t learn my economics from the television I read books

You've read books? Really? Did they have a lot of pictures? I hate to break this to you but you are WOEFULLY uninformed when it comes to economics! What books on economics have you read? I'd be interested to know who it is that you got your woeful lack of knowledge from!
You better start producing a whole lot of crap real quick because the price of imports is going to go up as well.
A weak dollar is going to pinch the working man.
as import prices increase demands for American made increase creating American jobs
but here you are arguing against that happening it's why its undeniable you liberals hate America
They never met a tax on business they didn’t like until trump levied one. Problem is he levied a tax they don’t understand. Which is clear as crystal every time they discuss it.
it only increases on corporations that outsourced their production overseas it helps companies that stayed and produced their product in America
I know what tariffs are and what they do. I don’t learn my economics from the television I read books

You've read books? Really? Did they have a lot of pictures? I hate to break this to you but you are WOEFULLY uninformed when it comes to economics! What books on economics have you read? I'd be interested to know who it is that you got your woeful lack of knowledge from!

Says the guy that at one point argued that 870 Billion dollar stimulus didn't cause any growth, even in near term. Yep, it just vanished into thin air. :rolleyes:
You really know nothing about what's been taking place between the US and you?

You continue to say this but never point out where I am wrong.

You really need me to point out that you don't know what a weak dollar don't know the history of currency manipulation by the Chinese...and you don't know what Trump's stance has been on currency manipulation by the Chinese for quite some time?

Why are you even here in this string? It's obvious that you don't know anything about this topic. Yes, I get it that you hate Trump. Therefore because Trump wants to do automatically think it must be "wrong"! Would you like to take a crack at explaining why it wasn't wrong when it happened on Obama's watch? Why it wasn't wrong when Bill Clinton accused the Chinese of the same thing that Trump has accused them of?

It's wrong when Trump wants to do the very thing he condemns others for doing.

When someone repeatedly punches you in the face...the quickest way to make them stop doing so is to punch them back. What you can't seem to grasp is that Trump isn't doing this without cause. The Chinese have been punching us in the face for decades. Trump is the first US President with the backbone to tell the Chinese that we will be punching them back if they continue to do so.

We loved China when all they represented was cheap labor with little oversight. Business is just pissed now that their deals selling out the country are now coming back to bite them.

I don't hate China. It's a competition and we've let them cheat. Now we're demanding that they play fair. My guess is that they'll stall for as long as they can...hoping that another spineless President is elected in the US and they can go back to doing what they did before. Another Trump term is their worst nightmare.
as import prices increase demands for American made increase creating American jobs
but here you are arguing against that happening it's why its undeniable you liberals hate America
They never met a tax on business they didn’t like until trump levied one. Problem is he levied a tax they don’t understand. Which is clear as crystal every time they discuss it.
it only increases on corporations that outsourced their production overseas it helps companies that stayed and produced their product in America
I know what tariffs are and what they do. I don’t learn my economics from the television I read books

You've read books? Really? Did they have a lot of pictures? I hate to break this to you but you are WOEFULLY uninformed when it comes to economics! What books on economics have you read? I'd be interested to know who it is that you got your woeful lack of knowledge from!

Says the guy that at one point argued that 870 Billion dollar stimulus didn't cause any growth, even in near term. Yep, it just vanished into thin air. :rolleyes:

You mean the 870 Billion dollar stimulus designed to create jobs? The one that created so few jobs that the Obama Administration trotted out "Jobs Created Or Saved" to hide how bad it was? Is that the stimulus that you're referring to? :oops8:
You continue to say this but never point out where I am wrong.

You really need me to point out that you don't know what a weak dollar don't know the history of currency manipulation by the Chinese...and you don't know what Trump's stance has been on currency manipulation by the Chinese for quite some time?

Why are you even here in this string? It's obvious that you don't know anything about this topic. Yes, I get it that you hate Trump. Therefore because Trump wants to do automatically think it must be "wrong"! Would you like to take a crack at explaining why it wasn't wrong when it happened on Obama's watch? Why it wasn't wrong when Bill Clinton accused the Chinese of the same thing that Trump has accused them of?

It's wrong when Trump wants to do the very thing he condemns others for doing.

When someone repeatedly punches you in the face...the quickest way to make them stop doing so is to punch them back. What you can't seem to grasp is that Trump isn't doing this without cause. The Chinese have been punching us in the face for decades. Trump is the first US President with the backbone to tell the Chinese that we will be punching them back if they continue to do so.

We loved China when all they represented was cheap labor with little oversight. Business is just pissed now that their deals selling out the country are now coming back to bite them.

I don't hate China. It's a competition and we've let them cheat. Now we're demanding that they play fair. My guess is that they'll stall for as long as they can...hoping that another spineless President is elected in the US and they can go back to doing what they did before. Another Trump term is their worst nightmare.

No, again, we played their long game when it benefited us and are now claiming that are cheating. You can not steal what was gave to you.
Except that since the wealthy can get themselves paid in stock dividends, they typically only pay the 15% capital gains rate.
The wealthy know all the loopholes and how to use them, so they do not pay much in taxes.

WTF, that's not a loophole, and that same "loophole" is available to everyone.

And they shouldn’t be punished for being successful, or made to fund everyone.

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The more successful you are, the more the system has benefited you.
It is easy to be successful if you have enough capital to work with.
But without starting capital, it is impossible to succeed.

Whoa, slow down on that one, it's not impossible. Many of us started with nothing, worked those minimum wage jobs and dealt with all the political BS. If you feel it's impossible you are guaranteed to not succeed.

Works for some but it will not work for tens of millions. There are not tens of millions of opportunities out there.

Oh, bullshit! Get your lazy ass off the couch...get a hard...learn new skills...take a leader! There are more opportunities in this country than on any other country on planet earth! You don't want opportunity want someone to GIVE you stuff!
You really need me to point out that you don't know what a weak dollar don't know the history of currency manipulation by the Chinese...and you don't know what Trump's stance has been on currency manipulation by the Chinese for quite some time?

Why are you even here in this string? It's obvious that you don't know anything about this topic. Yes, I get it that you hate Trump. Therefore because Trump wants to do automatically think it must be "wrong"! Would you like to take a crack at explaining why it wasn't wrong when it happened on Obama's watch? Why it wasn't wrong when Bill Clinton accused the Chinese of the same thing that Trump has accused them of?

It's wrong when Trump wants to do the very thing he condemns others for doing.

When someone repeatedly punches you in the face...the quickest way to make them stop doing so is to punch them back. What you can't seem to grasp is that Trump isn't doing this without cause. The Chinese have been punching us in the face for decades. Trump is the first US President with the backbone to tell the Chinese that we will be punching them back if they continue to do so.

We loved China when all they represented was cheap labor with little oversight. Business is just pissed now that their deals selling out the country are now coming back to bite them.

I don't hate China. It's a competition and we've let them cheat. Now we're demanding that they play fair. My guess is that they'll stall for as long as they can...hoping that another spineless President is elected in the US and they can go back to doing what they did before. Another Trump term is their worst nightmare.

No, again, we played their long game when it benefited us and are now claiming that are cheating. You can not steal what was gave to you.

You do long term business with people because it's beneficial to all involved. We are China's largest trading partner. We buy what they make. In return we ask two things. That they play fair with currency manipulation...and that they stop ripping off our intellectual property! The people that have been "stealing" have been the Chinese! They buy a Caterpillar product that's been in development for years...steal the specs for it...and build an exact duplicate product that doesn't cost them a dime in R&D! That is theft! They've been doing it for years and they continue to do it...thumbing their noses at the international community.
WTF, that's not a loophole, and that same "loophole" is available to everyone.

And they shouldn’t be punished for being successful, or made to fund everyone.

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The more successful you are, the more the system has benefited you.
It is easy to be successful if you have enough capital to work with.
But without starting capital, it is impossible to succeed.

Whoa, slow down on that one, it's not impossible. Many of us started with nothing, worked those minimum wage jobs and dealt with all the political BS. If you feel it's impossible you are guaranteed to not succeed.

Works for some but it will not work for tens of millions. There are not tens of millions of opportunities out there.

Oh, bullshit! Get your lazy ass off the couch...get a hard...learn new skills...take a leader! There are more opportunities in this country than on any other country on planet earth! You don't want opportunity want someone to GIVE you stuff!

There are, not for tens of millions. Even after noting there is not you can't stop yourself.
It's wrong when Trump wants to do the very thing he condemns others for doing.

When someone repeatedly punches you in the face...the quickest way to make them stop doing so is to punch them back. What you can't seem to grasp is that Trump isn't doing this without cause. The Chinese have been punching us in the face for decades. Trump is the first US President with the backbone to tell the Chinese that we will be punching them back if they continue to do so.

We loved China when all they represented was cheap labor with little oversight. Business is just pissed now that their deals selling out the country are now coming back to bite them.

I don't hate China. It's a competition and we've let them cheat. Now we're demanding that they play fair. My guess is that they'll stall for as long as they can...hoping that another spineless President is elected in the US and they can go back to doing what they did before. Another Trump term is their worst nightmare.

No, again, we played their long game when it benefited us and are now claiming that are cheating. You can not steal what was gave to you.

You do long term business with people because it's beneficial to all involved. We are China's largest trading partner. We buy what they make. In return we ask two things. That they play fair with currency manipulation...and that they stop ripping off our intellectual property! The people that have been "stealing" have been the Chinese! They buy a Caterpillar product that's been in development for years...steal the specs for it...and build an exact duplicate product that doesn't cost them a dime in R&D! That is theft! They've been doing it for years and they continue to do it...thumbing their noses at the international community.

That's not what happened. You act like there isn't a single person in a country of 1.5 billion that could not design a bulldozer.
And they shouldn’t be punished for being successful, or made to fund everyone.

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The more successful you are, the more the system has benefited you.
It is easy to be successful if you have enough capital to work with.
But without starting capital, it is impossible to succeed.

Whoa, slow down on that one, it's not impossible. Many of us started with nothing, worked those minimum wage jobs and dealt with all the political BS. If you feel it's impossible you are guaranteed to not succeed.

Works for some but it will not work for tens of millions. There are not tens of millions of opportunities out there.

Oh, bullshit! Get your lazy ass off the couch...get a hard...learn new skills...take a leader! There are more opportunities in this country than on any other country on planet earth! You don't want opportunity want someone to GIVE you stuff!

There are, not for tens of millions. Even after noting there is not you can't stop yourself.

The reason that we need to build walls to keep people OUT is that there ARE literally millions of opportunities in this country! This claim that there isn' nothing more than a liberal talking point...meant to placate the millions of losers like yourself that never even tried to "succeed"!

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