Trump calls on fed to weaken the dollar. Yes, weaken.

That's not what happened. You act like there isn't a single person in a country of 1.5 billion that could not design a bulldozer.

Why would you spend money to design a bulldozer when you can just steal someone's work who HAS designed one? China's been ripping off the West's intellectual property for decades now! Only someone as clueless as you are doesn't know that!

We gave it to them in exchange for cheap labor.

American businesses have been so desperate to use Chinese labor and get into their markets that they ignore red flags staring them right in their face.

How Caterpillar Got Bulldozed In China

We "gave" them our intellectual property? Says who? They STOLE it! To the tune of as much as 600 Billion dollars in losses to American businesses!

I'm not sure why people ask me to provide things I've provided many times in the past.

But much of China’s advancement is coming at the expense of American companies and workers. China has consistently required foreign businesses to share their intellectual property (IP) to operate in the Asian nation.

How China is Using America’s Own Technology Against Us

U.S. companies gave away the technology but now want us to believe they stole it.

Did you want me to start citing all of the examples of where China stole intellectual property? Your claim that US businesses "gave away" their tech is laughable!

So were you ever going to enlighten me with some of the economic texts that you've read?

But much of China’s advancement is coming at the expense of American companies and workers. China has consistently required foreign businesses to share their intellectual property (IP) to operate in the Asian nation.
You do long term business with people because it's beneficial to all involved. We are China's largest trading partner. We buy what they make. In return we ask two things. That they play fair with currency manipulation...and that they stop ripping off our intellectual property! The people that have been "stealing" have been the Chinese! They buy a Caterpillar product that's been in development for years...steal the specs for it...and build an exact duplicate product that doesn't cost them a dime in R&D! That is theft! They've been doing it for years and they continue to do it...thumbing their noses at the international community.

That's not what happened. You act like there isn't a single person in a country of 1.5 billion that could not design a bulldozer.

Why would you spend money to design a bulldozer when you can just steal someone's work who HAS designed one? China's been ripping off the West's intellectual property for decades now! Only someone as clueless as you are doesn't know that!

We gave it to them in exchange for cheap labor.

American businesses have been so desperate to use Chinese labor and get into their markets that they ignore red flags staring them right in their face.

How Caterpillar Got Bulldozed In China

We "gave" them our intellectual property? Says who? They STOLE it! To the tune of as much as 600 Billion dollars in losses to American businesses!

I'm not sure why people ask me to provide things I've provided many times in the past.

But much of China’s advancement is coming at the expense of American companies and workers. China has consistently required foreign businesses to share their intellectual property (IP) to operate in the Asian nation.

How China is Using America’s Own Technology Against Us

U.S. companies gave away the technology but now want us to believe they stole it.

The Trade War With China And The Problem With Intellectual Property Rights

I'm not sure there's a clear distinction between coercion and theft. Jina typically requires a for company to share IP for the ability to enter the Jina market, and they engage in plain old spycraft with implanting spies in US businesses as workers. And then there's the above example of entering into a contract dealing with IP, and then just flat out stealing the IP. I'm pretty sure the theft was part of Jina's intention in entering the contract, which is supposed to be illegal in contract law.

But there's no doubt the in the 20th century the US closed it's consumer markets to protect domestic mfters, and then under cut prices of exports in developing countries.

So, imo, it's more about jamming up Jina's exports to get a better, but not perfect, deal on IP
That's not what happened. You act like there isn't a single person in a country of 1.5 billion that could not design a bulldozer.

Why would you spend money to design a bulldozer when you can just steal someone's work who HAS designed one? China's been ripping off the West's intellectual property for decades now! Only someone as clueless as you are doesn't know that!

We gave it to them in exchange for cheap labor.

American businesses have been so desperate to use Chinese labor and get into their markets that they ignore red flags staring them right in their face.

How Caterpillar Got Bulldozed In China

We "gave" them our intellectual property? Says who? They STOLE it! To the tune of as much as 600 Billion dollars in losses to American businesses!

I'm not sure why people ask me to provide things I've provided many times in the past.

But much of China’s advancement is coming at the expense of American companies and workers. China has consistently required foreign businesses to share their intellectual property (IP) to operate in the Asian nation.

How China is Using America’s Own Technology Against Us

U.S. companies gave away the technology but now want us to believe they stole it.

The Trade War With China And The Problem With Intellectual Property Rights

I'm not sure there's a clear distinction between coercion and theft. Jina typically requires a for company to share IP for the ability to enter the Jina market, and they engage in plain old spycraft with implanting spies in US businesses as workers. And then there's the above example of entering into a contract dealing with IP, and then just flat out stealing the IP. I'm pretty sure the theft was part of Jina's intention in entering the contract, which is supposed to be illegal in contract law.

But there's no doubt the in the 20th century the US closed it's consumer markets to protect domestic mfters, and then under cut prices of exports in developing countries.

So, imo, it's more about jamming up Jina's exports to get a better, but not perfect, deal on IP

If you teach someone how to do something and then they go to another company and do it there, that is not theft. Over here you may have to sign a non compete agreement. There is no such thing as that there.

U.S. companies were so intent on the short term that they gave away the long term. We only care about the next earnings statement. U.S. companies sold the country out.
Why would you spend money to design a bulldozer when you can just steal someone's work who HAS designed one? China's been ripping off the West's intellectual property for decades now! Only someone as clueless as you are doesn't know that!

We gave it to them in exchange for cheap labor.

American businesses have been so desperate to use Chinese labor and get into their markets that they ignore red flags staring them right in their face.

How Caterpillar Got Bulldozed In China

We "gave" them our intellectual property? Says who? They STOLE it! To the tune of as much as 600 Billion dollars in losses to American businesses!

I'm not sure why people ask me to provide things I've provided many times in the past.

But much of China’s advancement is coming at the expense of American companies and workers. China has consistently required foreign businesses to share their intellectual property (IP) to operate in the Asian nation.

How China is Using America’s Own Technology Against Us

U.S. companies gave away the technology but now want us to believe they stole it.

The Trade War With China And The Problem With Intellectual Property Rights

I'm not sure there's a clear distinction between coercion and theft. Jina typically requires a for company to share IP for the ability to enter the Jina market, and they engage in plain old spycraft with implanting spies in US businesses as workers. And then there's the above example of entering into a contract dealing with IP, and then just flat out stealing the IP. I'm pretty sure the theft was part of Jina's intention in entering the contract, which is supposed to be illegal in contract law.

But there's no doubt the in the 20th century the US closed it's consumer markets to protect domestic mfters, and then under cut prices of exports in developing countries.

So, imo, it's more about jamming up Jina's exports to get a better, but not perfect, deal on IP

If you teach someone how to do something and then they go to another company and do it there, that is not theft. Over here you may have to sign a non compete agreement. There is no such thing as that there.

U.S. companies were so intent on the short term that they gave away the long term. We only care about the next earnings statement. U.S. companies sold the country out.
You cannot fault a corporation for doing what it has to do to enter the Jina market. If Trump can actually make Jina's terms about IP less onerous, good for him.

from the forbes example, stealing proprietary source code had nothing to do with noncompetition clauses
We gave it to them in exchange for cheap labor.

American businesses have been so desperate to use Chinese labor and get into their markets that they ignore red flags staring them right in their face.

How Caterpillar Got Bulldozed In China

We "gave" them our intellectual property? Says who? They STOLE it! To the tune of as much as 600 Billion dollars in losses to American businesses!

I'm not sure why people ask me to provide things I've provided many times in the past.

But much of China’s advancement is coming at the expense of American companies and workers. China has consistently required foreign businesses to share their intellectual property (IP) to operate in the Asian nation.

How China is Using America’s Own Technology Against Us

U.S. companies gave away the technology but now want us to believe they stole it.

The Trade War With China And The Problem With Intellectual Property Rights

I'm not sure there's a clear distinction between coercion and theft. Jina typically requires a for company to share IP for the ability to enter the Jina market, and they engage in plain old spycraft with implanting spies in US businesses as workers. And then there's the above example of entering into a contract dealing with IP, and then just flat out stealing the IP. I'm pretty sure the theft was part of Jina's intention in entering the contract, which is supposed to be illegal in contract law.

But there's no doubt the in the 20th century the US closed it's consumer markets to protect domestic mfters, and then under cut prices of exports in developing countries.

So, imo, it's more about jamming up Jina's exports to get a better, but not perfect, deal on IP

If you teach someone how to do something and then they go to another company and do it there, that is not theft. Over here you may have to sign a non compete agreement. There is no such thing as that there.

U.S. companies were so intent on the short term that they gave away the long term. We only care about the next earnings statement. U.S. companies sold the country out.
You cannot fault a corporation for doing what it has to do to enter the Jina market. If Trump can actually make Jina's terms about IP less onerous, good for him.

I also don't have to listen to them complain when what they willingly did is coming back to bite them.
We "gave" them our intellectual property? Says who? They STOLE it! To the tune of as much as 600 Billion dollars in losses to American businesses!

I'm not sure why people ask me to provide things I've provided many times in the past.

But much of China’s advancement is coming at the expense of American companies and workers. China has consistently required foreign businesses to share their intellectual property (IP) to operate in the Asian nation.

How China is Using America’s Own Technology Against Us

U.S. companies gave away the technology but now want us to believe they stole it.

The Trade War With China And The Problem With Intellectual Property Rights

I'm not sure there's a clear distinction between coercion and theft. Jina typically requires a for company to share IP for the ability to enter the Jina market, and they engage in plain old spycraft with implanting spies in US businesses as workers. And then there's the above example of entering into a contract dealing with IP, and then just flat out stealing the IP. I'm pretty sure the theft was part of Jina's intention in entering the contract, which is supposed to be illegal in contract law.

But there's no doubt the in the 20th century the US closed it's consumer markets to protect domestic mfters, and then under cut prices of exports in developing countries.

So, imo, it's more about jamming up Jina's exports to get a better, but not perfect, deal on IP

If you teach someone how to do something and then they go to another company and do it there, that is not theft. Over here you may have to sign a non compete agreement. There is no such thing as that there.

U.S. companies were so intent on the short term that they gave away the long term. We only care about the next earnings statement. U.S. companies sold the country out.
You cannot fault a corporation for doing what it has to do to enter the Jina market. If Trump can actually make Jina's terms about IP less onerous, good for him.

I also don't have to listen to them complain when what they willingly did is coming back to bite them.

Why would you spend money to design a bulldozer when you can just steal someone's work who HAS designed one? China's been ripping off the West's intellectual property for decades now! Only someone as clueless as you are doesn't know that!

We gave it to them in exchange for cheap labor.

American businesses have been so desperate to use Chinese labor and get into their markets that they ignore red flags staring them right in their face.

How Caterpillar Got Bulldozed In China

We "gave" them our intellectual property? Says who? They STOLE it! To the tune of as much as 600 Billion dollars in losses to American businesses!

I'm not sure why people ask me to provide things I've provided many times in the past.

But much of China’s advancement is coming at the expense of American companies and workers. China has consistently required foreign businesses to share their intellectual property (IP) to operate in the Asian nation.

How China is Using America’s Own Technology Against Us

U.S. companies gave away the technology but now want us to believe they stole it.

The Trade War With China And The Problem With Intellectual Property Rights

I'm not sure there's a clear distinction between coercion and theft. Jina typically requires a for company to share IP for the ability to enter the Jina market, and they engage in plain old spycraft with implanting spies in US businesses as workers. And then there's the above example of entering into a contract dealing with IP, and then just flat out stealing the IP. I'm pretty sure the theft was part of Jina's intention in entering the contract, which is supposed to be illegal in contract law.

But there's no doubt the in the 20th century the US closed it's consumer markets to protect domestic mfters, and then under cut prices of exports in developing countries.

So, imo, it's more about jamming up Jina's exports to get a better, but not perfect, deal on IP

If you teach someone how to do something and then they go to another company and do it there, that is not theft. Over here you may have to sign a non compete agreement. There is no such thing as that there.

U.S. companies were so intent on the short term that they gave away the long term. We only care about the next earnings statement. U.S. companies sold the country out.

When the Chinese pay a tech 2 million dollars...set him up with hookers and drugs...they aren't paying for his "expertise"...they're paying him to steal tech secrets from the US company he works for and give those secrets to them so they don't have to waste time and money on R&D! What part of what the Chinese have been doing can't you wrap your head around?
Why would you spend money to design a bulldozer when you can just steal someone's work who HAS designed one? China's been ripping off the West's intellectual property for decades now! Only someone as clueless as you are doesn't know that!

We gave it to them in exchange for cheap labor.

American businesses have been so desperate to use Chinese labor and get into their markets that they ignore red flags staring them right in their face.

How Caterpillar Got Bulldozed In China

We "gave" them our intellectual property? Says who? They STOLE it! To the tune of as much as 600 Billion dollars in losses to American businesses!

I'm not sure why people ask me to provide things I've provided many times in the past.

But much of China’s advancement is coming at the expense of American companies and workers. China has consistently required foreign businesses to share their intellectual property (IP) to operate in the Asian nation.

How China is Using America’s Own Technology Against Us

U.S. companies gave away the technology but now want us to believe they stole it.

The Trade War With China And The Problem With Intellectual Property Rights

I'm not sure there's a clear distinction between coercion and theft. Jina typically requires a for company to share IP for the ability to enter the Jina market, and they engage in plain old spycraft with implanting spies in US businesses as workers. And then there's the above example of entering into a contract dealing with IP, and then just flat out stealing the IP. I'm pretty sure the theft was part of Jina's intention in entering the contract, which is supposed to be illegal in contract law.

But there's no doubt the in the 20th century the US closed it's consumer markets to protect domestic mfters, and then under cut prices of exports in developing countries.

So, imo, it's more about jamming up Jina's exports to get a better, but not perfect, deal on IP

If you teach someone how to do something and then they go to another company and do it there, that is not theft. Over here you may have to sign a non compete agreement. There is no such thing as that there.

U.S. companies were so intent on the short term that they gave away the long term. We only care about the next earnings statement. U.S. companies sold the country out.

If I hire you to work at my company...train you to use my tech...and then you turn around and SELL that tech to China...then are committing theft!
We gave it to them in exchange for cheap labor.

American businesses have been so desperate to use Chinese labor and get into their markets that they ignore red flags staring them right in their face.

How Caterpillar Got Bulldozed In China

We "gave" them our intellectual property? Says who? They STOLE it! To the tune of as much as 600 Billion dollars in losses to American businesses!

I'm not sure why people ask me to provide things I've provided many times in the past.

But much of China’s advancement is coming at the expense of American companies and workers. China has consistently required foreign businesses to share their intellectual property (IP) to operate in the Asian nation.

How China is Using America’s Own Technology Against Us

U.S. companies gave away the technology but now want us to believe they stole it.

The Trade War With China And The Problem With Intellectual Property Rights

I'm not sure there's a clear distinction between coercion and theft. Jina typically requires a for company to share IP for the ability to enter the Jina market, and they engage in plain old spycraft with implanting spies in US businesses as workers. And then there's the above example of entering into a contract dealing with IP, and then just flat out stealing the IP. I'm pretty sure the theft was part of Jina's intention in entering the contract, which is supposed to be illegal in contract law.

But there's no doubt the in the 20th century the US closed it's consumer markets to protect domestic mfters, and then under cut prices of exports in developing countries.

So, imo, it's more about jamming up Jina's exports to get a better, but not perfect, deal on IP

If you teach someone how to do something and then they go to another company and do it there, that is not theft. Over here you may have to sign a non compete agreement. There is no such thing as that there.

U.S. companies were so intent on the short term that they gave away the long term. We only care about the next earnings statement. U.S. companies sold the country out.

When the Chinese pay a tech 2 million dollars...set him up with hookers and drugs...they aren't paying for his "expertise"...they're paying him to steal tech secrets from the US company he works for and give those secrets to them so they don't have to waste time and money on R&D! What part of what the Chinese have been doing can't you wrap your head around?

You don't have to steal what a company freely gives to exploit the Chinese labor.
We "gave" them our intellectual property? Says who? They STOLE it! To the tune of as much as 600 Billion dollars in losses to American businesses!

I'm not sure why people ask me to provide things I've provided many times in the past.

But much of China’s advancement is coming at the expense of American companies and workers. China has consistently required foreign businesses to share their intellectual property (IP) to operate in the Asian nation.

How China is Using America’s Own Technology Against Us

U.S. companies gave away the technology but now want us to believe they stole it.

The Trade War With China And The Problem With Intellectual Property Rights

I'm not sure there's a clear distinction between coercion and theft. Jina typically requires a for company to share IP for the ability to enter the Jina market, and they engage in plain old spycraft with implanting spies in US businesses as workers. And then there's the above example of entering into a contract dealing with IP, and then just flat out stealing the IP. I'm pretty sure the theft was part of Jina's intention in entering the contract, which is supposed to be illegal in contract law.

But there's no doubt the in the 20th century the US closed it's consumer markets to protect domestic mfters, and then under cut prices of exports in developing countries.

So, imo, it's more about jamming up Jina's exports to get a better, but not perfect, deal on IP

If you teach someone how to do something and then they go to another company and do it there, that is not theft. Over here you may have to sign a non compete agreement. There is no such thing as that there.

U.S. companies were so intent on the short term that they gave away the long term. We only care about the next earnings statement. U.S. companies sold the country out.

When the Chinese pay a tech 2 million dollars...set him up with hookers and drugs...they aren't paying for his "expertise"...they're paying him to steal tech secrets from the US company he works for and give those secrets to them so they don't have to waste time and money on R&D! What part of what the Chinese have been doing can't you wrap your head around?

You don't have to steal what a company freely gives to exploit the Chinese labor.

God, you're slow! The Chinese usually go at their thefts in one of two ways. The first way is they pay a western company to come in to partner with them on something that they are building but don't have all the expertise to complete...promising to pay them for the rights to use the tech they need...and then simply renege on the deal...keeping what's been installed as their own. The other way is simply to pay someone to steal the tech for them. They've been doing that for decades and IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CHINESE LABOR!!!
I'm not sure why people ask me to provide things I've provided many times in the past.

But much of China’s advancement is coming at the expense of American companies and workers. China has consistently required foreign businesses to share their intellectual property (IP) to operate in the Asian nation.

How China is Using America’s Own Technology Against Us

U.S. companies gave away the technology but now want us to believe they stole it.

The Trade War With China And The Problem With Intellectual Property Rights

I'm not sure there's a clear distinction between coercion and theft. Jina typically requires a for company to share IP for the ability to enter the Jina market, and they engage in plain old spycraft with implanting spies in US businesses as workers. And then there's the above example of entering into a contract dealing with IP, and then just flat out stealing the IP. I'm pretty sure the theft was part of Jina's intention in entering the contract, which is supposed to be illegal in contract law.

But there's no doubt the in the 20th century the US closed it's consumer markets to protect domestic mfters, and then under cut prices of exports in developing countries.

So, imo, it's more about jamming up Jina's exports to get a better, but not perfect, deal on IP

If you teach someone how to do something and then they go to another company and do it there, that is not theft. Over here you may have to sign a non compete agreement. There is no such thing as that there.

U.S. companies were so intent on the short term that they gave away the long term. We only care about the next earnings statement. U.S. companies sold the country out.

When the Chinese pay a tech 2 million dollars...set him up with hookers and drugs...they aren't paying for his "expertise"...they're paying him to steal tech secrets from the US company he works for and give those secrets to them so they don't have to waste time and money on R&D! What part of what the Chinese have been doing can't you wrap your head around?

You don't have to steal what a company freely gives to exploit the Chinese labor.

God, you're slow! The Chinese usually go at their thefts in one of two ways. The first way is they pay a western company to come in to partner with them on something that they are building but don't have all the expertise to complete...promising to pay them for the rights to use the tech they need...and then simply renege on the deal...keeping what's been installed as their own. The other way is simply to pay someone to steal the tech for them. They've been doing that for decades and IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CHINESE LABOR!!!

I posted what they do with verification . I'm not interested in your excuses.
The Trade War With China And The Problem With Intellectual Property Rights

I'm not sure there's a clear distinction between coercion and theft. Jina typically requires a for company to share IP for the ability to enter the Jina market, and they engage in plain old spycraft with implanting spies in US businesses as workers. And then there's the above example of entering into a contract dealing with IP, and then just flat out stealing the IP. I'm pretty sure the theft was part of Jina's intention in entering the contract, which is supposed to be illegal in contract law.

But there's no doubt the in the 20th century the US closed it's consumer markets to protect domestic mfters, and then under cut prices of exports in developing countries.

So, imo, it's more about jamming up Jina's exports to get a better, but not perfect, deal on IP

If you teach someone how to do something and then they go to another company and do it there, that is not theft. Over here you may have to sign a non compete agreement. There is no such thing as that there.

U.S. companies were so intent on the short term that they gave away the long term. We only care about the next earnings statement. U.S. companies sold the country out.

When the Chinese pay a tech 2 million dollars...set him up with hookers and drugs...they aren't paying for his "expertise"...they're paying him to steal tech secrets from the US company he works for and give those secrets to them so they don't have to waste time and money on R&D! What part of what the Chinese have been doing can't you wrap your head around?

You don't have to steal what a company freely gives to exploit the Chinese labor.

God, you're slow! The Chinese usually go at their thefts in one of two ways. The first way is they pay a western company to come in to partner with them on something that they are building but don't have all the expertise to complete...promising to pay them for the rights to use the tech they need...and then simply renege on the deal...keeping what's been installed as their own. The other way is simply to pay someone to steal the tech for them. They've been doing that for decades and IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CHINESE LABOR!!!

I posted what they do with verification . I'm not interested in your excuses.

It's obvious that you Googled the topic hoping to find something that made you appear less of an uninformed person than you are! That isn't "verification"! It's "Internet Debating For Idiots"!

What I'd really like to know is what your favorite books were on Economics! Care to share?
Since it's quite apparent that you HAVEN'T read any text books on Economics...might I suggest:
Basic Economics: A Citizen's Guide to the Economy

Thomas Sowell?
If you teach someone how to do something and then they go to another company and do it there, that is not theft. Over here you may have to sign a non compete agreement. There is no such thing as that there.

U.S. companies were so intent on the short term that they gave away the long term. We only care about the next earnings statement. U.S. companies sold the country out.

When the Chinese pay a tech 2 million dollars...set him up with hookers and drugs...they aren't paying for his "expertise"...they're paying him to steal tech secrets from the US company he works for and give those secrets to them so they don't have to waste time and money on R&D! What part of what the Chinese have been doing can't you wrap your head around?

You don't have to steal what a company freely gives to exploit the Chinese labor.

God, you're slow! The Chinese usually go at their thefts in one of two ways. The first way is they pay a western company to come in to partner with them on something that they are building but don't have all the expertise to complete...promising to pay them for the rights to use the tech they need...and then simply renege on the deal...keeping what's been installed as their own. The other way is simply to pay someone to steal the tech for them. They've been doing that for decades and IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CHINESE LABOR!!!

I posted what they do with verification . I'm not interested in your excuses.

It's obvious that you Googled the topic hoping to find something that made you appear less of an uninformed person than you are! That isn't "verification"! It's "Internet Debating For Idiots"!

What I'd really like to know is what your favorite books were on Economics! Care to share?

I have none. I don't deal in theories.
When the Chinese pay a tech 2 million dollars...set him up with hookers and drugs...they aren't paying for his "expertise"...they're paying him to steal tech secrets from the US company he works for and give those secrets to them so they don't have to waste time and money on R&D! What part of what the Chinese have been doing can't you wrap your head around?

You don't have to steal what a company freely gives to exploit the Chinese labor.

God, you're slow! The Chinese usually go at their thefts in one of two ways. The first way is they pay a western company to come in to partner with them on something that they are building but don't have all the expertise to complete...promising to pay them for the rights to use the tech they need...and then simply renege on the deal...keeping what's been installed as their own. The other way is simply to pay someone to steal the tech for them. They've been doing that for decades and IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CHINESE LABOR!!!

I posted what they do with verification . I'm not interested in your excuses.

It's obvious that you Googled the topic hoping to find something that made you appear less of an uninformed person than you are! That isn't "verification"! It's "Internet Debating For Idiots"!

What I'd really like to know is what your favorite books were on Economics! Care to share?

I have none. I don't deal in theories.

You don't deal in theories? That's pretty much all that Economics IS, Sparky! Something you'd know if you'd even taken one introductory class! You don't know a damn thing about this topic. You're here trying to pretend that you do...and doing a piss poor job of it! Do yourself a favor...get educated!
You don't have to steal what a company freely gives to exploit the Chinese labor.

God, you're slow! The Chinese usually go at their thefts in one of two ways. The first way is they pay a western company to come in to partner with them on something that they are building but don't have all the expertise to complete...promising to pay them for the rights to use the tech they need...and then simply renege on the deal...keeping what's been installed as their own. The other way is simply to pay someone to steal the tech for them. They've been doing that for decades and IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CHINESE LABOR!!!

I posted what they do with verification . I'm not interested in your excuses.

It's obvious that you Googled the topic hoping to find something that made you appear less of an uninformed person than you are! That isn't "verification"! It's "Internet Debating For Idiots"!

What I'd really like to know is what your favorite books were on Economics! Care to share?

I have none. I don't deal in theories.

You don't deal in theories? That's pretty much all that Economics IS, Sparky! Something you'd know if you'd even taken one introductory class! You don't know a damn thing about this topic. You're here trying to pretend that you do...and doing a piss poor job of it! Do yourself a favor...get educated!

No, economics is not theory. It's what we actually do everyday. That you believe economics is the theories one is taught out of a book like many do is the reason it's a waste to discuss this with those like yourself.

I ask all the time where in Capitalism does it teach about the government bailing out a failed business? Where in Capitalism does it teach about creating an entity to constantly work to prop up the markets? And despite no answer we still hear how Capitalism is our system and it's the greatest.

It's not working or you wouldn't have to argue theory.
God, you're slow! The Chinese usually go at their thefts in one of two ways. The first way is they pay a western company to come in to partner with them on something that they are building but don't have all the expertise to complete...promising to pay them for the rights to use the tech they need...and then simply renege on the deal...keeping what's been installed as their own. The other way is simply to pay someone to steal the tech for them. They've been doing that for decades and IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CHINESE LABOR!!!

I posted what they do with verification . I'm not interested in your excuses.

It's obvious that you Googled the topic hoping to find something that made you appear less of an uninformed person than you are! That isn't "verification"! It's "Internet Debating For Idiots"!

What I'd really like to know is what your favorite books were on Economics! Care to share?

I have none. I don't deal in theories.

You don't deal in theories? That's pretty much all that Economics IS, Sparky! Something you'd know if you'd even taken one introductory class! You don't know a damn thing about this topic. You're here trying to pretend that you do...and doing a piss poor job of it! Do yourself a favor...get educated!

No, economics is not theory. It's what we actually do everyday. That you believe economics is the theories one is taught out of a book like many do is the reason it's a waste to discuss this with those like yourself.

I ask all the time where in Capitalism does it teach about the government bailing out a failed business? Where in Capitalism does it teach about creating an entity to constantly work to prop up the markets? And despite no answer we still hear how Capitalism is our system and it's the greatest.

It's not working or you wouldn't have to argue theory.

Please stop! You seem hell bent on proving without a shadow of a doubt that you know absolutely nothing about Economics! Ask anyone who's ever studied the subject and they'll tell you that "theory" is what Economics is! Different Economic Schools have radically different theories and there is no hard and fast consensus about what theory is the right one. So which school of economic theory do you belong to, Pknopp? Let's see just how much of a fool you want to make of yourself...
I posted what they do with verification . I'm not interested in your excuses.

It's obvious that you Googled the topic hoping to find something that made you appear less of an uninformed person than you are! That isn't "verification"! It's "Internet Debating For Idiots"!

What I'd really like to know is what your favorite books were on Economics! Care to share?

I have none. I don't deal in theories.

You don't deal in theories? That's pretty much all that Economics IS, Sparky! Something you'd know if you'd even taken one introductory class! You don't know a damn thing about this topic. You're here trying to pretend that you do...and doing a piss poor job of it! Do yourself a favor...get educated!

No, economics is not theory. It's what we actually do everyday. That you believe economics is the theories one is taught out of a book like many do is the reason it's a waste to discuss this with those like yourself.

I ask all the time where in Capitalism does it teach about the government bailing out a failed business? Where in Capitalism does it teach about creating an entity to constantly work to prop up the markets? And despite no answer we still hear how Capitalism is our system and it's the greatest.

It's not working or you wouldn't have to argue theory.

Please stop! You seem hell bent on proving without a shadow of a doubt that you know absolutely nothing about Economics! Ask anyone who's ever studied the subject and they'll tell you that "theory" is what Economics is! Different Economic Schools have radically different theories and there is no hard and fast consensus about what theory is the right one. So which school of economic theory do you belong to, Pknopp? Let's see just how much of a fool you want to make of yourself...

I already addressed this. I do not deal in theories. I deal in realities. But when you are unable to address what I say continue to fall back on your "theories".
You better start producing a whole lot of crap real quick because the price of imports is going to go up as well.
A weak dollar is going to pinch the working man.
as import prices increase demands for American made increase creating American jobs
but here you are arguing against that happening it's why its undeniable you liberals hate America
They never met a tax on business they didn’t like until trump levied one. Problem is he levied a tax they don’t understand. Which is clear as crystal every time they discuss it.
it only increases on corporations that outsourced their production overseas it helps companies that stayed and produced their product in America
I know what tariffs are and what they do. I don’t learn my economics from the television I read books

You've read books? Really? Did they have a lot of pictures? I hate to break this to you but you are WOEFULLY uninformed when it comes to economics! What books on economics have you read? I'd be interested to know who it is that you got your woeful lack of knowledge from!
Do you even know what you’re arguing? :lol: We’re on the same side here you fucking retard
as import prices increase demands for American made increase creating American jobs
but here you are arguing against that happening it's why its undeniable you liberals hate America
They never met a tax on business they didn’t like until trump levied one. Problem is he levied a tax they don’t understand. Which is clear as crystal every time they discuss it.
it only increases on corporations that outsourced their production overseas it helps companies that stayed and produced their product in America
I know what tariffs are and what they do. I don’t learn my economics from the television I read books

You've read books? Really? Did they have a lot of pictures? I hate to break this to you but you are WOEFULLY uninformed when it comes to economics! What books on economics have you read? I'd be interested to know who it is that you got your woeful lack of knowledge from!
Do you even know what you’re arguing? :lol: We’re on the same side here you fucking retard

Sorry, Paulie...that post was supposed to go to PKnopp! Don't know why it went to you...

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