Trump calls on fed to weaken the dollar. Yes, weaken.

as import prices increase demands for American made increase creating American jobs
but here you are arguing against that happening it's why its undeniable you liberals hate America
They never met a tax on business they didn’t like until trump levied one. Problem is he levied a tax they don’t understand. Which is clear as crystal every time they discuss it.
it only increases on corporations that outsourced their production overseas it helps companies that stayed and produced their product in America
I know what tariffs are and what they do. I don’t learn my economics from the television I read books

You've read books? Really? Did they have a lot of pictures? I hate to break this to you but you are WOEFULLY uninformed when it comes to economics! What books on economics have you read? I'd be interested to know who it is that you got your woeful lack of knowledge from!
Do you even know what you’re arguing? :lol: We’re on the same side here you fucking retard

Here is the way the arguments work.

Person A: I support the theory of Capitalism. I've read a lot of books and the books on the theories on Capitalism seems to make the most sense.

Person B: OK but where does things like tariff's, bail outs, quantitative easing, fit into these theories?

Person A: You are an idiot.
It's obvious that you Googled the topic hoping to find something that made you appear less of an uninformed person than you are! That isn't "verification"! It's "Internet Debating For Idiots"!

What I'd really like to know is what your favorite books were on Economics! Care to share?

I have none. I don't deal in theories.

You don't deal in theories? That's pretty much all that Economics IS, Sparky! Something you'd know if you'd even taken one introductory class! You don't know a damn thing about this topic. You're here trying to pretend that you do...and doing a piss poor job of it! Do yourself a favor...get educated!

No, economics is not theory. It's what we actually do everyday. That you believe economics is the theories one is taught out of a book like many do is the reason it's a waste to discuss this with those like yourself.

I ask all the time where in Capitalism does it teach about the government bailing out a failed business? Where in Capitalism does it teach about creating an entity to constantly work to prop up the markets? And despite no answer we still hear how Capitalism is our system and it's the greatest.

It's not working or you wouldn't have to argue theory.

Please stop! You seem hell bent on proving without a shadow of a doubt that you know absolutely nothing about Economics! Ask anyone who's ever studied the subject and they'll tell you that "theory" is what Economics is! Different Economic Schools have radically different theories and there is no hard and fast consensus about what theory is the right one. So which school of economic theory do you belong to, Pknopp? Let's see just how much of a fool you want to make of yourself...

I already addressed this. I do not deal in theories. I deal in realities. But when you are unable to address what I say continue to fall back on your "theories".

You don't deal in "theories", PK because you don't know what any of the theories ARE! The study of Economics is the study of different schools of economic theory.
I have none. I don't deal in theories.

You don't deal in theories? That's pretty much all that Economics IS, Sparky! Something you'd know if you'd even taken one introductory class! You don't know a damn thing about this topic. You're here trying to pretend that you do...and doing a piss poor job of it! Do yourself a favor...get educated!

No, economics is not theory. It's what we actually do everyday. That you believe economics is the theories one is taught out of a book like many do is the reason it's a waste to discuss this with those like yourself.

I ask all the time where in Capitalism does it teach about the government bailing out a failed business? Where in Capitalism does it teach about creating an entity to constantly work to prop up the markets? And despite no answer we still hear how Capitalism is our system and it's the greatest.

It's not working or you wouldn't have to argue theory.

Please stop! You seem hell bent on proving without a shadow of a doubt that you know absolutely nothing about Economics! Ask anyone who's ever studied the subject and they'll tell you that "theory" is what Economics is! Different Economic Schools have radically different theories and there is no hard and fast consensus about what theory is the right one. So which school of economic theory do you belong to, Pknopp? Let's see just how much of a fool you want to make of yourself...

I already addressed this. I do not deal in theories. I deal in realities. But when you are unable to address what I say continue to fall back on your "theories".

You don't deal in "theories", PK because you don't know what any of the theories ARE! The study of Economics is the study of different schools of economic theory.

I'm not sure how many times I have to say this. This is not a classroom. It's real life.

Where do tariffs, bail outs, quantitative easing fit into your theories? In your theories, when a business fails it's suppose to simply fail is it not?
You don't deal in theories? That's pretty much all that Economics IS, Sparky! Something you'd know if you'd even taken one introductory class! You don't know a damn thing about this topic. You're here trying to pretend that you do...and doing a piss poor job of it! Do yourself a favor...get educated!

No, economics is not theory. It's what we actually do everyday. That you believe economics is the theories one is taught out of a book like many do is the reason it's a waste to discuss this with those like yourself.

I ask all the time where in Capitalism does it teach about the government bailing out a failed business? Where in Capitalism does it teach about creating an entity to constantly work to prop up the markets? And despite no answer we still hear how Capitalism is our system and it's the greatest.

It's not working or you wouldn't have to argue theory.

Please stop! You seem hell bent on proving without a shadow of a doubt that you know absolutely nothing about Economics! Ask anyone who's ever studied the subject and they'll tell you that "theory" is what Economics is! Different Economic Schools have radically different theories and there is no hard and fast consensus about what theory is the right one. So which school of economic theory do you belong to, Pknopp? Let's see just how much of a fool you want to make of yourself...

I already addressed this. I do not deal in theories. I deal in realities. But when you are unable to address what I say continue to fall back on your "theories".

You don't deal in "theories", PK because you don't know what any of the theories ARE! The study of Economics is the study of different schools of economic theory.

I'm not sure how many times I have to say this. This is not a classroom. It's real life.

Where do tariffs, bail outs, quantitative easing fit into your theories? In your theories, when a business fails it's suppose to simply fail is it not?
Tariffs are a necessary evil if a society is to have a government at all. It’s the only fair way to generate revenue because it’s the only type of tax that can be avoided and paid only on a voluntary basis if you choose to purchase a certain product. If you want to debate whether or not there should be any government at all that’s for a different discussion capitalism exists regardless of whether or not there is a government entity regulating it. The government entity will ALWAYS distort the market and therefore the market signals themselves and it’s what always leads to people assuming capitalism is failing society because we have a government body picking the winners and the losers. QE is the biggest distortion the market faces. Supply and demand is supposed to drive the market in capitalism and we don’t even allow supply and demand to dictate the price of money itself so everything else after that doesn’t even matter because the cost to borrow a dollar in this country at any given point in time is 100% artificial.
They never met a tax on business they didn’t like until trump levied one. Problem is he levied a tax they don’t understand. Which is clear as crystal every time they discuss it.
it only increases on corporations that outsourced their production overseas it helps companies that stayed and produced their product in America
I know what tariffs are and what they do. I don’t learn my economics from the television I read books

You've read books? Really? Did they have a lot of pictures? I hate to break this to you but you are WOEFULLY uninformed when it comes to economics! What books on economics have you read? I'd be interested to know who it is that you got your woeful lack of knowledge from!
Do you even know what you’re arguing? :lol: We’re on the same side here you fucking retard

Here is the way the arguments work.

Person A: I support the theory of Capitalism. I've read a lot of books and the books on the theories on Capitalism seems to make the most sense.

Person B: OK but where does things like tariff's, bail outs, quantitative easing, fit into these theories?

Person A: You are an idiot.

The way this argument has progressed is Internet Blowhard #1 claims to know about Economics.
You don't deal in theories? That's pretty much all that Economics IS, Sparky! Something you'd know if you'd even taken one introductory class! You don't know a damn thing about this topic. You're here trying to pretend that you do...and doing a piss poor job of it! Do yourself a favor...get educated!

No, economics is not theory. It's what we actually do everyday. That you believe economics is the theories one is taught out of a book like many do is the reason it's a waste to discuss this with those like yourself.

I ask all the time where in Capitalism does it teach about the government bailing out a failed business? Where in Capitalism does it teach about creating an entity to constantly work to prop up the markets? And despite no answer we still hear how Capitalism is our system and it's the greatest.

It's not working or you wouldn't have to argue theory.

Please stop! You seem hell bent on proving without a shadow of a doubt that you know absolutely nothing about Economics! Ask anyone who's ever studied the subject and they'll tell you that "theory" is what Economics is! Different Economic Schools have radically different theories and there is no hard and fast consensus about what theory is the right one. So which school of economic theory do you belong to, Pknopp? Let's see just how much of a fool you want to make of yourself...

I already addressed this. I do not deal in theories. I deal in realities. But when you are unable to address what I say continue to fall back on your "theories".

You don't deal in "theories", PK because you don't know what any of the theories ARE! The study of Economics is the study of different schools of economic theory.

I'm not sure how many times I have to say this. This is not a classroom. It's real life.

Where do tariffs, bail outs, quantitative easing fit into your theories? In your theories, when a business fails it's suppose to simply fail is it not?

I've come to the conclusion that you know zero about economics. Let's start with the basic theory. Economics is the study of how societies use scarce resources to produce valuable commodities and distribute them among different people. Capitalism is a system...not a theory.
Can you imagine how repubs would react if Obama had suggested something so retarded? Hell, you could write an entire book on the double standard of Obama and Trump called “If Obama had done that..”

Trump presses Fed to weaken dollar

Leave it to republicans to blindly defend this shit like anything he does.
You're a ding bat socialist, so youn probqably shouldn't comment on things that you know nothing about.
No, economics is not theory. It's what we actually do everyday. That you believe economics is the theories one is taught out of a book like many do is the reason it's a waste to discuss this with those like yourself.

I ask all the time where in Capitalism does it teach about the government bailing out a failed business? Where in Capitalism does it teach about creating an entity to constantly work to prop up the markets? And despite no answer we still hear how Capitalism is our system and it's the greatest.

It's not working or you wouldn't have to argue theory.

Please stop! You seem hell bent on proving without a shadow of a doubt that you know absolutely nothing about Economics! Ask anyone who's ever studied the subject and they'll tell you that "theory" is what Economics is! Different Economic Schools have radically different theories and there is no hard and fast consensus about what theory is the right one. So which school of economic theory do you belong to, Pknopp? Let's see just how much of a fool you want to make of yourself...

I already addressed this. I do not deal in theories. I deal in realities. But when you are unable to address what I say continue to fall back on your "theories".

You don't deal in "theories", PK because you don't know what any of the theories ARE! The study of Economics is the study of different schools of economic theory.

I'm not sure how many times I have to say this. This is not a classroom. It's real life.

Where do tariffs, bail outs, quantitative easing fit into your theories? In your theories, when a business fails it's suppose to simply fail is it not?
Tariffs are a necessary evil if a society is to have a government at all. It’s the only fair way to generate revenue because it’s the only type of tax that can be avoided and paid only on a voluntary basis if you choose to purchase a certain product. If you want to debate whether or not there should be any government at all that’s for a different discussion capitalism exists regardless of whether or not there is a government entity regulating it. The government entity will ALWAYS distort the market and therefore the market signals themselves and it’s what always leads to people assuming capitalism is failing society because we have a government body picking the winners and the losers. QE is the biggest distortion the market faces. Supply and demand is supposed to drive the market in capitalism and we don’t even allow supply and demand to dictate the price of money itself so everything else after that doesn’t even matter because the cost to borrow a dollar in this country at any given point in time is 100% artificial.

All well and fine but it goes to show that we are NOT a simple capitalist country. At best it's crony capitalism and on the other end it shows that everyone love Socialist policies when it benefits them.

Those bitching about people being able to go see a doctor were not complaining when the fed was plowing billions into the markets. "Well, we had to". No we did not.
it only increases on corporations that outsourced their production overseas it helps companies that stayed and produced their product in America
I know what tariffs are and what they do. I don’t learn my economics from the television I read books

You've read books? Really? Did they have a lot of pictures? I hate to break this to you but you are WOEFULLY uninformed when it comes to economics! What books on economics have you read? I'd be interested to know who it is that you got your woeful lack of knowledge from!
Do you even know what you’re arguing? :lol: We’re on the same side here you fucking retard

Here is the way the arguments work.

Person A: I support the theory of Capitalism. I've read a lot of books and the books on the theories on Capitalism seems to make the most sense.

Person B: OK but where does things like tariff's, bail outs, quantitative easing, fit into these theories?

Person A: You are an idiot.

The way this argument has progressed is Internet Blowhard #1 claims to know about Economics.
No, economics is not theory. It's what we actually do everyday. That you believe economics is the theories one is taught out of a book like many do is the reason it's a waste to discuss this with those like yourself.

I ask all the time where in Capitalism does it teach about the government bailing out a failed business? Where in Capitalism does it teach about creating an entity to constantly work to prop up the markets? And despite no answer we still hear how Capitalism is our system and it's the greatest.

It's not working or you wouldn't have to argue theory.

Please stop! You seem hell bent on proving without a shadow of a doubt that you know absolutely nothing about Economics! Ask anyone who's ever studied the subject and they'll tell you that "theory" is what Economics is! Different Economic Schools have radically different theories and there is no hard and fast consensus about what theory is the right one. So which school of economic theory do you belong to, Pknopp? Let's see just how much of a fool you want to make of yourself...

I already addressed this. I do not deal in theories. I deal in realities. But when you are unable to address what I say continue to fall back on your "theories".

You don't deal in "theories", PK because you don't know what any of the theories ARE! The study of Economics is the study of different schools of economic theory.

I'm not sure how many times I have to say this. This is not a classroom. It's real life.

Where do tariffs, bail outs, quantitative easing fit into your theories? In your theories, when a business fails it's suppose to simply fail is it not?

I've come to the conclusion that you know zero about economics. Let's start with the basic theory. Economics is the study of how societies use scarce resources to produce valuable commodities and distribute them among different people. Capitalism is a system...not a theory.

Answer my questions or nothing you say mean anything.
Please stop! You seem hell bent on proving without a shadow of a doubt that you know absolutely nothing about Economics! Ask anyone who's ever studied the subject and they'll tell you that "theory" is what Economics is! Different Economic Schools have radically different theories and there is no hard and fast consensus about what theory is the right one. So which school of economic theory do you belong to, Pknopp? Let's see just how much of a fool you want to make of yourself...

I already addressed this. I do not deal in theories. I deal in realities. But when you are unable to address what I say continue to fall back on your "theories".

You don't deal in "theories", PK because you don't know what any of the theories ARE! The study of Economics is the study of different schools of economic theory.

I'm not sure how many times I have to say this. This is not a classroom. It's real life.

Where do tariffs, bail outs, quantitative easing fit into your theories? In your theories, when a business fails it's suppose to simply fail is it not?
Tariffs are a necessary evil if a society is to have a government at all. It’s the only fair way to generate revenue because it’s the only type of tax that can be avoided and paid only on a voluntary basis if you choose to purchase a certain product. If you want to debate whether or not there should be any government at all that’s for a different discussion capitalism exists regardless of whether or not there is a government entity regulating it. The government entity will ALWAYS distort the market and therefore the market signals themselves and it’s what always leads to people assuming capitalism is failing society because we have a government body picking the winners and the losers. QE is the biggest distortion the market faces. Supply and demand is supposed to drive the market in capitalism and we don’t even allow supply and demand to dictate the price of money itself so everything else after that doesn’t even matter because the cost to borrow a dollar in this country at any given point in time is 100% artificial.

All well and fine but it goes to show that we are NOT a simple capitalist country. At best it's crony capitalism and on the other end it shows that everyone love Socialist policies when it benefits them.

Those bitching about people being able to go see a doctor were not complaining when the fed was plowing billions into the markets. "Well, we had to". No we did not.
You won’t get an argument from me on the fact that we’re not a true capitalist nation. I’m glad to see someone not already on the right who can allow themselves to admit that this isn’t actually real capitalism here. We’ve never tried real capitalism because big business under TRUE capitalism doesn’t get to the point of multi national conglomerate that’s too big to fail. Under real capitalism there would be too much competition to ever have companies get that large. The regulation in the market is what allows these businesses to become so huge because the cost to comply with the regulation is too high for many businesses to make it to market, let alone survive or even thrive.
I already addressed this. I do not deal in theories. I deal in realities. But when you are unable to address what I say continue to fall back on your "theories".

You don't deal in "theories", PK because you don't know what any of the theories ARE! The study of Economics is the study of different schools of economic theory.

I'm not sure how many times I have to say this. This is not a classroom. It's real life.

Where do tariffs, bail outs, quantitative easing fit into your theories? In your theories, when a business fails it's suppose to simply fail is it not?
Tariffs are a necessary evil if a society is to have a government at all. It’s the only fair way to generate revenue because it’s the only type of tax that can be avoided and paid only on a voluntary basis if you choose to purchase a certain product. If you want to debate whether or not there should be any government at all that’s for a different discussion capitalism exists regardless of whether or not there is a government entity regulating it. The government entity will ALWAYS distort the market and therefore the market signals themselves and it’s what always leads to people assuming capitalism is failing society because we have a government body picking the winners and the losers. QE is the biggest distortion the market faces. Supply and demand is supposed to drive the market in capitalism and we don’t even allow supply and demand to dictate the price of money itself so everything else after that doesn’t even matter because the cost to borrow a dollar in this country at any given point in time is 100% artificial.

All well and fine but it goes to show that we are NOT a simple capitalist country. At best it's crony capitalism and on the other end it shows that everyone love Socialist policies when it benefits them.

Those bitching about people being able to go see a doctor were not complaining when the fed was plowing billions into the markets. "Well, we had to". No we did not.
You won’t get an argument from me on the fact that we’re not a true capitalist nation. I’m glad to see someone not already on the right who can allow themselves to admit that this isn’t actually real capitalism here. We’ve never tried real capitalism because big business under TRUE capitalism doesn’t get to the point of multi national conglomerate that’s too big to fail. Under real capitalism there would be too much competition to ever have companies get that large. The regulation in the market is what allows these businesses to become so huge because the cost to comply with the regulation is too high for many businesses to make it to market, let alone survive or even thrive.

I argue for the lower classes because what you say is true, I'm all for "true Capitalism". Not crony Capitalism which at best is all we have ever practiced.

As long as this is our "economy" I'm going to support whatever I see as being able to tear that down.
You don't deal in "theories", PK because you don't know what any of the theories ARE! The study of Economics is the study of different schools of economic theory.

I'm not sure how many times I have to say this. This is not a classroom. It's real life.

Where do tariffs, bail outs, quantitative easing fit into your theories? In your theories, when a business fails it's suppose to simply fail is it not?
Tariffs are a necessary evil if a society is to have a government at all. It’s the only fair way to generate revenue because it’s the only type of tax that can be avoided and paid only on a voluntary basis if you choose to purchase a certain product. If you want to debate whether or not there should be any government at all that’s for a different discussion capitalism exists regardless of whether or not there is a government entity regulating it. The government entity will ALWAYS distort the market and therefore the market signals themselves and it’s what always leads to people assuming capitalism is failing society because we have a government body picking the winners and the losers. QE is the biggest distortion the market faces. Supply and demand is supposed to drive the market in capitalism and we don’t even allow supply and demand to dictate the price of money itself so everything else after that doesn’t even matter because the cost to borrow a dollar in this country at any given point in time is 100% artificial.

All well and fine but it goes to show that we are NOT a simple capitalist country. At best it's crony capitalism and on the other end it shows that everyone love Socialist policies when it benefits them.

Those bitching about people being able to go see a doctor were not complaining when the fed was plowing billions into the markets. "Well, we had to". No we did not.
You won’t get an argument from me on the fact that we’re not a true capitalist nation. I’m glad to see someone not already on the right who can allow themselves to admit that this isn’t actually real capitalism here. We’ve never tried real capitalism because big business under TRUE capitalism doesn’t get to the point of multi national conglomerate that’s too big to fail. Under real capitalism there would be too much competition to ever have companies get that large. The regulation in the market is what allows these businesses to become so huge because the cost to comply with the regulation is too high for many businesses to make it to market, let alone survive or even thrive.

I argue for the lower classes because what you say is true, I'm all for "true Capitalism". Not crony Capitalism which at best is all we have ever practiced.

As long as this is our "economy" I'm going to support whatever I see as being able to tear that down.
You can argue for the lower classes all you want. But historically there are people who are smart with money and people who are dumb with money and typically the lower classes are the dumbest with money. This doesn’t mean by any means I would try to prevent them from having more money but their own stupidity is usually why they don’t have it. That’s why some people make it out of poverty on their own merits and hard work and others languish in it for their entire lives. Not one single person in this country doesn’t have opportunity to get out of poverty. Some may have better paths out than others but that’s just life. We can’t all be born in the same location and with the same amount of money in the family to help us out. But we ALL have opportunity if we want to work hard enough for it.
I'm not sure how many times I have to say this. This is not a classroom. It's real life.

Where do tariffs, bail outs, quantitative easing fit into your theories? In your theories, when a business fails it's suppose to simply fail is it not?
Tariffs are a necessary evil if a society is to have a government at all. It’s the only fair way to generate revenue because it’s the only type of tax that can be avoided and paid only on a voluntary basis if you choose to purchase a certain product. If you want to debate whether or not there should be any government at all that’s for a different discussion capitalism exists regardless of whether or not there is a government entity regulating it. The government entity will ALWAYS distort the market and therefore the market signals themselves and it’s what always leads to people assuming capitalism is failing society because we have a government body picking the winners and the losers. QE is the biggest distortion the market faces. Supply and demand is supposed to drive the market in capitalism and we don’t even allow supply and demand to dictate the price of money itself so everything else after that doesn’t even matter because the cost to borrow a dollar in this country at any given point in time is 100% artificial.

All well and fine but it goes to show that we are NOT a simple capitalist country. At best it's crony capitalism and on the other end it shows that everyone love Socialist policies when it benefits them.

Those bitching about people being able to go see a doctor were not complaining when the fed was plowing billions into the markets. "Well, we had to". No we did not.
You won’t get an argument from me on the fact that we’re not a true capitalist nation. I’m glad to see someone not already on the right who can allow themselves to admit that this isn’t actually real capitalism here. We’ve never tried real capitalism because big business under TRUE capitalism doesn’t get to the point of multi national conglomerate that’s too big to fail. Under real capitalism there would be too much competition to ever have companies get that large. The regulation in the market is what allows these businesses to become so huge because the cost to comply with the regulation is too high for many businesses to make it to market, let alone survive or even thrive.

I argue for the lower classes because what you say is true, I'm all for "true Capitalism". Not crony Capitalism which at best is all we have ever practiced.

As long as this is our "economy" I'm going to support whatever I see as being able to tear that down.
You can argue for the lower classes all you want. But historically there are people who are smart with money and people who are dumb with money and typically the lower classes are the dumbest with money. This doesn’t mean by any means I would try to prevent them from having more money but their own stupidity is usually why they don’t have it. That’s why some people make it out of poverty on their own merits and hard work and others languish in it for their entire lives. Not one single person in this country doesn’t have opportunity to get out of poverty. Some may have better paths out than others but that’s just life. We can’t all be born in the same location and with the same amount of money in the family to help us out. But we ALL have opportunity if we want to work hard enough for it.

The stupid "poor" people are certainly not outshone by someone like the CEO of Boeing. He ignored every warning and it killed 350 people and put the entire business at risk of failing.

Is it really something we should hold up as a positive that the poor guy can only rob a 7/11 and go to prison but Angelo Mozilo can rob the country of millions and millions of dollars and his punishment is retirement with millions in his account?
Tariffs are a necessary evil if a society is to have a government at all. It’s the only fair way to generate revenue because it’s the only type of tax that can be avoided and paid only on a voluntary basis if you choose to purchase a certain product. If you want to debate whether or not there should be any government at all that’s for a different discussion capitalism exists regardless of whether or not there is a government entity regulating it. The government entity will ALWAYS distort the market and therefore the market signals themselves and it’s what always leads to people assuming capitalism is failing society because we have a government body picking the winners and the losers. QE is the biggest distortion the market faces. Supply and demand is supposed to drive the market in capitalism and we don’t even allow supply and demand to dictate the price of money itself so everything else after that doesn’t even matter because the cost to borrow a dollar in this country at any given point in time is 100% artificial.

All well and fine but it goes to show that we are NOT a simple capitalist country. At best it's crony capitalism and on the other end it shows that everyone love Socialist policies when it benefits them.

Those bitching about people being able to go see a doctor were not complaining when the fed was plowing billions into the markets. "Well, we had to". No we did not.
You won’t get an argument from me on the fact that we’re not a true capitalist nation. I’m glad to see someone not already on the right who can allow themselves to admit that this isn’t actually real capitalism here. We’ve never tried real capitalism because big business under TRUE capitalism doesn’t get to the point of multi national conglomerate that’s too big to fail. Under real capitalism there would be too much competition to ever have companies get that large. The regulation in the market is what allows these businesses to become so huge because the cost to comply with the regulation is too high for many businesses to make it to market, let alone survive or even thrive.

I argue for the lower classes because what you say is true, I'm all for "true Capitalism". Not crony Capitalism which at best is all we have ever practiced.

As long as this is our "economy" I'm going to support whatever I see as being able to tear that down.
You can argue for the lower classes all you want. But historically there are people who are smart with money and people who are dumb with money and typically the lower classes are the dumbest with money. This doesn’t mean by any means I would try to prevent them from having more money but their own stupidity is usually why they don’t have it. That’s why some people make it out of poverty on their own merits and hard work and others languish in it for their entire lives. Not one single person in this country doesn’t have opportunity to get out of poverty. Some may have better paths out than others but that’s just life. We can’t all be born in the same location and with the same amount of money in the family to help us out. But we ALL have opportunity if we want to work hard enough for it.

The stupid "poor" people are certainly not outshone by someone like the CEO of Boeing. He ignored every warning and it killed 350 people and put the entire business at risk of failing.

Is it really something we should hold up as a positive that the poor guy can only rob a 7/11 and go to prison but Angelo Mozilo can rob the country of millions and millions of dollars and his punishment is retirement with millions in his account?
You’re veering away from just the capitalism aspect of it though
All well and fine but it goes to show that we are NOT a simple capitalist country. At best it's crony capitalism and on the other end it shows that everyone love Socialist policies when it benefits them.

Those bitching about people being able to go see a doctor were not complaining when the fed was plowing billions into the markets. "Well, we had to". No we did not.
You won’t get an argument from me on the fact that we’re not a true capitalist nation. I’m glad to see someone not already on the right who can allow themselves to admit that this isn’t actually real capitalism here. We’ve never tried real capitalism because big business under TRUE capitalism doesn’t get to the point of multi national conglomerate that’s too big to fail. Under real capitalism there would be too much competition to ever have companies get that large. The regulation in the market is what allows these businesses to become so huge because the cost to comply with the regulation is too high for many businesses to make it to market, let alone survive or even thrive.

I argue for the lower classes because what you say is true, I'm all for "true Capitalism". Not crony Capitalism which at best is all we have ever practiced.

As long as this is our "economy" I'm going to support whatever I see as being able to tear that down.
You can argue for the lower classes all you want. But historically there are people who are smart with money and people who are dumb with money and typically the lower classes are the dumbest with money. This doesn’t mean by any means I would try to prevent them from having more money but their own stupidity is usually why they don’t have it. That’s why some people make it out of poverty on their own merits and hard work and others languish in it for their entire lives. Not one single person in this country doesn’t have opportunity to get out of poverty. Some may have better paths out than others but that’s just life. We can’t all be born in the same location and with the same amount of money in the family to help us out. But we ALL have opportunity if we want to work hard enough for it.

The stupid "poor" people are certainly not outshone by someone like the CEO of Boeing. He ignored every warning and it killed 350 people and put the entire business at risk of failing.

Is it really something we should hold up as a positive that the poor guy can only rob a 7/11 and go to prison but Angelo Mozilo can rob the country of millions and millions of dollars and his punishment is retirement with millions in his account?
You’re veering away from just the capitalism aspect of it though

I addressed your point.
You won’t get an argument from me on the fact that we’re not a true capitalist nation. I’m glad to see someone not already on the right who can allow themselves to admit that this isn’t actually real capitalism here. We’ve never tried real capitalism because big business under TRUE capitalism doesn’t get to the point of multi national conglomerate that’s too big to fail. Under real capitalism there would be too much competition to ever have companies get that large. The regulation in the market is what allows these businesses to become so huge because the cost to comply with the regulation is too high for many businesses to make it to market, let alone survive or even thrive.

I argue for the lower classes because what you say is true, I'm all for "true Capitalism". Not crony Capitalism which at best is all we have ever practiced.

As long as this is our "economy" I'm going to support whatever I see as being able to tear that down.
You can argue for the lower classes all you want. But historically there are people who are smart with money and people who are dumb with money and typically the lower classes are the dumbest with money. This doesn’t mean by any means I would try to prevent them from having more money but their own stupidity is usually why they don’t have it. That’s why some people make it out of poverty on their own merits and hard work and others languish in it for their entire lives. Not one single person in this country doesn’t have opportunity to get out of poverty. Some may have better paths out than others but that’s just life. We can’t all be born in the same location and with the same amount of money in the family to help us out. But we ALL have opportunity if we want to work hard enough for it.

The stupid "poor" people are certainly not outshone by someone like the CEO of Boeing. He ignored every warning and it killed 350 people and put the entire business at risk of failing.

Is it really something we should hold up as a positive that the poor guy can only rob a 7/11 and go to prison but Angelo Mozilo can rob the country of millions and millions of dollars and his punishment is retirement with millions in his account?
You’re veering away from just the capitalism aspect of it though

I addressed your point.
Bad people should go to prison. That solves it. But the government lets them get away with it. So again, the government distorts the market in a different way. They’re telling the bad people go ahead and be bad as long as you have enough money. This isn’t capitalism’s fault anymore than anything else the government distorts about it is.
I argue for the lower classes because what you say is true, I'm all for "true Capitalism". Not crony Capitalism which at best is all we have ever practiced.

As long as this is our "economy" I'm going to support whatever I see as being able to tear that down.
You can argue for the lower classes all you want. But historically there are people who are smart with money and people who are dumb with money and typically the lower classes are the dumbest with money. This doesn’t mean by any means I would try to prevent them from having more money but their own stupidity is usually why they don’t have it. That’s why some people make it out of poverty on their own merits and hard work and others languish in it for their entire lives. Not one single person in this country doesn’t have opportunity to get out of poverty. Some may have better paths out than others but that’s just life. We can’t all be born in the same location and with the same amount of money in the family to help us out. But we ALL have opportunity if we want to work hard enough for it.

The stupid "poor" people are certainly not outshone by someone like the CEO of Boeing. He ignored every warning and it killed 350 people and put the entire business at risk of failing.

Is it really something we should hold up as a positive that the poor guy can only rob a 7/11 and go to prison but Angelo Mozilo can rob the country of millions and millions of dollars and his punishment is retirement with millions in his account?
You’re veering away from just the capitalism aspect of it though

I addressed your point.
Bad people should go to prison. That solves it. But the government lets them get away with it. So again, the government distorts the market in a different way. They’re telling the bad people go ahead and be bad as long as you have enough money. This isn’t capitalism’s fault anymore than anything else the government distorts about it is.

That is how our "Capitalism" works.
You can argue for the lower classes all you want. But historically there are people who are smart with money and people who are dumb with money and typically the lower classes are the dumbest with money. This doesn’t mean by any means I would try to prevent them from having more money but their own stupidity is usually why they don’t have it. That’s why some people make it out of poverty on their own merits and hard work and others languish in it for their entire lives. Not one single person in this country doesn’t have opportunity to get out of poverty. Some may have better paths out than others but that’s just life. We can’t all be born in the same location and with the same amount of money in the family to help us out. But we ALL have opportunity if we want to work hard enough for it.

The stupid "poor" people are certainly not outshone by someone like the CEO of Boeing. He ignored every warning and it killed 350 people and put the entire business at risk of failing.

Is it really something we should hold up as a positive that the poor guy can only rob a 7/11 and go to prison but Angelo Mozilo can rob the country of millions and millions of dollars and his punishment is retirement with millions in his account?
You’re veering away from just the capitalism aspect of it though

I addressed your point.
Bad people should go to prison. That solves it. But the government lets them get away with it. So again, the government distorts the market in a different way. They’re telling the bad people go ahead and be bad as long as you have enough money. This isn’t capitalism’s fault anymore than anything else the government distorts about it is.

That is how our "Capitalism" works.
It’s how any capitalism with this much government interference would work.
The stupid "poor" people are certainly not outshone by someone like the CEO of Boeing. He ignored every warning and it killed 350 people and put the entire business at risk of failing.

Is it really something we should hold up as a positive that the poor guy can only rob a 7/11 and go to prison but Angelo Mozilo can rob the country of millions and millions of dollars and his punishment is retirement with millions in his account?
You’re veering away from just the capitalism aspect of it though

I addressed your point.
Bad people should go to prison. That solves it. But the government lets them get away with it. So again, the government distorts the market in a different way. They’re telling the bad people go ahead and be bad as long as you have enough money. This isn’t capitalism’s fault anymore than anything else the government distorts about it is.

That is how our "Capitalism" works.
It’s how any capitalism with this much government interference would work.

No, what we practice is not capitalism. It's something else.
You’re veering away from just the capitalism aspect of it though

I addressed your point.
Bad people should go to prison. That solves it. But the government lets them get away with it. So again, the government distorts the market in a different way. They’re telling the bad people go ahead and be bad as long as you have enough money. This isn’t capitalism’s fault anymore than anything else the government distorts about it is.

That is how our "Capitalism" works.
It’s how any capitalism with this much government interference would work.

No, what we practice is not capitalism. It's something else.
Isn’t this literally what both of us have been saying this whole time?
I addressed your point.
Bad people should go to prison. That solves it. But the government lets them get away with it. So again, the government distorts the market in a different way. They’re telling the bad people go ahead and be bad as long as you have enough money. This isn’t capitalism’s fault anymore than anything else the government distorts about it is.

That is how our "Capitalism" works.
It’s how any capitalism with this much government interference would work.

No, what we practice is not capitalism. It's something else.
Isn’t this literally what both of us have been saying this whole time?

Yes, just emphasizing it for others.

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