Trump calls on fed to weaken the dollar. Yes, weaken.

The fed only changed interest rates twice in the Obama years was president.

Those two years were 2015 and 2016.

So no the fed didn't weaken the dollar more than they have anytime in history.

I understand why you didn't post a link to support your claim. There's no site that will.

The bush boy had the fed lower interest rates in 2008 in response to the collapsing economy. The rate was near zero. Obama couldn't lower rates any lower than zero where the bush boy left it.

I also understand why you lied. The truth just isn't on your side and you're too lazy to find that truth.

Your post is nothing but one big fat lie.

Meanwhile check out the link below:

Fed Funds Target Rate History (Historical)

And this one:

Highest and Lowest Interest Rates and Why They Changed

Finally a chart from 2008:

View attachment 273765

They kept the rate near zero for more than 6 years after the recession ended?

Obama must have had a really weak recovery...…..
The previous Republicans Administration left him with a really big Recession

That was awful!! And it ended in June 2009.

So why was his economy so weak for the next 6 years?
It wasn’t. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE. The longest stretch of job growth in history.

Billy...Billy...Billy! Don't you get embarrassed trotting out that stat? You know some party pooper like me is going to point out that Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression and that he wasn't responsible for most of the jobs that were created...right? Those came from things like the Energy Boom that was fueled by fracking...something that Barry opposed! Take away THAT and Obama's numbers would have been downright abysmal! Just saying...
This logic isn’t hard to figure out. It was the slowest recovery because it was the worst recession since WWII. You do get that right?
The previous Republicans Administration left him with a really big Recession

That was awful!! And it ended in June 2009.

So why was his economy so weak for the next 6 years?
It wasn’t. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE. The longest stretch of job growth in history.

It wasn’t.

Weakest recovery since WWII.

So weak, the Fed kept overnight rates below 0.25% until December 2015.

That's weak......
Yeah it was slow because we lost 8 million jobs in the span of 9 months. Obviously it would take awhile to recover from that.

You might have a point there, Billster...if it wasn't for the fact that Barry, Harry and Nancy spent nearly a trillion of our tax dollars on their stimulus plan...a plan that they promised would create a shit load of "shovel ready" jobs...only to end up with jobs numbers so bad they had to go with the whole "jobs created or saved" to hide just how few jobs they did create! Just saying...
You do know that 2/3 of that spending went to tax cuts right?
They kept the rate near zero for more than 6 years after the recession ended?

Obama must have had a really weak recovery...…..
The previous Republicans Administration left him with a really big Recession

That was awful!! And it ended in June 2009.

So why was his economy so weak for the next 6 years?
It wasn’t. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE. The longest stretch of job growth in history.

Billy...Billy...Billy! Don't you get embarrassed trotting out that stat? You know some party pooper like me is going to point out that Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression and that he wasn't responsible for most of the jobs that were created...right? Those came from things like the Energy Boom that was fueled by fracking...something that Barry opposed! Take away THAT and Obama's numbers would have been downright abysmal! Just saying...
This logic isn’t hard to figure out. It was the slowest recovery because it was the worst recession since WWII. You do get that right?

And because Obama had the worst policies.
You get that, right?
That was awful!! And it ended in June 2009.

So why was his economy so weak for the next 6 years?
It wasn’t. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE. The longest stretch of job growth in history.

It wasn’t.

Weakest recovery since WWII.

So weak, the Fed kept overnight rates below 0.25% until December 2015.

That's weak......
Yeah it was slow because we lost 8 million jobs in the span of 9 months. Obviously it would take awhile to recover from that.

You might have a point there, Billster...if it wasn't for the fact that Barry, Harry and Nancy spent nearly a trillion of our tax dollars on their stimulus plan...a plan that they promised would create a shit load of "shovel ready" jobs...only to end up with jobs numbers so bad they had to go with the whole "jobs created or saved" to hide just how few jobs they did create! Just saying...
You do know that 2/3 of that spending went to tax cuts right?

Obama thought tax cuts were good for the economy?
It wasn’t. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE. The longest stretch of job growth in history.

It wasn’t.

Weakest recovery since WWII.

So weak, the Fed kept overnight rates below 0.25% until December 2015.

That's weak......
Yeah it was slow because we lost 8 million jobs in the span of 9 months. Obviously it would take awhile to recover from that.

You might have a point there, Billster...if it wasn't for the fact that Barry, Harry and Nancy spent nearly a trillion of our tax dollars on their stimulus plan...a plan that they promised would create a shit load of "shovel ready" jobs...only to end up with jobs numbers so bad they had to go with the whole "jobs created or saved" to hide just how few jobs they did create! Just saying...
You do know that 2/3 of that spending went to tax cuts right?

Obama thought tax cuts were good for the economy?
For the middle class he did. He made a deal with republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts which included cuts for the wealthy, however.
It wasn’t.

Weakest recovery since WWII.

So weak, the Fed kept overnight rates below 0.25% until December 2015.

That's weak......
Yeah it was slow because we lost 8 million jobs in the span of 9 months. Obviously it would take awhile to recover from that.

You might have a point there, Billster...if it wasn't for the fact that Barry, Harry and Nancy spent nearly a trillion of our tax dollars on their stimulus plan...a plan that they promised would create a shit load of "shovel ready" jobs...only to end up with jobs numbers so bad they had to go with the whole "jobs created or saved" to hide just how few jobs they did create! Just saying...
You do know that 2/3 of that spending went to tax cuts right?

Obama thought tax cuts were good for the economy?
For the middle class he did. He made a deal with republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts which included cuts for the wealthy, however.

For the middle class he did.

So why didn't he pass permanent tax cuts for the middle class?
His temporary tax cuts in the stimulus sucked. $8 a week in lowered withholding? LOL!

And you're wrong about 2/3.
It wasn’t.

Weakest recovery since WWII.

So weak, the Fed kept overnight rates below 0.25% until December 2015.

That's weak......
Yeah it was slow because we lost 8 million jobs in the span of 9 months. Obviously it would take awhile to recover from that.

You might have a point there, Billster...if it wasn't for the fact that Barry, Harry and Nancy spent nearly a trillion of our tax dollars on their stimulus plan...a plan that they promised would create a shit load of "shovel ready" jobs...only to end up with jobs numbers so bad they had to go with the whole "jobs created or saved" to hide just how few jobs they did create! Just saying...
You do know that 2/3 of that spending went to tax cuts right?

Obama thought tax cuts were good for the economy?
For the middle class he did. He made a deal with republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts which included cuts for the wealthy, however.

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts because moderate Democrats refused to go along with his plan to raise taxes in the midst of a recession...something that even first year Econ students grasped would be a terrible idea! The fact is...if Barry had his way back then...the recession would have been even worse than it was! His lack of understanding about how jobs are created was STAGGERING!
Yeah it was slow because we lost 8 million jobs in the span of 9 months. Obviously it would take awhile to recover from that.

You might have a point there, Billster...if it wasn't for the fact that Barry, Harry and Nancy spent nearly a trillion of our tax dollars on their stimulus plan...a plan that they promised would create a shit load of "shovel ready" jobs...only to end up with jobs numbers so bad they had to go with the whole "jobs created or saved" to hide just how few jobs they did create! Just saying...
You do know that 2/3 of that spending went to tax cuts right?

Obama thought tax cuts were good for the economy?
For the middle class he did. He made a deal with republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts which included cuts for the wealthy, however.

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts because moderate Democrats refused to go along with his plan to raise taxes in the midst of a recession...something that even first year Econ students grasped would be a terrible idea! The fact is...if Barry had his way back then...the recession would have been even worse than it was! His lack of understanding about how jobs are created was STAGGERING!
Anyone who’s never run a business themselves and also on top of it doesn’t have a background in economics probably wouldn’t have any idea about how jobs are created
It wasn’t. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE. The longest stretch of job growth in history.

It wasn’t.

Weakest recovery since WWII.

So weak, the Fed kept overnight rates below 0.25% until December 2015.

That's weak......
Yeah it was slow because we lost 8 million jobs in the span of 9 months. Obviously it would take awhile to recover from that.

You might have a point there, Billster...if it wasn't for the fact that Barry, Harry and Nancy spent nearly a trillion of our tax dollars on their stimulus plan...a plan that they promised would create a shit load of "shovel ready" jobs...only to end up with jobs numbers so bad they had to go with the whole "jobs created or saved" to hide just how few jobs they did create! Just saying...
You do know that 2/3 of that spending went to tax cuts right?

Obama thought tax cuts were good for the economy?

Not only was Obama going after tax increases in the midst of a bad recession...which is terrible fiscal policy...the next thing up on his liberal agenda was passing Cap & Trade legislation...something that would have REALLY brought the economy to a grinding halt! Thankfully for the nation...the GOP took back control of Congress and kept our 'Community Organizer in Chief' from yet another economic FUBAR!
The previous Republicans Administration left him with a really big Recession

That was awful!! And it ended in June 2009.

So why was his economy so weak for the next 6 years?
It wasn’t. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE. The longest stretch of job growth in history.

Billy...Billy...Billy! Don't you get embarrassed trotting out that stat? You know some party pooper like me is going to point out that Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression and that he wasn't responsible for most of the jobs that were created...right? Those came from things like the Energy Boom that was fueled by fracking...something that Barry opposed! Take away THAT and Obama's numbers would have been downright abysmal! Just saying...
This logic isn’t hard to figure out. It was the slowest recovery because it was the worst recession since WWII. You do get that right?

And because Obama had the worst policies.
You get that, right?

Here I would have to disagree with you. If Obama had the "worst policies", why did Trump do nothing to change ANY of them when he first took office? The only change Trump made to Obama's economic policies in the first year in office was to cut taxes, and wasn't signed into law until December of 2017. Other than rolling back regulations for the coal industry (another failed tactic), what exactly did Trump do any differently from Obama?

Trump created fewer jobs than Obama, had lower GDP growth than Obama's average growth, and signed the biggest deficit spending bills in US history, and to what end? If Trump's policies are so much better than Obama's, why does he have slower growth and fewer jobs than Obama?
That was awful!! And it ended in June 2009.

So why was his economy so weak for the next 6 years?
It wasn’t. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE. The longest stretch of job growth in history.

It wasn’t.

Weakest recovery since WWII.

So weak, the Fed kept overnight rates below 0.25% until December 2015.

That's weak......
Yeah it was slow because we lost 8 million jobs in the span of 9 months. Obviously it would take awhile to recover from that.

You might have a point there, Billster...if it wasn't for the fact that Barry, Harry and Nancy spent nearly a trillion of our tax dollars on their stimulus plan...a plan that they promised would create a shit load of "shovel ready" jobs...only to end up with jobs numbers so bad they had to go with the whole "jobs created or saved" to hide just how few jobs they did create! Just saying...
You do know that 2/3 of that spending went to tax cuts right?

Actually I believe the number was a little less than 1/3 of the ARRA were tax cuts.

That being said...what does that have to do with the Obama Stimulus's failure to create jobs as promised?
You people sound like idiots arguing over which president saw more job creation. Who cares. Right now, TODAY, the economy is doing well. It’s growing and people are working. Can’t that just be good enough? No one was going to have any direct control over how he economy rebounded from the recession. Until the excess in the market was cleared out (mortgages without equity in this case) nothing was going to get much better and that had very little to do with who was president because the president can’t force lenders and borrowers to do anything. An equilibrium always needs to be found in the market and the government is incapable of artificially creating that.
That was awful!! And it ended in June 2009.

So why was his economy so weak for the next 6 years?
It wasn’t. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE. The longest stretch of job growth in history.

Billy...Billy...Billy! Don't you get embarrassed trotting out that stat? You know some party pooper like me is going to point out that Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression and that he wasn't responsible for most of the jobs that were created...right? Those came from things like the Energy Boom that was fueled by fracking...something that Barry opposed! Take away THAT and Obama's numbers would have been downright abysmal! Just saying...
This logic isn’t hard to figure out. It was the slowest recovery because it was the worst recession since WWII. You do get that right?

And because Obama had the worst policies.
You get that, right?

Here I would have to disagree with you. If Obama had the "worst policies", why did Trump do nothing to change ANY of them when he first took office? The only change Trump made to Obama's economic policies in the first year in office was to cut taxes, and wasn't signed into law until December of 2017. Other than rolling back regulations for the coal industry (another failed tactic), what exactly did Trump do any differently from Obama?

Trump created fewer jobs than Obama, had lower GDP growth than Obama's average growth, and signed the biggest deficit spending bills in US history, and to what end? If Trump's policies are so much better than Obama's, why does he have slower growth and fewer jobs than Obama?

So you're claiming the President who oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern US history had better economic policies than the President who's overseen record levels of unemployment, steady increases in economic growth all the while absorbing eight Fed rate increases since he was elected?

This liberal myth that Barry was the author of an amazing economic recovery is just that...myth! His economic policies were awful for job creation and economic growth! The stock market bounced back thanks to all that cheap money that was handed to the rich to invest. The rest of the country SUFFERED for eight long years while the progressives in the Obama White House floundered their way along! Just think what kind of shape we would have been in if they'd gotten their way with legislation! Tax increases by letting the Bush tax cuts expire? Increased energy costs to American businesses with Cap & Trade? Bans on fracking totally stunting the amazing energy boom we experienced during the middle of Barry's time in office?
Cheap money. That’s the elephant in the room. Cheap money, or more specifically ARTIFICIALLY cheap money, leads to booms and busts. The housing crisis was the result of artificially cheap money and then after that we saw even CHEAPER money.. cheaper than ever before in history.. so unless somehow the fed became geniuses out of nowhere and got it right for the first time ever, we’re in danger of this happening yet again because when there’s too much money it has to go somewhere and because people are imperfect the excess money tends to be misallocated because of distorted market signals caused by central planning of the world’s largest economy.
Can you imagine how repubs would react if Obama had suggested something so retarded? Hell, you could write an entire book on the double standard of Obama and Trump called “If Obama had done that..”

Trump presses Fed to weaken dollar

Leave it to republicans to blindly defend this shit like anything he does.
China has been ripping us off by pulling this stunt for decades.
They have intentionally weakened their currency to offset the impact of tariffs.

All Trump has to do is talk about doing this and the fed overreacts.
If Trump wants to do's would be temporary at worst.
He knows he can ruin the Chinese economy by making cheaply made Chinese products too expense to be worthwhile. It's clear that price, not quality is what you get when it's made in China. There are plenty of other countries that can make crap that costs even less than Chinese crap. Heck, Venezuela could repair their economy overnight just by becoming a producer of inexpensive goods.
That was awful!! And it ended in June 2009.

So why was his economy so weak for the next 6 years?
It wasn’t. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE. The longest stretch of job growth in history.

Billy...Billy...Billy! Don't you get embarrassed trotting out that stat? You know some party pooper like me is going to point out that Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression and that he wasn't responsible for most of the jobs that were created...right? Those came from things like the Energy Boom that was fueled by fracking...something that Barry opposed! Take away THAT and Obama's numbers would have been downright abysmal! Just saying...
This logic isn’t hard to figure out. It was the slowest recovery because it was the worst recession since WWII. You do get that right?

And because Obama had the worst policies.
You get that, right?

Here I would have to disagree with you. If Obama had the "worst policies", why did Trump do nothing to change ANY of them when he first took office? The only change Trump made to Obama's economic policies in the first year in office was to cut taxes, and wasn't signed into law until December of 2017. Other than rolling back regulations for the coal industry (another failed tactic), what exactly did Trump do any differently from Obama?

Trump created fewer jobs than Obama, had lower GDP growth than Obama's average growth, and signed the biggest deficit spending bills in US history, and to what end? If Trump's policies are so much better than Obama's, why does he have slower growth and fewer jobs than Obama?

Here I would have to disagree with you. If Obama had the "worst policies", why did Trump do nothing to change ANY of them when he first took office?

Trump was eliminating regulations, rolling back Executive Orders, cutting taxes, etc. since he took office.

How's that moronic Paris Accord?

If Obama had great policies, maybe you could list the 5 best things he did for the economy?
Can you imagine how repubs would react if Obama had suggested something so retarded?.........

YOU are the retard here you asswipe. Do you know why the dollar needs to be weakened? Do you know the problems that occur when the dollar is too strong in certain circumstances. You don't know shit you fucking dickless turd. STFU!

Disadvantages of a Strong Dollar

Exporters suffer.
Just as foreign imports become cheaper at home, domestically produced goods become relatively more expensive abroad. An American-made car that costs $30,000 would cost €22,222 in Europe with an exchange rate of 1.35 dollars per euro, but increases to €26,786 when the dollar strengthens to 1.12 per euro. Some have argued that expensive exports can cost American jobs.

U.S. companies conducting business abroad are hurt.
Companies based in the United States that conduct a large portion of their business around the globe will suffer as the income they earn from foreign sales will decrease in value on their balance sheets. Investors in such companies are also likely to see a negative impact. McDonalds Corp. (MCD) and Philip Morris International Inc. (PM) are well-known examples of U.S. companies with a large percentage of sales occurring overseas. While some of these companies use derivatives to hedge their currency exposures, not all do, and those that do hedge may only do so in part.

Emerging market economies are negatively impacted.
Foreign governments that require U.S. dollar reserves will end up paying relatively more to obtain those dollars. This is especially important in emerging market economies.

Tourism to the U.S. is more expensive.
Visitors from abroad will find the prices of goods and services in America more expensive with a stronger dollar. Business travelers and foreigners living in the U.S. but holding on to foreign-denominated bank accounts, or who are paid incomes in their home currency will be hurt and their cost of living increased.

That was awful!! And it ended in June 2009.

So why was his economy so weak for the next 6 years?
It wasn’t. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE. The longest stretch of job growth in history.

Billy...Billy...Billy! Don't you get embarrassed trotting out that stat? You know some party pooper like me is going to point out that Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression and that he wasn't responsible for most of the jobs that were created...right? Those came from things like the Energy Boom that was fueled by fracking...something that Barry opposed! Take away THAT and Obama's numbers would have been downright abysmal! Just saying...
This logic isn’t hard to figure out. It was the slowest recovery because it was the worst recession since WWII. You do get that right?

And because Obama had the worst policies.
You get that, right?

Here I would have to disagree with you. If Obama had the "worst policies", why did Trump do nothing to change ANY of them when he first took office? The only change Trump made to Obama's economic policies in the first year in office was to cut taxes, and wasn't signed into law until December of 2017. Other than rolling back regulations for the coal industry (another failed tactic), what exactly did Trump do any differently from Obama?

Trump created fewer jobs than Obama, had lower GDP growth than Obama's average growth, and signed the biggest deficit spending bills in US history, and to what end? If Trump's policies are so much better than Obama's, why does he have slower growth and fewer jobs than Obama?

had lower GDP growth than Obama's average growth,

That's funny! What was Obama's average? What is Trump's average?

and signed the biggest deficit spending bills in US history,

You're confused. 2009, 2010 and 2011 are still the 3 largest deficits ever.

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