Trump calls on fed to weaken the dollar. Yes, weaken.

I addressed your point.
Bad people should go to prison. That solves it. But the government lets them get away with it. So again, the government distorts the market in a different way. They’re telling the bad people go ahead and be bad as long as you have enough money. This isn’t capitalism’s fault anymore than anything else the government distorts about it is.

That is how our "Capitalism" works.
It’s how any capitalism with this much government interference would work.

No, what we practice is not capitalism. It's something else.
Isn’t this literally what both of us have been saying this whole time?

Jesus,'re trying to have an intelligent conversation about Economics with someone who doesn't have the faintest idea about economic theory or systems! He's bought into the whole "evil rich people" narrative that people like Elizabeth Warren are pushing trying to get naïve waifs like him to vote for her! People like PKnopp think that Capitalism is a failed system because he doesn't have a clue what Capitalism is! He's one of those people that thinks the answer is more government control to keep the evil rich people in check! What he can't seem to grasp is that the government he thinks is going to protect him was bought off by those evil rich people LONG AGO!
Bad people should go to prison. That solves it. But the government lets them get away with it. So again, the government distorts the market in a different way. They’re telling the bad people go ahead and be bad as long as you have enough money. This isn’t capitalism’s fault anymore than anything else the government distorts about it is.

That is how our "Capitalism" works.
It’s how any capitalism with this much government interference would work.

No, what we practice is not capitalism. It's something else.
Isn’t this literally what both of us have been saying this whole time?

Jesus,'re trying to have an intelligent conversation about Economics with someone who doesn't have the faintest idea about economic theory or systems! He's bought into the whole "evil rich people" narrative that people like Elizabeth Warren are pushing trying to get naïve waifs like him to vote for her! People like PKnopp think that Capitalism is a failed system because he doesn't have a clue what Capitalism is! He's one of those people that thinks the answer is more government control to keep the evil rich people in check! What he can't seem to grasp is that the government he thinks is going to protect him was bought off by those evil rich people LONG AGO!
I see it differently. I see a person who’s willing to recognize that this system of capitalism isn’t true capitalism and apparently wants to see true capitalism tried here. I see a potential ally. Certainly not the typical close minded progressive who acts on emotion and nothing else
Can you imagine how repubs would react if Obama had suggested something so retarded? Hell, you could write an entire book on the double standard of Obama and Trump called “If Obama had done that..”

Trump presses Fed to weaken dollar

Leave it to republicans to blindly defend this shit like anything he does.
The fed weakened the dollar under Obama more than they ever did in history. You do realize that anytime the rate is cut it weakens the currency? Is there fucking ANYTHING you idiots understand about economics?

The fed only changed interest rates twice in the Obama years was president.

Those two years were 2015 and 2016.

So no the fed didn't weaken the dollar more than they have anytime in history.

I understand why you didn't post a link to support your claim. There's no site that will.

The bush boy had the fed lower interest rates in 2008 in response to the collapsing economy. The rate was near zero. Obama couldn't lower rates any lower than zero where the bush boy left it.

I also understand why you lied. The truth just isn't on your side and you're too lazy to find that truth.

Your post is nothing but one big fat lie.

Meanwhile check out the link below:

Fed Funds Target Rate History (Historical)

And this one:

Highest and Lowest Interest Rates and Why They Changed

Finally a chart from 2008:

Screen Shot 2019-08-10 at 11.36.29 AM.png
Can you imagine how repubs would react if Obama had suggested something so retarded? Hell, you could write an entire book on the double standard of Obama and Trump called “If Obama had done that..”

Trump presses Fed to weaken dollar

Leave it to republicans to blindly defend this shit like anything he does.
The fed weakened the dollar under Obama more than they ever did in history. You do realize that anytime the rate is cut it weakens the currency? Is there fucking ANYTHING you idiots understand about economics?

The fed only changed interest rates twice in the Obama years was president.

Those two years were 2015 and 2016.

So no the fed didn't weaken the dollar more than they have anytime in history.

I understand why you didn't post a link to support your claim. There's no site that will.

The bush boy had the fed lower interest rates in 2008 in response to the collapsing economy. The rate was near zero. Obama couldn't lower rates any lower than zero where the bush boy left it.

I also understand why you lied. The truth just isn't on your side and you're too lazy to find that truth.

Your post is nothing but one big fat lie.

Meanwhile check out the link below:

Fed Funds Target Rate History (Historical)

And this one:

Highest and Lowest Interest Rates and Why They Changed

Finally a chart from 2008:

View attachment 273765

They kept the rate near zero for more than 6 years after the recession ended?

Obama must have had a really weak recovery...…..
That is how our "Capitalism" works.
It’s how any capitalism with this much government interference would work.

No, what we practice is not capitalism. It's something else.
Isn’t this literally what both of us have been saying this whole time?

Jesus,'re trying to have an intelligent conversation about Economics with someone who doesn't have the faintest idea about economic theory or systems! He's bought into the whole "evil rich people" narrative that people like Elizabeth Warren are pushing trying to get naïve waifs like him to vote for her! People like PKnopp think that Capitalism is a failed system because he doesn't have a clue what Capitalism is! He's one of those people that thinks the answer is more government control to keep the evil rich people in check! What he can't seem to grasp is that the government he thinks is going to protect him was bought off by those evil rich people LONG AGO!
I see it differently. I see a person who’s willing to recognize that this system of capitalism isn’t true capitalism and apparently wants to see true capitalism tried here. I see a potential ally. Certainly not the typical close minded progressive who acts on emotion and nothing else

You're dreaming, Paulie! You know what PKnopp is? He's just one more clueless clone who's been told by his teachers...the main stream media...and the late night comedians that Capitalism is evil and that the reason he'll never succeed isn't that he's an uneducated slacker...but because the "system" is rigged against him! THAT is the emotion that he's acting on!
It’s how any capitalism with this much government interference would work.

No, what we practice is not capitalism. It's something else.
Isn’t this literally what both of us have been saying this whole time?

Jesus,'re trying to have an intelligent conversation about Economics with someone who doesn't have the faintest idea about economic theory or systems! He's bought into the whole "evil rich people" narrative that people like Elizabeth Warren are pushing trying to get naïve waifs like him to vote for her! People like PKnopp think that Capitalism is a failed system because he doesn't have a clue what Capitalism is! He's one of those people that thinks the answer is more government control to keep the evil rich people in check! What he can't seem to grasp is that the government he thinks is going to protect him was bought off by those evil rich people LONG AGO!
I see it differently. I see a person who’s willing to recognize that this system of capitalism isn’t true capitalism and apparently wants to see true capitalism tried here. I see a potential ally. Certainly not the typical close minded progressive who acts on emotion and nothing else

You're dreaming, Paulie! You know what PKnopp is? He's just one more clueless clone who's been told by his teachers...the main stream media...and the late night comedians that Capitalism is evil and that the reason he'll never succeed isn't that he's an uneducated slacker...but because the "system" is rigged against him! THAT is the emotion that he's acting on!

I'm the one that supports Capitalism.
No, what we practice is not capitalism. It's something else.
Isn’t this literally what both of us have been saying this whole time?

Jesus,'re trying to have an intelligent conversation about Economics with someone who doesn't have the faintest idea about economic theory or systems! He's bought into the whole "evil rich people" narrative that people like Elizabeth Warren are pushing trying to get naïve waifs like him to vote for her! People like PKnopp think that Capitalism is a failed system because he doesn't have a clue what Capitalism is! He's one of those people that thinks the answer is more government control to keep the evil rich people in check! What he can't seem to grasp is that the government he thinks is going to protect him was bought off by those evil rich people LONG AGO!
I see it differently. I see a person who’s willing to recognize that this system of capitalism isn’t true capitalism and apparently wants to see true capitalism tried here. I see a potential ally. Certainly not the typical close minded progressive who acts on emotion and nothing else

You're dreaming, Paulie! You know what PKnopp is? He's just one more clueless clone who's been told by his teachers...the main stream media...and the late night comedians that Capitalism is evil and that the reason he'll never succeed isn't that he's an uneducated slacker...but because the "system" is rigged against him! THAT is the emotion that he's acting on!

I'm the one that supports Capitalism.

How can you support it? You don't even know what it is!
Isn’t this literally what both of us have been saying this whole time?

Jesus,'re trying to have an intelligent conversation about Economics with someone who doesn't have the faintest idea about economic theory or systems! He's bought into the whole "evil rich people" narrative that people like Elizabeth Warren are pushing trying to get naïve waifs like him to vote for her! People like PKnopp think that Capitalism is a failed system because he doesn't have a clue what Capitalism is! He's one of those people that thinks the answer is more government control to keep the evil rich people in check! What he can't seem to grasp is that the government he thinks is going to protect him was bought off by those evil rich people LONG AGO!
I see it differently. I see a person who’s willing to recognize that this system of capitalism isn’t true capitalism and apparently wants to see true capitalism tried here. I see a potential ally. Certainly not the typical close minded progressive who acts on emotion and nothing else

You're dreaming, Paulie! You know what PKnopp is? He's just one more clueless clone who's been told by his teachers...the main stream media...and the late night comedians that Capitalism is evil and that the reason he'll never succeed isn't that he's an uneducated slacker...but because the "system" is rigged against him! THAT is the emotion that he's acting on!

I'm the one that supports Capitalism.

I know what you support is not what it is.

How can you support it? You don't even know what it is!
I already addressed this. I do not deal in theories. I deal in realities. But when you are unable to address what I say continue to fall back on your "theories".

You don't deal in "theories", PK because you don't know what any of the theories ARE! The study of Economics is the study of different schools of economic theory.

I'm not sure how many times I have to say this. This is not a classroom. It's real life.

Where do tariffs, bail outs, quantitative easing fit into your theories? In your theories, when a business fails it's suppose to simply fail is it not?
Tariffs are a necessary evil if a society is to have a government at all. It’s the only fair way to generate revenue because it’s the only type of tax that can be avoided and paid only on a voluntary basis if you choose to purchase a certain product. If you want to debate whether or not there should be any government at all that’s for a different discussion capitalism exists regardless of whether or not there is a government entity regulating it. The government entity will ALWAYS distort the market and therefore the market signals themselves and it’s what always leads to people assuming capitalism is failing society because we have a government body picking the winners and the losers. QE is the biggest distortion the market faces. Supply and demand is supposed to drive the market in capitalism and we don’t even allow supply and demand to dictate the price of money itself so everything else after that doesn’t even matter because the cost to borrow a dollar in this country at any given point in time is 100% artificial.

All well and fine but it goes to show that we are NOT a simple capitalist country. At best it's crony capitalism and on the other end it shows that everyone love Socialist policies when it benefits them.

Those bitching about people being able to go see a doctor were not complaining when the fed was plowing billions into the markets. "Well, we had to". No we did not.
You won’t get an argument from me on the fact that we’re not a true capitalist nation. I’m glad to see someone not already on the right who can allow themselves to admit that this isn’t actually real capitalism here. We’ve never tried real capitalism because big business under TRUE capitalism doesn’t get to the point of multi national conglomerate that’s too big to fail. Under real capitalism there would be too much competition to ever have companies get that large. The regulation in the market is what allows these businesses to become so huge because the cost to comply with the regulation is too high for many businesses to make it to market, let alone survive or even thrive.
We don't have "real" capitalism :lol:
Can you imagine how repubs would react if Obama had suggested something so retarded? Hell, you could write an entire book on the double standard of Obama and Trump called “If Obama had done that..”

Trump presses Fed to weaken dollar

Leave it to republicans to blindly defend this shit like anything he does.
The fed weakened the dollar under Obama more than they ever did in history. You do realize that anytime the rate is cut it weakens the currency? Is there fucking ANYTHING you idiots understand about economics?

The fed only changed interest rates twice in the Obama years was president.

Those two years were 2015 and 2016.

So no the fed didn't weaken the dollar more than they have anytime in history.

I understand why you didn't post a link to support your claim. There's no site that will.

The bush boy had the fed lower interest rates in 2008 in response to the collapsing economy. The rate was near zero. Obama couldn't lower rates any lower than zero where the bush boy left it.

I also understand why you lied. The truth just isn't on your side and you're too lazy to find that truth.

Your post is nothing but one big fat lie.

Meanwhile check out the link below:

Fed Funds Target Rate History (Historical)

And this one:

Highest and Lowest Interest Rates and Why They Changed

Finally a chart from 2008:

View attachment 273765

They kept the rate near zero for more than 6 years after the recession ended?

Obama must have had a really weak recovery...…..
The previous Republicans Administration left him with a really big Recession
Can you imagine how repubs would react if Obama had suggested something so retarded? Hell, you could write an entire book on the double standard of Obama and Trump called “If Obama had done that..”

Trump presses Fed to weaken dollar

Leave it to republicans to blindly defend this shit like anything he does.
The fed weakened the dollar under Obama more than they ever did in history. You do realize that anytime the rate is cut it weakens the currency? Is there fucking ANYTHING you idiots understand about economics?

The fed only changed interest rates twice in the Obama years was president.

Those two years were 2015 and 2016.

So no the fed didn't weaken the dollar more than they have anytime in history.

I understand why you didn't post a link to support your claim. There's no site that will.

The bush boy had the fed lower interest rates in 2008 in response to the collapsing economy. The rate was near zero. Obama couldn't lower rates any lower than zero where the bush boy left it.

I also understand why you lied. The truth just isn't on your side and you're too lazy to find that truth.

Your post is nothing but one big fat lie.

Meanwhile check out the link below:

Fed Funds Target Rate History (Historical)

And this one:

Highest and Lowest Interest Rates and Why They Changed

Finally a chart from 2008:

View attachment 273765

They kept the rate near zero for more than 6 years after the recession ended?

Obama must have had a really weak recovery...…..
The previous Republicans Administration left him with a really big Recession

That was awful!! And it ended in June 2009.

So why was his economy so weak for the next 6 years?
"Retarded" is the operative word in this post. Lefties are so afflicted with TDS that they ain't got a clue about how great the Country has become under President Trump's leadership.
Can you imagine how repubs would react if Obama had suggested something so retarded? Hell, you could write an entire book on the double standard of Obama and Trump called “If Obama had done that..”

Trump presses Fed to weaken dollar

Leave it to republicans to blindly defend this shit like anything he does.
The fed weakened the dollar under Obama more than they ever did in history. You do realize that anytime the rate is cut it weakens the currency? Is there fucking ANYTHING you idiots understand about economics?

The fed only changed interest rates twice in the Obama years was president.

Those two years were 2015 and 2016.

So no the fed didn't weaken the dollar more than they have anytime in history.

I understand why you didn't post a link to support your claim. There's no site that will.

The bush boy had the fed lower interest rates in 2008 in response to the collapsing economy. The rate was near zero. Obama couldn't lower rates any lower than zero where the bush boy left it.

I also understand why you lied. The truth just isn't on your side and you're too lazy to find that truth.

Your post is nothing but one big fat lie.

Meanwhile check out the link below:

Fed Funds Target Rate History (Historical)

And this one:

Highest and Lowest Interest Rates and Why They Changed

Finally a chart from 2008:

View attachment 273765

They kept the rate near zero for more than 6 years after the recession ended?

Obama must have had a really weak recovery...…..
The previous Republicans Administration left him with a really big Recession

That was awful!! And it ended in June 2009.

So why was his economy so weak for the next 6 years?
It wasn’t. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE. The longest stretch of job growth in history.
The fed weakened the dollar under Obama more than they ever did in history. You do realize that anytime the rate is cut it weakens the currency? Is there fucking ANYTHING you idiots understand about economics?

The fed only changed interest rates twice in the Obama years was president.

Those two years were 2015 and 2016.

So no the fed didn't weaken the dollar more than they have anytime in history.

I understand why you didn't post a link to support your claim. There's no site that will.

The bush boy had the fed lower interest rates in 2008 in response to the collapsing economy. The rate was near zero. Obama couldn't lower rates any lower than zero where the bush boy left it.

I also understand why you lied. The truth just isn't on your side and you're too lazy to find that truth.

Your post is nothing but one big fat lie.

Meanwhile check out the link below:

Fed Funds Target Rate History (Historical)

And this one:

Highest and Lowest Interest Rates and Why They Changed

Finally a chart from 2008:

View attachment 273765

They kept the rate near zero for more than 6 years after the recession ended?

Obama must have had a really weak recovery...…..
The previous Republicans Administration left him with a really big Recession

That was awful!! And it ended in June 2009.

So why was his economy so weak for the next 6 years?
It wasn’t. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE. The longest stretch of job growth in history.

It wasn’t.

Weakest recovery since WWII.

So weak, the Fed kept overnight rates below 0.25% until December 2015.

That's weak......
The fed only changed interest rates twice in the Obama years was president.

Those two years were 2015 and 2016.

So no the fed didn't weaken the dollar more than they have anytime in history.

I understand why you didn't post a link to support your claim. There's no site that will.

The bush boy had the fed lower interest rates in 2008 in response to the collapsing economy. The rate was near zero. Obama couldn't lower rates any lower than zero where the bush boy left it.

I also understand why you lied. The truth just isn't on your side and you're too lazy to find that truth.

Your post is nothing but one big fat lie.

Meanwhile check out the link below:

Fed Funds Target Rate History (Historical)

And this one:

Highest and Lowest Interest Rates and Why They Changed

Finally a chart from 2008:

View attachment 273765

They kept the rate near zero for more than 6 years after the recession ended?

Obama must have had a really weak recovery...…..
The previous Republicans Administration left him with a really big Recession

That was awful!! And it ended in June 2009.

So why was his economy so weak for the next 6 years?
It wasn’t. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE. The longest stretch of job growth in history.

It wasn’t.

Weakest recovery since WWII.

So weak, the Fed kept overnight rates below 0.25% until December 2015.

That's weak......
Yeah it was slow because we lost 8 million jobs in the span of 9 months. Obviously it would take awhile to recover from that.
They kept the rate near zero for more than 6 years after the recession ended?

Obama must have had a really weak recovery...…..
The previous Republicans Administration left him with a really big Recession

That was awful!! And it ended in June 2009.

So why was his economy so weak for the next 6 years?
It wasn’t. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE. The longest stretch of job growth in history.

It wasn’t.

Weakest recovery since WWII.

So weak, the Fed kept overnight rates below 0.25% until December 2015.

That's weak......
Yeah it was slow because we lost 8 million jobs in the span of 9 months. Obviously it would take awhile to recover from that.

Yup, weak......
The fed weakened the dollar under Obama more than they ever did in history. You do realize that anytime the rate is cut it weakens the currency? Is there fucking ANYTHING you idiots understand about economics?

The fed only changed interest rates twice in the Obama years was president.

Those two years were 2015 and 2016.

So no the fed didn't weaken the dollar more than they have anytime in history.

I understand why you didn't post a link to support your claim. There's no site that will.

The bush boy had the fed lower interest rates in 2008 in response to the collapsing economy. The rate was near zero. Obama couldn't lower rates any lower than zero where the bush boy left it.

I also understand why you lied. The truth just isn't on your side and you're too lazy to find that truth.

Your post is nothing but one big fat lie.

Meanwhile check out the link below:

Fed Funds Target Rate History (Historical)

And this one:

Highest and Lowest Interest Rates and Why They Changed

Finally a chart from 2008:

View attachment 273765

They kept the rate near zero for more than 6 years after the recession ended?

Obama must have had a really weak recovery...…..
The previous Republicans Administration left him with a really big Recession

That was awful!! And it ended in June 2009.

So why was his economy so weak for the next 6 years?
It wasn’t. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE. The longest stretch of job growth in history.

Billy...Billy...Billy! Don't you get embarrassed trotting out that stat? You know some party pooper like me is going to point out that Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression and that he wasn't responsible for most of the jobs that were created...right? Those came from things like the Energy Boom that was fueled by fracking...something that Barry opposed! Take away THAT and Obama's numbers would have been downright abysmal! Just saying...
They kept the rate near zero for more than 6 years after the recession ended?

Obama must have had a really weak recovery...…..
The previous Republicans Administration left him with a really big Recession

That was awful!! And it ended in June 2009.

So why was his economy so weak for the next 6 years?
It wasn’t. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE. The longest stretch of job growth in history.

It wasn’t.

Weakest recovery since WWII.

So weak, the Fed kept overnight rates below 0.25% until December 2015.

That's weak......
Yeah it was slow because we lost 8 million jobs in the span of 9 months. Obviously it would take awhile to recover from that.

You might have a point there, Billster...if it wasn't for the fact that Barry, Harry and Nancy spent nearly a trillion of our tax dollars on their stimulus plan...a plan that they promised would create a shit load of "shovel ready" jobs...only to end up with jobs numbers so bad they had to go with the whole "jobs created or saved" to hide just how few jobs they did create! Just saying...

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