Trump calls on fed to weaken the dollar. Yes, weaken.

When someone repeatedly punches you in the face...the quickest way to make them stop doing so is to punch them back. What you can't seem to grasp is that Trump isn't doing this without cause. The Chinese have been punching us in the face for decades. Trump is the first US President with the backbone to tell the Chinese that we will be punching them back if they continue to do so.

We loved China when all they represented was cheap labor with little oversight. Business is just pissed now that their deals selling out the country are now coming back to bite them.

I don't hate China. It's a competition and we've let them cheat. Now we're demanding that they play fair. My guess is that they'll stall for as long as they can...hoping that another spineless President is elected in the US and they can go back to doing what they did before. Another Trump term is their worst nightmare.

No, again, we played their long game when it benefited us and are now claiming that are cheating. You can not steal what was gave to you.

You do long term business with people because it's beneficial to all involved. We are China's largest trading partner. We buy what they make. In return we ask two things. That they play fair with currency manipulation...and that they stop ripping off our intellectual property! The people that have been "stealing" have been the Chinese! They buy a Caterpillar product that's been in development for years...steal the specs for it...and build an exact duplicate product that doesn't cost them a dime in R&D! That is theft! They've been doing it for years and they continue to do it...thumbing their noses at the international community.

That's not what happened. You act like there isn't a single person in a country of 1.5 billion that could not design a bulldozer.

Why would you spend money to design a bulldozer when you can just steal someone's work who HAS designed one? China's been ripping off the West's intellectual property for decades now! Only someone as clueless as you are doesn't know that!
And they shouldn’t be punished for being successful, or made to fund everyone.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The more successful you are, the more the system has benefited you.
It is easy to be successful if you have enough capital to work with.
But without starting capital, it is impossible to succeed.

Whoa, slow down on that one, it's not impossible. Many of us started with nothing, worked those minimum wage jobs and dealt with all the political BS. If you feel it's impossible you are guaranteed to not succeed.

Works for some but it will not work for tens of millions. There are not tens of millions of opportunities out there.

Oh, bullshit! Get your lazy ass off the couch...get a hard...learn new skills...take a leader! There are more opportunities in this country than on any other country on planet earth! You don't want opportunity want someone to GIVE you stuff!

There are, not for tens of millions. Even after noting there is not you can't stop yourself.

Then there must be tens of millions that are lazy.
The more successful you are, the more the system has benefited you.
It is easy to be successful if you have enough capital to work with.
But without starting capital, it is impossible to succeed.

Whoa, slow down on that one, it's not impossible. Many of us started with nothing, worked those minimum wage jobs and dealt with all the political BS. If you feel it's impossible you are guaranteed to not succeed.

Works for some but it will not work for tens of millions. There are not tens of millions of opportunities out there.

Oh, bullshit! Get your lazy ass off the couch...get a hard...learn new skills...take a leader! There are more opportunities in this country than on any other country on planet earth! You don't want opportunity want someone to GIVE you stuff!

There are, not for tens of millions. Even after noting there is not you can't stop yourself.

The reason that we need to build walls to keep people OUT is that there ARE literally millions of opportunities in this country! This claim that there isn' nothing more than a liberal talking point...meant to placate the millions of losers like yourself that never even tried to "succeed"!

I dunno, succeed may be one of those four letter words.
We loved China when all they represented was cheap labor with little oversight. Business is just pissed now that their deals selling out the country are now coming back to bite them.

I don't hate China. It's a competition and we've let them cheat. Now we're demanding that they play fair. My guess is that they'll stall for as long as they can...hoping that another spineless President is elected in the US and they can go back to doing what they did before. Another Trump term is their worst nightmare.

No, again, we played their long game when it benefited us and are now claiming that are cheating. You can not steal what was gave to you.

You do long term business with people because it's beneficial to all involved. We are China's largest trading partner. We buy what they make. In return we ask two things. That they play fair with currency manipulation...and that they stop ripping off our intellectual property! The people that have been "stealing" have been the Chinese! They buy a Caterpillar product that's been in development for years...steal the specs for it...and build an exact duplicate product that doesn't cost them a dime in R&D! That is theft! They've been doing it for years and they continue to do it...thumbing their noses at the international community.

That's not what happened. You act like there isn't a single person in a country of 1.5 billion that could not design a bulldozer.

Why would you spend money to design a bulldozer when you can just steal someone's work who HAS designed one? China's been ripping off the West's intellectual property for decades now! Only someone as clueless as you are doesn't know that!

We gave it to them in exchange for cheap labor.

American businesses have been so desperate to use Chinese labor and get into their markets that they ignore red flags staring them right in their face.

How Caterpillar Got Bulldozed In China
Currencies manipulated = bad.
Taxing 70% for rich=good?

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Except that since the wealthy can get themselves paid in stock dividends, they typically only pay the 15% capital gains rate.
The wealthy know all the loopholes and how to use them, so they do not pay much in taxes.

WTF, that's not a loophole, and that same "loophole" is available to everyone.

No, that is silly.
You have to be a top exec or on the board of directors to be able to get yourself paid in stock options or dividends instead of a cash salary.
No ordinary worker is allowed to do that.
The only way the IRS will let you do that is if you are an investor in the company, and not just an employee.

When I was an employee at Circuit City, we were paid bonuses in cash, stocks and stock options. Anything over a base salary can be stocks and options. Those high level executives get a base salary that is much smaller than the ultimate value of what they receive.

And you become an investor in the company when you hold stocks.
Currencies manipulated = bad.
Taxing 70% for rich=good?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Except that since the wealthy can get themselves paid in stock dividends, they typically only pay the 15% capital gains rate.
The wealthy know all the loopholes and how to use them, so they do not pay much in taxes.

WTF, that's not a loophole, and that same "loophole" is available to everyone.

No, that is silly.
You have to be a top exec or on the board of directors to be able to get yourself paid in stock options or dividends instead of a cash salary.
No ordinary worker is allowed to do that.
The only way the IRS will let you do that is if you are an investor in the company, and not just an employee.

So we've gone from stock dividends to stock options?

My intent was to write options originally, but dividends also are only available to the wealthy, who have purchased stock.
So most people can not get their income taxed at the 15% capital gains rates that the wealthy can.

That's not true. You can purchase stocks, hold them for a relatively short period of time, then sell them and the income is taxed at the capital gains rate. The difference is you can't purchase millions of shares.
Currencies manipulated = bad.
Taxing 70% for rich=good?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Except that since the wealthy can get themselves paid in stock dividends, they typically only pay the 15% capital gains rate.
The wealthy know all the loopholes and how to use them, so they do not pay much in taxes.

WTF, that's not a loophole, and that same "loophole" is available to everyone.

And they shouldn’t be punished for being successful, or made to fund everyone.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The more successful you are, the more the system has benefited you.
It is easy to be successful if you have enough capital to work with.
But without starting capital, it is impossible to succeed.

That's why it's important to keep the capital gains rate low.
They never met a tax on business they didn’t like until trump levied one. Problem is he levied a tax they don’t understand. Which is clear as crystal every time they discuss it.
it only increases on corporations that outsourced their production overseas it helps companies that stayed and produced their product in America
I know what tariffs are and what they do. I don’t learn my economics from the television I read books

You've read books? Really? Did they have a lot of pictures? I hate to break this to you but you are WOEFULLY uninformed when it comes to economics! What books on economics have you read? I'd be interested to know who it is that you got your woeful lack of knowledge from!

Says the guy that at one point argued that 870 Billion dollar stimulus didn't cause any growth, even in near term. Yep, it just vanished into thin air. :rolleyes:

You mean the 870 Billion dollar stimulus designed to create jobs? The one that created so few jobs that the Obama Administration trotted out "Jobs Created Or Saved" to hide how bad it was? Is that the stimulus that you're referring to? :oops8:

Yep. Thank you mr.economist for confirmation of your illiteracy on the subject. :113:

And by the way, when are you publishing your surely groundbreaking paper on how to isolate "job saved" from "job created" for macroeconomic policy effects?
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I don't hate China. It's a competition and we've let them cheat. Now we're demanding that they play fair. My guess is that they'll stall for as long as they can...hoping that another spineless President is elected in the US and they can go back to doing what they did before. Another Trump term is their worst nightmare.

No, again, we played their long game when it benefited us and are now claiming that are cheating. You can not steal what was gave to you.

You do long term business with people because it's beneficial to all involved. We are China's largest trading partner. We buy what they make. In return we ask two things. That they play fair with currency manipulation...and that they stop ripping off our intellectual property! The people that have been "stealing" have been the Chinese! They buy a Caterpillar product that's been in development for years...steal the specs for it...and build an exact duplicate product that doesn't cost them a dime in R&D! That is theft! They've been doing it for years and they continue to do it...thumbing their noses at the international community.

That's not what happened. You act like there isn't a single person in a country of 1.5 billion that could not design a bulldozer.

Why would you spend money to design a bulldozer when you can just steal someone's work who HAS designed one? China's been ripping off the West's intellectual property for decades now! Only someone as clueless as you are doesn't know that!

We gave it to them in exchange for cheap labor.

American businesses have been so desperate to use Chinese labor and get into their markets that they ignore red flags staring them right in their face.

How Caterpillar Got Bulldozed In China

We "gave" them our intellectual property? Says who? They STOLE it! To the tune of as much as 600 Billion dollars in losses to American businesses!
it only increases on corporations that outsourced their production overseas it helps companies that stayed and produced their product in America
I know what tariffs are and what they do. I don’t learn my economics from the television I read books

You've read books? Really? Did they have a lot of pictures? I hate to break this to you but you are WOEFULLY uninformed when it comes to economics! What books on economics have you read? I'd be interested to know who it is that you got your woeful lack of knowledge from!

Says the guy that at one point argued that 870 Billion dollar stimulus didn't cause any growth, even in near term. Yep, it just vanished into thin air. :rolleyes:

You mean the 870 Billion dollar stimulus designed to create jobs? The one that created so few jobs that the Obama Administration trotted out "Jobs Created Or Saved" to hide how bad it was? Is that the stimulus that you're referring to? :oops8:

Yep. Thank you mr.economist for confirmation of your illiteracy on the subject. :113:

And by the way, when are you publishing your surely groundbreaking paper on how to isolate "job saved" from "job created" for macroeconomic policy effects?

Job's saved is a made up number...Job's created is an actual don't have to "isolate" the two. One exists in fantasyland...the other exists in the real world.

As for my "literacy" on economics? I studied the subject in college. Took a course with Thomas Sowell at Amherst College and three more at the University of Massachusetts. I've never described myself as an economist but compared to people like you and so many other liberals here...I'm a freakin' font of knowledge on the subject!
I don't hate China. It's a competition and we've let them cheat. Now we're demanding that they play fair. My guess is that they'll stall for as long as they can...hoping that another spineless President is elected in the US and they can go back to doing what they did before. Another Trump term is their worst nightmare.

No, again, we played their long game when it benefited us and are now claiming that are cheating. You can not steal what was gave to you.

You do long term business with people because it's beneficial to all involved. We are China's largest trading partner. We buy what they make. In return we ask two things. That they play fair with currency manipulation...and that they stop ripping off our intellectual property! The people that have been "stealing" have been the Chinese! They buy a Caterpillar product that's been in development for years...steal the specs for it...and build an exact duplicate product that doesn't cost them a dime in R&D! That is theft! They've been doing it for years and they continue to do it...thumbing their noses at the international community.

That's not what happened. You act like there isn't a single person in a country of 1.5 billion that could not design a bulldozer.

Were you going to describe some of the economics books that you've read? I'm dying to hear what's provided you with all of your knowledge on the subject! (eye roll)
Why would you spend money to design a bulldozer when you can just steal someone's work who HAS designed one? China's been ripping off the West's intellectual property for decades now! Only someone as clueless as you are doesn't know that!

We gave it to them in exchange for cheap labor.

American businesses have been so desperate to use Chinese labor and get into their markets that they ignore red flags staring them right in their face.

How Caterpillar Got Bulldozed In China
I know what tariffs are and what they do. I don’t learn my economics from the television I read books

You've read books? Really? Did they have a lot of pictures? I hate to break this to you but you are WOEFULLY uninformed when it comes to economics! What books on economics have you read? I'd be interested to know who it is that you got your woeful lack of knowledge from!

Says the guy that at one point argued that 870 Billion dollar stimulus didn't cause any growth, even in near term. Yep, it just vanished into thin air. :rolleyes:

You mean the 870 Billion dollar stimulus designed to create jobs? The one that created so few jobs that the Obama Administration trotted out "Jobs Created Or Saved" to hide how bad it was? Is that the stimulus that you're referring to? :oops8:

Yep. Thank you mr.economist for confirmation of your illiteracy on the subject. :113:

And by the way, when are you publishing your surely groundbreaking paper on how to isolate "job saved" from "job created" for macroeconomic policy effects?

Job's saved is a made up number...Job's created is an actual don't have to "isolate" the two.

You are an ignorant fool. Macroeconomic estimates CANNOT POSSIBLY SHOW if any given dollar of liquidity added into economy went to save or to create a job.

The only thing they estimate is the difference in employment with and without given policy effect. Be that difference from less people getting fired or more new positions created. There is absolutely no way to differentiate that.

Which EXACTLY WHY the language of "jobs created or saved" is the most accurate way to characterize the estimates.

But thanks for playing mr.Economist.
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Can you imagine how repubs would react if Obama had suggested something so retarded? Hell, you could write an entire book on the double standard of Obama and Trump called “If Obama had done that..”

Trump presses Fed to weaken dollar

Leave it to republicans to blindly defend this shit like anything he does.

Sounds like he couldn't afford the TDS medication with the weaker dollar.

The president often suggests that the current economy is a sharp turnabout from the Obama years, even though the economy he inherited from President Barack Obama was already doing pretty well, with low unemployment, low inflation and a roaring stock market.

There might be a reason Trump believes that the economy has sharply improved — he constantly said the Obama economy was terrible. He even had the fake facts to prove it.

We debunked many of Trump’s economic claims during the campaign. But we wondered how today’s economy would look if the numbers were calculated under the same metrics used by candidate Trump.

The 'phony’ unemployment rate
“Our real unemployment rate is 42 percent.”

rump, in a major speech, conjured up a “a silent nation of jobless Americans” using a particularly misleading statistic — people who are not in the labor force. More than 90 percent of these people do not want a job, because they are retired, in school, on disability or taking care of young children, according to a BLS analysis.

With the retirement of the baby boom generation, more people keep dropping out of the labor force. So the number of Americans supposedly not part of the economy now stands at 96 million. That’s an increase of 4 percent.

African American youth unemployment

“Look at how much African American communities are suffering from Democratic control. … Fifty-eight percent of your youth is unemployed, what the hell do you have to lose?”

“Not in the labor force” refers to people who are not looking for jobs because they have given up looking or are not interested — such as students. Students working part-time while going to school are counted in the “employed” category.

That means Trump was counting students who are not looking for work as part of the “unemployed” population. Technically, those students don’t have jobs. But that does not fit the definition of “unemployed” and is especially problematic for this age group, because the number of people who aren’t looking for work includes people who are in school full time and may be doing extracurricular activities but have no interest in or need for a job.

Having made so many inaccurate claims about the health of the economy under Obama, it is little wonder that Trump might believe he’s performed an economic miracle now that he is relying on official government data. But as our exercise demonstrates, his record does poorly — or looks even worse — when the numbers are recalculated under his old campaign math.

The irony is that the generally rosy economic news under Obama was not felt evenly across the country — and thus Trump’s campaign skepticism about the official numbers probably struck a chord with voters. Even after the sustained recovery from the Great Recession, a key employment metric — the employment-population ratio for people in the prime working years of 25 to 54 — still has not achieved parity with the level before that economic downturn. That suggests the economy is not operating at its full potential despite Trump’s boosterism.

At The Fact Checker, we were amazed at how quickly Trump embraced the official data after he repeatedly denounced it. In light of how his record would look under his campaign math, perhaps it should not have been a surprise.

You've read books? Really? Did they have a lot of pictures? I hate to break this to you but you are WOEFULLY uninformed when it comes to economics! What books on economics have you read? I'd be interested to know who it is that you got your woeful lack of knowledge from!

Says the guy that at one point argued that 870 Billion dollar stimulus didn't cause any growth, even in near term. Yep, it just vanished into thin air. :rolleyes:

You mean the 870 Billion dollar stimulus designed to create jobs? The one that created so few jobs that the Obama Administration trotted out "Jobs Created Or Saved" to hide how bad it was? Is that the stimulus that you're referring to? :oops8:

Yep. Thank you mr.economist for confirmation of your illiteracy on the subject. :113:

And by the way, when are you publishing your surely groundbreaking paper on how to isolate "job saved" from "job created" for macroeconomic policy effects?

Job's saved is a made up number...Job's created is an actual don't have to "isolate" the two.

You are an ignorant fool. Macroeconomic estimates CANNOT POSSIBLY SHOW if any given dollar of liquidity added into economy went to save or to create a job.

The only thing they estimate is the difference in employment with and without given policy effect. Be that difference from less people getting fired or more new positions created. There is absolutely no way to differentiate that.

Which EXACTLY WHY the language of "jobs created or saved" is the most accurate way to characterize the estimates.

Are you kidding me? How can "Jobs created or saved" possibly be called "accurate" when you are literally making up the number from the jobs saved side of the equation with ZERO ability to quantify the number you've arrived at?

Jobs created is an actual number based on reporting from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Jobs saved is a made up number...something that politicians use to hide how badly their economic policies have failed.
Says the guy that at one point argued that 870 Billion dollar stimulus didn't cause any growth, even in near term. Yep, it just vanished into thin air. :rolleyes:

You mean the 870 Billion dollar stimulus designed to create jobs? The one that created so few jobs that the Obama Administration trotted out "Jobs Created Or Saved" to hide how bad it was? Is that the stimulus that you're referring to? :oops8:

Yep. Thank you mr.economist for confirmation of your illiteracy on the subject. :113:

And by the way, when are you publishing your surely groundbreaking paper on how to isolate "job saved" from "job created" for macroeconomic policy effects?

Job's saved is a made up number...Job's created is an actual don't have to "isolate" the two.

You are an ignorant fool. Macroeconomic estimates CANNOT POSSIBLY SHOW if any given dollar of liquidity added into economy went to save or to create a job.

The only thing they estimate is the difference in employment with and without given policy effect. Be that difference from less people getting fired or more new positions created. There is absolutely no way to differentiate that.

Which EXACTLY WHY the language of "jobs created or saved" is the most accurate way to characterize the estimates.

Are you kidding me? How can "Jobs created or saved" possibly be called "accurate" when you are literally making up the number from the jobs saved side of the equation with ZERO ability to quantify the number you've arrived at?

Jobs created is an actual number based on reporting from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Jobs saved is a made up number...something that politicians use to hide how badly their economic policies have failed.

You completely do not understand what isolation of effect even entails and why simple topline job number change in economy by itself tells us right about nothing about policy effect.

Anyway, as you were mr.Economist.
No, again, we played their long game when it benefited us and are now claiming that are cheating. You can not steal what was gave to you.

You do long term business with people because it's beneficial to all involved. We are China's largest trading partner. We buy what they make. In return we ask two things. That they play fair with currency manipulation...and that they stop ripping off our intellectual property! The people that have been "stealing" have been the Chinese! They buy a Caterpillar product that's been in development for years...steal the specs for it...and build an exact duplicate product that doesn't cost them a dime in R&D! That is theft! They've been doing it for years and they continue to do it...thumbing their noses at the international community.

That's not what happened. You act like there isn't a single person in a country of 1.5 billion that could not design a bulldozer.

Why would you spend money to design a bulldozer when you can just steal someone's work who HAS designed one? China's been ripping off the West's intellectual property for decades now! Only someone as clueless as you are doesn't know that!

We gave it to them in exchange for cheap labor.

American businesses have been so desperate to use Chinese labor and get into their markets that they ignore red flags staring them right in their face.

How Caterpillar Got Bulldozed In China

We "gave" them our intellectual property? Says who? They STOLE it! To the tune of as much as 600 Billion dollars in losses to American businesses!

I'm not sure why people ask me to provide things I've provided many times in the past.

But much of China’s advancement is coming at the expense of American companies and workers. China has consistently required foreign businesses to share their intellectual property (IP) to operate in the Asian nation.

How China is Using America’s Own Technology Against Us

U.S. companies gave away the technology but now want us to believe they stole it.
And do you have any idea why Trump might want to see the Fed devalue the dollar a bit? Any clue? You do realize that China does this quite often, right? Right? You knew that, right?

Again, it just amazes me the stuff you guys don't know. You get on here on and post these silly threads without understanding the first thing about what you're talking about.
You mean the 870 Billion dollar stimulus designed to create jobs? The one that created so few jobs that the Obama Administration trotted out "Jobs Created Or Saved" to hide how bad it was? Is that the stimulus that you're referring to? :oops8:

Yep. Thank you mr.economist for confirmation of your illiteracy on the subject. :113:

And by the way, when are you publishing your surely groundbreaking paper on how to isolate "job saved" from "job created" for macroeconomic policy effects?

Job's saved is a made up number...Job's created is an actual don't have to "isolate" the two.

You are an ignorant fool. Macroeconomic estimates CANNOT POSSIBLY SHOW if any given dollar of liquidity added into economy went to save or to create a job.

The only thing they estimate is the difference in employment with and without given policy effect. Be that difference from less people getting fired or more new positions created. There is absolutely no way to differentiate that.

Which EXACTLY WHY the language of "jobs created or saved" is the most accurate way to characterize the estimates.

Are you kidding me? How can "Jobs created or saved" possibly be called "accurate" when you are literally making up the number from the jobs saved side of the equation with ZERO ability to quantify the number you've arrived at?

Jobs created is an actual number based on reporting from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Jobs saved is a made up number...something that politicians use to hide how badly their economic policies have failed.

You completely do not understand what isolation of effect even entails and why simple topline job number change in economy by itself tells us right about nothing about policy effect.

Anyway, as you were mr.Economist.

Let me think being verbose is going to get you past the FACT that "Jobs Saved" is a bullshit number? Typical for you, Anton...
You do long term business with people because it's beneficial to all involved. We are China's largest trading partner. We buy what they make. In return we ask two things. That they play fair with currency manipulation...and that they stop ripping off our intellectual property! The people that have been "stealing" have been the Chinese! They buy a Caterpillar product that's been in development for years...steal the specs for it...and build an exact duplicate product that doesn't cost them a dime in R&D! That is theft! They've been doing it for years and they continue to do it...thumbing their noses at the international community.

That's not what happened. You act like there isn't a single person in a country of 1.5 billion that could not design a bulldozer.

Why would you spend money to design a bulldozer when you can just steal someone's work who HAS designed one? China's been ripping off the West's intellectual property for decades now! Only someone as clueless as you are doesn't know that!

We gave it to them in exchange for cheap labor.

American businesses have been so desperate to use Chinese labor and get into their markets that they ignore red flags staring them right in their face.

How Caterpillar Got Bulldozed In China

We "gave" them our intellectual property? Says who? They STOLE it! To the tune of as much as 600 Billion dollars in losses to American businesses!

I'm not sure why people ask me to provide things I've provided many times in the past.

But much of China’s advancement is coming at the expense of American companies and workers. China has consistently required foreign businesses to share their intellectual property (IP) to operate in the Asian nation.

How China is Using America’s Own Technology Against Us

U.S. companies gave away the technology but now want us to believe they stole it.

Did you want me to start citing all of the examples of where China stole intellectual property? Your claim that US businesses "gave away" their tech is laughable!

So were you ever going to enlighten me with some of the economic texts that you've read?

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