Trump Calls The FBI Scum -- Should FBI Director Be Arrested?

Trump called the FBI 'scum' and hit out at the report that discredited his theory the Russia probe was a deep state plot at a wild Pennsylvania rally

So at a rally yesterday, or as a call them, Trump's coke fix -- he was railing against the Inspector General report again as well as the FBI....primarily his own appointed FBI Director, Christopher Wray....let's take a trip back down memory lane and remember what Trump said about Wray when he appointed him to lead the FBI, "Mr. Wray is an impeccably qualified individual,” citing his role in major fraud investigations and antiterrorism efforts at the Justice Department after the 9/11 attacks. 'I know that he will again serve his country as a fierce guardian of the law and model of integrity once the Senate confirms him to lead the F.B.I.,' Mr. Trump said in the statement."

Now I distinctly remember being told many times that Trump only hires the best people, so I am sure many of his supporters were thrilled with the pick because of their confidence in Trump's people hiring skills..However, "President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally Tuesday night attacked the FBI in the wake of the release of a report that found no evidence that the Russia probe was motivated by anti-Trump bias... he continued by saying 'They've destroyed the lives of people that were great people, that are still great people. Their lives have been destroyed by scum. Okay, by scum,' said Trump, doubling down on claims discredited in the report."

The lives Trump claims have been destroyed by this investigation are people like Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Maria Butina, Rick Gates, Roger Stone, Russian intelligence officials, Russian oligarchs -- these are the good people Trump claims were destroyed by the FBI.....and Trump also claims that he has the evidence that proves his and their innocence...he also has the evidence that exonerates Russia...if so, why doesn't he present it?? that way all of those people I just named can have their convictions overturned and in the case of a few of them, they can be freed from prison or going to prison..why would Trump sit on such powerful evidence??

Also, if Trump has evidence that the FBI completely fabricated charges against these people, completely framed Russia for doing something they didn't do -- and that the FBI covered up all of this evidence that Trump now has -- shouldn't Trump be firing Wray today and handing this evidence over to the Justice Department??
Who paid for the Dossier that wasn't verified by the guy who created it, then passed to the corrupt James Comey?
The Washington Free Beacon.....

Conservative Free Beacon originally funded firm that created Trump-Russia dossier

Any other questions??
No I dont think the Washington Free Beacon paid for the "Hillary Paid for the Russian Dossier" that she used to spy on the US candidate that put her to shame..
Yes they paid for it....if facts bother you, you should really stay off this post...because I back up everything I say...

Still waiting for you to refute one thing I said...

No, you do not back everything up that you write. Fact is you instead call those you disagree with bigoted racist that hate darkies...

That is the fact...

Did the members of the FBI commit wrongdoings?

Yes, as highlighted in the IG report and if any of those in the report did something criminal they should be arrested and face criminal charges...

Now do you agree with that?

Was the FISA warrant legal based on the information in the report?
Waiting for you to show me where in the report did it say Anti-Trump bias played a part in any FISA warrants??

Still waiting for you to show me where in the report did it say Obama/Hillary fabricated this whole thing to make Trump and Putin look your cult leader claimed it would show..

Still waiting for you to point to where in the report that Ukraine was the one who interfered and not Russia....

Matter of fact...refute one single thing I said with something more than just "wait, you will day...." -- those aren't facts....those are your feelings...I don't care about them
But then who investigates when the crime is across state lines?

And who investigates international Bank crimes, or money laundering?

Or who will investigate/ counter intelligence for the USA?


I wrote a paper on just this very thing a while back. It's fairly long and detailed. I'll have to dig through my files and find it.

There was a time before the FBI existed. At the end of the day, we have a very good guide. The Constitution describes the role of government very well.
We can't go back to the simpler world of 1783, though, when our government was brand new like a spiffy new notebook on the first day of school.
The other person who had suggested this said the same--that the Constitution as originally written does not give the government authority to have a police agency. Or something like that.
I see the point that the federal government has grown and grown and grown into a gargantuan Jabba that takes more and more authority unto itself.
I am not sure the FBI is the place to start trimming, though.
Maybe, but I'm thinking there are other places that might be less dangerous to our national security.

We can hand the cases back to the U.S. Marshall's and Secret Service...

Just answering the question for you...
Thanks, Bruce, but I have a feeling if NC doesn't approve of the FBI, he won't approve of these agencies either.

You have to remember the FBI just like the CIA and even the NSA have a history of abuse and it is time to hold them accountable for their wrongdoings but alas no one will not even the Chosen one with Unmatched Wisdom ( Trump and Sarcasm on that one ).

Many of these agencies can be absorbed into a bigger agency but to do that then Congress and the Oval Office could not waste our taxpayer dollars on special departments that someone cousin can run...

I know you think I am just anti-Government but in reality our Federal Government is a monster with no real control...
The FBI both spied on and basically assassinated the man in my avatar -- and not one of you Trump dic suckers gave a fuck ...because whenever the FBI targets people of color, you are all for it...

Fred Hampton’s Death Is Just One Example of the Government’s Covert Disruption of Black Lives

When the CIA actually went around targeting people who didn't look like you or hated the same people you hated, you were all on board with any and everything they did...

Patrice Lumumba: the most important assassination of the 20th century | Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja

So the fact that you idiots are now whining about the CIA and FBI once your cult leader's kleptocracy got the best of him -- tells me your principles ain't worth shit....
Who paid for the Dossier that wasn't verified by the guy who created it, then passed to the corrupt James Comey?
The Washington Free Beacon.....

Conservative Free Beacon originally funded firm that created Trump-Russia dossier

Any other questions??
No I dont think the Washington Free Beacon paid for the "Hillary Paid for the Russian Dossier" that she used to spy on the US candidate that put her to shame..
Yes they paid for it....if facts bother you, you should really stay off this post...because I back up everything I say...

Still waiting for you to refute one thing I said...

No, you do not back everything up that you write. Fact is you instead call those you disagree with bigoted racist that hate darkies...

That is the fact...

Did the members of the FBI commit wrongdoings?

Yes, as highlighted in the IG report and if any of those in the report did something criminal they should be arrested and face criminal charges...

Now do you agree with that?

Was the FISA warrant legal based on the information in the report?
Waiting for you to show me where in the report did it say Anti-Trump bias played a part in any FISA warrants??

Still waiting for you to show me where in the report did it say Obama/Hillary fabricated this whole thing to make Trump and Putin look your cult leader claimed it would show..

Still waiting for you to point to where in the report that Ukraine was the one who interfered and not Russia....

Matter of fact...refute one single thing I said with something more than just "wait, you will day...." -- those aren't facts....those are your feelings...I don't care about them

Where the fuck did I say it did?

I stated a fucking fact that there was wrongdoing and did not mention Obama, Hillary or the fucking Ukraine, so shove your nonsense where it belongs!

You troll this board and accuse posters of shit and when told you are wrong you just ignore the poster!

The fact is the IG stated that the FBI did indeed do somethings wrong and nowhere can you show that I stated anything you accused me of!

Now if FBI officials broke the law should they be arrested?

I am guessing you will say no because it was trying to prevent dumbass ( Trump ) from becoming President!

Now I am waiting for you to admit you are wrong and not your typical childish comment " well you are a Trumpster and hate when Darkies write on the internet "!

Fact is Assange is the one that released the data that was stolen from the DNC and where he got it from is claimed to be Russia and so what if it was Russia that hacked your political party servers because let be clear it pointed to a FACT your damn political party was dirty when it came to Sanders!

As for the FISA warrant it is clear Carter Page is exonerated and nothing about Trump has been uttered by me in this damn thread except mocking him as the Chosen One with Unmatched Wisdom...

You and Trump have so much in common had he just stayed on the plantation!
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Trump called the FBI 'scum' and hit out at the report that discredited his theory the Russia probe was a deep state plot at a wild Pennsylvania rally

So at a rally yesterday, or as a call them, Trump's coke fix -- he was railing against the Inspector General report again as well as the FBI....primarily his own appointed FBI Director, Christopher Wray....let's take a trip back down memory lane and remember what Trump said about Wray when he appointed him to lead the FBI, "Mr. Wray is an impeccably qualified individual,” citing his role in major fraud investigations and antiterrorism efforts at the Justice Department after the 9/11 attacks. 'I know that he will again serve his country as a fierce guardian of the law and model of integrity once the Senate confirms him to lead the F.B.I.,' Mr. Trump said in the statement."

Now I distinctly remember being told many times that Trump only hires the best people, so I am sure many of his supporters were thrilled with the pick because of their confidence in Trump's people hiring skills..However, "President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally Tuesday night attacked the FBI in the wake of the release of a report that found no evidence that the Russia probe was motivated by anti-Trump bias... he continued by saying 'They've destroyed the lives of people that were great people, that are still great people. Their lives have been destroyed by scum. Okay, by scum,' said Trump, doubling down on claims discredited in the report."

The lives Trump claims have been destroyed by this investigation are people like Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Maria Butina, Rick Gates, Roger Stone, Russian intelligence officials, Russian oligarchs -- these are the good people Trump claims were destroyed by the FBI.....and Trump also claims that he has the evidence that proves his and their innocence...he also has the evidence that exonerates Russia...if so, why doesn't he present it?? that way all of those people I just named can have their convictions overturned and in the case of a few of them, they can be freed from prison or going to prison..why would Trump sit on such powerful evidence??

Also, if Trump has evidence that the FBI completely fabricated charges against these people, completely framed Russia for doing something they didn't do -- and that the FBI covered up all of this evidence that Trump now has -- shouldn't Trump be firing Wray today and handing this evidence over to the Justice Department??

Or is he just bullshitting as usual -- and all of you Trumpers just don't want to admit it until he has been out of office for a few years??

The IG was not appointed by President Trump. He’s a Hussein leftover.
I wrote a paper on just this very thing a while back. It's fairly long and detailed. I'll have to dig through my files and find it.

There was a time before the FBI existed. At the end of the day, we have a very good guide. The Constitution describes the role of government very well.
We can't go back to the simpler world of 1783, though, when our government was brand new like a spiffy new notebook on the first day of school.
The other person who had suggested this said the same--that the Constitution as originally written does not give the government authority to have a police agency. Or something like that.
I see the point that the federal government has grown and grown and grown into a gargantuan Jabba that takes more and more authority unto itself.
I am not sure the FBI is the place to start trimming, though.
Maybe, but I'm thinking there are other places that might be less dangerous to our national security.

We can hand the cases back to the U.S. Marshall's and Secret Service...

Just answering the question for you...
Thanks, Bruce, but I have a feeling if NC doesn't approve of the FBI, he won't approve of these agencies either.

You have to remember the FBI just like the CIA and even the NSA have a history of abuse and it is time to hold them accountable for their wrongdoings but alas no one will not even the Chosen one with Unmatched Wisdom ( Trump and Sarcasm on that one ).

Many of these agencies can be absorbed into a bigger agency but to do that then Congress and the Oval Office could not waste our taxpayer dollars on special departments that someone cousin can run...

I know you think I am just anti-Government but in reality our Federal Government is a monster with no real control...
The FBI both spied on and basically assassinated the man in my avatar -- and not one of you Trump dic suckers gave a fuck ...because whenever the FBI targets people of color, you are all for it...

Fred Hampton’s Death Is Just One Example of the Government’s Covert Disruption of Black Lives

When the CIA actually went around targeting people who didn't look like you or hated the same people you hated, you were all on board with any and everything they did...

Patrice Lumumba: the most important assassination of the 20th century | Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja

So the fact that you idiots are now whining about the CIA and FBI once your cult leader's kleptocracy got the best of him -- tells me your principles ain't worth shit....

You are nothing but a race baiting troll and a liar!

Provide with links where I ever wrote anything from sucking Trump dick to supporting the killing of minorities and no your opinion does not count!
But then who investigates when the crime is across state lines?

And who investigates international Bank crimes, or money laundering?

Or who will investigate/ counter intelligence for the USA?


I wrote a paper on just this very thing a while back. It's fairly long and detailed. I'll have to dig through my files and find it.

There was a time before the FBI existed. At the end of the day, we have a very good guide. The Constitution describes the role of government very well.
We can't go back to the simpler world of 1783, though, when our government was brand new like a spiffy new notebook on the first day of school.
The other person who had suggested this said the same--that the Constitution as originally written does not give the government authority to have a police agency. Or something like that.
I see the point that the federal government has grown and grown and grown into a gargantuan Jabba that takes more and more authority unto itself.
I am not sure the FBI is the place to start trimming, though.
Maybe, but I'm thinking there are other places that might be less dangerous to our national security.

We can hand the cases back to the U.S. Marshall's and Secret Service...

Just answering the question for you...
Thanks, Bruce, but I have a feeling if NC doesn't approve of the FBI, he won't approve of these agencies either.

You have to remember the FBI just like the CIA and even the NSA have a history of abuse and it is time to hold them accountable for their wrongdoings but alas no one will not even the Chosen one with Unmatched Wisdom ( Trump and Sarcasm on that one ).

Many of these agencies can be absorbed into a bigger agency but to do that then Congress and the Oval Office could not waste our taxpayer dollars on special departments that someone cousin can run...

I know you think I am just anti-Government but in reality our Federal Government is a monster with no real control...
ICE too?
I wrote a paper on just this very thing a while back. It's fairly long and detailed. I'll have to dig through my files and find it.

There was a time before the FBI existed. At the end of the day, we have a very good guide. The Constitution describes the role of government very well.
We can't go back to the simpler world of 1783, though, when our government was brand new like a spiffy new notebook on the first day of school.
The other person who had suggested this said the same--that the Constitution as originally written does not give the government authority to have a police agency. Or something like that.
I see the point that the federal government has grown and grown and grown into a gargantuan Jabba that takes more and more authority unto itself.
I am not sure the FBI is the place to start trimming, though.
Maybe, but I'm thinking there are other places that might be less dangerous to our national security.

We can hand the cases back to the U.S. Marshall's and Secret Service...

Just answering the question for you...
Thanks, Bruce, but I have a feeling if NC doesn't approve of the FBI, he won't approve of these agencies either.

You have to remember the FBI just like the CIA and even the NSA have a history of abuse and it is time to hold them accountable for their wrongdoings but alas no one will not even the Chosen one with Unmatched Wisdom ( Trump and Sarcasm on that one ).

Many of these agencies can be absorbed into a bigger agency but to do that then Congress and the Oval Office could not waste our taxpayer dollars on special departments that someone cousin can run...

I know you think I am just anti-Government but in reality our Federal Government is a monster with no real control...
ICE too?

Yes, ICE could be put under the National Guard and U.S. Marshall service...

Guard for the borders and Marshall's for deportation...
Trump called the FBI 'scum' and hit out at the report that discredited his theory the Russia probe was a deep state plot at a wild Pennsylvania rally

So at a rally yesterday, or as a call them, Trump's coke fix -- he was railing against the Inspector General report again as well as the FBI....primarily his own appointed FBI Director, Christopher Wray....let's take a trip back down memory lane and remember what Trump said about Wray when he appointed him to lead the FBI, "Mr. Wray is an impeccably qualified individual,” citing his role in major fraud investigations and antiterrorism efforts at the Justice Department after the 9/11 attacks. 'I know that he will again serve his country as a fierce guardian of the law and model of integrity once the Senate confirms him to lead the F.B.I.,' Mr. Trump said in the statement."

Now I distinctly remember being told many times that Trump only hires the best people, so I am sure many of his supporters were thrilled with the pick because of their confidence in Trump's people hiring skills..However, "President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally Tuesday night attacked the FBI in the wake of the release of a report that found no evidence that the Russia probe was motivated by anti-Trump bias... he continued by saying 'They've destroyed the lives of people that were great people, that are still great people. Their lives have been destroyed by scum. Okay, by scum,' said Trump, doubling down on claims discredited in the report."

The lives Trump claims have been destroyed by this investigation are people like Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Maria Butina, Rick Gates, Roger Stone, Russian intelligence officials, Russian oligarchs -- these are the good people Trump claims were destroyed by the FBI.....and Trump also claims that he has the evidence that proves his and their innocence...he also has the evidence that exonerates Russia...if so, why doesn't he present it?? that way all of those people I just named can have their convictions overturned and in the case of a few of them, they can be freed from prison or going to prison..why would Trump sit on such powerful evidence??

Also, if Trump has evidence that the FBI completely fabricated charges against these people, completely framed Russia for doing something they didn't do -- and that the FBI covered up all of this evidence that Trump now has -- shouldn't Trump be firing Wray today and handing this evidence over to the Justice Department??

Or is he just bullshitting as usual -- and all of you Trumpers just don't want to admit it until he has been out of office for a few years??

The IG was not appointed by President Trump. He’s a Hussein leftover.
So its Obama's fault? Cool.......Horowitz joined the DOJ in that Obama's fault too??

Or is it only bad when Horowitz reported something that you Trumpers didn't like??

I predicted this months ago -- back when all of you Trumpers were cheerleading whatever report you thought he was going to put out...not one of you were saying "well, he is an Obama guy" -- all I heard was...he is a well-respected prosecutor, blah blah blah…

By the way, the special prosecutor that yall are currently cheerleading for, John Durham, he was at his job during the Obama administration you want to throw him under the bus now or wait??

And when I say he was part of the Obama admin, I mean Eric Holder appointed him to investigate the CIA's use of so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques" in the torture of detainees....

So let me know when you plan to throw him under the bus for something EVERYONE already knew ahead of time....
Trump called the FBI 'scum' and hit out at the report that discredited his theory the Russia probe was a deep state plot at a wild Pennsylvania rally

So at a rally yesterday, or as a call them, Trump's coke fix -- he was railing against the Inspector General report again as well as the FBI....primarily his own appointed FBI Director, Christopher Wray....let's take a trip back down memory lane and remember what Trump said about Wray when he appointed him to lead the FBI, "Mr. Wray is an impeccably qualified individual,” citing his role in major fraud investigations and antiterrorism efforts at the Justice Department after the 9/11 attacks. 'I know that he will again serve his country as a fierce guardian of the law and model of integrity once the Senate confirms him to lead the F.B.I.,' Mr. Trump said in the statement."

Now I distinctly remember being told many times that Trump only hires the best people, so I am sure many of his supporters were thrilled with the pick because of their confidence in Trump's people hiring skills..However, "President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally Tuesday night attacked the FBI in the wake of the release of a report that found no evidence that the Russia probe was motivated by anti-Trump bias... he continued by saying 'They've destroyed the lives of people that were great people, that are still great people. Their lives have been destroyed by scum. Okay, by scum,' said Trump, doubling down on claims discredited in the report."

The lives Trump claims have been destroyed by this investigation are people like Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Maria Butina, Rick Gates, Roger Stone, Russian intelligence officials, Russian oligarchs -- these are the good people Trump claims were destroyed by the FBI.....and Trump also claims that he has the evidence that proves his and their innocence...he also has the evidence that exonerates Russia...if so, why doesn't he present it?? that way all of those people I just named can have their convictions overturned and in the case of a few of them, they can be freed from prison or going to prison..why would Trump sit on such powerful evidence??

Also, if Trump has evidence that the FBI completely fabricated charges against these people, completely framed Russia for doing something they didn't do -- and that the FBI covered up all of this evidence that Trump now has -- shouldn't Trump be firing Wray today and handing this evidence over to the Justice Department??

Or is he just bullshitting as usual -- and all of you Trumpers just don't want to admit it until he has been out of office for a few years??
Former Federal Agent Convicted of Lying to the FBI

Grassley, a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said in a letter Wednesday to FBI Director Robert Mueller that he was concerned about "a lack of response to the findings and recommendations, a general lack of support for the project and even efforts to prevent its completion."

Grassley said the report "almost never saw the light of day." It was only provided to lawmakers in July 2003, months after it was requested, and was accompanied by a Justice Department letter urging that it be kept confidential.

FBI Assistant Director Cassandra Chandler responded Wednesday, "Director Mueller is committed to undertaking the reforms necessary to strengthen the disciplinary process within the FBI and ensure that it is fair, efficient and credible."

The report was prepared by the FBI's Behavioral Sciences and Law Enforcement Ethics unit in an effort to identify trends among agents dismissed for serious offenses and determine if there were warning signs prior to the misconduct that led to their firings.

The report lists the circumstances — minus names, dates and locations — of more than 70 dismissals, including:
Years Of FBI Agent Crimes Detailed

Trump called the FBI 'scum' and hit out at the report that discredited his theory the Russia probe was a deep state plot at a wild Pennsylvania rally

So at a rally yesterday, or as a call them, Trump's coke fix -- he was railing against the Inspector General report again as well as the FBI....primarily his own appointed FBI Director, Christopher Wray....let's take a trip back down memory lane and remember what Trump said about Wray when he appointed him to lead the FBI, "Mr. Wray is an impeccably qualified individual,” citing his role in major fraud investigations and antiterrorism efforts at the Justice Department after the 9/11 attacks. 'I know that he will again serve his country as a fierce guardian of the law and model of integrity once the Senate confirms him to lead the F.B.I.,' Mr. Trump said in the statement."

Now I distinctly remember being told many times that Trump only hires the best people, so I am sure many of his supporters were thrilled with the pick because of their confidence in Trump's people hiring skills..However, "President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally Tuesday night attacked the FBI in the wake of the release of a report that found no evidence that the Russia probe was motivated by anti-Trump bias... he continued by saying 'They've destroyed the lives of people that were great people, that are still great people. Their lives have been destroyed by scum. Okay, by scum,' said Trump, doubling down on claims discredited in the report."

The lives Trump claims have been destroyed by this investigation are people like Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Maria Butina, Rick Gates, Roger Stone, Russian intelligence officials, Russian oligarchs -- these are the good people Trump claims were destroyed by the FBI.....and Trump also claims that he has the evidence that proves his and their innocence...he also has the evidence that exonerates Russia...if so, why doesn't he present it?? that way all of those people I just named can have their convictions overturned and in the case of a few of them, they can be freed from prison or going to prison..why would Trump sit on such powerful evidence??

Also, if Trump has evidence that the FBI completely fabricated charges against these people, completely framed Russia for doing something they didn't do -- and that the FBI covered up all of this evidence that Trump now has -- shouldn't Trump be firing Wray today and handing this evidence over to the Justice Department??

Or is he just bullshitting as usual -- and all of you Trumpers just don't want to admit it until he has been out of office for a few years??

The IG was not appointed by President Trump. He’s a Hussein leftover.
So its Obama's fault? Cool.......Horowitz joined the DOJ in that Obama's fault too??

Or is it only bad when Horowitz reported something that you Trumpers didn't like??

I predicted this months ago -- back when all of you Trumpers were cheerleading whatever report you thought he was going to put out...not one of you were saying "well, he is an Obama guy" -- all I heard was...he is a well-respected prosecutor, blah blah blah…

By the way, the special prosecutor that yall are currently cheerleading for, John Durham, he was at his job during the Obama administration you want to throw him under the bus now or wait??

And when I say he was part of the Obama admin, I mean Eric Holder appointed him to investigate the CIA's use of so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques" in the torture of detainees....

So let me know when you plan to throw him under the bus for something EVERYONE already knew ahead of time....

No, you tried to spin this as President Trump’s guy, when it’s not. He was appointed IG during the Hussein regime, that’s a fact. No amount of whining is going to change the fact that you are a liar and a fraud, and that your whole narrative is a complete fabrication.

Carry on, dipshit.
We can't go back to the simpler world of 1783, though, when our government was brand new like a spiffy new notebook on the first day of school.
The other person who had suggested this said the same--that the Constitution as originally written does not give the government authority to have a police agency. Or something like that.
I see the point that the federal government has grown and grown and grown into a gargantuan Jabba that takes more and more authority unto itself.
I am not sure the FBI is the place to start trimming, though.
Maybe, but I'm thinking there are other places that might be less dangerous to our national security.

We can hand the cases back to the U.S. Marshall's and Secret Service...

Just answering the question for you...
Thanks, Bruce, but I have a feeling if NC doesn't approve of the FBI, he won't approve of these agencies either.

You have to remember the FBI just like the CIA and even the NSA have a history of abuse and it is time to hold them accountable for their wrongdoings but alas no one will not even the Chosen one with Unmatched Wisdom ( Trump and Sarcasm on that one ).

Many of these agencies can be absorbed into a bigger agency but to do that then Congress and the Oval Office could not waste our taxpayer dollars on special departments that someone cousin can run...

I know you think I am just anti-Government but in reality our Federal Government is a monster with no real control...
The FBI both spied on and basically assassinated the man in my avatar -- and not one of you Trump dic suckers gave a fuck ...because whenever the FBI targets people of color, you are all for it...

Fred Hampton’s Death Is Just One Example of the Government’s Covert Disruption of Black Lives

When the CIA actually went around targeting people who didn't look like you or hated the same people you hated, you were all on board with any and everything they did...

Patrice Lumumba: the most important assassination of the 20th century | Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja

So the fact that you idiots are now whining about the CIA and FBI once your cult leader's kleptocracy got the best of him -- tells me your principles ain't worth shit....

You are nothing but a race baiting troll and a liar!

Provide with links where I ever wrote anything from sucking Trump dick to supporting the killing of minorities and no your opinion does not count!
You sucking Trump's dick now....

Because the only time idiots like you want to speak out against the CIA or FBI is when they are inconveniencing your cult leader.....

But remain deafly silent to all of the REAL ABUSES committed by the FBI and the way...In 2002, John Durham helped secure the conviction of a FBI agent who was involved with racketeering with Whitey Bulger..that is real FBI corruption, not this bullshit you whining about....

And despite this type of history with the FBI and corruption, you folks had no problem cheerleading for the Patriot its convenient to speak out against it now....but fake...

Now tell me what I lied about or shut the fuk up...pussy
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Trump called the FBI 'scum' and hit out at the report that discredited his theory the Russia probe was a deep state plot at a wild Pennsylvania rally

So at a rally yesterday, or as a call them, Trump's coke fix -- he was railing against the Inspector General report again as well as the FBI....primarily his own appointed FBI Director, Christopher Wray....let's take a trip back down memory lane and remember what Trump said about Wray when he appointed him to lead the FBI, "Mr. Wray is an impeccably qualified individual,” citing his role in major fraud investigations and antiterrorism efforts at the Justice Department after the 9/11 attacks. 'I know that he will again serve his country as a fierce guardian of the law and model of integrity once the Senate confirms him to lead the F.B.I.,' Mr. Trump said in the statement."

Now I distinctly remember being told many times that Trump only hires the best people, so I am sure many of his supporters were thrilled with the pick because of their confidence in Trump's people hiring skills..However, "President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally Tuesday night attacked the FBI in the wake of the release of a report that found no evidence that the Russia probe was motivated by anti-Trump bias... he continued by saying 'They've destroyed the lives of people that were great people, that are still great people. Their lives have been destroyed by scum. Okay, by scum,' said Trump, doubling down on claims discredited in the report."

The lives Trump claims have been destroyed by this investigation are people like Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Maria Butina, Rick Gates, Roger Stone, Russian intelligence officials, Russian oligarchs -- these are the good people Trump claims were destroyed by the FBI.....and Trump also claims that he has the evidence that proves his and their innocence...he also has the evidence that exonerates Russia...if so, why doesn't he present it?? that way all of those people I just named can have their convictions overturned and in the case of a few of them, they can be freed from prison or going to prison..why would Trump sit on such powerful evidence??

Also, if Trump has evidence that the FBI completely fabricated charges against these people, completely framed Russia for doing something they didn't do -- and that the FBI covered up all of this evidence that Trump now has -- shouldn't Trump be firing Wray today and handing this evidence over to the Justice Department??

Or is he just bullshitting as usual -- and all of you Trumpers just don't want to admit it until he has been out of office for a few years??

The IG was not appointed by President Trump. He’s a Hussein leftover.
So its Obama's fault? Cool.......Horowitz joined the DOJ in that Obama's fault too??

Or is it only bad when Horowitz reported something that you Trumpers didn't like??

I predicted this months ago -- back when all of you Trumpers were cheerleading whatever report you thought he was going to put out...not one of you were saying "well, he is an Obama guy" -- all I heard was...he is a well-respected prosecutor, blah blah blah…

By the way, the special prosecutor that yall are currently cheerleading for, John Durham, he was at his job during the Obama administration you want to throw him under the bus now or wait??

And when I say he was part of the Obama admin, I mean Eric Holder appointed him to investigate the CIA's use of so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques" in the torture of detainees....

So let me know when you plan to throw him under the bus for something EVERYONE already knew ahead of time....

No, you tried to spin this as President Trump’s guy, when it’s not. He was appointed IG during the Hussein regime, that’s a fact. No amount of whining is going to change the fact that you are a liar and a fraud, and that your whole narrative is a complete fabrication.

Carry on, dipshit.
Is Christopher Wray president Trump's guy??

Was Jeff Sessions president trump's guy??

Was Paul Manafort trump's guy?

Was Michael Cohen trump's guy?

Was Reince Priebus, John Kelly, General Mattis, Michael Flynn, Tom Price, etc, etc ,etc ,etc -- were any of these people that Trump put in his campaign or cabinet Trump's guys??

You dic suckers will contradict shit you just said 2 minutes ago to make excuses for this moron....
Trump called the FBI 'scum' and hit out at the report that discredited his theory the Russia probe was a deep state plot at a wild Pennsylvania rally

So at a rally yesterday, or as a call them, Trump's coke fix -- he was railing against the Inspector General report again as well as the FBI....primarily his own appointed FBI Director, Christopher Wray....let's take a trip back down memory lane and remember what Trump said about Wray when he appointed him to lead the FBI, "Mr. Wray is an impeccably qualified individual,” citing his role in major fraud investigations and antiterrorism efforts at the Justice Department after the 9/11 attacks. 'I know that he will again serve his country as a fierce guardian of the law and model of integrity once the Senate confirms him to lead the F.B.I.,' Mr. Trump said in the statement."

Now I distinctly remember being told many times that Trump only hires the best people, so I am sure many of his supporters were thrilled with the pick because of their confidence in Trump's people hiring skills..However, "President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally Tuesday night attacked the FBI in the wake of the release of a report that found no evidence that the Russia probe was motivated by anti-Trump bias... he continued by saying 'They've destroyed the lives of people that were great people, that are still great people. Their lives have been destroyed by scum. Okay, by scum,' said Trump, doubling down on claims discredited in the report."

The lives Trump claims have been destroyed by this investigation are people like Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Maria Butina, Rick Gates, Roger Stone, Russian intelligence officials, Russian oligarchs -- these are the good people Trump claims were destroyed by the FBI.....and Trump also claims that he has the evidence that proves his and their innocence...he also has the evidence that exonerates Russia...if so, why doesn't he present it?? that way all of those people I just named can have their convictions overturned and in the case of a few of them, they can be freed from prison or going to prison..why would Trump sit on such powerful evidence??

Also, if Trump has evidence that the FBI completely fabricated charges against these people, completely framed Russia for doing something they didn't do -- and that the FBI covered up all of this evidence that Trump now has -- shouldn't Trump be firing Wray today and handing this evidence over to the Justice Department??

Or is he just bullshitting as usual -- and all of you Trumpers just don't want to admit it until he has been out of office for a few years??
Former Federal Agent Convicted of Lying to the FBI

Grassley, a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said in a letter Wednesday to FBI Director Robert Mueller that he was concerned about "a lack of response to the findings and recommendations, a general lack of support for the project and even efforts to prevent its completion."

Grassley said the report "almost never saw the light of day." It was only provided to lawmakers in July 2003, months after it was requested, and was accompanied by a Justice Department letter urging that it be kept confidential.

FBI Assistant Director Cassandra Chandler responded Wednesday, "Director Mueller is committed to undertaking the reforms necessary to strengthen the disciplinary process within the FBI and ensure that it is fair, efficient and credible."

The report was prepared by the FBI's Behavioral Sciences and Law Enforcement Ethics unit in an effort to identify trends among agents dismissed for serious offenses and determine if there were warning signs prior to the misconduct that led to their firings.

The report lists the circumstances — minus names, dates and locations — of more than 70 dismissals, including:
Years Of FBI Agent Crimes Detailed

Is Mueller the guy that Bush appointed as FBI director and not one of you future trumpers complained??

Is Mueller that guy Trump's own Assistant Attorney General appointed to be special prosecutor and not one of your Trumpers said a word??

Funny how after someone tells the truth about Trump -- now yall have a problem with that person's history??

Why is Trump so horrible at picking the right people?? Why is Obama so powerful and brilliant that he can control everyone that Trump appoints and make them do whatever Obama tells them to?
We can hand the cases back to the U.S. Marshall's and Secret Service...

Just answering the question for you...
Thanks, Bruce, but I have a feeling if NC doesn't approve of the FBI, he won't approve of these agencies either.

You have to remember the FBI just like the CIA and even the NSA have a history of abuse and it is time to hold them accountable for their wrongdoings but alas no one will not even the Chosen one with Unmatched Wisdom ( Trump and Sarcasm on that one ).

Many of these agencies can be absorbed into a bigger agency but to do that then Congress and the Oval Office could not waste our taxpayer dollars on special departments that someone cousin can run...

I know you think I am just anti-Government but in reality our Federal Government is a monster with no real control...
The FBI both spied on and basically assassinated the man in my avatar -- and not one of you Trump dic suckers gave a fuck ...because whenever the FBI targets people of color, you are all for it...

Fred Hampton’s Death Is Just One Example of the Government’s Covert Disruption of Black Lives

When the CIA actually went around targeting people who didn't look like you or hated the same people you hated, you were all on board with any and everything they did...

Patrice Lumumba: the most important assassination of the 20th century | Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja

So the fact that you idiots are now whining about the CIA and FBI once your cult leader's kleptocracy got the best of him -- tells me your principles ain't worth shit....

You are nothing but a race baiting troll and a liar!

Provide with links where I ever wrote anything from sucking Trump dick to supporting the killing of minorities and no your opinion does not count!
You sucking Trump's dick now....

Because the only time idiots like you want to speak out against the CIA or FBI is when they are inconveniencing your cult leader.....

But remain deafly silent to all of the REAL ABUSES committed the FBI and the way...In 2002, John Durham helped secure the conviction of a FBI agent who was involved with racketeering with Whitey Bulger..that is real FBI corruption, not this bullshit you whining about....

And despite this type of history with the FBI and corruption, you folks had no problem cheerleading for the Patriot its convenient to speak out against it now....but fake...

Now tell me what I lied about or shut the fuk up...pussy

So no links but just your opinion as usual...

I will wait for your link showing me sucking Donald Trump dick and like I wrote you would ignore the fact you are lying.

I am clear on my opinion of Trump and it is you that did a thread about the IG report and it is you claiming what certain FBI officials did was nothing at all when it came to the FISA warrant and why?

Simple, your hatred for Trump...

Now I will use Obama in this discussion and had this been done to Obama you would be demanding the head of every white person across this country, so let be clear you are a partisan troll that loves to race bait...

You have yet to dispute the fact wrongdoings were found in the IG report on the FBI side and I wonder why you can not admit the truth?

Trump is white and left the plantation or you would be kissing his ass and saying everyone that is against him are the enemy of the State...

Feel free to read my opinions on Trump and know I have no love for the guy but unlike you I am not a race baiting troll...
Trump called the FBI 'scum' and hit out at the report that discredited his theory the Russia probe was a deep state plot at a wild Pennsylvania rally

So at a rally yesterday, or as a call them, Trump's coke fix -- he was railing against the Inspector General report again as well as the FBI....primarily his own appointed FBI Director, Christopher Wray....let's take a trip back down memory lane and remember what Trump said about Wray when he appointed him to lead the FBI, "Mr. Wray is an impeccably qualified individual,” citing his role in major fraud investigations and antiterrorism efforts at the Justice Department after the 9/11 attacks. 'I know that he will again serve his country as a fierce guardian of the law and model of integrity once the Senate confirms him to lead the F.B.I.,' Mr. Trump said in the statement."

Now I distinctly remember being told many times that Trump only hires the best people, so I am sure many of his supporters were thrilled with the pick because of their confidence in Trump's people hiring skills..However, "President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally Tuesday night attacked the FBI in the wake of the release of a report that found no evidence that the Russia probe was motivated by anti-Trump bias... he continued by saying 'They've destroyed the lives of people that were great people, that are still great people. Their lives have been destroyed by scum. Okay, by scum,' said Trump, doubling down on claims discredited in the report."

The lives Trump claims have been destroyed by this investigation are people like Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Maria Butina, Rick Gates, Roger Stone, Russian intelligence officials, Russian oligarchs -- these are the good people Trump claims were destroyed by the FBI.....and Trump also claims that he has the evidence that proves his and their innocence...he also has the evidence that exonerates Russia...if so, why doesn't he present it?? that way all of those people I just named can have their convictions overturned and in the case of a few of them, they can be freed from prison or going to prison..why would Trump sit on such powerful evidence??

Also, if Trump has evidence that the FBI completely fabricated charges against these people, completely framed Russia for doing something they didn't do -- and that the FBI covered up all of this evidence that Trump now has -- shouldn't Trump be firing Wray today and handing this evidence over to the Justice Department??

Or is he just bullshitting as usual -- and all of you Trumpers just don't want to admit it until he has been out of office for a few years??
Former Federal Agent Convicted of Lying to the FBI

Grassley, a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said in a letter Wednesday to FBI Director Robert Mueller that he was concerned about "a lack of response to the findings and recommendations, a general lack of support for the project and even efforts to prevent its completion."

Grassley said the report "almost never saw the light of day." It was only provided to lawmakers in July 2003, months after it was requested, and was accompanied by a Justice Department letter urging that it be kept confidential.

FBI Assistant Director Cassandra Chandler responded Wednesday, "Director Mueller is committed to undertaking the reforms necessary to strengthen the disciplinary process within the FBI and ensure that it is fair, efficient and credible."

The report was prepared by the FBI's Behavioral Sciences and Law Enforcement Ethics unit in an effort to identify trends among agents dismissed for serious offenses and determine if there were warning signs prior to the misconduct that led to their firings.

The report lists the circumstances — minus names, dates and locations — of more than 70 dismissals, including:
Years Of FBI Agent Crimes Detailed

Is Mueller the guy that Bush appointed as FBI director and not one of you future trumpers complained??

Is Mueller that guy Trump's own Assistant Attorney General appointed to be special prosecutor and not one of your Trumpers said a word??

Funny how after someone tells the truth about Trump -- now yall have a problem with that person's history??

Why is Trump so horrible at picking the right people?? Why is Obama so powerful and brilliant that he can control everyone that Trump appoints and make them do whatever Obama tells them to?

Obama never controlled anything and most of those that worked for Obama were either from the Bush or Clinton camps...
Trump called the FBI 'scum' and hit out at the report that discredited his theory the Russia probe was a deep state plot at a wild Pennsylvania rally

So at a rally yesterday, or as a call them, Trump's coke fix -- he was railing against the Inspector General report again as well as the FBI....primarily his own appointed FBI Director, Christopher Wray....let's take a trip back down memory lane and remember what Trump said about Wray when he appointed him to lead the FBI, "Mr. Wray is an impeccably qualified individual,” citing his role in major fraud investigations and antiterrorism efforts at the Justice Department after the 9/11 attacks. 'I know that he will again serve his country as a fierce guardian of the law and model of integrity once the Senate confirms him to lead the F.B.I.,' Mr. Trump said in the statement."

Now I distinctly remember being told many times that Trump only hires the best people, so I am sure many of his supporters were thrilled with the pick because of their confidence in Trump's people hiring skills..However, "President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally Tuesday night attacked the FBI in the wake of the release of a report that found no evidence that the Russia probe was motivated by anti-Trump bias... he continued by saying 'They've destroyed the lives of people that were great people, that are still great people. Their lives have been destroyed by scum. Okay, by scum,' said Trump, doubling down on claims discredited in the report."

The lives Trump claims have been destroyed by this investigation are people like Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Maria Butina, Rick Gates, Roger Stone, Russian intelligence officials, Russian oligarchs -- these are the good people Trump claims were destroyed by the FBI.....and Trump also claims that he has the evidence that proves his and their innocence...he also has the evidence that exonerates Russia...if so, why doesn't he present it?? that way all of those people I just named can have their convictions overturned and in the case of a few of them, they can be freed from prison or going to prison..why would Trump sit on such powerful evidence??

Also, if Trump has evidence that the FBI completely fabricated charges against these people, completely framed Russia for doing something they didn't do -- and that the FBI covered up all of this evidence that Trump now has -- shouldn't Trump be firing Wray today and handing this evidence over to the Justice Department??

Or is he just bullshitting as usual -- and all of you Trumpers just don't want to admit it until he has been out of office for a few years??

The IG was not appointed by President Trump. He’s a Hussein leftover.
So its Obama's fault? Cool.......Horowitz joined the DOJ in that Obama's fault too??

Or is it only bad when Horowitz reported something that you Trumpers didn't like??

I predicted this months ago -- back when all of you Trumpers were cheerleading whatever report you thought he was going to put out...not one of you were saying "well, he is an Obama guy" -- all I heard was...he is a well-respected prosecutor, blah blah blah…

By the way, the special prosecutor that yall are currently cheerleading for, John Durham, he was at his job during the Obama administration you want to throw him under the bus now or wait??

And when I say he was part of the Obama admin, I mean Eric Holder appointed him to investigate the CIA's use of so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques" in the torture of detainees....

So let me know when you plan to throw him under the bus for something EVERYONE already knew ahead of time....

No, you tried to spin this as President Trump’s guy, when it’s not. He was appointed IG during the Hussein regime, that’s a fact. No amount of whining is going to change the fact that you are a liar and a fraud, and that your whole narrative is a complete fabrication.

Carry on, dipshit.
Is Christopher Wray president Trump's guy??

Was Jeff Sessions president trump's guy??

Was Paul Manafort trump's guy?

Was Michael Cohen trump's guy?

Was Reince Priebus, John Kelly, General Mattis, Michael Flynn, Tom Price, etc, etc ,etc ,etc -- were any of these people that Trump put in his campaign or cabinet Trump's guys??

You dic suckers will contradict shit you just said 2 minutes ago to make excuses for this moron....

More butt hurt deflections.

When did Horowitz become the IG?
Thanks, Bruce, but I have a feeling if NC doesn't approve of the FBI, he won't approve of these agencies either.

You have to remember the FBI just like the CIA and even the NSA have a history of abuse and it is time to hold them accountable for their wrongdoings but alas no one will not even the Chosen one with Unmatched Wisdom ( Trump and Sarcasm on that one ).

Many of these agencies can be absorbed into a bigger agency but to do that then Congress and the Oval Office could not waste our taxpayer dollars on special departments that someone cousin can run...

I know you think I am just anti-Government but in reality our Federal Government is a monster with no real control...
The FBI both spied on and basically assassinated the man in my avatar -- and not one of you Trump dic suckers gave a fuck ...because whenever the FBI targets people of color, you are all for it...

Fred Hampton’s Death Is Just One Example of the Government’s Covert Disruption of Black Lives

When the CIA actually went around targeting people who didn't look like you or hated the same people you hated, you were all on board with any and everything they did...

Patrice Lumumba: the most important assassination of the 20th century | Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja

So the fact that you idiots are now whining about the CIA and FBI once your cult leader's kleptocracy got the best of him -- tells me your principles ain't worth shit....

You are nothing but a race baiting troll and a liar!

Provide with links where I ever wrote anything from sucking Trump dick to supporting the killing of minorities and no your opinion does not count!
You sucking Trump's dick now....

Because the only time idiots like you want to speak out against the CIA or FBI is when they are inconveniencing your cult leader.....

But remain deafly silent to all of the REAL ABUSES committed the FBI and the way...In 2002, John Durham helped secure the conviction of a FBI agent who was involved with racketeering with Whitey Bulger..that is real FBI corruption, not this bullshit you whining about....

And despite this type of history with the FBI and corruption, you folks had no problem cheerleading for the Patriot its convenient to speak out against it now....but fake...

Now tell me what I lied about or shut the fuk up...pussy

So no links but just your opinion as usual...

I will wait for your link showing me sucking Donald Trump dick and like I wrote you would ignore the fact you are lying.

I am clear on my opinion of Trump and it is you that did a thread about the IG report and it is you claiming what certain FBI officials did was nothing at all when it came to the FISA warrant and why?

Simple, your hatred for Trump...

Now I will use Obama in this discussion and had this been done to Obama you would be demanding the head of every white person across this country, so let be clear you are a partisan troll that loves to race bait...

You have yet to dispute the fact wrongdoings were found in the IG report on the FBI side and I wonder why you can not admit the truth?

Trump is white and left the plantation or you would be kissing his ass and saying everyone that is against him are the enemy of the State...

Feel free to read my opinions on Trump and know I have no love for the guy but unlike you I am not a race baiting troll...
No links?? Links to what?? You don't know anything about Durham's professional career??

As much as you idiots claim to know all about these prosecutors, I just assumed you knew that John Durham put away a corrupt FBI agent for know, actual crimes...not the shit you whining about...

The Prosecutor of FBI Agent John Connolly John Durham Returns:

and had what been done to Obama?? you dic suckers called Obama's wife a man, said his mother was a whore -- said his kids are paid actors, you dic suckers demanded Obama prove he was born here, the only reason you dic suckers began giving a damn about Trump was the minute he played on your hatred of Obama and hopped on the whole racist birther movement...and I need you to understand that....Trump only became politically relevant to you dumb asses the minute he claimed the black guy wasn't born here and not president...the racist fairy tales he knew you idiots wanted to be told before you went to bed each night..

Again, I need you to understand that...anything Obama did you dic suckers whined about it...wearing a tan suit...putting gourmet mustard on his burger...stupid shit..but you think he would be given a pass if he did what Trump did? gtfoh...

So instead of this "if this was Obama" deflection...lets take a minute to recap on what did happen to Obama.....nothing.....why?? Because he isn't an incompetent moron...

Trump called the FBI 'scum' and hit out at the report that discredited his theory the Russia probe was a deep state plot at a wild Pennsylvania rally

So at a rally yesterday, or as a call them, Trump's coke fix -- he was railing against the Inspector General report again as well as the FBI....primarily his own appointed FBI Director, Christopher Wray....let's take a trip back down memory lane and remember what Trump said about Wray when he appointed him to lead the FBI, "Mr. Wray is an impeccably qualified individual,” citing his role in major fraud investigations and antiterrorism efforts at the Justice Department after the 9/11 attacks. 'I know that he will again serve his country as a fierce guardian of the law and model of integrity once the Senate confirms him to lead the F.B.I.,' Mr. Trump said in the statement."

Now I distinctly remember being told many times that Trump only hires the best people, so I am sure many of his supporters were thrilled with the pick because of their confidence in Trump's people hiring skills..However, "President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally Tuesday night attacked the FBI in the wake of the release of a report that found no evidence that the Russia probe was motivated by anti-Trump bias... he continued by saying 'They've destroyed the lives of people that were great people, that are still great people. Their lives have been destroyed by scum. Okay, by scum,' said Trump, doubling down on claims discredited in the report."

The lives Trump claims have been destroyed by this investigation are people like Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Maria Butina, Rick Gates, Roger Stone, Russian intelligence officials, Russian oligarchs -- these are the good people Trump claims were destroyed by the FBI.....and Trump also claims that he has the evidence that proves his and their innocence...he also has the evidence that exonerates Russia...if so, why doesn't he present it?? that way all of those people I just named can have their convictions overturned and in the case of a few of them, they can be freed from prison or going to prison..why would Trump sit on such powerful evidence??

Also, if Trump has evidence that the FBI completely fabricated charges against these people, completely framed Russia for doing something they didn't do -- and that the FBI covered up all of this evidence that Trump now has -- shouldn't Trump be firing Wray today and handing this evidence over to the Justice Department??

Or is he just bullshitting as usual -- and all of you Trumpers just don't want to admit it until he has been out of office for a few years??
Former Federal Agent Convicted of Lying to the FBI

Grassley, a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said in a letter Wednesday to FBI Director Robert Mueller that he was concerned about "a lack of response to the findings and recommendations, a general lack of support for the project and even efforts to prevent its completion."

Grassley said the report "almost never saw the light of day." It was only provided to lawmakers in July 2003, months after it was requested, and was accompanied by a Justice Department letter urging that it be kept confidential.

FBI Assistant Director Cassandra Chandler responded Wednesday, "Director Mueller is committed to undertaking the reforms necessary to strengthen the disciplinary process within the FBI and ensure that it is fair, efficient and credible."

The report was prepared by the FBI's Behavioral Sciences and Law Enforcement Ethics unit in an effort to identify trends among agents dismissed for serious offenses and determine if there were warning signs prior to the misconduct that led to their firings.

The report lists the circumstances — minus names, dates and locations — of more than 70 dismissals, including:
Years Of FBI Agent Crimes Detailed

Is Mueller the guy that Bush appointed as FBI director and not one of you future trumpers complained??

Is Mueller that guy Trump's own Assistant Attorney General appointed to be special prosecutor and not one of your Trumpers said a word??

Funny how after someone tells the truth about Trump -- now yall have a problem with that person's history??

Why is Trump so horrible at picking the right people?? Why is Obama so powerful and brilliant that he can control everyone that Trump appoints and make them do whatever Obama tells them to?

Pres.Trump never chosen Mueller for anything. It was Comey who personally hand-picked him to oversee the investigation about him lying, because. Comey claimed that Pres.Trump has put terror in his eyes, that he felt safer if Mueller investigate him. All of this was a plot to get rid of Pres.Trump. Pres.Trump still has many of Obama's leftovers in his administration. And Obama is still spying on the President. That is why he moved close by. And Session is doing a comeback. This time he is going to try his best to impeach the President.

Trump: Robert Mueller "should have never been chosen" as special counsel - CBS News

Trump accuses Comey of blackmail, shreds his Attorney General, and warns special counsel Mueller

Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired by President Trump, leaving Mueller probe in new hands

You have to remember the FBI just like the CIA and even the NSA have a history of abuse and it is time to hold them accountable for their wrongdoings but alas no one will not even the Chosen one with Unmatched Wisdom ( Trump and Sarcasm on that one ).

Many of these agencies can be absorbed into a bigger agency but to do that then Congress and the Oval Office could not waste our taxpayer dollars on special departments that someone cousin can run...

I know you think I am just anti-Government but in reality our Federal Government is a monster with no real control...
The FBI both spied on and basically assassinated the man in my avatar -- and not one of you Trump dic suckers gave a fuck ...because whenever the FBI targets people of color, you are all for it...

Fred Hampton’s Death Is Just One Example of the Government’s Covert Disruption of Black Lives

When the CIA actually went around targeting people who didn't look like you or hated the same people you hated, you were all on board with any and everything they did...

Patrice Lumumba: the most important assassination of the 20th century | Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja

So the fact that you idiots are now whining about the CIA and FBI once your cult leader's kleptocracy got the best of him -- tells me your principles ain't worth shit....

You are nothing but a race baiting troll and a liar!

Provide with links where I ever wrote anything from sucking Trump dick to supporting the killing of minorities and no your opinion does not count!
You sucking Trump's dick now....

Because the only time idiots like you want to speak out against the CIA or FBI is when they are inconveniencing your cult leader.....

But remain deafly silent to all of the REAL ABUSES committed the FBI and the way...In 2002, John Durham helped secure the conviction of a FBI agent who was involved with racketeering with Whitey Bulger..that is real FBI corruption, not this bullshit you whining about....

And despite this type of history with the FBI and corruption, you folks had no problem cheerleading for the Patriot its convenient to speak out against it now....but fake...

Now tell me what I lied about or shut the fuk up...pussy

So no links but just your opinion as usual...

I will wait for your link showing me sucking Donald Trump dick and like I wrote you would ignore the fact you are lying.

I am clear on my opinion of Trump and it is you that did a thread about the IG report and it is you claiming what certain FBI officials did was nothing at all when it came to the FISA warrant and why?

Simple, your hatred for Trump...

Now I will use Obama in this discussion and had this been done to Obama you would be demanding the head of every white person across this country, so let be clear you are a partisan troll that loves to race bait...

You have yet to dispute the fact wrongdoings were found in the IG report on the FBI side and I wonder why you can not admit the truth?

Trump is white and left the plantation or you would be kissing his ass and saying everyone that is against him are the enemy of the State...

Feel free to read my opinions on Trump and know I have no love for the guy but unlike you I am not a race baiting troll...
No links?? Links to what?? You don't know anything about Durham's professional career??

As much as you idiots claim to know all about these prosecutors, I just assumed you knew that John Durham put away a corrupt FBI agent for know, actual crimes...not the shit you whining about...

The Prosecutor of FBI Agent John Connolly John Durham Returns:

and had what been done to Obama?? you dic suckers called Obama's wife a man, said his mother was a whore -- said his kids are paid actors, you dic suckers demanded Obama prove he was born here, the only reason you dic suckers began giving a damn about Trump was the minute he played on your hatred of Obama and hopped on the whole racist birther movement...and I need you to understand that....Trump only became politically relevant to you dumb asses the minute he claimed the black guy wasn't born here and not president...the racist fairy tales he knew you idiots wanted to be told before you went to bed each night..

Again, I need you to understand that...anything Obama did you dic suckers whined about it...wearing a tan suit...putting gourmet mustard on his burger...stupid shit..but you think he would be given a pass if he did what Trump did? gtfoh...

So instead of this "if this was Obama" deflection...lets take a minute to recap on what did happen to Obama.....nothing.....why?? Because he isn't an incompetent moron...

View attachment 294327

That is not what I was asking a link for and nice dodge, boy!

I am asking links to where I suck Trump dick according to you and that I am for killing minorities and supporting the CIA and FBI abuses against minority communities.

You leveled those accusations against me because of my skin color while also using your bigoted view to claim because I am white I am a supporter of Trump...

So please provide the link to support your comments, wait your opinion is all you need while telling other posters their opinion is not good enough for you.

As for the IG report I have stated a few times that the IG found wrongdoings by the FBI while obtaining the FISA warrant and that is fact and you can not dispute this...

So tell the board why you support such abusive nature of the FBI and is it because it is against white guys that you hate?
Trump called the FBI 'scum' and hit out at the report that discredited his theory the Russia probe was a deep state plot at a wild Pennsylvania rally

So at a rally yesterday, or as a call them, Trump's coke fix -- he was railing against the Inspector General report again as well as the FBI....primarily his own appointed FBI Director, Christopher Wray....let's take a trip back down memory lane and remember what Trump said about Wray when he appointed him to lead the FBI, "Mr. Wray is an impeccably qualified individual,” citing his role in major fraud investigations and antiterrorism efforts at the Justice Department after the 9/11 attacks. 'I know that he will again serve his country as a fierce guardian of the law and model of integrity once the Senate confirms him to lead the F.B.I.,' Mr. Trump said in the statement."

Now I distinctly remember being told many times that Trump only hires the best people, so I am sure many of his supporters were thrilled with the pick because of their confidence in Trump's people hiring skills..However, "President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally Tuesday night attacked the FBI in the wake of the release of a report that found no evidence that the Russia probe was motivated by anti-Trump bias... he continued by saying 'They've destroyed the lives of people that were great people, that are still great people. Their lives have been destroyed by scum. Okay, by scum,' said Trump, doubling down on claims discredited in the report."

The lives Trump claims have been destroyed by this investigation are people like Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Maria Butina, Rick Gates, Roger Stone, Russian intelligence officials, Russian oligarchs -- these are the good people Trump claims were destroyed by the FBI.....and Trump also claims that he has the evidence that proves his and their innocence...he also has the evidence that exonerates Russia...if so, why doesn't he present it?? that way all of those people I just named can have their convictions overturned and in the case of a few of them, they can be freed from prison or going to prison..why would Trump sit on such powerful evidence??

Also, if Trump has evidence that the FBI completely fabricated charges against these people, completely framed Russia for doing something they didn't do -- and that the FBI covered up all of this evidence that Trump now has -- shouldn't Trump be firing Wray today and handing this evidence over to the Justice Department??
Who paid for the Dossier that wasn't verified by the guy who created it, then passed to the corrupt James Comey?
John McCain, with the advice of Lindsey Grahm to do so.
You are just as stupid as the OP.
You asked who passed it on to Comey, and McCain delivered it, to Comey. He asked Lindsey Grahm what he should do with the dossier, And Grahm told him to turn it over to Comey.
Dude, it was Hillary and Fusion GPS that concocted the whole fucked up Dossier. Then it was nicely planted to the old fart so he who didnt like Trump was a duped establishment Republican. You are one dumb mother fucker.

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