Trump Calls The FBI Scum -- Should FBI Director Be Arrested?

The problem is the FBI itself. Abolish it.
But then who investigates when the crime is across state lines?

And who investigates international Bank crimes, or money laundering?

Or who will investigate/ counter intelligence for the USA?

Oddly Trump can still not understand that a large portion of his problems are his own creation when he still seems to think that name calling and acting like a 12 year old is how to get his way.
Oddly Trump can still not understand that a large portion of his problems are his own creation when he still seems to think that name calling and acting like a 12 year old is how to get his way.

Actually, it wasn't Trump who started with name-calling, that was the libs who called him a racist,homophobe, fascist and literally Hitler from Day One. The President just doesn't believe in not responding
Oddly Trump can still not understand that a large portion of his problems are his own creation when he still seems to think that name calling and acting like a 12 year old is how to get his way.

Actually, it wasn't Trump who started with name-calling, that was the libs who called him a racist,homophobe, fascist and literally Hitler from Day One. The President just doesn't believe in not responding

Trump has been using this as a defense for decades.
But then who investigates when the crime is across state lines?

And who investigates international Bank crimes, or money laundering?

Or who will investigate/ counter intelligence for the USA?


I wrote a paper on just this very thing a while back. It's fairly long and detailed. I'll have to dig through my files and find it.

There was a time before the FBI existed. At the end of the day, we have a very good guide. The Constitution describes the role of government very well.
Oddly Trump can still not understand that a large portion of his problems are his own creation when he still seems to think that name calling and acting like a 12 year old is how to get his way.
As opposed to lying to the American people by Democrats? I will take the 12 year old name caller any day.
Oddly Trump can still not understand that a large portion of his problems are his own creation when he still seems to think that name calling and acting like a 12 year old is how to get his way.
As opposed to lying to the American people by Democrats? I will take the 12 year old name caller any day.

Trump lies regularly. Your complaint holds no water.
The problem is with the FBI, the leadership of the bureau is indeed Scum in the current era.

So why did Trump appoint so much of this scum? Trump must be part of the deep state.

And why did the IG report show such a wild anti-Clinton bias in the FBI? Your fairy tales don't seem to be connected with reality in any way.

There needs to be a housecleaning at the FBI. All the rabid pro-Trump political partisans need to go.
The FBI should hire some "heavy guns" lawyers and sue the President for constantly defaming the department! That will fix his a s s...

The FBI reports to the President, they aren't "independent"
Bull CRAP.

Inspector general's are INDEPENDENT WATCHDOGS.... not lapdogs of the President.
The IG. DIDNT help you watch the hearing today and enjoy
The IG Is not out to"help anyone".... he simply presents facts and evidence discovered... No matter where the chips fall....

Thus an INDEPENDENT gov't watchdog.
Psst he just admitted to bias lol hahaha that was fast haha
Oddly Trump can still not understand that a large portion of his problems are his own creation when he still seems to think that name calling and acting like a 12 year old is how to get his way.
As opposed to lying to the American people by Democrats? I will take the 12 year old name caller any day.

Trump lies regularly. Your complaint holds no water.
------------------------------------------- according to YOU and the publications you read and the articles that you read PK. I am sure that the President Trump has a reason for everything that he says as he is a very important man PK .
Trump called the FBI 'scum' and hit out at the report that discredited his theory the Russia probe was a deep state plot at a wild Pennsylvania rally

So at a rally yesterday, or as a call them, Trump's coke fix -- he was railing against the Inspector General report again as well as the FBI....primarily his own appointed FBI Director, Christopher Wray....let's take a trip back down memory lane and remember what Trump said about Wray when he appointed him to lead the FBI, "Mr. Wray is an impeccably qualified individual,” citing his role in major fraud investigations and antiterrorism efforts at the Justice Department after the 9/11 attacks. 'I know that he will again serve his country as a fierce guardian of the law and model of integrity once the Senate confirms him to lead the F.B.I.,' Mr. Trump said in the statement."

Now I distinctly remember being told many times that Trump only hires the best people, so I am sure many of his supporters were thrilled with the pick because of their confidence in Trump's people hiring skills..However, "President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally Tuesday night attacked the FBI in the wake of the release of a report that found no evidence that the Russia probe was motivated by anti-Trump bias... he continued by saying 'They've destroyed the lives of people that were great people, that are still great people. Their lives have been destroyed by scum. Okay, by scum,' said Trump, doubling down on claims discredited in the report."

The lives Trump claims have been destroyed by this investigation are people like Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Maria Butina, Rick Gates, Roger Stone, Russian intelligence officials, Russian oligarchs -- these are the good people Trump claims were destroyed by the FBI.....and Trump also claims that he has the evidence that proves his and their innocence...he also has the evidence that exonerates Russia...if so, why doesn't he present it?? that way all of those people I just named can have their convictions overturned and in the case of a few of them, they can be freed from prison or going to prison..why would Trump sit on such powerful evidence??

Also, if Trump has evidence that the FBI completely fabricated charges against these people, completely framed Russia for doing something they didn't do -- and that the FBI covered up all of this evidence that Trump now has -- shouldn't Trump be firing Wray today and handing this evidence over to the Justice Department??
Who paid for the Dossier that wasn't verified by the guy who created it, then passed to the corrupt James Comey?
The Washington Free Beacon.....

Conservative Free Beacon originally funded firm that created Trump-Russia dossier

Any other questions??
No I dont think the Washington Free Beacon paid for the "Hillary Paid for the Russian Dossier" that she used to spy on the US candidate that put her to shame..
Yes they paid for it....if facts bother you, you should really stay off this post...because I back up everything I say...

Still waiting for you to refute one thing I said...

No, you do not back everything up that you write. Fact is you instead call those you disagree with bigoted racist that hate darkies...

That is the fact...

Did the members of the FBI commit wrongdoings?

Yes, as highlighted in the IG report and if any of those in the report did something criminal they should be arrested and face criminal charges...

Now do you agree with that?

Was the FISA warrant legal based on the information in the report?
Oddly Trump can still not understand that a large portion of his problems are his own creation when he still seems to think that name calling and acting like a 12 year old is how to get his way.
It seems to have worked so far....
But then who investigates when the crime is across state lines?

And who investigates international Bank crimes, or money laundering?

Or who will investigate/ counter intelligence for the USA?


I wrote a paper on just this very thing a while back. It's fairly long and detailed. I'll have to dig through my files and find it.

There was a time before the FBI existed. At the end of the day, we have a very good guide. The Constitution describes the role of government very well.
We can't go back to the simpler world of 1783, though, when our government was brand new like a spiffy new notebook on the first day of school.
The other person who had suggested this said the same--that the Constitution as originally written does not give the government authority to have a police agency. Or something like that.
I see the point that the federal government has grown and grown and grown into a gargantuan Jabba that takes more and more authority unto itself.
I am not sure the FBI is the place to start trimming, though.
Maybe, but I'm thinking there are other places that might be less dangerous to our national security.
But then who investigates when the crime is across state lines?

And who investigates international Bank crimes, or money laundering?

Or who will investigate/ counter intelligence for the USA?


I wrote a paper on just this very thing a while back. It's fairly long and detailed. I'll have to dig through my files and find it.

There was a time before the FBI existed. At the end of the day, we have a very good guide. The Constitution describes the role of government very well.
We can't go back to the simpler world of 1783, though, when our government was brand new like a spiffy new notebook on the first day of school.
The other person who had suggested this said the same--that the Constitution as originally written does not give the government authority to have a police agency. Or something like that.
I see the point that the federal government has grown and grown and grown into a gargantuan Jabba that takes more and more authority unto itself.
I am not sure the FBI is the place to start trimming, though.
Maybe, but I'm thinking there are other places that might be less dangerous to our national security.

We can hand the cases back to the U.S. Marshall's and Secret Service...

Just answering the question for you...
But then who investigates when the crime is across state lines?

And who investigates international Bank crimes, or money laundering?

Or who will investigate/ counter intelligence for the USA?


I wrote a paper on just this very thing a while back. It's fairly long and detailed. I'll have to dig through my files and find it.

There was a time before the FBI existed. At the end of the day, we have a very good guide. The Constitution describes the role of government very well.
We can't go back to the simpler world of 1783, though, when our government was brand new like a spiffy new notebook on the first day of school.
The other person who had suggested this said the same--that the Constitution as originally written does not give the government authority to have a police agency. Or something like that.
I see the point that the federal government has grown and grown and grown into a gargantuan Jabba that takes more and more authority unto itself.
I am not sure the FBI is the place to start trimming, though.
Maybe, but I'm thinking there are other places that might be less dangerous to our national security.

We can hand the cases back to the U.S. Marshall's and Secret Service...

Just answering the question for you...

There are also other law enforcement agencies involved in the federal government, including DEA, BATF, ICE, Homeland Security.

It isn't like the FBI is all alone.

The real truth is that he entire area of federal law enforcement should be streamlined and is very top heavy with all kinds of swamp dwellers marking their territories.
But then who investigates when the crime is across state lines?

And who investigates international Bank crimes, or money laundering?

Or who will investigate/ counter intelligence for the USA?


I wrote a paper on just this very thing a while back. It's fairly long and detailed. I'll have to dig through my files and find it.

There was a time before the FBI existed. At the end of the day, we have a very good guide. The Constitution describes the role of government very well.
We can't go back to the simpler world of 1783, though, when our government was brand new like a spiffy new notebook on the first day of school.
The other person who had suggested this said the same--that the Constitution as originally written does not give the government authority to have a police agency. Or something like that.
I see the point that the federal government has grown and grown and grown into a gargantuan Jabba that takes more and more authority unto itself.
I am not sure the FBI is the place to start trimming, though.
Maybe, but I'm thinking there are other places that might be less dangerous to our national security.

We can hand the cases back to the U.S. Marshall's and Secret Service...

Just answering the question for you...
Thanks, Bruce, but I have a feeling if NC doesn't approve of the FBI, he won't approve of these agencies either.
But then who investigates when the crime is across state lines?

And who investigates international Bank crimes, or money laundering?

Or who will investigate/ counter intelligence for the USA?


I wrote a paper on just this very thing a while back. It's fairly long and detailed. I'll have to dig through my files and find it.

There was a time before the FBI existed. At the end of the day, we have a very good guide. The Constitution describes the role of government very well.
We can't go back to the simpler world of 1783, though, when our government was brand new like a spiffy new notebook on the first day of school.
The other person who had suggested this said the same--that the Constitution as originally written does not give the government authority to have a police agency. Or something like that.
I see the point that the federal government has grown and grown and grown into a gargantuan Jabba that takes more and more authority unto itself.
I am not sure the FBI is the place to start trimming, though.
Maybe, but I'm thinking there are other places that might be less dangerous to our national security.

We can hand the cases back to the U.S. Marshall's and Secret Service...

Just answering the question for you...

There are also other law enforcement agencies involved in the federal government, including DEA, BATF, ICE, Homeland Security.

It isn't like the FBI is all alone.

The real truth is that he entire area of federal law enforcement should be streamlined and is very top heavy with all kinds of swamp dwellers marking their territories.

I agree and even branches of service should be absorbed also into on another... Marines back to the Navy and Air Force back to the Army where they belong...

FBI along with domestic agencies can be made into one or two agencies with sub-branches from them and those like the CIA and even NASA should be under the Military control...

Just my opinion...
But then who investigates when the crime is across state lines?

And who investigates international Bank crimes, or money laundering?

Or who will investigate/ counter intelligence for the USA?


I wrote a paper on just this very thing a while back. It's fairly long and detailed. I'll have to dig through my files and find it.

There was a time before the FBI existed. At the end of the day, we have a very good guide. The Constitution describes the role of government very well.
We can't go back to the simpler world of 1783, though, when our government was brand new like a spiffy new notebook on the first day of school.
The other person who had suggested this said the same--that the Constitution as originally written does not give the government authority to have a police agency. Or something like that.
I see the point that the federal government has grown and grown and grown into a gargantuan Jabba that takes more and more authority unto itself.
I am not sure the FBI is the place to start trimming, though.
Maybe, but I'm thinking there are other places that might be less dangerous to our national security.

We can hand the cases back to the U.S. Marshall's and Secret Service...

Just answering the question for you...
Thanks, Bruce, but I have a feeling if NC doesn't approve of the FBI, he won't approve of these agencies either.

You have to remember the FBI just like the CIA and even the NSA have a history of abuse and it is time to hold them accountable for their wrongdoings but alas no one will not even the Chosen one with Unmatched Wisdom ( Trump and Sarcasm on that one ).

Many of these agencies can be absorbed into a bigger agency but to do that then Congress and the Oval Office could not waste our taxpayer dollars on special departments that someone cousin can run...

I know you think I am just anti-Government but in reality our Federal Government is a monster with no real control...

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