Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence

Fucking treasonous bastards need to be hauled out to the front of the capital building for a public execution.
Thank you for the valuable contribution Mr. DeFuck-a.

This is just the beginning, this corrupt government needs a house cleaning.

No there's only one thing that needs the house cleaning, the corrupt Establishment who have been so terrified of Trump from day one they colluded TOGETHER to attempt to derail his campaign before it even started.

The nightmare happened, he won, he needs to take the gloves off and fully crack the whip and not drain the swamp but dynamite it.

Lucy, the FBI has all the proof and it is of the Trump campaign colluding with Russian intelligence for a long time. You can point all the fingers you want but you need evidence to go along with it. You don't have that and never will because there is only one side involved with treason and that is the people in your party.
Trump was a civilian, Flynn was a civilian even if we take the news at face value. Where is the crime? Actually the traitor needs to be found who leaked anything about it to the Globalist whore media before an investigation
Fucking treasonous bastards need to be hauled out to the front of the capital building for a public execution.

No, that'll be your side that gets that date with destiny, you just watch, you just watch.

Watch what the evidence? that your party was a traitor to every value we hold dear?

Leftists have no values, if you did you wouldn't be so quick to trash them to accommodate every piece of Third World scum who have completely backward versions of values, like treating women as lumps of meat for example amongst other things.
Beating on the dead horse....well when nothing else comes to mind there are always the tax returns to fall back on.

Far from it........either Flynn falls on his sword for the love of Trump, OR spills it all to avoid being foreber a disgraced soldier.
Soldiers always fall into their swords if it is necessary and they believe in their leader being on the right side of issues because they are patriots unlike leftist scumbags.

That's why Flynn quit. He hoped he could take all the blame.
There are sacrificial lambs in every administration. What's the big deal? He should not have resigned. He was a civilian talking to the Russian ambassador, is that a crime? Where do we live, in North Korea?
Hey dipshit. The CIA has Flynn on tape discussing Russian sanctions with the Russian ambassador while Obama was still president.
What's the big deal?
Are you fucking crazy?
Fucking treasonous bastards need to be hauled out to the front of the capital building for a public execution.

The muslims do the public executions. Luckily for you and yours, Trump has stopped their invasion into this country.
Fucking treasonous bastards need to be hauled out to the front of the capital building for a public execution.
Thank you for the valuable contribution Mr. DeFuck-a.

This is just the beginning, this corrupt government needs a house cleaning.

No there's only one thing that needs the house cleaning, the corrupt Establishment who have been so terrified of Trump from day one they colluded TOGETHER to attempt to derail his campaign before it even started.

The nightmare happened, he won, he needs to take the gloves off and fully crack the whip and not drain the swamp but dynamite it.

Lucy, the FBI has all the proof and it is of the Trump campaign colluding with Russian intelligence for a long time. You can point all the fingers you want but you need evidence to go along with it. You don't have that and never will because there is only one side involved with treason and that is the people in your party.
Trump was a civilian, Flynn was a civilian even if we take the news at face value. Where is the crime? Actually the traitor needs to be found who leaked anything about it to the Globalist whore media before an investigation

Civilians can be traitors, our own history is long with them.
Fucking treasonous bastards need to be hauled out to the front of the capital building for a public execution.

No, that'll be your side that gets that date with destiny, you just watch, you just watch.

Watch what the evidence? that your party was a traitor to every value we hold dear?

Leftists have no values, if you did you wouldn't be so quick to trash them to accommodate every piece of Third World scum who have completely backward versions of values, like treating women as lumps of meat for example amongst other things.
You mean the way Trump has treated women all of his life?
Fucking treasonous bastards need to be hauled out to the front of the capital building for a public execution.

No, that'll be your side that gets that date with destiny, you just watch, you just watch.

Watch what the evidence? that your party was a traitor to every value we hold dear?

Leftists have no values, if you did you wouldn't be so quick to trash them to accommodate every piece of Third World scum who have completely backward versions of values, like treating women as lumps of meat for example amongst other things.

Save the cranes for them, people who betray our country are no better than third world scum.
Fucking treasonous bastards need to be hauled out to the front of the capital building for a public execution.

The muslims do the public executions. Luckily for you and yours, Trump has stopped their invasion into this country.
Thank you for the valuable contribution Mr. DeFuck-a.

This is just the beginning, this corrupt government needs a house cleaning.

No there's only one thing that needs the house cleaning, the corrupt Establishment who have been so terrified of Trump from day one they colluded TOGETHER to attempt to derail his campaign before it even started.

The nightmare happened, he won, he needs to take the gloves off and fully crack the whip and not drain the swamp but dynamite it.

Lucy, the FBI has all the proof and it is of the Trump campaign colluding with Russian intelligence for a long time. You can point all the fingers you want but you need evidence to go along with it. You don't have that and never will because there is only one side involved with treason and that is the people in your party.
Trump was a civilian, Flynn was a civilian even if we take the news at face value. Where is the crime? Actually the traitor needs to be found who leaked anything about it to the Globalist whore media before an investigation

Civilians can be traitors, our own history is long with them.
Civilians did not sell state secrets to the Russians they talked about the weather unless otherwise is proven.
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Fucking treasonous bastards need to be hauled out to the front of the capital building for a public execution.
Thank you for the valuable contribution Mr. DeFuck-a.

This is just the beginning, this corrupt government needs a house cleaning.

No there's only one thing that needs the house cleaning, the corrupt Establishment who have been so terrified of Trump from day one they colluded TOGETHER to attempt to derail his campaign before it even started.

The nightmare happened, he won, he needs to take the gloves off and fully crack the whip and not drain the swamp but dynamite it.

Lucy, the FBI has all the proof and it is of the Trump campaign colluding with Russian intelligence for a long time. You can point all the fingers you want but you need evidence to go along with it. You don't have that and never will because there is only one side involved with treason and that is the people in your party.

The Traitors in the Republican Party are John "Batshit Crazy Psychopath" McCain and that frustrated faggot Miss Lindsey Graham.
Fucking treasonous bastards need to be hauled out to the front of the capital building for a public execution.

No, that'll be your side that gets that date with destiny, you just watch, you just watch.

Watch what the evidence? that your party was a traitor to every value we hold dear?

Leftists have no values, if you did you wouldn't be so quick to trash them to accommodate every piece of Third World scum who have completely backward versions of values, like treating women as lumps of meat for example amongst other things.
You mean the way Trump has treated women all of his life?
You need proof of your accusations. You offer no substance but spewing shit. Nice trolling.
Soldiers always fall into their swords if it is necessary and they believe in their leader being on the right side of issues because they are patriots unlike leftist scumbags.

You should know that what Flynn did borders on treason.......some fucked up "patriotic value".....

Treason? What a moron you are.

Fucking treasonous bastards need to be hauled out to the front of the capital building for a public execution.

The muslims do the public executions. Luckily for you and yours, Trump has stopped their invasion into this country.
This is just the beginning, this corrupt government needs a house cleaning.

No there's only one thing that needs the house cleaning, the corrupt Establishment who have been so terrified of Trump from day one they colluded TOGETHER to attempt to derail his campaign before it even started.

The nightmare happened, he won, he needs to take the gloves off and fully crack the whip and not drain the swamp but dynamite it.

Lucy, the FBI has all the proof and it is of the Trump campaign colluding with Russian intelligence for a long time. You can point all the fingers you want but you need evidence to go along with it. You don't have that and never will because there is only one side involved with treason and that is the people in your party.
Trump was a civilian, Flynn was a civilian even if we take the news at face value. Where is the crime? Actually the traitor needs to be found who leaked anything about it to the Globalist whore media before an investigation

Civilians can be traitors, our own history is long with them.
Civilians did not sell state secrets to the Russians tehy talked about the weather unless otherwise is proven.

They have transcripts of the conversations.
Fucking treasonous bastards need to be hauled out to the front of the capital building for a public execution.

No, that'll be your side that gets that date with destiny, you just watch, you just watch.

Watch what the evidence? that your party was a traitor to every value we hold dear?

Leftists have no values, if you did you wouldn't be so quick to trash them to accommodate every piece of Third World scum who have completely backward versions of values, like treating women as lumps of meat for example amongst other things.
You mean the way Trump has treated women all of his life?
You need proof of your accusations. You offer no substance but spewing shit. Nice trolling.

The OP has all the proof you need to demand an investigation.
Beating on the dead horse....well when nothing else comes to mind there are always the tax returns to fall back on.

Far from it........either Flynn falls on his sword for the love of Trump, OR spills it all to avoid being foreber a disgraced soldier.
Soldiers always fall into their swords if it is necessary and they believe in their leader being on the right side of issues because they are patriots unlike leftist scumbags.

That's why Flynn quit. He hoped he could take all the blame.
There are sacrificial lambs in every administration. What's the big deal? He should not have resigned. He was a civilian talking to the Russian ambassador, is that a crime? Where do we live, in North Korea?
Hey dipshit. The CIA has Flynn on tape discussing Russian sanctions with the Russian ambassador while Obama was still president.
What's the big deal?
Are you fucking crazy?
How do you know what did he say? Are you in the know or you are just speculating and mudslinging. You are an imbecile troll...
No, that'll be your side that gets that date with destiny, you just watch, you just watch.

Watch what the evidence? that your party was a traitor to every value we hold dear?

Leftists have no values, if you did you wouldn't be so quick to trash them to accommodate every piece of Third World scum who have completely backward versions of values, like treating women as lumps of meat for example amongst other things.
You mean the way Trump has treated women all of his life?
You need proof of your accusations. You offer no substance but spewing shit. Nice trolling.

The OP has all the proof you need to demand an investigation.

From Hacks at The New York Times aka Prime Birdcage Liner.
Soldiers always fall into their swords if it is necessary and they believe in their leader being on the right side of issues because they are patriots unlike leftist scumbags.

You should know that what Flynn did borders on treason.......some fucked up "patriotic value".....

Treason? What a moron you are.

View attachment 112412

It's Treason how?

Get informed Lucy.
Who actually commits treason is the leftists who want war for the sake of Globalists. It always has been like that. WWI, WWII and now they want WWIII. The left does what is paid for and told. The U.S. is the mobile force to win wars for he Globalists.

Morons like YOU think that any criticism of a scum bag like Putin and his stooge Trump is a desire for "a world war".....IS this how fucked up you've become in defending an orange charlatan?
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