Trump campaign asks supporters whether he should run for president

The answer to this question will depend on how much China has pillaged America and the West over the next four years (assuming no full blown war against the West, Taiwan or others). If no backbone is shown by Western leaders, then Trump must run again.

This is the same fight that was NOT had by leaders in 1939 and what did that lead to? One should wake up and consider the possibility of a different outcome if we go through the same naive process again.

Why are crazy right wing loons promoting conventional warfare against China? It’s no accident that the 20 years of continuous economic decline of the United States of America, has dovetailed and coincided with the continuous 20 years of war in the Middle East in Afghanistan.

Imagine if the trillions of dollars wasted in the war on terror, had been spent on infrastructure, education and improving the lives of the American people at home.

The rest of the first world has seen their quality of life and the lives and health of their people improve immensely over the past 20 years. Only in the USA is the quality of life deteriorating, and life expectancy declining.

That is what continuous warfare does to a nation. The nation’s treasure is wasted on destruction abroad instead of construction at home.

It is in the best interests of the enemies of the United States that you continue to waste your nations wealth fighting wars you cannot win.

Sanctions and embargoes brought Russia to its knees. Successive generations of Republican leaders, including Donald Trump, have enabled China to become the leading manufacturing nation in the world.

The United States of America built its wealth power and influence by being the worlds largest manufacturing nation.

Republican globalization policies from Nixon, who signed the first Trade deal with China, to Donald Trump, who’s clothing line is still manufactured in China, and American greed for ever higher profits lead manufacturers to give all of their manufacturing and trade secrets to the Chinese.

Trumps trade war with China allowed the Chinese to expand their markets to South America as well as their Silk Road trade routes to see ports along the east coast of the Pacific Ocean.

No president in my lifetime has done more to assist China and Russia in their quest for world domination, than Donald J. Trump.

His trade war with China has destroyed the American family farm. Farm bankruptcies are at record levels. 80% of farm income now comes from the US federal government in the form of subsidies to cover their losses due to the tariffs.

So please don’t tell me how frightened you are of Joe Biden and what might happen as a result of his policy towards China because it could not be any more disastrous than what Trump did to the United States and what Trump allowed China to do and the rest of the world.

If your argument held true, what is Canadas excuse for having the least innovative economy in the G20, the highest non-consumer debt in the world, and, three of the most overvalued housing markets? We aren't in any wars and don't even fund our military much as the U.S takes care of us.

In terms of PPP (Purchasing Power Parity), Canada is at $48,141k per year, while America is 59.,495. That is a HUGE difference, especially since we are in the same part of the world.

Sorry, but Canada has failed it's citizens and it's allies on civil liberties, due process, access to justice, and definitely capitalism and right to self determination. I'm a prime example.
The answer to this question will depend on how much China has pillaged America and the West over the next four years (assuming no full blown war against the West, Taiwan or others). If no backbone is shown by Western leaders, then Trump must run again.

This is the same fight that was NOT had by leaders in 1939 and what did that lead to? One should wake up and consider the possibility of a different outcome if we go through the same naive process again.

Why are crazy right wing loons promoting conventional warfare against China? It’s no accident that the 20 years of continuous economic decline of the United States of America, has dovetailed and coincided with the continuous 20 years of war in the Middle East in Afghanistan.

Imagine if the trillions of dollars wasted in the war on terror, had been spent on infrastructure, education and improving the lives of the American people at home.

The rest of the first world has seen their quality of life and the lives and health of their people improve immensely over the past 20 years. Only in the USA is the quality of life deteriorating, and life expectancy declining.

That is what continuous warfare does to a nation. The nation’s treasure is wasted on destruction abroad instead of construction at home.

It is in the best interests of the enemies of the United States that you continue to waste your nations wealth fighting wars you cannot win.

Sanctions and embargoes brought Russia to its knees. Successive generations of Republican leaders, including Donald Trump, have enabled China to become the leading manufacturing nation in the world.

The United States of America built its wealth power and influence by being the worlds largest manufacturing nation.

Republican globalization policies from Nixon, who signed the first Trade deal with China, to Donald Trump, who’s clothing line is still manufactured in China, and American greed for ever higher profits lead manufacturers to give all of their manufacturing and trade secrets to the Chinese.

Trumps trade war with China allowed the Chinese to expand their markets to South America as well as their Silk Road trade routes to see ports along the east coast of the Pacific Ocean.

No president in my lifetime has done more to assist China and Russia in their quest for world domination, than Donald J. Trump.

His trade war with China has destroyed the American family farm. Farm bankruptcies are at record levels. 80% of farm income now comes from the US federal government in the form of subsidies to cover their losses due to the tariffs.

So please don’t tell me how frightened you are of Joe Biden and what might happen as a result of his policy towards China because it could not be any more disastrous than what Trump did to the United States and what Trump allowed China to do and the rest of the world.

If your argument held true, what is Canadas excuse for having the least innovative economy in the G20, the highest non-consumer debt in the world, and, three of the most overvalued housing markets? We aren't in any wars and don't even fund our military much as the U.S takes care of us.

In terms of PPP (Purchasing Power Parity), Canada is at $48,141k per year, while America is 59.,495. That is a HUGE difference, especially since we are in the same part of the world.

Sorry, but Canada has failed it's citizens and it's allies on civil liberties, due process, access to justice, and definitely capitalism and right to self determination. I'm a prime example.

You’re the only example. Canadians are in the top five of civil liberties in the world for their citizens. The United States doesn’t even make the top 15.

Do you have any links to support any of your doom and gloom debt statistics? The only thing that I can find is Bloomberg report saying that private debt in Canada is coming down compared to 2019, because Canadians are saving their money instead of going out and spending it.

With restaurants, movie theatres and most shopping stores and malls closed there has been a lot to spend your money on. There’s been no weddings showers, graduation, ceremonies or local summer “festivals”. I have more money saved right now than at any time since I first retired.

We have the fastest growing middle class in the first world, our outlook post pandemic is one of the strongest in the first world mainly because we are a doorway into the north American free market zone at a time when the United States has been completely stabilized, economically and socially.

The funny part of all of this is the Shocked Canadian’s promotes the idea that the Canadian government is trying to undermine and destroy the US economy. Yet Shocked Canadian endorses and promotes the policies of Donald Trump, who really did undermine and collapse the US economy.
The answer to this question will depend on how much China has pillaged America and the West over the next four years (assuming no full blown war against the West, Taiwan or others). If no backbone is shown by Western leaders, then Trump must run again.

This is the same fight that was NOT had by leaders in 1939 and what did that lead to? One should wake up and consider the possibility of a different outcome if we go through the same naive process again.

Why are crazy right wing loons promoting conventional warfare against China? It’s no accident that the 20 years of continuous economic decline of the United States of America, has dovetailed and coincided with the continuous 20 years of war in the Middle East in Afghanistan.

Imagine if the trillions of dollars wasted in the war on terror, had been spent on infrastructure, education and improving the lives of the American people at home.

The rest of the first world has seen their quality of life and the lives and health of their people improve immensely over the past 20 years. Only in the USA is the quality of life deteriorating, and life expectancy declining.

That is what continuous warfare does to a nation. The nation’s treasure is wasted on destruction abroad instead of construction at home.

It is in the best interests of the enemies of the United States that you continue to waste your nations wealth fighting wars you cannot win.

Sanctions and embargoes brought Russia to its knees. Successive generations of Republican leaders, including Donald Trump, have enabled China to become the leading manufacturing nation in the world.

The United States of America built its wealth power and influence by being the worlds largest manufacturing nation.

Republican globalization policies from Nixon, who signed the first Trade deal with China, to Donald Trump, who’s clothing line is still manufactured in China, and American greed for ever higher profits lead manufacturers to give all of their manufacturing and trade secrets to the Chinese.

Trumps trade war with China allowed the Chinese to expand their markets to South America as well as their Silk Road trade routes to see ports along the east coast of the Pacific Ocean.

No president in my lifetime has done more to assist China and Russia in their quest for world domination, than Donald J. Trump.

His trade war with China has destroyed the American family farm. Farm bankruptcies are at record levels. 80% of farm income now comes from the US federal government in the form of subsidies to cover their losses due to the tariffs.

So please don’t tell me how frightened you are of Joe Biden and what might happen as a result of his policy towards China because it could not be any more disastrous than what Trump did to the United States and what Trump allowed China to do and the rest of the world.

If your argument held true, what is Canadas excuse for having the least innovative economy in the G20, the highest non-consumer debt in the world, and, three of the most overvalued housing markets? We aren't in any wars and don't even fund our military much as the U.S takes care of us.

In terms of PPP (Purchasing Power Parity), Canada is at $48,141k per year, while America is 59.,495. That is a HUGE difference, especially since we are in the same part of the world.

Sorry, but Canada has failed it's citizens and it's allies on civil liberties, due process, access to justice, and definitely capitalism and right to self determination. I'm a prime example.

You’re the only example. Canadians are in the top five of civil liberties in the world for their citizens. The United States doesn’t even make the top 15.

Do you have any links to support any of your doom and gloom debt statistics? The only thing that I can find is Bloomberg report saying that private debt in Canada is coming down compared to 2019, because Canadians are saving their money instead of going out and spending it.

With restaurants, movie theatres and most shopping stores and malls closed there has been a lot to spend your money on. There’s been no weddings showers, graduation, ceremonies or local summer “festivals”. I have more money saved right now than at any time since I first retired.

We have the fastest growing middle class in the first world, our outlook post pandemic is one of the strongest in the first world mainly because we are a doorway into the north American free market zone at a time when the United States has been completely stabilized, economically and socially.

The funny part of all of this is the Shocked Canadian’s promotes the idea that the Canadian government is trying to undermine and destroy the US economy. Yet Shocked Canadian endorses and promotes the policies of Donald Trump, who really did undermine and collapse the US economy.

Your lucky, your dignity and pursuit of happiness wasn't stolen from you. I should have a few million in the bank from all I would have made and some extra property. There were some years I made IBM $13M U.S in sales. I of course was well rewarded for the top performance on my entire team. By a longshot as it were. Just call my TopCanadian.

That's only part of the abusing the Creepy Ones and their family engage in against me. Policing in Canada has sunk us and we will not be returning to the "good old days". Even the government patsies kids won't have the same ability to exploit a declining economy.

As you requested:

Canadians are the most indebted in the world, OECD says, as it warns on rising debt risk​


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