Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

Not open for further replies. you understand a difference between a quid-pro-quo with an adverserial government on STOLEN materials

Back this up

...did you read what I’ve been posting?

You are not having a conversation you are just jumping from one line to another without any cohesive thought pattern about any of this.

You're saying that you don't care about Hillary's collusion with the Russians, you don't give a shit about the Russians and you don't give a shit about collusion.

You just want to get Trump


I had enough of this idioicy, come back when you can sanely keep up a conversation.

That's exactly what we're discussing, Antontutu. You look at overt collusion from Hillary and just say she's well meaning, give her a pass. You look at a dearth of evidence against Trump and declare him guilty.

You believe that for Republicans, no explanation is good enough. For Democrats, no explanation is required. That's just how you roll

No it isn't moron, you keep swtiching between asking for evidence of Trump compaign's Russian dealings and Clinton's Russians, WITHOUT EVER ADRESSING ANYTHING I EXPLAIN TO YOU ON EACH

There is evidence of Trump campaign colluding with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government supporting Trump.

There is NO evidence of Clinton campaign collusion with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government campaign against Hillary.

Clear enough for you?
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Back this up

...did you read what I’ve been posting?

You are not having a conversation you are just jumping from one line to another without any cohesive thought pattern about any of this.

You're saying that you don't care about Hillary's collusion with the Russians, you don't give a shit about the Russians and you don't give a shit about collusion.

You just want to get Trump


I had enough of this idioicy, come back when you can sanely keep up a conversation.

That's exactly what we're discussing, Antontutu. You look at overt collusion from Hillary and just say she's well meaning, give her a pass. You look at a dearth of evidence against Trump and declare him guilty.

You believe that for Republicans, no explanation is good enough. For Democrats, no explanation is required. That's just how you roll

No it isn't moron, you keep swtiching between asking for evidence of Trump compaign's Russian dealings and Clinton's Russians, WITHOUT EVER ADRESSING ANYTHING I EXPLAIN TO YOU ON EACH

There is evidence of Trump campaign colluding with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government supporting Trump.

There is NO evidence of Clinton campaign collusion with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government campaign against Hillary.

Clear enough for you?

Saying I don't accept your lies doesn't mean I'm not clear what you're saying, Home Boy.

Putin was trying to disrupt the election. Obviously you only read the news you want to see, but Russians set up both pro-and anti-Trump demonstrations.

You look at that Trump's son walked into and out of a meeting and declare, guilty!

Then you look at Hillary funding anti-Trump false research and that they used those lies without revealing the source (Clinton Campaign) to get FISA warrants and say, meh.

You're a hack leftist with no intellectual integrity.

This is how obvious you people are. You said Russians interfered in the election, let's investigate Trump!

If you don't care about Hillary and the Russians, you don't care about the Russians, tutu.

And BTW, any research will show you China is WAY more effective in meddling. Yet you don't care. It's about getting Trump, that's it
...did you read what I’ve been posting?

You are not having a conversation you are just jumping from one line to another without any cohesive thought pattern about any of this.

You're saying that you don't care about Hillary's collusion with the Russians, you don't give a shit about the Russians and you don't give a shit about collusion.

You just want to get Trump


I had enough of this idioicy, come back when you can sanely keep up a conversation.

That's exactly what we're discussing, Antontutu. You look at overt collusion from Hillary and just say she's well meaning, give her a pass. You look at a dearth of evidence against Trump and declare him guilty.

You believe that for Republicans, no explanation is good enough. For Democrats, no explanation is required. That's just how you roll

No it isn't moron, you keep swtiching between asking for evidence of Trump compaign's Russian dealings and Clinton's Russians, WITHOUT EVER ADRESSING ANYTHING I EXPLAIN TO YOU ON EACH

There is evidence of Trump campaign colluding with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government supporting Trump.

There is NO evidence of Clinton campaign collusion with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government campaign against Hillary.

Clear enough for you?

Saying I don't accept your lies doesn't mean I'm not clear what you're saying, Home Boy.

Putin was trying to disrupt the election. Obviously you only read the news you want to see, but Russians set up both pro-and anti-Trump demonstrations.

No you ARE NOT SAYING, you simply switch topic without directly addressing what I post.

Kremlin's top brass (ALONG WITH ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY) were congradulating each other on Trump victory.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

Russian media coverage of her own campaign was vicious, portraying her as an aggressive Russophobe, a criminal and a liar.

"Clinton will surround us with nuclear missiles; Trump would recognise Crimea," a typical tabloid headline read on election day.

"We are very glad that relations will improve with Russia and stop the artificial Cold War which Washington and London try to push on the world," pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov told the BBC.

"We're glad the new president will be Donald Trump who respects Vladimir Putin and recognises that Crimea is part of Russia," he said, referring to Mr Trump's comment that Russia's annexation of the peninsula could be 'looked at'.

Russia celebrates Trump win
You're saying that you don't care about Hillary's collusion with the Russians, you don't give a shit about the Russians and you don't give a shit about collusion.

You just want to get Trump


I had enough of this idioicy, come back when you can sanely keep up a conversation.

That's exactly what we're discussing, Antontutu. You look at overt collusion from Hillary and just say she's well meaning, give her a pass. You look at a dearth of evidence against Trump and declare him guilty.

You believe that for Republicans, no explanation is good enough. For Democrats, no explanation is required. That's just how you roll

No it isn't moron, you keep swtiching between asking for evidence of Trump compaign's Russian dealings and Clinton's Russians, WITHOUT EVER ADRESSING ANYTHING I EXPLAIN TO YOU ON EACH

There is evidence of Trump campaign colluding with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government supporting Trump.

There is NO evidence of Clinton campaign collusion with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government campaign against Hillary.

Clear enough for you?

Saying I don't accept your lies doesn't mean I'm not clear what you're saying, Home Boy.

Putin was trying to disrupt the election. Obviously you only read the news you want to see, but Russians set up both pro-and anti-Trump demonstrations.

No you ARE NOT SAYING, you simply switch topic without directly addressing what I post.

Kremlin's top brass (ALONG WITH ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY) were congradulating each other on Trump victory.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

Russian media coverage of her own campaign was vicious, portraying her as an aggressive Russophobe, a criminal and a liar.

"Clinton will surround us with nuclear missiles; Trump would recognise Crimea," a typical tabloid headline read on election day.

"We are very glad that relations will improve with Russia and stop the artificial Cold War which Washington and London try to push on the world," pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov told the BBC.

"We're glad the new president will be Donald Trump who respects Vladimir Putin and recognises that Crimea is part of Russia," he said, referring to Mr Trump's comment that Russia's annexation of the peninsula could be 'looked at'.

Russia celebrates Trump win

The Russians bought Hillary Clinton for $145 million. You're not contradicting my argument, you're supporting it.

Antontutu: The Russians meddled in our election. Let's investigate Trump!

You just keep repeating the same point. You ignore Hillary and everything she did and just want to get Trump.

The fact is that the Russians flooded Hillary with cash and they also spent money on Facebook and demonstrations opposing Trump. They wanted to fuck with our election.

And again, if this were a real issue for you, you'd be irritated by Russia and livid about China, and you're silent on China.

You're a Democrat hack, nothing more. This is meaningless to you other than get Trump

I had enough of this idioicy, come back when you can sanely keep up a conversation.

That's exactly what we're discussing, Antontutu. You look at overt collusion from Hillary and just say she's well meaning, give her a pass. You look at a dearth of evidence against Trump and declare him guilty.

You believe that for Republicans, no explanation is good enough. For Democrats, no explanation is required. That's just how you roll

No it isn't moron, you keep swtiching between asking for evidence of Trump compaign's Russian dealings and Clinton's Russians, WITHOUT EVER ADRESSING ANYTHING I EXPLAIN TO YOU ON EACH

There is evidence of Trump campaign colluding with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government supporting Trump.

There is NO evidence of Clinton campaign collusion with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government campaign against Hillary.

Clear enough for you?

Saying I don't accept your lies doesn't mean I'm not clear what you're saying, Home Boy.

Putin was trying to disrupt the election. Obviously you only read the news you want to see, but Russians set up both pro-and anti-Trump demonstrations.

No you ARE NOT SAYING, you simply switch topic without directly addressing what I post.

Kremlin's top brass (ALONG WITH ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY) were congradulating each other on Trump victory.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

Russian media coverage of her own campaign was vicious, portraying her as an aggressive Russophobe, a criminal and a liar.

"Clinton will surround us with nuclear missiles; Trump would recognise Crimea," a typical tabloid headline read on election day.

"We are very glad that relations will improve with Russia and stop the artificial Cold War which Washington and London try to push on the world," pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov told the BBC.

"We're glad the new president will be Donald Trump who respects Vladimir Putin and recognises that Crimea is part of Russia," he said, referring to Mr Trump's comment that Russia's annexation of the peninsula could be 'looked at'.

Russia celebrates Trump win

The Russians bought Hillary Clinton for $145 million. You're not contradicting my argument, you're supporting it.

Antontutu: The Russians meddled in our election. Let's investigate Trump!

You just keep repeating the same point. You ignore Hillary and everything she did and just want to get Trump.

The fact is that the Russians flooded Hillary with cash and they also spent money on Facebook and demonstrations opposing Trump. They wanted to fuck with our election.

And again, if this were a real issue for you, you'd be irritated by Russia and livid about China, and you're silent on China.

You're a Democrat hack, nothing more. This is meaningless to you other than get Trump

No they did not "buy Clinton" silly. 145 million you talk about were donations to Clinton foundation from a Canadian bussineman who Clintons took to that charity's international dinners where he was introduced to many influential people, nothing to do with Russians. His stake in Canadian Uranium One was sold years before these donations.

Clinton has supported anti-Putin demostrations during last elections and consistently supported heavy sanctions for their Ukranian mis-adventures. She was public enemy #1 in Russia. How the hell does that square of with someone being bought by Russian interests?

Trump? He spent entire campaign doing nothing but praising Putin's "strong leadership" and TO THIS DAY cannot find anything negative to say about his regime, constantly denying that Russians hacked DNC. Now THAT is what being bought looks like.

I actually happen to be from Russia and know a bit of what's going on there. State controlled media (which is majority of Russia's media) has been pumping anti-Clinton alt-fact propganda NON STOP throughout the campaign having nothing but nice things to say about Trump.

Your arguments that Kremlin was somehow helping Clinton, not Trump is straight up fantasiy from alternate universe. Yes their first priority was to screw Clinton and stir up unrest, but Trump was clearly their horse in the race.

And CHINA??? what the fuck did China have to do with the election?
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And CHINA??? what the fuck did China have to do with the election?

If Hillary is so anti-Russia, then why did she approve the sale of 20% of US uranium to Russia?

The money didn't just go to the Foundation either. Half a million, double Slick's speaking fee, went right into the pocket of the Clinton organized crime bosses. It's called quid pro-quo.

And that you claim Trump hasn't criticized Russia is just more proof you don't give a shit about reality. He's for example criticized them extensively over North Korea and Syria.

And this quote proves it's about getting Trump. You don't give a shit about the far greater threat and meddler in our country, China.

John McCain: Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country
Putin makes a big point of showing the world his newest Nukes and shows them hitting the US and Trump hasn't said word one about it. But he tweets his yellow head off about Alec Baldwin. This is a President? But the right won't find anything suspicious about that. It truly is brainwashing and it's astounding.

That's just butt hurt bickering. Any idiot could think of something and say Trump should have tweeted about this, not this! And you did!

BTW, remember when you were crying because Trump did respond to North Korea? Just massive butt hurt

Trump: "I'm President, and you're not"


Thanks for demonstrating the result of brainwashing so well. You like that term butthurt don't you? Curious. But what you do in the privacy of your home is your own business.
...did you read what I’ve been posting?

You are not having a conversation you are just jumping from one line to another without any cohesive thought pattern about any of this.

You're saying that you don't care about Hillary's collusion with the Russians, you don't give a shit about the Russians and you don't give a shit about collusion.

You just want to get Trump


I had enough of this idioicy, come back when you can sanely keep up a conversation.

That's exactly what we're discussing, Antontutu. You look at overt collusion from Hillary and just say she's well meaning, give her a pass. You look at a dearth of evidence against Trump and declare him guilty.

You believe that for Republicans, no explanation is good enough. For Democrats, no explanation is required. That's just how you roll

No it isn't moron, you keep swtiching between asking for evidence of Trump compaign's Russian dealings and Clinton's Russians, WITHOUT EVER ADRESSING ANYTHING I EXPLAIN TO YOU ON EACH

There is evidence of Trump campaign colluding with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government supporting Trump.

There is NO evidence of Clinton campaign collusion with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government campaign against Hillary.

Clear enough for you?

Saying I don't accept your lies doesn't mean I'm not clear what you're saying, Home Boy.

Putin was trying to disrupt the election. Obviously you only read the news you want to see, but Russians set up both pro-and anti-Trump demonstrations.

You look at that Trump's son walked into and out of a meeting and declare, guilty!

Then you look at Hillary funding anti-Trump false research and that they used those lies without revealing the source (Clinton Campaign) to get FISA warrants and say, meh.

You're a hack leftist with no intellectual integrity.

This is how obvious you people are. You said Russians interfered in the election, let's investigate Trump!

If you don't care about Hillary and the Russians, you don't care about the Russians, tutu.

And BTW, any research will show you China is WAY more effective in meddling. Yet you don't care. It's about getting Trump, that's it

If the best thing that comes out of all this is that we get rid of the yellow cancer on the white house, I'll take it! Gladly.
Trump: "I don't like people who get captured okay?"
And CHINA??? what the fuck did China have to do with the election?

If Hillary is so anti-Russia, then why did she approve the sale of 20% of US uranium to Russia?

The money didn't just go to the Foundation either. Half a million, double Slick's speaking fee, went right into the pocket of the Clinton organized crime bosses. It's called quid pro-quo.

And that you claim Trump hasn't criticized Russia is just more proof you don't give a shit about reality. He's for example criticized them extensively over North Korea and Syria.

And this quote proves it's about getting Trump. You don't give a shit about the far greater threat and meddler in our country, China.

John McCain: Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country

China this and China that. But China was okay enough to Jarod Kushner to take loans from, eh? And now he's going around the globe begging and/or cajoling for money to feed his business interests. He and trump are using their positions to rake in the loot right under the noses of those enchanted with Trump's outrageous behavior. So yeah, brainwashing is an apt term to use.
My story is straight. Hillary had a comfortable lead in the polls when Americans began voting. That lead was gone when early voting ended and there was no other major event other than Comey announcements g he was reopening the investigation into Hillary’s email server. An investigation he then closed down saying there was no reason for it to begin with.

That “lead”, much like those CNN polls, were weighed heavily democrat to get the projection they needed over Trump. I already proved that through the “fine print” following the poll numbers up and to the election. Like trusting a car report that later turns out to be a lemon, don’t believe everything you see without spreading the fine print.
Whatever weighting was applied prior to mid-October is the same as what was applied after. So even if weighting were an issue, and there is no indication it was since the average polling was off by only 1 percentage point, the evaporation of Hillary’s lead following the announcement of the investigation into her email server cannot be explained by weighting.

OK, let me go slow so that maybe you will get it.

1. the pollsters wanted Hillary to win
2. the MSM wanted Hillary to win
3. the polls were structured to make it look like she was ahead
4. the pollsters lied when they said she had a 97% chance of winnint
5. the pollsters and the media lied when they said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes
6. polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it
7. you have been duped, and you don't even realize it.
Moron, if pollsters lied to help Hillary, why on Earth would they say she’s got a 97% chance of winning, when that would only cause her to lose votes by folks on the left who don’t bother to vote because they figure she’s got it wrapped up?

Had they actually been lying for Hillary, they would have said she’s behind Trump as that would inspire folks on the left to come out to vote to try to put her ahead.

Common sense eludes you.

come on dude, are you really that dumb? saying that Hillary had it won was designed to keep trump voters home, why bother to vote if its a done deal?

sorry, but you don't understand how indoctrination and propaganda work.
Oh look, not only are you a proven liar, now you’re a proven imbecile too.

Imbecile, if what you’re saying made any sense at all, which it doesn’t, the polls would not have closed at Hillary barely up by Election Day, when most people were going to vote. If the polls were being manipulated to give Hillary a huge lead to keep Republicans at home, she would have still maintained a double digit lead on Election Day.

That didn’t happen though. Something caused her double digit lead to evaporate during the last two weeks prior to the election. And there was just one big story that exploded during that period — the FBI reopening the investigation into her email server.
That “lead”, much like those CNN polls, were weighed heavily democrat to get the projection they needed over Trump. I already proved that through the “fine print” following the poll numbers up and to the election. Like trusting a car report that later turns out to be a lemon, don’t believe everything you see without spreading the fine print.
Whatever weighting was applied prior to mid-October is the same as what was applied after. So even if weighting were an issue, and there is no indication it was since the average polling was off by only 1 percentage point, the evaporation of Hillary’s lead following the announcement of the investigation into her email server cannot be explained by weighting.

OK, let me go slow so that maybe you will get it.

1. the pollsters wanted Hillary to win
2. the MSM wanted Hillary to win
3. the polls were structured to make it look like she was ahead
4. the pollsters lied when they said she had a 97% chance of winnint
5. the pollsters and the media lied when they said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes
6. polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it
7. you have been duped, and you don't even realize it.
Moron, if pollsters lied to help Hillary, why on Earth would they say she’s got a 97% chance of winning, when that would only cause her to lose votes by folks on the left who don’t bother to vote because they figure she’s got it wrapped up?

Had they actually been lying for Hillary, they would have said she’s behind Trump as that would inspire folks on the left to come out to vote to try to put her ahead.

Common sense eludes you.

come on dude, are you really that dumb? saying that Hillary had it won was designed to keep trump voters home, why bother to vote if its a done deal?

sorry, but you don't understand how indoctrination and propaganda work.

To be more precise in that, when the media says candidate A will beat candidate B, it's candidate B's voters who go home. Candidate A's voters are happy and will wait in line feeling they're part of the win.

The media is well aware of that. There's also just flat out leftist bias in a lot of the polling. You can get any answer you want if you know how to design the question
What a loser you are, huh? When someone is losing, they are more motivated to fight harder to try and win. Not everyone is a loser like you who just gives up.
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So you think:

Trump looking for dirt from the Russians is illegal

Hillary looking for dirt from the Russians is legal

Oh, and Hillary was paying for it, Trump wasn't.

You're just a clown.

[media] you understand a difference between a quid-pro-quo with an adverserial government on STOLEN materials

Back this up

...did you read what I’ve been posting?

You are not having a conversation you are just jumping from one line to another without any cohesive thought pattern about any of this.

You're saying that you don't care about Hillary's collusion with the Russians, you don't give a shit about the Russians and you don't give a shit about collusion.

You just want to get Trump


I had enough of this idioicy, come back when you can sanely keep up a conversation.

That will be never. Kaz kazzes, that’s what he does. That’s why his name is a verb, synonymous with lying.
You're saying that you don't care about Hillary's collusion with the Russians, you don't give a shit about the Russians and you don't give a shit about collusion.

You just want to get Trump


I had enough of this idioicy, come back when you can sanely keep up a conversation.

That's exactly what we're discussing, Antontutu. You look at overt collusion from Hillary and just say she's well meaning, give her a pass. You look at a dearth of evidence against Trump and declare him guilty.

You believe that for Republicans, no explanation is good enough. For Democrats, no explanation is required. That's just how you roll

No it isn't moron, you keep swtiching between asking for evidence of Trump compaign's Russian dealings and Clinton's Russians, WITHOUT EVER ADRESSING ANYTHING I EXPLAIN TO YOU ON EACH

There is evidence of Trump campaign colluding with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government supporting Trump.

There is NO evidence of Clinton campaign collusion with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government campaign against Hillary.

Clear enough for you?

Saying I don't accept your lies doesn't mean I'm not clear what you're saying, Home Boy.

Putin was trying to disrupt the election. Obviously you only read the news you want to see, but Russians set up both pro-and anti-Trump demonstrations.

No you ARE NOT SAYING, you simply switch topic without directly addressing what I post.

Kremlin's top brass (ALONG WITH ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY) were congradulating each other on Trump victory.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

Russian media coverage of her own campaign was vicious, portraying her as an aggressive Russophobe, a criminal and a liar.

"Clinton will surround us with nuclear missiles; Trump would recognise Crimea," a typical tabloid headline read on election day.

"We are very glad that relations will improve with Russia and stop the artificial Cold War which Washington and London try to push on the world," pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov told the BBC.

"We're glad the new president will be Donald Trump who respects Vladimir Putin and recognises that Crimea is part of Russia," he said, referring to Mr Trump's comment that Russia's annexation of the peninsula could be 'looked at'.

Russia celebrates Trump win
Of course. Because Russia is afraid of Hillary; whereas they know they can walk all over Crazy Donald, which they are. Just recently, Crazy Donald refused to enforce sanctions against Russia after Congress voted almost unanimously to impose them.

The right is too stupid to understand why Russia meddled in our election to help Crazy Donald win.
The Russians bought Hillary Clinton for $145 million. You're not contradicting my argument, you're supporting it.
That’s a kaz. Almost all of that $145 million came from a Canadian, not from Russia.

Do you ever stop kazzing?

My story is straight. Hillary had a comfortable lead in the polls when Americans began voting. That lead was gone when early voting ended and there was no other major event other than Comey announcements g he was reopening the investigation into Hillary’s email server. An investigation he then closed down saying there was no reason for it to begin with.

That “lead”, much like those CNN polls, were weighed heavily democrat to get the projection they needed over Trump. I already proved that through the “fine print” following the poll numbers up and to the election. Like trusting a car report that later turns out to be a lemon, don’t believe everything you see without spreading the fine print.
Whatever weighting was applied prior to mid-October is the same as what was applied after. So even if weighting were an issue, and there is no indication it was since the average polling was off by only 1 percentage point, the evaporation of Hillary’s lead following the announcement of the investigation into her email server cannot be explained by weighting.

OK, let me go slow so that maybe you will get it.

1. the pollsters wanted Hillary to win
2. the MSM wanted Hillary to win
3. the polls were structured to make it look like she was ahead
4. the pollsters lied when they said she had a 97% chance of winnint
5. the pollsters and the media lied when they said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes
6. polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it
7. you have been duped, and you don't even realize it.
Moron, if pollsters lied to help Hillary, why on Earth would they say she’s got a 97% chance of winning, when that would only cause her to lose votes by folks on the left who don’t bother to vote because they figure she’s got it wrapped up?

Had they actually been lying for Hillary, they would have said she’s behind Trump as that would inspire folks on the left to come out to vote to try to put her ahead.

Common sense eludes you.

come on dude, are you really that dumb? saying that Hillary had it won was designed to keep trump voters home, why bother to vote if its a done deal?

sorry, but you don't understand how indoctrination and propaganda work.

Au Contrer' You've shown us all how indoctrination works. And Fox shows us how propaganda works.
Putin makes a big point of showing the world his newest Nukes and shows them hitting the US and Trump hasn't said word one about it. But he tweets his yellow head off about Alec Baldwin. This is a President? But the right won't find anything suspicious about that. It truly is brainwashing and it's astounding.

That's just butt hurt bickering. Any idiot could think of something and say Trump should have tweeted about this, not this! And you did!

BTW, remember when you were crying because Trump did respond to North Korea? Just massive butt hurt

Trump: "I'm President, and you're not"


Thanks for demonstrating the result of brainwashing so well. You like that term butthurt don't you? Curious. But what you do in the privacy of your home is your own business.

No idea what that's supposed to mean
And CHINA??? what the fuck did China have to do with the election?

If Hillary is so anti-Russia, then why did she approve the sale of 20% of US uranium to Russia?

The money didn't just go to the Foundation either. Half a million, double Slick's speaking fee, went right into the pocket of the Clinton organized crime bosses. It's called quid pro-quo.

And that you claim Trump hasn't criticized Russia is just more proof you don't give a shit about reality. He's for example criticized them extensively over North Korea and Syria.

And this quote proves it's about getting Trump. You don't give a shit about the far greater threat and meddler in our country, China.

John McCain: Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country

China this and China that. But China was okay enough to Jarod Kushner to take loans from, eh? And now he's going around the globe begging and/or cajoling for money to feed his business interests. He and trump are using their positions to rake in the loot right under the noses of those enchanted with Trump's outrageous behavior. So yeah, brainwashing is an apt term to use.

You're just ranting. Here's a ball, go play in the back yard. Look, it's bouncy ...
Let's ALL Kazz. Sounds like fun!

You can insult me all you want, but come up with your own material. If you're going to start playground chanting with faun, you will join him and others who have done the same on my you're not part of my internet experience list
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....
Absolutely. Unequivocally. I used to think he MIGHT NOT have known. And it was done by proxy. But no longer. HE KNEW. Whether he directed
it, Mueller will determine.
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