Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....
Absolutely. Unequivocally. I used to think he MIGHT NOT have known. And it was done by proxy. But no longer. HE KNEW. Whether he directed
it, Mueller will determine.

Nothing happened in that campaign that Donald didn't know about...including the Russia meeting. He will lie and deny it. They have cleaned up any paper trail...but Mueller will find out.
Let's ALL Kazz. Sounds like fun!

You can insult me all you want, but come up with your own material. If you're going to start playground chanting with faun, you will join him and others who have done the same on my you're not part of my internet experience list

Join me where? Where you pretend to have me on ignore? :lmao:

But thanks for letting me know how much I get under your skin by calling you out as the kazzer you are.
Putin makes a big point of showing the world his newest Nukes and shows them hitting the US and Trump hasn't said word one about it. But he tweets his yellow head off about Alec Baldwin. This is a President? But the right won't find anything suspicious about that. It truly is brainwashing and it's astounding.

That's just butt hurt bickering. Any idiot could think of something and say Trump should have tweeted about this, not this! And you did!

BTW, remember when you were crying because Trump did respond to North Korea? Just massive butt hurt

Trump: "I'm President, and you're not"


Thanks for demonstrating the result of brainwashing so well. You like that term butthurt don't you? Curious. But what you do in the privacy of your home is your own business.

No idea what that's supposed to mean

Sure you don't. Your secret's safe with me.
Putin makes a big point of showing the world his newest Nukes and shows them hitting the US and Trump hasn't said word one about it. But he tweets his yellow head off about Alec Baldwin. This is a President? But the right won't find anything suspicious about that. It truly is brainwashing and it's astounding.

That's just butt hurt bickering. Any idiot could think of something and say Trump should have tweeted about this, not this! And you did!

BTW, remember when you were crying because Trump did respond to North Korea? Just massive butt hurt

Trump: "I'm President, and you're not"


Thanks for demonstrating the result of brainwashing so well. You like that term butthurt don't you? Curious. But what you do in the privacy of your home is your own business.

No idea what that's supposed to mean

Sure you don't. Your secret's safe with me.
I like how unoriginal insults like “brainwashed” and “butthurt” are ok with Kaz, but using the unoriginal insult “kazzing” is not. The poor kazzer can’t scream loud enough how badly I bitchslapped him with that one. Gets under his skin every time.

Putin makes a big point of showing the world his newest Nukes and shows them hitting the US and Trump hasn't said word one about it. But he tweets his yellow head off about Alec Baldwin. This is a President? But the right won't find anything suspicious about that. It truly is brainwashing and it's astounding.

That's just butt hurt bickering. Any idiot could think of something and say Trump should have tweeted about this, not this! And you did!

BTW, remember when you were crying because Trump did respond to North Korea? Just massive butt hurt

Trump: "I'm President, and you're not"


Thanks for demonstrating the result of brainwashing so well. You like that term butthurt don't you? Curious. But what you do in the privacy of your home is your own business.

No idea what that's supposed to mean

Sure you don't. Your secret's safe with me.

It's safe from me too. If you can't write logical posts, that's your problem, not mine
That “lead”, much like those CNN polls, were weighed heavily democrat to get the projection they needed over Trump. I already proved that through the “fine print” following the poll numbers up and to the election. Like trusting a car report that later turns out to be a lemon, don’t believe everything you see without spreading the fine print.
Whatever weighting was applied prior to mid-October is the same as what was applied after. So even if weighting were an issue, and there is no indication it was since the average polling was off by only 1 percentage point, the evaporation of Hillary’s lead following the announcement of the investigation into her email server cannot be explained by weighting.

OK, let me go slow so that maybe you will get it.

1. the pollsters wanted Hillary to win
2. the MSM wanted Hillary to win
3. the polls were structured to make it look like she was ahead
4. the pollsters lied when they said she had a 97% chance of winnint
5. the pollsters and the media lied when they said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes
6. polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it
7. you have been duped, and you don't even realize it.
Moron, if pollsters lied to help Hillary, why on Earth would they say she’s got a 97% chance of winning, when that would only cause her to lose votes by folks on the left who don’t bother to vote because they figure she’s got it wrapped up?

Had they actually been lying for Hillary, they would have said she’s behind Trump as that would inspire folks on the left to come out to vote to try to put her ahead.

Common sense eludes you.

come on dude, are you really that dumb? saying that Hillary had it won was designed to keep trump voters home, why bother to vote if its a done deal?

sorry, but you don't understand how indoctrination and propaganda work.
Oh look, not only are you a proven liar, now you’re a proven imbecile too.

Imbecile, if what you’re saying made any sense at all, which it doesn’t, the polls would not have closed at Hillary barely up by Election Day, when most people were going to vote. If the polls were being manipulated to give Hillary a huge lead to keep Republicans at home, she would have still maintained a double digit lead on Election Day.

That didn’t happen though. Something caused her double digit lead to evaporate during the last two weeks prior to the election. And there was just one big story that exploded during that period — the FBI reopening the investigation into her email server.

Ok, let me try again, I'll try to use small words. Trump won in spite of the corrupt pollsters, the corrupt media, and the lying corrupt DNC. It had nothing to do with Russia being for or against either candidate. The American people saw through the bullshit and pulled the levers for Trump. Its really just that simple.

Your propaganda did not work then and its not working now. Hillary lost, She was a terrible candidate and ran a terrible stupid campaign. She should be jailed for violating federal laws on the protection and transmission of classified data. Being "extremely careless" is not an excuse for being criminally negligent. Comey and Lynch found a way to give her a pass and she still lost.

Deal with reality and support our country. The division is destroying us. It must stop.
Putin makes a big point of showing the world his newest Nukes and shows them hitting the US and Trump hasn't said word one about it. But he tweets his yellow head off about Alec Baldwin. This is a President? But the right won't find anything suspicious about that. It truly is brainwashing and it's astounding.

That's just butt hurt bickering. Any idiot could think of something and say Trump should have tweeted about this, not this! And you did!

BTW, remember when you were crying because Trump did respond to North Korea? Just massive butt hurt

Trump: "I'm President, and you're not"


Thanks for demonstrating the result of brainwashing so well. You like that term butthurt don't you? Curious. But what you do in the privacy of your home is your own business.

No idea what that's supposed to mean

Sure you don't. Your secret's safe with me.
I like how unoriginal insults like “brainwashed” and “butthurt” are ok with Kaz, but using the unoriginal insult “kazzing” is not. The poor kazzer can’t scream loud enough how badly I bitchslapped him with that one. Gets under his skin every time.


all you have succeeded in doing is making a fool of yourself. Are you a rightwinger sock?
Whatever weighting was applied prior to mid-October is the same as what was applied after. So even if weighting were an issue, and there is no indication it was since the average polling was off by only 1 percentage point, the evaporation of Hillary’s lead following the announcement of the investigation into her email server cannot be explained by weighting.

OK, let me go slow so that maybe you will get it.

1. the pollsters wanted Hillary to win
2. the MSM wanted Hillary to win
3. the polls were structured to make it look like she was ahead
4. the pollsters lied when they said she had a 97% chance of winnint
5. the pollsters and the media lied when they said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes
6. polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it
7. you have been duped, and you don't even realize it.
Moron, if pollsters lied to help Hillary, why on Earth would they say she’s got a 97% chance of winning, when that would only cause her to lose votes by folks on the left who don’t bother to vote because they figure she’s got it wrapped up?

Had they actually been lying for Hillary, they would have said she’s behind Trump as that would inspire folks on the left to come out to vote to try to put her ahead.

Common sense eludes you.

come on dude, are you really that dumb? saying that Hillary had it won was designed to keep trump voters home, why bother to vote if its a done deal?

sorry, but you don't understand how indoctrination and propaganda work.
Oh look, not only are you a proven liar, now you’re a proven imbecile too.

Imbecile, if what you’re saying made any sense at all, which it doesn’t, the polls would not have closed at Hillary barely up by Election Day, when most people were going to vote. If the polls were being manipulated to give Hillary a huge lead to keep Republicans at home, she would have still maintained a double digit lead on Election Day.

That didn’t happen though. Something caused her double digit lead to evaporate during the last two weeks prior to the election. And there was just one big story that exploded during that period — the FBI reopening the investigation into her email server.

Ok, let me try again, I'll try to use small words. Trump won in spite of the corrupt pollsters, the corrupt media, and the lying corrupt DNC. It had nothing to do with Russia being for or against either candidate. The American people saw through the bullshit and pulled the levers for Trump. Its really just that simple.

Your propaganda did not work then and its not working now. Hillary lost, She was a terrible candidate and ran a terrible stupid campaign. She should be jailed for violating federal laws on the protection and transmission of classified data. Being "extremely careless" is not an excuse for being criminally negligent. Comey and Lynch found a way to give her a pass and she still lost.

Deal with reality and support our country. The division is destroying us. It must stop.

The point is something caused her lead in the polls to evaporate during the final two weeks leading into Election Day.

Keep running away from that as fast as your walker will allow.

That's just butt hurt bickering. Any idiot could think of something and say Trump should have tweeted about this, not this! And you did!

BTW, remember when you were crying because Trump did respond to North Korea? Just massive butt hurt

Trump: "I'm President, and you're not"


Thanks for demonstrating the result of brainwashing so well. You like that term butthurt don't you? Curious. But what you do in the privacy of your home is your own business.

No idea what that's supposed to mean

Sure you don't. Your secret's safe with me.
I like how unoriginal insults like “brainwashed” and “butthurt” are ok with Kaz, but using the unoriginal insult “kazzing” is not. The poor kazzer can’t scream loud enough how badly I bitchslapped him with that one. Gets under his skin every time.


all you have succeeded in doing is making a fool of yourself. Are you a rightwinger sock?
Spits the most voracious kazzer on USMB.
OK, let me go slow so that maybe you will get it.

1. the pollsters wanted Hillary to win
2. the MSM wanted Hillary to win
3. the polls were structured to make it look like she was ahead
4. the pollsters lied when they said she had a 97% chance of winnint
5. the pollsters and the media lied when they said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes
6. polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it
7. you have been duped, and you don't even realize it.
Moron, if pollsters lied to help Hillary, why on Earth would they say she’s got a 97% chance of winning, when that would only cause her to lose votes by folks on the left who don’t bother to vote because they figure she’s got it wrapped up?

Had they actually been lying for Hillary, they would have said she’s behind Trump as that would inspire folks on the left to come out to vote to try to put her ahead.

Common sense eludes you.

come on dude, are you really that dumb? saying that Hillary had it won was designed to keep trump voters home, why bother to vote if its a done deal?

sorry, but you don't understand how indoctrination and propaganda work.
Oh look, not only are you a proven liar, now you’re a proven imbecile too.

Imbecile, if what you’re saying made any sense at all, which it doesn’t, the polls would not have closed at Hillary barely up by Election Day, when most people were going to vote. If the polls were being manipulated to give Hillary a huge lead to keep Republicans at home, she would have still maintained a double digit lead on Election Day.

That didn’t happen though. Something caused her double digit lead to evaporate during the last two weeks prior to the election. And there was just one big story that exploded during that period — the FBI reopening the investigation into her email server.

Ok, let me try again, I'll try to use small words. Trump won in spite of the corrupt pollsters, the corrupt media, and the lying corrupt DNC. It had nothing to do with Russia being for or against either candidate. The American people saw through the bullshit and pulled the levers for Trump. Its really just that simple.

Your propaganda did not work then and its not working now. Hillary lost, She was a terrible candidate and ran a terrible stupid campaign. She should be jailed for violating federal laws on the protection and transmission of classified data. Being "extremely careless" is not an excuse for being criminally negligent. Comey and Lynch found a way to give her a pass and she still lost.

Deal with reality and support our country. The division is destroying us. It must stop.

The point is something caused her lead in the polls to evaporate during the final two weeks leading into Election Day.

Keep running away from that as fast as your walker will allow.


yes, that's correct. The "something" was her. The more the people saw of her, having mini seizures, collapsing at the curb, needing help up stairs, lying about classified data on her illegal server, cheating on debate questions, cheating on Bernie.

the American voters saw thru the bullshit and voted against her. That, my friend is the bottom line.
Thanks for demonstrating the result of brainwashing so well. You like that term butthurt don't you? Curious. But what you do in the privacy of your home is your own business.

No idea what that's supposed to mean

Sure you don't. Your secret's safe with me.
I like how unoriginal insults like “brainwashed” and “butthurt” are ok with Kaz, but using the unoriginal insult “kazzing” is not. The poor kazzer can’t scream loud enough how badly I bitchslapped him with that one. Gets under his skin every time.


all you have succeeded in doing is making a fool of yourself. Are you a rightwinger sock?
Spits the most voracious kazzer on USMB.

I consider that a compliment, there are a few of us here who post the truth and ignore the bullshit from both sides.
Whatever weighting was applied prior to mid-October is the same as what was applied after. So even if weighting were an issue, and there is no indication it was since the average polling was off by only 1 percentage point, the evaporation of Hillary’s lead following the announcement of the investigation into her email server cannot be explained by weighting.

OK, let me go slow so that maybe you will get it.

1. the pollsters wanted Hillary to win
2. the MSM wanted Hillary to win
3. the polls were structured to make it look like she was ahead
4. the pollsters lied when they said she had a 97% chance of winnint
5. the pollsters and the media lied when they said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes
6. polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it
7. you have been duped, and you don't even realize it.
Moron, if pollsters lied to help Hillary, why on Earth would they say she’s got a 97% chance of winning, when that would only cause her to lose votes by folks on the left who don’t bother to vote because they figure she’s got it wrapped up?

Had they actually been lying for Hillary, they would have said she’s behind Trump as that would inspire folks on the left to come out to vote to try to put her ahead.

Common sense eludes you.

come on dude, are you really that dumb? saying that Hillary had it won was designed to keep trump voters home, why bother to vote if its a done deal?

sorry, but you don't understand how indoctrination and propaganda work.
Oh look, not only are you a proven liar, now you’re a proven imbecile too.

Imbecile, if what you’re saying made any sense at all, which it doesn’t, the polls would not have closed at Hillary barely up by Election Day, when most people were going to vote. If the polls were being manipulated to give Hillary a huge lead to keep Republicans at home, she would have still maintained a double digit lead on Election Day.

That didn’t happen though. Something caused her double digit lead to evaporate during the last two weeks prior to the election. And there was just one big story that exploded during that period — the FBI reopening the investigation into her email server.

Ok, let me try again, I'll try to use small words. Trump won in spite of the corrupt pollsters, the corrupt media, and the lying corrupt DNC. It had nothing to do with Russia being for or against either candidate. The American people saw through the bullshit and pulled the levers for Trump. Its really just that simple.

Your propaganda did not work then and its not working now. Hillary lost, She was a terrible candidate and ran a terrible stupid campaign. She should be jailed for violating federal laws on the protection and transmission of classified data. Being "extremely careless" is not an excuse for being criminally negligent. Comey and Lynch found a way to give her a pass and she still lost.

Deal with reality and support our country. The division is destroying us. It must stop.

Trump won cause social media was inundated by fake news defaming Hillary. The fake news was dropped by Russians who were desperate for Trump to win. The accuracy of their targeting of voters was amazing...which leads to the question....what American helped them.

It is a fact that Junior sought dirt on Hillary and was aware of the possibility that Russia had her emails. Mueller is busy trying to put together the pieces now. It us NOT going to be good news for the Trump crime family....
That “lead”, much like those CNN polls, were weighed heavily democrat to get the projection they needed over Trump. I already proved that through the “fine print” following the poll numbers up and to the election. Like trusting a car report that later turns out to be a lemon, don’t believe everything you see without spreading the fine print.
Whatever weighting was applied prior to mid-October is the same as what was applied after. So even if weighting were an issue, and there is no indication it was since the average polling was off by only 1 percentage point, the evaporation of Hillary’s lead following the announcement of the investigation into her email server cannot be explained by weighting.

OK, let me go slow so that maybe you will get it.

1. the pollsters wanted Hillary to win
2. the MSM wanted Hillary to win
3. the polls were structured to make it look like she was ahead
4. the pollsters lied when they said she had a 97% chance of winnint
5. the pollsters and the media lied when they said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes
6. polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it
7. you have been duped, and you don't even realize it.
Moron, if pollsters lied to help Hillary, why on Earth would they say she’s got a 97% chance of winning, when that would only cause her to lose votes by folks on the left who don’t bother to vote because they figure she’s got it wrapped up?

Had they actually been lying for Hillary, they would have said she’s behind Trump as that would inspire folks on the left to come out to vote to try to put her ahead.

Common sense eludes you.

come on dude, are you really that dumb? saying that Hillary had it won was designed to keep trump voters home, why bother to vote if its a done deal?

sorry, but you don't understand how indoctrination and propaganda work.

Au Contrer' You've shown us all how indoctrination works. And Fox shows us how propaganda works.

wrong again, Fox gives equal time to both sides on 90% of its shows. But when both sides are heard equally your side always loses because it is based on emotion rather than facts and logical thought.

Mao and Hitler and Stalin and Chavez did in their countries what Obama and Clinton failed to do in this country, and we are all better off because of it.
OK, let me go slow so that maybe you will get it.

1. the pollsters wanted Hillary to win
2. the MSM wanted Hillary to win
3. the polls were structured to make it look like she was ahead
4. the pollsters lied when they said she had a 97% chance of winnint
5. the pollsters and the media lied when they said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes
6. polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it
7. you have been duped, and you don't even realize it.
Moron, if pollsters lied to help Hillary, why on Earth would they say she’s got a 97% chance of winning, when that would only cause her to lose votes by folks on the left who don’t bother to vote because they figure she’s got it wrapped up?

Had they actually been lying for Hillary, they would have said she’s behind Trump as that would inspire folks on the left to come out to vote to try to put her ahead.

Common sense eludes you.

come on dude, are you really that dumb? saying that Hillary had it won was designed to keep trump voters home, why bother to vote if its a done deal?

sorry, but you don't understand how indoctrination and propaganda work.
Oh look, not only are you a proven liar, now you’re a proven imbecile too.

Imbecile, if what you’re saying made any sense at all, which it doesn’t, the polls would not have closed at Hillary barely up by Election Day, when most people were going to vote. If the polls were being manipulated to give Hillary a huge lead to keep Republicans at home, she would have still maintained a double digit lead on Election Day.

That didn’t happen though. Something caused her double digit lead to evaporate during the last two weeks prior to the election. And there was just one big story that exploded during that period — the FBI reopening the investigation into her email server.

Ok, let me try again, I'll try to use small words. Trump won in spite of the corrupt pollsters, the corrupt media, and the lying corrupt DNC. It had nothing to do with Russia being for or against either candidate. The American people saw through the bullshit and pulled the levers for Trump. Its really just that simple.

Your propaganda did not work then and its not working now. Hillary lost, She was a terrible candidate and ran a terrible stupid campaign. She should be jailed for violating federal laws on the protection and transmission of classified data. Being "extremely careless" is not an excuse for being criminally negligent. Comey and Lynch found a way to give her a pass and she still lost.

Deal with reality and support our country. The division is destroying us. It must stop.

Trump won cause social media was inundated by fake news defaming Hillary. The fake news was dropped by Russians who were desperate for Trump to win. The accuracy of their targeting of voters was amazing...which leads to the question....what American helped them.

It is a fact that Junior sought dirt on Hillary and was aware of the possibility that Russia had her emails. Mueller is busy trying to put together the pieces now. It us NOT going to be good news for the Trump crime family....

totally wrong, in the first place the pro Hillary media was much bigger and louder than any pro trump media. You would have to be blind or stupid or both to not know that.

secondly, Russia had dirt on Hillary that they could use to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted, why would they want Trump who they could not control over Hillary whose puppet strings they held?

Mueller has found nothing on Trump or his campaign in his witch hunt, he has however found a lot of illegality by Clinton and her campaign. Careful what you wish for, junior.
Moron, if pollsters lied to help Hillary, why on Earth would they say she’s got a 97% chance of winning, when that would only cause her to lose votes by folks on the left who don’t bother to vote because they figure she’s got it wrapped up?

Had they actually been lying for Hillary, they would have said she’s behind Trump as that would inspire folks on the left to come out to vote to try to put her ahead.

Common sense eludes you.

come on dude, are you really that dumb? saying that Hillary had it won was designed to keep trump voters home, why bother to vote if its a done deal?

sorry, but you don't understand how indoctrination and propaganda work.
Oh look, not only are you a proven liar, now you’re a proven imbecile too.

Imbecile, if what you’re saying made any sense at all, which it doesn’t, the polls would not have closed at Hillary barely up by Election Day, when most people were going to vote. If the polls were being manipulated to give Hillary a huge lead to keep Republicans at home, she would have still maintained a double digit lead on Election Day.

That didn’t happen though. Something caused her double digit lead to evaporate during the last two weeks prior to the election. And there was just one big story that exploded during that period — the FBI reopening the investigation into her email server.

Ok, let me try again, I'll try to use small words. Trump won in spite of the corrupt pollsters, the corrupt media, and the lying corrupt DNC. It had nothing to do with Russia being for or against either candidate. The American people saw through the bullshit and pulled the levers for Trump. Its really just that simple.

Your propaganda did not work then and its not working now. Hillary lost, She was a terrible candidate and ran a terrible stupid campaign. She should be jailed for violating federal laws on the protection and transmission of classified data. Being "extremely careless" is not an excuse for being criminally negligent. Comey and Lynch found a way to give her a pass and she still lost.

Deal with reality and support our country. The division is destroying us. It must stop.

The point is something caused her lead in the polls to evaporate during the final two weeks leading into Election Day.

Keep running away from that as fast as your walker will allow.


yes, that's correct. The "something" was her. The more the people saw of her, having mini seizures, collapsing at the curb, needing help up stairs, lying about classified data on her illegal server, cheating on debate questions, cheating on Bernie.

the American voters saw thru the bullshit and voted against her. That, my friend is the bottom line.
Why do you insist on showing the forum how rightarded you are? What happened in the final two weeks that she did?
No idea what that's supposed to mean

Sure you don't. Your secret's safe with me.
I like how unoriginal insults like “brainwashed” and “butthurt” are ok with Kaz, but using the unoriginal insult “kazzing” is not. The poor kazzer can’t scream loud enough how badly I bitchslapped him with that one. Gets under his skin every time.


all you have succeeded in doing is making a fool of yourself. Are you a rightwinger sock?
Spits the most voracious kazzer on USMB.

I consider that a compliment, there are a few of us here who post the truth and ignore the bullshit from both sides.

You post nothing but kazzes. Want me to post that list again? Last time I did, it spanned three pages.
come on dude, are you really that dumb? saying that Hillary had it won was designed to keep trump voters home, why bother to vote if its a done deal?

sorry, but you don't understand how indoctrination and propaganda work.
Oh look, not only are you a proven liar, now you’re a proven imbecile too.

Imbecile, if what you’re saying made any sense at all, which it doesn’t, the polls would not have closed at Hillary barely up by Election Day, when most people were going to vote. If the polls were being manipulated to give Hillary a huge lead to keep Republicans at home, she would have still maintained a double digit lead on Election Day.

That didn’t happen though. Something caused her double digit lead to evaporate during the last two weeks prior to the election. And there was just one big story that exploded during that period — the FBI reopening the investigation into her email server.

Ok, let me try again, I'll try to use small words. Trump won in spite of the corrupt pollsters, the corrupt media, and the lying corrupt DNC. It had nothing to do with Russia being for or against either candidate. The American people saw through the bullshit and pulled the levers for Trump. Its really just that simple.

Your propaganda did not work then and its not working now. Hillary lost, She was a terrible candidate and ran a terrible stupid campaign. She should be jailed for violating federal laws on the protection and transmission of classified data. Being "extremely careless" is not an excuse for being criminally negligent. Comey and Lynch found a way to give her a pass and she still lost.

Deal with reality and support our country. The division is destroying us. It must stop.

The point is something caused her lead in the polls to evaporate during the final two weeks leading into Election Day.

Keep running away from that as fast as your walker will allow.


yes, that's correct. The "something" was her. The more the people saw of her, having mini seizures, collapsing at the curb, needing help up stairs, lying about classified data on her illegal server, cheating on debate questions, cheating on Bernie.

the American voters saw thru the bullshit and voted against her. That, my friend is the bottom line.
Why do you insist on showing the forum how rightarded you are? What happened in the final two weeks that she did?

He has Hillary up his ars....His mind has been taken over by constant FiX (FOX) news viewing. It is to be expected in an Authoritarian Regime.
Whatever weighting was applied prior to mid-October is the same as what was applied after. So even if weighting were an issue, and there is no indication it was since the average polling was off by only 1 percentage point, the evaporation of Hillary’s lead following the announcement of the investigation into her email server cannot be explained by weighting.

OK, let me go slow so that maybe you will get it.

1. the pollsters wanted Hillary to win
2. the MSM wanted Hillary to win
3. the polls were structured to make it look like she was ahead
4. the pollsters lied when they said she had a 97% chance of winnint
5. the pollsters and the media lied when they said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes
6. polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it
7. you have been duped, and you don't even realize it.
Moron, if pollsters lied to help Hillary, why on Earth would they say she’s got a 97% chance of winning, when that would only cause her to lose votes by folks on the left who don’t bother to vote because they figure she’s got it wrapped up?

Had they actually been lying for Hillary, they would have said she’s behind Trump as that would inspire folks on the left to come out to vote to try to put her ahead.

Common sense eludes you.

come on dude, are you really that dumb? saying that Hillary had it won was designed to keep trump voters home, why bother to vote if its a done deal?

sorry, but you don't understand how indoctrination and propaganda work.

Au Contrer' You've shown us all how indoctrination works. And Fox shows us how propaganda works.

wrong again, Fox gives equal time to both sides on 90% of its shows. But when both sides are heard equally your side always loses because it is based on emotion rather than facts and logical thought.

Mao and Hitler and Stalin and Chavez did in their countries what Obama and Clinton failed to do in this country, and we are all better off because of it.

Fox News? Yeah, fair and balanced. LOL You've just told me all I need to know about where you are on the scale of the great undead. Those with stars in their eyes as they follow along single file and nose to asshole. All led by a large yellow creature with a master plan to fuck up America.

What are all you trumpets gonna do when the truth is revealed that Russia did indeed aid Trump and that he and his team worked hand in tiny hand to attack our Democracy?

How will you show your face on ANY forum? I'd be so embarrassed that I bought all that snake oil from a third rate conman. Because that's what Trump is. Not a strange genius that so many on here think he is. He's a single-minded self obsessed cruel to the last drop horror show.

I just hope America can heal fast after we run his orange ass out of town on a rail.
The Bankruptcy King is now working to bring America down on orders from her husband....Putin....
come on dude, are you really that dumb? saying that Hillary had it won was designed to keep trump voters home, why bother to vote if its a done deal?

sorry, but you don't understand how indoctrination and propaganda work.
Oh look, not only are you a proven liar, now you’re a proven imbecile too.

Imbecile, if what you’re saying made any sense at all, which it doesn’t, the polls would not have closed at Hillary barely up by Election Day, when most people were going to vote. If the polls were being manipulated to give Hillary a huge lead to keep Republicans at home, she would have still maintained a double digit lead on Election Day.

That didn’t happen though. Something caused her double digit lead to evaporate during the last two weeks prior to the election. And there was just one big story that exploded during that period — the FBI reopening the investigation into her email server.

Ok, let me try again, I'll try to use small words. Trump won in spite of the corrupt pollsters, the corrupt media, and the lying corrupt DNC. It had nothing to do with Russia being for or against either candidate. The American people saw through the bullshit and pulled the levers for Trump. Its really just that simple.

Your propaganda did not work then and its not working now. Hillary lost, She was a terrible candidate and ran a terrible stupid campaign. She should be jailed for violating federal laws on the protection and transmission of classified data. Being "extremely careless" is not an excuse for being criminally negligent. Comey and Lynch found a way to give her a pass and she still lost.

Deal with reality and support our country. The division is destroying us. It must stop.

The point is something caused her lead in the polls to evaporate during the final two weeks leading into Election Day.

Keep running away from that as fast as your walker will allow.


yes, that's correct. The "something" was her. The more the people saw of her, having mini seizures, collapsing at the curb, needing help up stairs, lying about classified data on her illegal server, cheating on debate questions, cheating on Bernie.

the American voters saw thru the bullshit and voted against her. That, my friend is the bottom line.
Why do you insist on showing the forum how rightarded you are? What happened in the final two weeks that she did?

why do you assume it was something during the final two weeks? It was the culmination of months of seeing who she really is that turned the people away from her. As to the Comey deal, what the people saw was corruption in government when Comey and Lynch plotted to let her off for clear violations of federal classified data laws. The people saw and heard both candidates in the debates, on the stump, and in thousands of TV spots. They saw an old, sick, angry, mean woman vs a successful business man who was not part of the political establishment or the media/political cabal. the choice was obvious, and the people made it.

you need to stop blaming everyone else but your candidate---------she, and only she, is responsible.
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