Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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OK, let me go slow so that maybe you will get it.

1. the pollsters wanted Hillary to win
2. the MSM wanted Hillary to win
3. the polls were structured to make it look like she was ahead
4. the pollsters lied when they said she had a 97% chance of winnint
5. the pollsters and the media lied when they said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes
6. polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it
7. you have been duped, and you don't even realize it.
Moron, if pollsters lied to help Hillary, why on Earth would they say she’s got a 97% chance of winning, when that would only cause her to lose votes by folks on the left who don’t bother to vote because they figure she’s got it wrapped up?

Had they actually been lying for Hillary, they would have said she’s behind Trump as that would inspire folks on the left to come out to vote to try to put her ahead.

Common sense eludes you.

come on dude, are you really that dumb? saying that Hillary had it won was designed to keep trump voters home, why bother to vote if its a done deal?

sorry, but you don't understand how indoctrination and propaganda work.

Au Contrer' You've shown us all how indoctrination works. And Fox shows us how propaganda works.

wrong again, Fox gives equal time to both sides on 90% of its shows. But when both sides are heard equally your side always loses because it is based on emotion rather than facts and logical thought.

Mao and Hitler and Stalin and Chavez did in their countries what Obama and Clinton failed to do in this country, and we are all better off because of it.

Fox News? Yeah, fair and balanced. LOL You've just told me all I need to know about where you are on the scale of the great undead. Those with stars in their eyes as they follow along single file and nose to asshole. All led by a large yellow creature with a master plan to fuck up America.

What are all you trumpets gonna do when the truth is revealed that Russia did indeed aid Trump and that he and his team worked hand in tiny hand to attack our Democracy?

How will you show your face on ANY forum? I'd be so embarrassed that I bought all that snake oil from a third rate conman. Because that's what Trump is. Not a strange genius that so many on here think he is. He's a single-minded self obsessed cruel to the last drop horror show.

I just hope America can heal fast after we run his orange ass out of town on a rail.

tell us what exactly, and specifically Russia did to swing votes to Trump. Give details or admit that its a pile of BS.

Next, tell us exactly why Russia preferred Trump, who they could not control, over Hillary who they could blackmail into doing exactly what they wanted.

as to your stupid "orange" comments. I don't like his hair either, its probably grey dyed blond. BFD, What color do you think Hillary's real hair is?
Oh look, not only are you a proven liar, now you’re a proven imbecile too.

Imbecile, if what you’re saying made any sense at all, which it doesn’t, the polls would not have closed at Hillary barely up by Election Day, when most people were going to vote. If the polls were being manipulated to give Hillary a huge lead to keep Republicans at home, she would have still maintained a double digit lead on Election Day.

That didn’t happen though. Something caused her double digit lead to evaporate during the last two weeks prior to the election. And there was just one big story that exploded during that period — the FBI reopening the investigation into her email server.

Ok, let me try again, I'll try to use small words. Trump won in spite of the corrupt pollsters, the corrupt media, and the lying corrupt DNC. It had nothing to do with Russia being for or against either candidate. The American people saw through the bullshit and pulled the levers for Trump. Its really just that simple.

Your propaganda did not work then and its not working now. Hillary lost, She was a terrible candidate and ran a terrible stupid campaign. She should be jailed for violating federal laws on the protection and transmission of classified data. Being "extremely careless" is not an excuse for being criminally negligent. Comey and Lynch found a way to give her a pass and she still lost.

Deal with reality and support our country. The division is destroying us. It must stop.

The point is something caused her lead in the polls to evaporate during the final two weeks leading into Election Day.

Keep running away from that as fast as your walker will allow.


yes, that's correct. The "something" was her. The more the people saw of her, having mini seizures, collapsing at the curb, needing help up stairs, lying about classified data on her illegal server, cheating on debate questions, cheating on Bernie.

the American voters saw thru the bullshit and voted against her. That, my friend is the bottom line.
Why do you insist on showing the forum how rightarded you are? What happened in the final two weeks that she did?

why do you assume it was something during the final two weeks? It was the culmination of months of seeing who she really is that turned the people away from her. As to the Comey deal, what the people saw was corruption in government when Comey and Lynch plotted to let her off for clear violations of federal classified data laws. The people saw and heard both candidates in the debates, on the stump, and in thousands of TV spots. They saw an old, sick, angry, mean woman vs a successful business man who was not part of the political establishment or the media/political cabal. the choice was obvious, and the people made it.

you need to stop blaming everyone else but your candidate---------she, and only she, is responsible.
Because something had to happen to move the polls. Opinions don’t shift that drastically for no reason at all.
Moron, if pollsters lied to help Hillary, why on Earth would they say she’s got a 97% chance of winning, when that would only cause her to lose votes by folks on the left who don’t bother to vote because they figure she’s got it wrapped up?

Had they actually been lying for Hillary, they would have said she’s behind Trump as that would inspire folks on the left to come out to vote to try to put her ahead.

Common sense eludes you.

come on dude, are you really that dumb? saying that Hillary had it won was designed to keep trump voters home, why bother to vote if its a done deal?

sorry, but you don't understand how indoctrination and propaganda work.

Au Contrer' You've shown us all how indoctrination works. And Fox shows us how propaganda works.

wrong again, Fox gives equal time to both sides on 90% of its shows. But when both sides are heard equally your side always loses because it is based on emotion rather than facts and logical thought.

Mao and Hitler and Stalin and Chavez did in their countries what Obama and Clinton failed to do in this country, and we are all better off because of it.

Fox News? Yeah, fair and balanced. LOL You've just told me all I need to know about where you are on the scale of the great undead. Those with stars in their eyes as they follow along single file and nose to asshole. All led by a large yellow creature with a master plan to fuck up America.

What are all you trumpets gonna do when the truth is revealed that Russia did indeed aid Trump and that he and his team worked hand in tiny hand to attack our Democracy?

How will you show your face on ANY forum? I'd be so embarrassed that I bought all that snake oil from a third rate conman. Because that's what Trump is. Not a strange genius that so many on here think he is. He's a single-minded self obsessed cruel to the last drop horror show.

I just hope America can heal fast after we run his orange ass out of town on a rail.

tell us what exactly, and specifically Russia did to swing votes to Trump. Give details or admit that its a pile of BS.

Next, tell us exactly why Russia preferred Trump, who they could not control, over Hillary who they could blackmail into doing exactly what they wanted.

as to your stupid "orange" comments. I don't like his hair either, its probably grey dyed blond. BFD, What color do you think Hillary's real hair is?

No! Let's talk about Hillary! Exactly what I expected. And, I wasn't talking about his hair, I was referring to his person. He's orange! Just look at im'! His yellow head is another story altogether.
On the other stuff, I don't work for you. Do your own research. You Just won't admit you fell for the BS he sold on the campaign trail. Healthcare? Easy! Foreign relations? Easy!

Just be stupid enough to vote for me and I'll make it all look Easy! And, as to the Russia collusion and his hidden partnership with the other autocrat in chief, Mueller will make it look Easy.

I've never seen a better example of Lemmings running down the gangplank to abandon a sinking ship of fools. And as the co conspirators cut their own deals to avoid justice, the walls of real justice are closing in on the Putin foster child in the white house.
Moron, if pollsters lied to help Hillary, why on Earth would they say she’s got a 97% chance of winning, when that would only cause her to lose votes by folks on the left who don’t bother to vote because they figure she’s got it wrapped up?

Had they actually been lying for Hillary, they would have said she’s behind Trump as that would inspire folks on the left to come out to vote to try to put her ahead.

Common sense eludes you.

come on dude, are you really that dumb? saying that Hillary had it won was designed to keep trump voters home, why bother to vote if its a done deal?

sorry, but you don't understand how indoctrination and propaganda work.

Au Contrer' You've shown us all how indoctrination works. And Fox shows us how propaganda works.

wrong again, Fox gives equal time to both sides on 90% of its shows. But when both sides are heard equally your side always loses because it is based on emotion rather than facts and logical thought.

Mao and Hitler and Stalin and Chavez did in their countries what Obama and Clinton failed to do in this country, and we are all better off because of it.

Fox News? Yeah, fair and balanced. LOL You've just told me all I need to know about where you are on the scale of the great undead. Those with stars in their eyes as they follow along single file and nose to asshole. All led by a large yellow creature with a master plan to fuck up America.

What are all you trumpets gonna do when the truth is revealed that Russia did indeed aid Trump and that he and his team worked hand in tiny hand to attack our Democracy?

How will you show your face on ANY forum? I'd be so embarrassed that I bought all that snake oil from a third rate conman. Because that's what Trump is. Not a strange genius that so many on here think he is. He's a single-minded self obsessed cruel to the last drop horror show.

I just hope America can heal fast after we run his orange ass out of town on a rail.

tell us what exactly, and specifically Russia did to swing votes to Trump. Give details or admit that its a pile of BS.

Next, tell us exactly why Russia preferred Trump, who they could not control, over Hillary who they could blackmail into doing exactly what they wanted.

as to your stupid "orange" comments. I don't like his hair either, its probably grey dyed blond. BFD, What color do you think Hillary's real hair is?

Contact the FBI...they can give you specific emails that gave fake damaging information about Hillary...
Ok, let me try again, I'll try to use small words. Trump won in spite of the corrupt pollsters, the corrupt media, and the lying corrupt DNC. It had nothing to do with Russia being for or against either candidate. The American people saw through the bullshit and pulled the levers for Trump. Its really just that simple.

Your propaganda did not work then and its not working now. Hillary lost, She was a terrible candidate and ran a terrible stupid campaign. She should be jailed for violating federal laws on the protection and transmission of classified data. Being "extremely careless" is not an excuse for being criminally negligent. Comey and Lynch found a way to give her a pass and she still lost.

Deal with reality and support our country. The division is destroying us. It must stop.

The point is something caused her lead in the polls to evaporate during the final two weeks leading into Election Day.

Keep running away from that as fast as your walker will allow.


yes, that's correct. The "something" was her. The more the people saw of her, having mini seizures, collapsing at the curb, needing help up stairs, lying about classified data on her illegal server, cheating on debate questions, cheating on Bernie.

the American voters saw thru the bullshit and voted against her. That, my friend is the bottom line.
Why do you insist on showing the forum how rightarded you are? What happened in the final two weeks that she did?

why do you assume it was something during the final two weeks? It was the culmination of months of seeing who she really is that turned the people away from her. As to the Comey deal, what the people saw was corruption in government when Comey and Lynch plotted to let her off for clear violations of federal classified data laws. The people saw and heard both candidates in the debates, on the stump, and in thousands of TV spots. They saw an old, sick, angry, mean woman vs a successful business man who was not part of the political establishment or the media/political cabal. the choice was obvious, and the people made it.

you need to stop blaming everyone else but your candidate---------she, and only she, is responsible.
Because something had to happen to move the polls. Opinions don’t shift that drastically for no reason at all.

The Russians hacked into the voter rolls of key states. They knew who to inundate with damaging fake Hillary info. They DID NOT do this by themselves. There were treasonous Americans assisting. Mueller will find out who.
There is a difference between talking to Russians about legal issues, and doing something illegal.
And then there is discovering the actions of people that SHOULD be illegal, acknowledging the unethical nature of their actions, and then passing a law to make them illegal.
tell us what exactly, and specifically Russia did to swing votes to Trump. Give details or admit that its a pile of BS
Softball information campaign. Information has influence, which is why people buy political ads and why russia engages in this behavior.

Dan Coats (he is Director of National Intelligence) says that the Russia believes their own efforts to have been very successful.

Now...what do you suppose he means by that?
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What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....
I know that the sale he approved in the sale of atomic material to russia was wrong and the payment of millions to Iran was really wrong. He should be removed from office.
come on dude, are you really that dumb? saying that Hillary had it won was designed to keep trump voters home, why bother to vote if its a done deal?

sorry, but you don't understand how indoctrination and propaganda work.

Au Contrer' You've shown us all how indoctrination works. And Fox shows us how propaganda works.

wrong again, Fox gives equal time to both sides on 90% of its shows. But when both sides are heard equally your side always loses because it is based on emotion rather than facts and logical thought.

Mao and Hitler and Stalin and Chavez did in their countries what Obama and Clinton failed to do in this country, and we are all better off because of it.

Fox News? Yeah, fair and balanced. LOL You've just told me all I need to know about where you are on the scale of the great undead. Those with stars in their eyes as they follow along single file and nose to asshole. All led by a large yellow creature with a master plan to fuck up America.

What are all you trumpets gonna do when the truth is revealed that Russia did indeed aid Trump and that he and his team worked hand in tiny hand to attack our Democracy?

How will you show your face on ANY forum? I'd be so embarrassed that I bought all that snake oil from a third rate conman. Because that's what Trump is. Not a strange genius that so many on here think he is. He's a single-minded self obsessed cruel to the last drop horror show.

I just hope America can heal fast after we run his orange ass out of town on a rail.

tell us what exactly, and specifically Russia did to swing votes to Trump. Give details or admit that its a pile of BS.

Next, tell us exactly why Russia preferred Trump, who they could not control, over Hillary who they could blackmail into doing exactly what they wanted.

as to your stupid "orange" comments. I don't like his hair either, its probably grey dyed blond. BFD, What color do you think Hillary's real hair is?

No! Let's talk about Hillary! Exactly what I expected. And, I wasn't talking about his hair, I was referring to his person. He's orange! Just look at im'! His yellow head is another story altogether.
On the other stuff, I don't work for you. Do your own research. You Just won't admit you fell for the BS he sold on the campaign trail. Healthcare? Easy! Foreign relations? Easy!

Just be stupid enough to vote for me and I'll make it all look Easy! And, as to the Russia collusion and his hidden partnership with the other autocrat in chief, Mueller will make it look Easy.

I've never seen a better example of Lemmings running down the gangplank to abandon a sinking ship of fools. And as the co conspirators cut their own deals to avoid justice, the walls of real justice are closing in on the Putin foster child in the white house.

It cracks me up how you idiots blamed W for eight years of Obama's presidency for everything Obama screwed up and now you get all hysterical if anyone mentions Hillary.

If you care about Russia and Trump and you don't care about Hillary and Russia, you don't care about Russia
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Collusion to break what law?
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Collusion to break what law?

United States Election Laws for one...but Mueller will have many other charges for the crime family.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Collusion to break what law?

United States Election Laws for one...but Mueller will have many other charges for the crime family.
Exactly what law are you talking about?
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Collusion to break what law?

United States Election Laws for one...but Mueller will have many other charges for the crime family.
Exactly what law are you talking about?

Send this to Junior....

Yes, Collluding with Russans to Interfere with the Election Is a Crime - Sidebars
Back this up

...did you read what I’ve been posting?

You are not having a conversation you are just jumping from one line to another without any cohesive thought pattern about any of this.

You're saying that you don't care about Hillary's collusion with the Russians, you don't give a shit about the Russians and you don't give a shit about collusion.

You just want to get Trump


I had enough of this idioicy, come back when you can sanely keep up a conversation.

That's exactly what we're discussing, Antontutu. You look at overt collusion from Hillary and just say she's well meaning, give her a pass. You look at a dearth of evidence against Trump and declare him guilty.

You believe that for Republicans, no explanation is good enough. For Democrats, no explanation is required. That's just how you roll

No it isn't moron, you keep swtiching between asking for evidence of Trump compaign's Russian dealings and Clinton's Russians, WITHOUT EVER ADRESSING ANYTHING I EXPLAIN TO YOU ON EACH

There is evidence of Trump campaign colluding with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government supporting Trump.

There is NO evidence of Clinton campaign collusion with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government campaign against Hillary.

Clear enough for you?

There have been more talk of Russian collusion through CNN “beliefs”, through unanamed sources, than an actual indictment linking Trump to Russia after a year and a half. There hasn’t been one single indictment from Mueller that gives a clear link between Trump, and Russia.

There IS recorded evidence of Adam Schiff trying to get dirt on Trump through what he believed to be was a Russian operative.

Through financial records Clinton and the DNC did pay Fusion GPS, and did pay an ex British operative, also Fusion’s payments came from another law firm, BakerHostetler. Now that money trail shows BakerHosetler funds to pay Fusion GPS came from Prevezon Holdings, turns out Prevezon is the Russian Firm that’s been lobbying Washington to repeal a law that brought stiff economic sanctions on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime.

Interesting what you find when you follow the money, also interesting to note two law firms — Cunningham Levy Muse, and Zuckerman Spaeder — asked a U.S. District Court judge to block access to their financial records.

Why is it, when it comes to the Clintons, there seems to be the familiar big push to hide evidence? Do you dare say Hillary, who was secretary of state with plenty of connections, large foreign donations (to Include Russia) is truly innocent of corruption? She just plays the victim?

Let’s talk “evidence” and just see where all this collusion really is.

Fusion GPS, Russian dossier firm, paid journalists for work
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What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Collusion to break what law?

United States Election Laws for one...but Mueller will have many other charges for the crime family.
Exactly what law are you talking about?

Send this to Junior....

Yes, Collluding with Russans to Interfere with the Election Is a Crime - Sidebars
In other words, you cannot cite any specific law that Trump has violated.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Collusion to break what law?

United States Election Laws for one...but Mueller will have many other charges for the crime family.
Exactly what law are you talking about?

Send this to Junior....

Yes, Collluding with Russans to Interfere with the Election Is a Crime - Sidebars
In other words, you cannot cite any specific law that Trump has violated.
I don’t speak for Jim but I can say I cannot cite any specific law the Trump has violated. However, until Papadopoulos was indicted, I also couldn’t cite any specific law he violated. And Mueller’s investigation is not over yet.
Au Contrer' You've shown us all how indoctrination works. And Fox shows us how propaganda works.

wrong again, Fox gives equal time to both sides on 90% of its shows. But when both sides are heard equally your side always loses because it is based on emotion rather than facts and logical thought.

Mao and Hitler and Stalin and Chavez did in their countries what Obama and Clinton failed to do in this country, and we are all better off because of it.

Fox News? Yeah, fair and balanced. LOL You've just told me all I need to know about where you are on the scale of the great undead. Those with stars in their eyes as they follow along single file and nose to asshole. All led by a large yellow creature with a master plan to fuck up America.

What are all you trumpets gonna do when the truth is revealed that Russia did indeed aid Trump and that he and his team worked hand in tiny hand to attack our Democracy?

How will you show your face on ANY forum? I'd be so embarrassed that I bought all that snake oil from a third rate conman. Because that's what Trump is. Not a strange genius that so many on here think he is. He's a single-minded self obsessed cruel to the last drop horror show.

I just hope America can heal fast after we run his orange ass out of town on a rail.

tell us what exactly, and specifically Russia did to swing votes to Trump. Give details or admit that its a pile of BS.

Next, tell us exactly why Russia preferred Trump, who they could not control, over Hillary who they could blackmail into doing exactly what they wanted.

as to your stupid "orange" comments. I don't like his hair either, its probably grey dyed blond. BFD, What color do you think Hillary's real hair is?

No! Let's talk about Hillary! Exactly what I expected. And, I wasn't talking about his hair, I was referring to his person. He's orange! Just look at im'! His yellow head is another story altogether.
On the other stuff, I don't work for you. Do your own research. You Just won't admit you fell for the BS he sold on the campaign trail. Healthcare? Easy! Foreign relations? Easy!

Just be stupid enough to vote for me and I'll make it all look Easy! And, as to the Russia collusion and his hidden partnership with the other autocrat in chief, Mueller will make it look Easy.

I've never seen a better example of Lemmings running down the gangplank to abandon a sinking ship of fools. And as the co conspirators cut their own deals to avoid justice, the walls of real justice are closing in on the Putin foster child in the white house.

It cracks me up how you idiots blamed W for eight years of Obama's presidency for everything Obama screwed up and now you get all hysterical if anyone mentions Hillary.

If you care about Russia and Trump and you don't care about Hillary and Russia, you don't care about Russia

No I blame W for what W did. What did Obama do that comes close to how W lied us into war? And to deny that Obama had to clean up the financial mess the country was left in after wars with no way to pay is to be blind. The right still blames him for having to inject money to stimulate the broken economy. First because he did so and later because they said he didn't inject enough. Friggin' hypocrites your bunch is.

And now we have the giant giveaway to themselves and again with no way to pay for it. That's been the pattern. Complain about spending by Dems and spend the country into near collapse afterwards. And now it will be up to working people to make up for the accompanying loss in revenue.

But I think the GOP made a crucial error in the timing of the so-called tax reform in that they passed it too early. By the time Nov rolls around, folks will realize their bullshit tax relief has more than disappeared because of cuts to vital programs they depend on. Those folks will go to the polls and that's always bad news for the right.

Two things are true about the parties, that the heavier the turnout the more it benefits dems and the more educated one is the more likely one is to be a democrat. Both of those factors will spell disaster for the GOP. And it couldn't come at a better time. And all the gerrymandering by the GOP will be rectified by then so that cheating won't save them either.
Why is it, when it comes to the Clintons, there seems to be the familiar big push to hide evidence? Do you dare say Hillary, who was secretary of state with plenty of connections, large foreign donations (to Include Russia) is truly innocent of corruption? She just plays the victim?
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