Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Collusion to break what law?

United States Election Laws for one...but Mueller will have many other charges for the crime family.
Exactly what law are you talking about?

Send this to Junior....

Yes, Collluding with Russans to Interfere with the Election Is a Crime - Sidebars
In other words, you cannot cite any specific law that Trump has violated.

Are you illiterate....?
...did you read what I’ve been posting?

You are not having a conversation you are just jumping from one line to another without any cohesive thought pattern about any of this.

You're saying that you don't care about Hillary's collusion with the Russians, you don't give a shit about the Russians and you don't give a shit about collusion.

You just want to get Trump


I had enough of this idioicy, come back when you can sanely keep up a conversation.

That's exactly what we're discussing, Antontutu. You look at overt collusion from Hillary and just say she's well meaning, give her a pass. You look at a dearth of evidence against Trump and declare him guilty.

You believe that for Republicans, no explanation is good enough. For Democrats, no explanation is required. That's just how you roll

No it isn't moron, you keep swtiching between asking for evidence of Trump compaign's Russian dealings and Clinton's Russians, WITHOUT EVER ADRESSING ANYTHING I EXPLAIN TO YOU ON EACH

There is evidence of Trump campaign colluding with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government supporting Trump.

There is NO evidence of Clinton campaign collusion with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government campaign against Hillary.

Clear enough for you?

1. There have been more talk of Russian collusion through CNN “beliefs”, through unanamed sources, than an actual indictment linking Trump to Russia after a year and a half.

2. There hasn’t been one single indictment from Mueller that gives a clear link between Trump, and Russia.

3. There IS recorded evidence of Adam Schiff trying to get dirt on Trump through what he believed to be was a Russian operative.

4. Through financial records Clinton and the DNC did pay Fusion GPS, and did pay an ex British operative, also Fusion’s payments came from another law firm, BakerHostetler. Now that money trail shows BakerHosetler funds to pay Fusion GPS came from Prevezon Holdings, turns out Prevezon is the Russian Firm that’s been lobbying Washington to repeal a law that brought stiff economic sanctions on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime.

1. Trump's campaign, stop moving goalposts. year and half is half a year short of Watergate...maybe watergate investigation needed to get dropped at 1.5 years too? :rolleyes:

2. Trump's campaign, stop moving goalposts, and yes there are CLEAR links in indictments. But even Trump himself was surely involved in Flynn discussing scantions with Kysliak, no way he would have done that with Trump's ok.

3. I don't know alt-nonsence you are hopped up on, but there is no evidence of Schiff getting dirt on Turmp from Kremlin. There was a prank call of someone pretending to be a Ukraninian with Trump compromat, that call was reported by Schiff to authorities as "probably a prank"

4. ...all of Clitnon and Steele dealings were completely legal.

Your story about "Russian Firm" paying for dossier research has a big hole in it - IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENCE. Dossier materials do not help lift the sactions, it causes MORE SANCTIONS. Why in a the world would a company spend money achiving exactly opposite of what you claim their interest was?
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You're saying that you don't care about Hillary's collusion with the Russians, you don't give a shit about the Russians and you don't give a shit about collusion.

You just want to get Trump


I had enough of this idioicy, come back when you can sanely keep up a conversation.

That's exactly what we're discussing, Antontutu. You look at overt collusion from Hillary and just say she's well meaning, give her a pass. You look at a dearth of evidence against Trump and declare him guilty.

You believe that for Republicans, no explanation is good enough. For Democrats, no explanation is required. That's just how you roll

No it isn't moron, you keep swtiching between asking for evidence of Trump compaign's Russian dealings and Clinton's Russians, WITHOUT EVER ADRESSING ANYTHING I EXPLAIN TO YOU ON EACH

There is evidence of Trump campaign colluding with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government supporting Trump.

There is NO evidence of Clinton campaign collusion with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government campaign against Hillary.

Clear enough for you?

Saying I don't accept your lies doesn't mean I'm not clear what you're saying, Home Boy.

Putin was trying to disrupt the election. Obviously you only read the news you want to see, but Russians set up both pro-and anti-Trump demonstrations.

No you ARE NOT SAYING, you simply switch topic without directly addressing what I post.

Kremlin's top brass (ALONG WITH ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY) were congradulating each other on Trump victory.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

Russian media coverage of her own campaign was vicious, portraying her as an aggressive Russophobe, a criminal and a liar.

"Clinton will surround us with nuclear missiles; Trump would recognise Crimea," a typical tabloid headline read on election day.

"We are very glad that relations will improve with Russia and stop the artificial Cold War which Washington and London try to push on the world," pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov told the BBC.

"We're glad the new president will be Donald Trump who respects Vladimir Putin and recognises that Crimea is part of Russia," he said, referring to Mr Trump's comment that Russia's annexation of the peninsula could be 'looked at'.

Russia celebrates Trump win

We have the view of Russia meddling in using “propaganda” to help influence an election, then antontoo wants to now TRUST Russia’s opinions as solid and reliable to his point. When the basis of your argument is that Russia has effectively influenced the outcome of an election, then don’t go around posting Russia’s response as a reliable source. Common sense should tell you that.

I had enough of this idioicy, come back when you can sanely keep up a conversation.

That's exactly what we're discussing, Antontutu. You look at overt collusion from Hillary and just say she's well meaning, give her a pass. You look at a dearth of evidence against Trump and declare him guilty.

You believe that for Republicans, no explanation is good enough. For Democrats, no explanation is required. That's just how you roll

No it isn't moron, you keep swtiching between asking for evidence of Trump compaign's Russian dealings and Clinton's Russians, WITHOUT EVER ADRESSING ANYTHING I EXPLAIN TO YOU ON EACH

There is evidence of Trump campaign colluding with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government supporting Trump.

There is NO evidence of Clinton campaign collusion with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government campaign against Hillary.

Clear enough for you?

Saying I don't accept your lies doesn't mean I'm not clear what you're saying, Home Boy.

Putin was trying to disrupt the election. Obviously you only read the news you want to see, but Russians set up both pro-and anti-Trump demonstrations.

No you ARE NOT SAYING, you simply switch topic without directly addressing what I post.

Kremlin's top brass (ALONG WITH ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY) were congradulating each other on Trump victory.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

Russian media coverage of her own campaign was vicious, portraying her as an aggressive Russophobe, a criminal and a liar.

"Clinton will surround us with nuclear missiles; Trump would recognise Crimea," a typical tabloid headline read on election day.

"We are very glad that relations will improve with Russia and stop the artificial Cold War which Washington and London try to push on the world," pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov told the BBC.

"We're glad the new president will be Donald Trump who respects Vladimir Putin and recognises that Crimea is part of Russia," he said, referring to Mr Trump's comment that Russia's annexation of the peninsula could be 'looked at'.

Russia celebrates Trump win

We have the view of Russia meddling in using “propaganda” to help influence an election, then antontoo wants to now TRUST Russia’s opinions as solid and reliable to his point. When the basis of your argument is that Russia has effectively influenced the outcome of an election, then don’t go around posting Russia’s response as a reliable source. Common sense should tell you that.
Russia was celebrating because they got what they wanted. What’s so difficult about that?
You're saying that you don't care about Hillary's collusion with the Russians, you don't give a shit about the Russians and you don't give a shit about collusion.

You just want to get Trump


I had enough of this idioicy, come back when you can sanely keep up a conversation.

That's exactly what we're discussing, Antontutu. You look at overt collusion from Hillary and just say she's well meaning, give her a pass. You look at a dearth of evidence against Trump and declare him guilty.

You believe that for Republicans, no explanation is good enough. For Democrats, no explanation is required. That's just how you roll

No it isn't moron, you keep swtiching between asking for evidence of Trump compaign's Russian dealings and Clinton's Russians, WITHOUT EVER ADRESSING ANYTHING I EXPLAIN TO YOU ON EACH

There is evidence of Trump campaign colluding with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government supporting Trump.

There is NO evidence of Clinton campaign collusion with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government campaign against Hillary.

Clear enough for you?

1. There have been more talk of Russian collusion through CNN “beliefs”, through unanamed sources, than an actual indictment linking Trump to Russia after a year and a half.

2. There hasn’t been one single indictment from Mueller that gives a clear link between Trump, and Russia.

3. There IS recorded evidence of Adam Schiff trying to get dirt on Trump through what he believed to be was a Russian operative.

4. Through financial records Clinton and the DNC did pay Fusion GPS, and did pay an ex British operative, also Fusion’s payments came from another law firm, BakerHostetler. Now that money trail shows BakerHosetler funds to pay Fusion GPS came from Prevezon Holdings, turns out Prevezon is the Russian Firm that’s been lobbying Washington to repeal a law that brought stiff economic sanctions on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime.

1. Trump's campaign, stop moving goalposts. year and half is half a year short of Watergate...maybe watergate investigation needed to get dropped at 1.5 years too? :rolleyes:

2. Trump's campaign, stop moving goalposts, and yes there are CLEAR links in indictments. But even Trump himself was surely involved in Flynn discussing scantions with Kysliak, no way he would have done that with Trump's ok.

3. I don't know alt-nonsence you are hopped up on, but there is no evidence of Schiff getting dirt on Turmp from Kremlin. There was a prank call of someone pretending to be a Ukraninian with Trump compromat, that call was reported by Schiff to authorities as "probably a prank"

4. ...all of Clitnon and Steele dealings were completely legal.

Your story about "Russian Firm" paying for dossier research has a big hole in it - IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENCE. Dossier materials do not help lift the sactions, it causes MORE SANCTIONS. Why in a the world would a company spend money achiving exactly opposite of what you claim their interest was?

There is a CLEAR through an indictment link between Trump and Russia - but fails to show the evidence of where that link is. Interesting how you cling to this “story” without listing any damning proof to those allegations.

Politicians don’t “entertain” and “play along” in a long phone call like Schiff obviously did (why would they waste their time tying up a government line?), they inform the individual that posing as a government agency (if he actually knew from the beginning) is a Federal offense. When did that warning and belief he was being “played with” actually took place. When it all of a sudden became public knowledge? Surely you can try harder than that.

An opponent paying for a dossier, rather than the current administration doing an investigation, to establish a FISA warrant to listen in on an opponent from an opposing party is not suspicious behavior but completely legal? I love how low these standards liberals have when it comes to surveilence within the US that covers an American citizeen, completely funded by an opposition political party. Obviously the dossier and FISA warrant were completely impartial, involving the proper government agencies untainted by political motivation.

At least provide evidence and facts to your liberal BS.
That's exactly what we're discussing, Antontutu. You look at overt collusion from Hillary and just say she's well meaning, give her a pass. You look at a dearth of evidence against Trump and declare him guilty.

You believe that for Republicans, no explanation is good enough. For Democrats, no explanation is required. That's just how you roll

No it isn't moron, you keep swtiching between asking for evidence of Trump compaign's Russian dealings and Clinton's Russians, WITHOUT EVER ADRESSING ANYTHING I EXPLAIN TO YOU ON EACH

There is evidence of Trump campaign colluding with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government supporting Trump.

There is NO evidence of Clinton campaign collusion with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government campaign against Hillary.

Clear enough for you?

Saying I don't accept your lies doesn't mean I'm not clear what you're saying, Home Boy.

Putin was trying to disrupt the election. Obviously you only read the news you want to see, but Russians set up both pro-and anti-Trump demonstrations.

No you ARE NOT SAYING, you simply switch topic without directly addressing what I post.

Kremlin's top brass (ALONG WITH ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY) were congradulating each other on Trump victory.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

Russian media coverage of her own campaign was vicious, portraying her as an aggressive Russophobe, a criminal and a liar.

"Clinton will surround us with nuclear missiles; Trump would recognise Crimea," a typical tabloid headline read on election day.

"We are very glad that relations will improve with Russia and stop the artificial Cold War which Washington and London try to push on the world," pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov told the BBC.

"We're glad the new president will be Donald Trump who respects Vladimir Putin and recognises that Crimea is part of Russia," he said, referring to Mr Trump's comment that Russia's annexation of the peninsula could be 'looked at'.

Russia celebrates Trump win

We have the view of Russia meddling in using “propaganda” to help influence an election, then antontoo wants to now TRUST Russia’s opinions as solid and reliable to his point. When the basis of your argument is that Russia has effectively influenced the outcome of an election, then don’t go around posting Russia’s response as a reliable source. Common sense should tell you that.
Russia was celebrating because they got what they wanted. What’s so difficult about that?

Let me remind those who don’t have the common sense to understand. Russia was just found guilty of providing “propaganda” to influence an election, you don’t use a government that is shown NOT to be trusted, as the sole reliable main source of your argument. Again... it’s very basic common sense.
48 page fake news thread. At least it kept some the pedo-friendlies out of other threads for a while.
No it isn't moron, you keep swtiching between asking for evidence of Trump compaign's Russian dealings and Clinton's Russians, WITHOUT EVER ADRESSING ANYTHING I EXPLAIN TO YOU ON EACH

There is evidence of Trump campaign colluding with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government supporting Trump.

There is NO evidence of Clinton campaign collusion with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government campaign against Hillary.

Clear enough for you?

Saying I don't accept your lies doesn't mean I'm not clear what you're saying, Home Boy.

Putin was trying to disrupt the election. Obviously you only read the news you want to see, but Russians set up both pro-and anti-Trump demonstrations.

No you ARE NOT SAYING, you simply switch topic without directly addressing what I post.

Kremlin's top brass (ALONG WITH ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY) were congradulating each other on Trump victory.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

Russian media coverage of her own campaign was vicious, portraying her as an aggressive Russophobe, a criminal and a liar.

"Clinton will surround us with nuclear missiles; Trump would recognise Crimea," a typical tabloid headline read on election day.

"We are very glad that relations will improve with Russia and stop the artificial Cold War which Washington and London try to push on the world," pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov told the BBC.

"We're glad the new president will be Donald Trump who respects Vladimir Putin and recognises that Crimea is part of Russia," he said, referring to Mr Trump's comment that Russia's annexation of the peninsula could be 'looked at'.

Russia celebrates Trump win

We have the view of Russia meddling in using “propaganda” to help influence an election, then antontoo wants to now TRUST Russia’s opinions as solid and reliable to his point. When the basis of your argument is that Russia has effectively influenced the outcome of an election, then don’t go around posting Russia’s response as a reliable source. Common sense should tell you that.
Russia was celebrating because they got what they wanted. What’s so difficult about that?

Let me remind those who don’t have the common sense to understand. Russia was just found guilty of providing “propaganda” to influence an election, you don’t use a government that is shown NOT to be trusted, as the sole reliable main source of your argument. Again... it’s very basic common sense.

That’s like saying two bank robbers high fiving each other after pulling off a successful heist does not mean they’re happy with getting away with their deed. :cuckoo:
48 page fake news thread. At least it kept some the pedo-friendlies out of other threads for a while.

Mueller subpoenas massive trove of documents from Trump and his campaign: report
Investigators have subpoenaed a documents from Donald Trump and his closest campaign advisors, according to a bombshell report which broke Sunday night.

lol too bad all that will produce more of what they've already subpoenaed has, which is a big fat zero. Well, except for all the criminal activities they themselves committed and having to delete all the Hillary and Obama evidence. That is what the subpoenas are really for, covering up and destroying evidence of Democratic Party felonies and treason.

But you know that already.

I had enough of this idioicy, come back when you can sanely keep up a conversation.

That's exactly what we're discussing, Antontutu. You look at overt collusion from Hillary and just say she's well meaning, give her a pass. You look at a dearth of evidence against Trump and declare him guilty.

You believe that for Republicans, no explanation is good enough. For Democrats, no explanation is required. That's just how you roll

No it isn't moron, you keep swtiching between asking for evidence of Trump compaign's Russian dealings and Clinton's Russians, WITHOUT EVER ADRESSING ANYTHING I EXPLAIN TO YOU ON EACH

There is evidence of Trump campaign colluding with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government supporting Trump.

There is NO evidence of Clinton campaign collusion with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government campaign against Hillary.

Clear enough for you?

Saying I don't accept your lies doesn't mean I'm not clear what you're saying, Home Boy.

Putin was trying to disrupt the election. Obviously you only read the news you want to see, but Russians set up both pro-and anti-Trump demonstrations.

No you ARE NOT SAYING, you simply switch topic without directly addressing what I post.

Kremlin's top brass (ALONG WITH ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY) were congradulating each other on Trump victory.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

Russian media coverage of her own campaign was vicious, portraying her as an aggressive Russophobe, a criminal and a liar.

"Clinton will surround us with nuclear missiles; Trump would recognise Crimea," a typical tabloid headline read on election day.

"We are very glad that relations will improve with Russia and stop the artificial Cold War which Washington and London try to push on the world," pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov told the BBC.

"We're glad the new president will be Donald Trump who respects Vladimir Putin and recognises that Crimea is part of Russia," he said, referring to Mr Trump's comment that Russia's annexation of the peninsula could be 'looked at'.

Russia celebrates Trump win

We have the view of Russia meddling in using “propaganda” to help influence an election, then antontoo wants to now TRUST Russia’s opinions as solid and reliable to his point. When the basis of your argument is that Russia has effectively influenced the outcome of an election, then don’t go around posting Russia’s response as a reliable source. Common sense should tell you that.

You are a total fucking idiot. Their opinions reflect their MOTIVATIONS...are you seriously going to try to say that there was this uber grand public and private conspiracy by Russians to misdirect the west into not-thinking that Russians love Hillary? :rolleyes:
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48 page fake news thread. At least it kept some the pedo-friendlies out of other threads for a while.

Mueller subpoenas massive trove of documents from Trump and his campaign: report
Investigators have subpoenaed a documents from Donald Trump and his closest campaign advisors, according to a bombshell report which broke Sunday night.

lol too bad all that will produce more of what they've already subpoenaed has, which is a big fat zero. Well, except for all the criminal activities they themselves committed and having to delete all the Hillary and Obama evidence. That is what the subpoenas are really for, covering up and destroying evidence of Democratic Party felonies and treason.

But you know that already.
Mueller's leaked 'hit list' may indicate he's treating Trump's team like a 'criminal enterprise'
A Grand Jury subpoena from special counsel Robert Mueller's team reportedly targets the majority of Donald Trump's senior campaign team, including the president, and may indicate criminal wrongdoing within his innermost circle.

The subpoena, seen by and labelled a "hit list" by Axios, asks for all texts, letters, handwritten notes, or communications of any kind starting from November 1, 2015, between one unnamed witness and the following people:

Carter Page, a former investment banker and campaign foreign policy adviser.
Corey Lewandowski, a former Trump campaign manager.
Hope Hicks, Trump's longtime, now ex-communications director.
Keith Schiller, Trump's former bodyguard and confidante.
Michael Cohen, the longtime personal attorney for Trump.
Paul Manafort, Trump's already indicted former campaign chairman.
Rick Gates, the former deputy chairman of Donald Trump's presidential campaign who is now cooperating with Mueller.
Roger Stone, a former adviser to Trump who left the campaign before November 1, 2015, but has admitted to having contact with Wikileaks, the organization that leaked hacked emails from the Democratic National Convention.
Steve Bannon, former White House and Trump campaign strategist.
And, finally, Donald J. Trump, the man himself, makes the list.
Importantly, the subpoena's calls for communications that began after November 1, 2015, nearly five months after Trump announced his candidacy.

In response to the report, Ned Price, a former CIA official who advised Barack Obama and resigned from the agency rather than work for Trump's administration, tweeted that the subpeona indicated "Mueller is treating it like a criminal enterprise."

Mueller's leaked 'hit list' may indicate he's treating Trump's team like a 'criminal enterprise'

"Why did the Obama Administration start an investigation into the Trump Campaign (with zero proof of wrongdoing) long before the Election in November? Wanted to discredit so Crooked H would win. Unprecedented. Bigger than Watergate! Plus, Obama did NOTHING about Russian meddling." - President Trump
Saying I don't accept your lies doesn't mean I'm not clear what you're saying, Home Boy.

Putin was trying to disrupt the election. Obviously you only read the news you want to see, but Russians set up both pro-and anti-Trump demonstrations.

No you ARE NOT SAYING, you simply switch topic without directly addressing what I post.

Kremlin's top brass (ALONG WITH ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY) were congradulating each other on Trump victory.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

Russian media coverage of her own campaign was vicious, portraying her as an aggressive Russophobe, a criminal and a liar.

"Clinton will surround us with nuclear missiles; Trump would recognise Crimea," a typical tabloid headline read on election day.

"We are very glad that relations will improve with Russia and stop the artificial Cold War which Washington and London try to push on the world," pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov told the BBC.

"We're glad the new president will be Donald Trump who respects Vladimir Putin and recognises that Crimea is part of Russia," he said, referring to Mr Trump's comment that Russia's annexation of the peninsula could be 'looked at'.

Russia celebrates Trump win

We have the view of Russia meddling in using “propaganda” to help influence an election, then antontoo wants to now TRUST Russia’s opinions as solid and reliable to his point. When the basis of your argument is that Russia has effectively influenced the outcome of an election, then don’t go around posting Russia’s response as a reliable source. Common sense should tell you that.
Russia was celebrating because they got what they wanted. What’s so difficult about that?

Let me remind those who don’t have the common sense to understand. Russia was just found guilty of providing “propaganda” to influence an election, you don’t use a government that is shown NOT to be trusted, as the sole reliable main source of your argument. Again... it’s very basic common sense.

That’s like saying two bank robbers high fiving each other after pulling off a successful heist does not mean they’re happy with getting away with their deed. :cuckoo:

Like I said, if you really depend on a “Russian source”, who is proven guilty of spreading propaganda (clearly Faun is not too bright to know what that term means) to the United States to try and influence political opinion .... you’re not very intelligent. Try an actual reliable source, if you’re actually capable of doing so :lol:
No you ARE NOT SAYING, you simply switch topic without directly addressing what I post.

Kremlin's top brass (ALONG WITH ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY) were congradulating each other on Trump victory.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

Russian media coverage of her own campaign was vicious, portraying her as an aggressive Russophobe, a criminal and a liar.

"Clinton will surround us with nuclear missiles; Trump would recognise Crimea," a typical tabloid headline read on election day.

"We are very glad that relations will improve with Russia and stop the artificial Cold War which Washington and London try to push on the world," pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov told the BBC.

"We're glad the new president will be Donald Trump who respects Vladimir Putin and recognises that Crimea is part of Russia," he said, referring to Mr Trump's comment that Russia's annexation of the peninsula could be 'looked at'.

Russia celebrates Trump win

We have the view of Russia meddling in using “propaganda” to help influence an election, then antontoo wants to now TRUST Russia’s opinions as solid and reliable to his point. When the basis of your argument is that Russia has effectively influenced the outcome of an election, then don’t go around posting Russia’s response as a reliable source. Common sense should tell you that.
Russia was celebrating because they got what they wanted. What’s so difficult about that?

Let me remind those who don’t have the common sense to understand. Russia was just found guilty of providing “propaganda” to influence an election, you don’t use a government that is shown NOT to be trusted, as the sole reliable main source of your argument. Again... it’s very basic common sense.

That’s like saying two bank robbers high fiving each other after pulling off a successful heist does not mean they’re happy with getting away with their deed. :cuckoo:

Like I said, if you really depend on a “Russian source”, who is proven guilty of spreading propaganda

What the fuck are you talking about?? What fucking "Russian source"?????????

We are talking about what was going on in THE ENTIRE FUCKING RUSSIA. In all their state media outlets. In the public sentiment. In their Parlament. In the Kremlin's internal communications.

Russia celebrates Trump win

Can you post something SANE?
No you ARE NOT SAYING, you simply switch topic without directly addressing what I post.

Kremlin's top brass (ALONG WITH ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY) were congradulating each other on Trump victory.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

Russian media coverage of her own campaign was vicious, portraying her as an aggressive Russophobe, a criminal and a liar.

"Clinton will surround us with nuclear missiles; Trump would recognise Crimea," a typical tabloid headline read on election day.

"We are very glad that relations will improve with Russia and stop the artificial Cold War which Washington and London try to push on the world," pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov told the BBC.

"We're glad the new president will be Donald Trump who respects Vladimir Putin and recognises that Crimea is part of Russia," he said, referring to Mr Trump's comment that Russia's annexation of the peninsula could be 'looked at'.

Russia celebrates Trump win

We have the view of Russia meddling in using “propaganda” to help influence an election, then antontoo wants to now TRUST Russia’s opinions as solid and reliable to his point. When the basis of your argument is that Russia has effectively influenced the outcome of an election, then don’t go around posting Russia’s response as a reliable source. Common sense should tell you that.
Russia was celebrating because they got what they wanted. What’s so difficult about that?

Let me remind those who don’t have the common sense to understand. Russia was just found guilty of providing “propaganda” to influence an election, you don’t use a government that is shown NOT to be trusted, as the sole reliable main source of your argument. Again... it’s very basic common sense.

That’s like saying two bank robbers high fiving each other after pulling off a successful heist does not mean they’re happy with getting away with their deed. :cuckoo:

Like I said, if you really depend on a “Russian source”, who is proven guilty of spreading propaganda (clearly Faun is not too bright to know what that term means) to the United States to try and influence political opinion .... you’re not very intelligent. Try an actual reliable source, if you’re actually capable of doing so :lol:
Who says their reaction to the election isn’t reliable?


No you ARE NOT SAYING, you simply switch topic without directly addressing what I post.

Kremlin's top brass (ALONG WITH ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY) were congradulating each other on Trump victory.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

Russian media coverage of her own campaign was vicious, portraying her as an aggressive Russophobe, a criminal and a liar.

"Clinton will surround us with nuclear missiles; Trump would recognise Crimea," a typical tabloid headline read on election day.

"We are very glad that relations will improve with Russia and stop the artificial Cold War which Washington and London try to push on the world," pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov told the BBC.

"We're glad the new president will be Donald Trump who respects Vladimir Putin and recognises that Crimea is part of Russia," he said, referring to Mr Trump's comment that Russia's annexation of the peninsula could be 'looked at'.

Russia celebrates Trump win

We have the view of Russia meddling in using “propaganda” to help influence an election, then antontoo wants to now TRUST Russia’s opinions as solid and reliable to his point. When the basis of your argument is that Russia has effectively influenced the outcome of an election, then don’t go around posting Russia’s response as a reliable source. Common sense should tell you that.
Russia was celebrating because they got what they wanted. What’s so difficult about that?

Let me remind those who don’t have the common sense to understand. Russia was just found guilty of providing “propaganda” to influence an election, you don’t use a government that is shown NOT to be trusted, as the sole reliable main source of your argument. Again... it’s very basic common sense.

That’s like saying two bank robbers high fiving each other after pulling off a successful heist does not mean they’re happy with getting away with their deed. :cuckoo:

Like I said, if you really depend on a “Russian source”, who is proven guilty of spreading propaganda (clearly Faun is not too bright to know what that term means) to the United States to try and influence political opinion .... you’re not very intelligent. Try an actual reliable source, if you’re actually capable of doing so :lol:
And are you trying to say they wanted Trump to lose?
"Why did the Obama Administration start an investigation into the Trump Campaign (with zero proof of wrongdoing) long before the Election in November? Wanted to discredit so Crooked H would win. Unprecedented. Bigger than Watergate! Plus, Obama did NOTHING about Russian meddling." - President Trump

Obama confronted Putin directly which is more than Trump has done in over a year. Obama alerted Trump of what Russia was up to and at the time would have been accused of partisan politics if he brought it to light. Your man Turtle boy played a big part in keeping it under wraps. Since then, not a negative word about Putin from your guy and the bi-partisan sanctions seemingly mean nothing to Trump. But those things don't upset his base because it's not about Hillary or Obama.
That's exactly what we're discussing, Antontutu. You look at overt collusion from Hillary and just say she's well meaning, give her a pass. You look at a dearth of evidence against Trump and declare him guilty.

You believe that for Republicans, no explanation is good enough. For Democrats, no explanation is required. That's just how you roll

No it isn't moron, you keep swtiching between asking for evidence of Trump compaign's Russian dealings and Clinton's Russians, WITHOUT EVER ADRESSING ANYTHING I EXPLAIN TO YOU ON EACH

There is evidence of Trump campaign colluding with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government supporting Trump.

There is NO evidence of Clinton campaign collusion with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government campaign against Hillary.

Clear enough for you?

Saying I don't accept your lies doesn't mean I'm not clear what you're saying, Home Boy.

Putin was trying to disrupt the election. Obviously you only read the news you want to see, but Russians set up both pro-and anti-Trump demonstrations.

No you ARE NOT SAYING, you simply switch topic without directly addressing what I post.

Kremlin's top brass (ALONG WITH ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY) were congradulating each other on Trump victory.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

Russian media coverage of her own campaign was vicious, portraying her as an aggressive Russophobe, a criminal and a liar.

"Clinton will surround us with nuclear missiles; Trump would recognise Crimea," a typical tabloid headline read on election day.

"We are very glad that relations will improve with Russia and stop the artificial Cold War which Washington and London try to push on the world," pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov told the BBC.

"We're glad the new president will be Donald Trump who respects Vladimir Putin and recognises that Crimea is part of Russia," he said, referring to Mr Trump's comment that Russia's annexation of the peninsula could be 'looked at'.

Russia celebrates Trump win

We have the view of Russia meddling in using “propaganda” to help influence an election, then antontoo wants to now TRUST Russia’s opinions as solid and reliable to his point. When the basis of your argument is that Russia has effectively influenced the outcome of an election, then don’t go around posting Russia’s response as a reliable source. Common sense should tell you that.

You are a total fucking idiot. Their opinions reflect their MOTIVATIONS...are you seriously going to try to say that there was this uber grand public and private conspiracy by Russians to misdirect the west into not-thinking that Russians love Hillary? :rolleyes:

It was already confirmed through an investigation by the special council that the Russians used propaganda to play BOTH sides, to even include involvement in an anti-Trump rally. Now what exactly makes the Russians a trustworthy source? Did the findings of 13 individuals working for Russian interests just completely go over your head? Seriously, if that’s your means of a “trustworthy” source, you’ve got issues.
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