Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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Russia probed at least 7 states’ voter systems before the 2016 election

Department of Homeland Security officials confirmed in a June 2017 Senate intelligence hearing that at least 21 states were targeted and hackers had probed their registration systems. Only Illinois election officials testified to a breach — “a malicious cyber-attack of unknown origin” against the Illinois voter registration system that allowed hackers to access 90,000 voter registration records.

Officials with the Department of Homeland Security didn’t elaborate on the other targeted states. Sam Liles, then-acting director of the Cyber Division of the DHS, testified that Russians were testing systems’ vulnerability — which he compared to “someone walking down the street to see if you are home.”

At the same time, Liles conceded that ”a small number of networks were exploited — they made it through the door.” Then, as now, intelligence officials say none of the breaches affected the 2016 vote.

Report: Russia probed at least 7 states’ voter systems before the 2016 election

Why aren't Western sanctions stopping Putin?

"Facing international condemnation and new punitive measures over disrupting Western democracies and suspected of ordering the murder of a defector living in the U.K., Putin nonetheless coasted to a fourth presidential term, earning a congratulatory phone call and an offer of a summit meeting from President Trump."

Thanks for showing Obama and the Russians worked together to attempt to hack US states' election devices / systems......

Has Mueller been made aware of this? (Not that he would care....)

keep dreaming, trumptard.

"no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections." - Barrack Obama October 18, 2016

Then Putin elect his "BOY"
Russia probed at least 7 states’ voter systems before the 2016 election

Department of Homeland Security officials confirmed in a June 2017 Senate intelligence hearing that at least 21 states were targeted and hackers had probed their registration systems. Only Illinois election officials testified to a breach — “a malicious cyber-attack of unknown origin” against the Illinois voter registration system that allowed hackers to access 90,000 voter registration records.

Officials with the Department of Homeland Security didn’t elaborate on the other targeted states. Sam Liles, then-acting director of the Cyber Division of the DHS, testified that Russians were testing systems’ vulnerability — which he compared to “someone walking down the street to see if you are home.”

At the same time, Liles conceded that ”a small number of networks were exploited — they made it through the door.” Then, as now, intelligence officials say none of the breaches affected the 2016 vote.

Report: Russia probed at least 7 states’ voter systems before the 2016 election

Why aren't Western sanctions stopping Putin?

"Facing international condemnation and new punitive measures over disrupting Western democracies and suspected of ordering the murder of a defector living in the U.K., Putin nonetheless coasted to a fourth presidential term, earning a congratulatory phone call and an offer of a summit meeting from President Trump."

Thanks for showing Obama and the Russians worked together to attempt to hack US states' election devices / systems......

Has Mueller been made aware of this? (Not that he would care....)

keep dreaming, trumptard.

"no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections." - Barrack Obama October 18, 2016

Then Putin elect his "BOY"

What an amateur. Ok boy, here’s some facts for you.

U.S. Spies, Seeking to Retrieve Cyberweapons, Paid Russian Peddling Trump Secrets

BERLIN — After months of secret negotiations, a shadowy Russian bilked American spies out of $100,000 last year, promising to deliver stolen National Security Agency cyberweapons in a deal that he insisted would also include compromising material on President Trump, according to American and European intelligence officials.

The cash, delivered in a suitcase to a Berlin hotel room in September, was intended as the first installment of a $1 million payout, according to American officials, the Russian and communications reviewed by The New York Times.

Instead of providing the hacking tools, the Russian produced unverified and possibly fabricated information involving Mr. Trump and others, including bank records, emails and purported Russian intelligence data.

U.S. Spies, Seeking to Retrieve Cyberweapons, Paid Russian Peddling Trump Secrets

In the middle of Mueller’s onvestigation, his “sources” network of spies got SCREWED on a bad deal with the Russians. All this was to provide proof certain Americans were colluding with the Russians to effect an election. How awesome is that?

If that’s not collusion, but there’s more:

Hacked Emails Expose Hacks

Acordijg to Reuters, the leaders of the U.S. intelligence community do not embrace a CIA assessment that Russian cyber-attacks were aimed at helping Republican President-elect Donald Trump win the 2016 election. While the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) does not dispute the CIA’s analysis of Russian hacking operations, it does not endorse their assessment because there is a lack of conclusive evidence that Moscow intended to boost Trump over Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

The position of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which oversees the seventeen agency-strong U.S. intelligence communities, gives Trump an informed position to dispute the CIA assessment.

Former Army Intel Officer Rejects Hack Theory: CIA’s Brennan Playing ‘Info Warfare’ retired Army intelligence officer dismissed the theory that the Russians hacked the election in favor of Donald Trump, instead putting forth his own theory—CIA Director John Brennan is playing political games.

Retired Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer stated that in his opinion Brennan is trying to undermine the president-elect out of deference to his old boss, President Barack Obama.

Hacked Emails Expose Hacks

Wouo this really be the first time Democrats worked with the Russians?

Remember when Ted Kennedy asked the Russians to 'interfere'?

Composed in 1983 by Victor Chebrikov, the top man at the KGB, the memorandum was addressed to Yuri Andropov, the top man in the entire USSR. The subject: Sen. Edward Kennedy.

"On 9-10 May of this year," the May 14 memorandum explained, "Sen. Edward Kennedy's close friend and trusted confidant [John] Tunney was in Moscow." (Tunney was Kennedy's law school roommate and a former Democratic senator from California.) "The senator charged Tunney to convey the following message, through confidential contacts, to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Y. Andropov."

Kennedy's message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election. "The only real potential threats to Reagan are problems of war and peace and Soviet-American relations," the memorandum stated. "These issues, according to the senator, will without a doubt become the most important of the election campaign."

Remember when Ted Kennedy asked the Russians to 'interfere'?

Carter, Democrats Asked Soviets to Stop Reagan

Carter expressed his concern about and opposition to Reagan's defense buildup. He boldly told Dobrynin that Moscow would be better off with someone else in the White House. If Reagan won, he warned, "There would not be a single agreement on arms control, especially on nuclear arms, as long as Reagan remained in power."

Using the Russians to influence the presidential election was nothing new for Carter.

Schweizer reveals Russian documents that show that in the waning days of the 1980 campaign, the Carter White House dispatched businessman Armand Hammer to the Soviet Embassy.

Hammer was a longtime Soviet-phile, and he explained to the Soviet ambassador that Carter was "clearly alarmed" at the prospect of losing to Reagan.

Hammer pleaded with the Russians for help. He asked if the Kremlin could expand Jewish emigration to bolster Carter's standing in the polls.

SOURCE: FrontPage Magazine - Carter, Democrats Asked Soviets to Stop Reagan
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You read literally ALL of that completely wrong! What a bizarre post!

A lot of right wing rags as "sources". From Horowitz to Canada free press. Just look into their so-called journalism and you'll see a bunch of far right political attack dogs ala Fox Noise.
Care to provide this evidence that you have?

Mueller will soon...

But, you keep claiming there is evidence, so, that means you must know what it is.... what is it?

I'm a believer in if it quacks like a duck etc. There's a mountain of circumstantial evidence and we've got a good man on the case so I'm confident he'll get to the bottom of it all. Any day now? I hope he takes all the time he needs to build a lawyer proof case and a technicality proof case. And it'll happen when he's through. What's your hurry? According to the right he's going to exonerate Trump so let's give him time to do that.

I don't care... just a lot of people claiming they have evidence of a crime, yet they never cite anything. I'm just curious how the Russian government could have changed the election results.

They did not change the results...but they did distribute enough fake negative news about Hillary to sway public opinion. I had a long time Democrat tell me he couldn't support Hillary cause he "read" over 80% of the donations to the Clinton Foundation went directly to Bill and Hillary.

I told him that was a lie....but he stuck with the fake news. That is a example if Russian tampering.

No, it's evidence of a gullible idiot.
Russia probed at least 7 states’ voter systems before the 2016 election

Department of Homeland Security officials confirmed in a June 2017 Senate intelligence hearing that at least 21 states were targeted and hackers had probed their registration systems. Only Illinois election officials testified to a breach — “a malicious cyber-attack of unknown origin” against the Illinois voter registration system that allowed hackers to access 90,000 voter registration records.

Officials with the Department of Homeland Security didn’t elaborate on the other targeted states. Sam Liles, then-acting director of the Cyber Division of the DHS, testified that Russians were testing systems’ vulnerability — which he compared to “someone walking down the street to see if you are home.”

At the same time, Liles conceded that ”a small number of networks were exploited — they made it through the door.” Then, as now, intelligence officials say none of the breaches affected the 2016 vote.

Report: Russia probed at least 7 states’ voter systems before the 2016 election

Why aren't Western sanctions stopping Putin?

"Facing international condemnation and new punitive measures over disrupting Western democracies and suspected of ordering the murder of a defector living in the U.K., Putin nonetheless coasted to a fourth presidential term, earning a congratulatory phone call and an offer of a summit meeting from President Trump."

Thanks for showing Obama and the Russians worked together to attempt to hack US states' election devices / systems......

Has Mueller been made aware of this? (Not that he would care....)

keep dreaming, trumptard.

"no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections." - Barrack Obama October 18, 2016

Then Putin elect his "BOY"

What an amateur. Ok boy, here’s some facts for you.

U.S. Spies, Seeking to Retrieve Cyberweapons, Paid Russian Peddling Trump Secrets

BERLIN — After months of secret negotiations, a shadowy Russian bilked American spies out of $100,000 last year, promising to deliver stolen National Security Agency cyberweapons in a deal that he insisted would also include compromising material on President Trump, according to American and European intelligence officials.

The cash, delivered in a suitcase to a Berlin hotel room in September, was intended as the first installment of a $1 million payout, according to American officials, the Russian and communications reviewed by The New York Times.

Instead of providing the hacking tools, the Russian produced unverified and possibly fabricated information involving Mr. Trump and others, including bank records, emails and purported Russian intelligence data.

U.S. Spies, Seeking to Retrieve Cyberweapons, Paid Russian Peddling Trump Secrets

In the middle of Mueller’s onvestigation, his “sources” network of spies got SCREWED on a bad deal with the Russians. All this was to provide proof certain Americans were colluding with the Russians to effect an election. How awesome is that?

If that’s not collusion, but there’s more:

Hacked Emails Expose Hacks

Acordijg to Reuters, the leaders of the U.S. intelligence community do not embrace a CIA assessment that Russian cyber-attacks were aimed at helping Republican President-elect Donald Trump win the 2016 election. While the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) does not dispute the CIA’s analysis of Russian hacking operations, it does not endorse their assessment because there is a lack of conclusive evidence that Moscow intended to boost Trump over Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

The position of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which oversees the seventeen agency-strong U.S. intelligence communities, gives Trump an informed position to dispute the CIA assessment.

Former Army Intel Officer Rejects Hack Theory: CIA’s Brennan Playing ‘Info Warfare’ retired Army intelligence officer dismissed the theory that the Russians hacked the election in favor of Donald Trump, instead putting forth his own theory—CIA Director John Brennan is playing political games.

Retired Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer stated that in his opinion Brennan is trying to undermine the president-elect out of deference to his old boss, President Barack Obama.

Hacked Emails Expose Hacks

Wouo this really be the first time Democrats worked with the Russians?

Remember when Ted Kennedy asked the Russians to 'interfere'?

Composed in 1983 by Victor Chebrikov, the top man at the KGB, the memorandum was addressed to Yuri Andropov, the top man in the entire USSR. The subject: Sen. Edward Kennedy.

"On 9-10 May of this year," the May 14 memorandum explained, "Sen. Edward Kennedy's close friend and trusted confidant [John] Tunney was in Moscow." (Tunney was Kennedy's law school roommate and a former Democratic senator from California.) "The senator charged Tunney to convey the following message, through confidential contacts, to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Y. Andropov."

Kennedy's message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election. "The only real potential threats to Reagan are problems of war and peace and Soviet-American relations," the memorandum stated. "These issues, according to the senator, will without a doubt become the most important of the election campaign."

Remember when Ted Kennedy asked the Russians to 'interfere'?

Carter, Democrats Asked Soviets to Stop Reagan

Carter expressed his concern about and opposition to Reagan's defense buildup. He boldly told Dobrynin that Moscow would be better off with someone else in the White House. If Reagan won, he warned, "There would not be a single agreement on arms control, especially on nuclear arms, as long as Reagan remained in power."

Using the Russians to influence the presidential election was nothing new for Carter.

Schweizer reveals Russian documents that show that in the waning days of the 1980 campaign, the Carter White House dispatched businessman Armand Hammer to the Soviet Embassy.

Hammer was a longtime Soviet-phile, and he explained to the Soviet ambassador that Carter was "clearly alarmed" at the prospect of losing to Reagan.

Hammer pleaded with the Russians for help. He asked if the Kremlin could expand Jewish emigration to bolster Carter's standing in the polls.

SOURCE: FrontPage Magazine - Carter, Democrats Asked Soviets to Stop Reagan
Since you apparently wont defend Trump...
The dems/Hillary "colluded" with a foreign national


It is silly for rightwingers to even bring that up as an equivalent.

You’re defending receiving a FISA warrant that’s weighed heavily through a PAID retired foreign agent, paid through an opposition party. Not one that’s party of through a US government agency like the CIA or the NSA conducting the investigation. In fact, none of the information was collaborated with either administrative government agency to obtain the warrant. There is a HUGE difference between one conducted through a government agency and one that’s from a PAID opposition party having to solely use a foreign agent to gather the information. Which one is going to look a lot more “credible” when it comes finding Russian collusion?
There is plenty if evidence....there is a connection between trump-Russia-Cambridge Analytics- NRA

You can bet Mueller is putting the pieces together right now.

Care to provide this evidence that you have?

Mueller will soon...

But, you keep claiming there is evidence, so, that means you must know what it is.... what is it?

I'm a believer in if it quacks like a duck etc. There's a mountain of circumstantial evidence and we've got a good man on the case so I'm confident he'll get to the bottom of it all. Any day now? I hope he takes all the time he needs to build a lawyer proof case and a technicality proof case. And it'll happen when he's through. What's your hurry? According to the right he's going to exonerate Trump so let's give him time to do that.

I don't care... just a lot of people claiming they have evidence of a crime, yet they never cite anything. I'm just curious how the Russian government could have changed the election results.

They're also ignoring the fact that every nation in the world, even our allies, had a stake in the outcome of the election and would do whatever they could to influence it. Heck, Russia didn't even use any bombs or bullets like we do when we want to change another country's leadership.

You hand a note to a bank teller demanding money but then you flee because you notice a cop -- according to your idiocy, no crime was committed because the bank robber didn't benefit from the crime.

OK, once again, how exactly did Trump benefit from the Russians posting crap on facebook?

before you try to answer, remember that the Hillary campaign did exactly the same thing but spent millions more on it.

OK, once again, how exactly did Trump benefit from the Russians posting crap on facebook?

He's president, fool.

Listen to his more “LARGER POINT” that President Obama was trying to make and wanted to ensure Trump and the American people of. Then look at the article headline below.

Obama White House Knew of Russian Election Hacking, but Delayed Telling

Why do you believe President Obama responded as he did on the White House lawn?

Because in all intensive purposes everyone, (I mean the media was SOLD on this with all their polling numbers) they honestly believed Hillary would win and no one would be the wiser. If there was another Clinton in the White House, would we EVER know anything about Russia?

Then Hillary lost. You can end it right there, because all these theories and conspiracies are going to hit IMMEDIATELY. Suddenly things didn’t go as planned, the American people didn’t elect a woman. Wait a minute, the Russians were behind this! Even while Hillary contends it was Comey’s fault with the talk of those damn emails again. Today she says “No, It’s the women! Yes they were not strong enough. Listening to their white male husbands, boss, sons, because we all know white males are all republican. See you don’t want to elect her!!! She is a criminal!” - Hillary Clinton’s own words.

What IS rather evident in all this is everyone’s hatred for Trump. Regardless of the facts they want to impeach him, just like Maxine Waters. “Impeach 45!!! Impeach 45!! “

Truth hurts. However there is plenty of evidence out there from the DNC and liberal progressives. All they need to do is drum up a little evidence...

Shall we continue?

Continue what? Your rambling?

If you can’t honestly handle someone throwing a little opposition at THIS point of the discussion, do you honestly think you can handle a real debate? My response was only geared towards those who’s not afraid at all to have their opinions challenged. If you can’t bring your A game, you’re not a challenge for me, move on to a lighter topic that fits your

I seriously doubt you have what it takes.

You can't dump convoluted conspiracies on the table and talk about a "real debate" at the same time. You're simply rehashing the same tired narratives as everyone else.

This has not a damn thing to do with a hatred of Trump.
Mueller will soon...

But, you keep claiming there is evidence, so, that means you must know what it is.... what is it?

I'm a believer in if it quacks like a duck etc. There's a mountain of circumstantial evidence and we've got a good man on the case so I'm confident he'll get to the bottom of it all. Any day now? I hope he takes all the time he needs to build a lawyer proof case and a technicality proof case. And it'll happen when he's through. What's your hurry? According to the right he's going to exonerate Trump so let's give him time to do that.

I don't care... just a lot of people claiming they have evidence of a crime, yet they never cite anything. I'm just curious how the Russian government could have changed the election results.

They did not change the results...but they did distribute enough fake negative news about Hillary to sway public opinion. I had a long time Democrat tell me he couldn't support Hillary cause he "read" over 80% of the donations to the Clinton Foundation went directly to Bill and Hillary.

I told him that was a lie....but he stuck with the fake news. That is a example if Russian tampering.

No, it's evidence of a gullible idiot.
Sure and it only took 80k gullible idiots to win Trump the EC.
The dems/Hillary "colluded" with a foreign national


It is silly for rightwingers to even bring that up as an equivalent.
So it’s perfectly fine to have Russian “meddling” if a non adversarial government “middleman” is involved?

Go bait something else, what you just said is nonsense. Nothing connects Kremlin to dossier.
But, you keep claiming there is evidence, so, that means you must know what it is.... what is it?

I'm a believer in if it quacks like a duck etc. There's a mountain of circumstantial evidence and we've got a good man on the case so I'm confident he'll get to the bottom of it all. Any day now? I hope he takes all the time he needs to build a lawyer proof case and a technicality proof case. And it'll happen when he's through. What's your hurry? According to the right he's going to exonerate Trump so let's give him time to do that.

I don't care... just a lot of people claiming they have evidence of a crime, yet they never cite anything. I'm just curious how the Russian government could have changed the election results.

They did not change the results...but they did distribute enough fake negative news about Hillary to sway public opinion. I had a long time Democrat tell me he couldn't support Hillary cause he "read" over 80% of the donations to the Clinton Foundation went directly to Bill and Hillary.

I told him that was a lie....but he stuck with the fake news. That is a example if Russian tampering.

No, it's evidence of a gullible idiot.
Sure and it only took 80k gullible idiots to win Trump the EC.

Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.
I'm a believer in if it quacks like a duck etc. There's a mountain of circumstantial evidence and we've got a good man on the case so I'm confident he'll get to the bottom of it all. Any day now? I hope he takes all the time he needs to build a lawyer proof case and a technicality proof case. And it'll happen when he's through. What's your hurry? According to the right he's going to exonerate Trump so let's give him time to do that.

I don't care... just a lot of people claiming they have evidence of a crime, yet they never cite anything. I'm just curious how the Russian government could have changed the election results.

They did not change the results...but they did distribute enough fake negative news about Hillary to sway public opinion. I had a long time Democrat tell me he couldn't support Hillary cause he "read" over 80% of the donations to the Clinton Foundation went directly to Bill and Hillary.

I told him that was a lie....but he stuck with the fake news. That is a example if Russian tampering.

No, it's evidence of a gullible idiot.
Sure and it only took 80k gullible idiots to win Trump the EC.

Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

Who read and believed the fake news Russia used to elect him...
I don't care... just a lot of people claiming they have evidence of a crime, yet they never cite anything. I'm just curious how the Russian government could have changed the election results.

They did not change the results...but they did distribute enough fake negative news about Hillary to sway public opinion. I had a long time Democrat tell me he couldn't support Hillary cause he "read" over 80% of the donations to the Clinton Foundation went directly to Bill and Hillary.

I told him that was a lie....but he stuck with the fake news. That is a example if Russian tampering.

No, it's evidence of a gullible idiot.
Sure and it only took 80k gullible idiots to win Trump the EC.

Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

Who read and believed the fake news Russia used to elect him...

They also listened to what he said, what Hillary said and decided they wanted her less than they wanted him. A few Facebook posts didn't change their minds.
I'm a believer in if it quacks like a duck etc. There's a mountain of circumstantial evidence and we've got a good man on the case so I'm confident he'll get to the bottom of it all. Any day now? I hope he takes all the time he needs to build a lawyer proof case and a technicality proof case. And it'll happen when he's through. What's your hurry? According to the right he's going to exonerate Trump so let's give him time to do that.

I don't care... just a lot of people claiming they have evidence of a crime, yet they never cite anything. I'm just curious how the Russian government could have changed the election results.

They did not change the results...but they did distribute enough fake negative news about Hillary to sway public opinion. I had a long time Democrat tell me he couldn't support Hillary cause he "read" over 80% of the donations to the Clinton Foundation went directly to Bill and Hillary.

I told him that was a lie....but he stuck with the fake news. That is a example if Russian tampering.

No, it's evidence of a gullible idiot.
Sure and it only took 80k gullible idiots to win Trump the EC.

Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

I knew it would be too complex a thought for you.
They did not change the results...but they did distribute enough fake negative news about Hillary to sway public opinion. I had a long time Democrat tell me he couldn't support Hillary cause he "read" over 80% of the donations to the Clinton Foundation went directly to Bill and Hillary.

I told him that was a lie....but he stuck with the fake news. That is a example if Russian tampering.

No, it's evidence of a gullible idiot.
Sure and it only took 80k gullible idiots to win Trump the EC.

Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

Who read and believed the fake news Russia used to elect him...

They also listened to what he said, what Hillary said and decided they wanted her less than they wanted him. A few Facebook posts didn't change their minds.

Trump won three key states, (46 electoral votes),by only 80k votes. That's only one district per state.

It would only take a very small percentage of those exposed to Russian propoganda who believed it and voted accordinly to acheive those results.
The dems/Hillary "colluded" with a foreign national


It is silly for rightwingers to even bring that up as an equivalent.
So it’s perfectly fine to have Russian “meddling” if a non adversarial government “middleman” is involved?

Go bait something else, what you just said is nonsense. Nothing connects Kremlin to dossier.
The dems/Hillary "colluded" with a foreign national


It is silly for rightwingers to even bring that up as an equivalent.

You’re defending receiving a FISA warrant that’s weighed heavily through a PAID retired foreign agent, paid through an opposition party. Not one that’s party of through a US government agency like the CIA or the NSA conducting the investigation. In fact, none of the information was collaborated with either administrative government agency to obtain the warrant. There is a HUGE difference between one conducted through a government agency and one that’s from a PAID opposition party having to solely use a foreign agent to gather the information. Which one is going to look a lot more “credible” when it comes finding Russian collusion?

FISA judges were notified that this information came from opposition research, but that DOES NOT MAKE IT FALSE.

If in my paid research I found federal crime being commited it would be my duty to take the findings to FBI, no matter who paid for it.

Trump can declassify the intirety of Carter's warrant applicaiton TODAY. But he will not.

Carter can sue the government for infringing on his constitutional rights TODAY. But he will not.
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