Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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I don't care... just a lot of people claiming they have evidence of a crime, yet they never cite anything. I'm just curious how the Russian government could have changed the election results.

They did not change the results...but they did distribute enough fake negative news about Hillary to sway public opinion. I had a long time Democrat tell me he couldn't support Hillary cause he "read" over 80% of the donations to the Clinton Foundation went directly to Bill and Hillary.

I told him that was a lie....but he stuck with the fake news. That is a example if Russian tampering.

No, it's evidence of a gullible idiot.
Sure and it only took 80k gullible idiots to win Trump the EC.

Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

I knew it would be too complex a thought for you.

"A few Facebook posts" 50,000,000 stolen profiles....right.
The dems/Hillary "colluded" with a foreign national


It is silly for rightwingers to even bring that up as an equivalent.

You’re defending receiving a FISA warrant that’s weighed heavily through a PAID retired foreign agent, paid through an opposition party. Not one that’s party of through a US government agency like the CIA or the NSA conducting the investigation. In fact, none of the information was collaborated with either administrative government agency to obtain the warrant. There is a HUGE difference between one conducted through a government agency and one that’s from a PAID opposition party having to solely use a foreign agent to gather the information. Which one is going to look a lot more “credible” when it comes finding Russian collusion?

FISA judges were notified that this information came from opposition research, but that DOES NOT MAKE IT FALSE.

If in my paid research I found federal crime being commited it would be my duty to take the findings to FBI, no matter who paid for it.

Trump can declassify the intirety of Carter's warrant applicaiton TODAY. But he will not.

Carter can sue the government for infringing on his constitutional rights TODAY. But he will not.

Carter Page and Roger Stone will soon be in the Mueller blender....sort of like Stone predicted Podesta would....
No, it's evidence of a gullible idiot.
Sure and it only took 80k gullible idiots to win Trump the EC.

Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

Who read and believed the fake news Russia used to elect him...

They also listened to what he said, what Hillary said and decided they wanted her less than they wanted him. A few Facebook posts didn't change their minds.

Trump won three key states, (46 electoral votes),by only 80k votes. That's only one district per state.

It would only take a very small percentage of those exposed to Russian propoganda who believed it and voted accordinly to acheive those results.

While Putin is a murdering thug...he brilliantly elected his Stooge into the White House.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....
Hope springs eternal. Keep hoping...LOL!
"no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections." - Barrack Obama October 18, 2016

1. ....and yet he tried. He and his DHS attempted to hack into state election devices / process over and over...and thankfully failed. He intended to take over every state election system / process based on the argument they could be hacked into and that only HE and HIS administration could keep them safe and ensure a fair, honest, untainted election. (Bwuhahahaha...)

2. Yet Hillary bought the DNC, illegally used campaign donations intended for other candidates on her campaign, illegally used a debunked report containing Russian propaganda (which she had purchased for $12 million from a foreign spy working with Russians) in a US election, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during the primaries, and screwed over Sanders and his supporters - who would have beaten Hillary for the nomination had she not stolen it, thereby successfully rigging / interfering in / altering the US Presidential election.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....
Hope springs eternal. Keep hoping...LOL!

What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....
Let's examine the facts. You clowns have been investigating Trump for over a year and have found zero evidence of a crime. Doesn't that tell you ANYTHING?
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....
One more thing. Hillary LOST! Get over it and get on with your pathetic life. If it's too much to deal with, suicide is always an option.
While Putin is a murdering thug...he brilliantly elected his Stooge into the White House.
....squawks the Partisan Parrot, repeating the liberal mantra spewed by his masters, while having no more evidence to support the meaningless (to him) he repeats as his masters to.

Putin is brilliant...compared to snowflakes....which is why he was successful in using PsyOps programs to get so many to organize and march for him / Russia, which is why he successfully paid emotional, butt-hurt LIBERAL snowflake groups like BLM, Antifa, and the Black Fist to take cash from Russia to spread racial division and hatred, and which is why Russia still has butt-hurt snowflakes so emotionally bat-shit crazy that they refuse to accept the outcome of the election and still dividing this country with its witch hunt.

Without even knowing it, snowflakes are working for Putin, still carrying out his operation to divide America.
While Putin is a murdering thug...he brilliantly elected his Stooge into the White House.
....squawks the Partisan Parrot, repeating the liberal mantra spewed by his masters, while having no more evidence to support the meaningless (to him) he repeats as his masters to.

Putin is brilliant...compared to snowflakes....which is why he was successful in using PsyOps programs to get so many to organize and march for him / Russia, which is why he successfully paid emotional, butt-hurt LIBERAL snowflake groups like BLM, Antifa, and the Black Fist to take cash from Russia to spread racial division and hatred, and which is why Russia still has butt-hurt snowflakes so emotionally bat-shit crazy that they refuse to accept the outcome of the election and still dividing this country with its witch hunt.

Without even knowing it, snowflakes are working for Putin, still carrying out his operation to divide America.
Poor liberal snowflakes. LOL! Where else can you find entertainment this good for free?
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....
Let's examine the facts. You clowns have been investigating Trump for over a year and have found zero evidence of a crime. Doesn't that tell you ANYTHING?

It took over five years for Starr to get Clinton and the Whitewater fiasco turned on a library BJ. I wonder what we take trump down....since he is a cheating...lying....slug.
I don't care... just a lot of people claiming they have evidence of a crime, yet they never cite anything. I'm just curious how the Russian government could have changed the election results.

They did not change the results...but they did distribute enough fake negative news about Hillary to sway public opinion. I had a long time Democrat tell me he couldn't support Hillary cause he "read" over 80% of the donations to the Clinton Foundation went directly to Bill and Hillary.

I told him that was a lie....but he stuck with the fake news. That is a example if Russian tampering.

No, it's evidence of a gullible idiot.
Sure and it only took 80k gullible idiots to win Trump the EC.

Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

I knew it would be too complex a thought for you.

And I STILL elevated the level of complexity.
They did not change the results...but they did distribute enough fake negative news about Hillary to sway public opinion. I had a long time Democrat tell me he couldn't support Hillary cause he "read" over 80% of the donations to the Clinton Foundation went directly to Bill and Hillary.

I told him that was a lie....but he stuck with the fake news. That is a example if Russian tampering.

No, it's evidence of a gullible idiot.
Sure and it only took 80k gullible idiots to win Trump the EC.

Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

I knew it would be too complex a thought for you.

"A few Facebook posts" 50,000,000 stolen profiles....right.

If you get your news from Facebook you shouldn't vote.
To all the Russian Trolls still hanging around, still trying to keep snowflakes stirred up, still trying to keep the country divided, and still trying to take Trump down....Putin 'called' and left you this message:

"Khillari proigrala vybory - teper' vy mozhete vernut'sya v Rossiyu."

Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya on the way out. Buh-Bye! :p
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....
Let's examine the facts. You clowns have been investigating Trump for over a year and have found zero evidence of a crime. Doesn't that tell you ANYTHING?

It took over five years for Starr to get Clinton and the Whitewater fiasco turned on a library BJ. I wonder what we take trump down....since he is a cheating...lying....slug.
Sure and it only took 80k gullible idiots to win Trump the EC.

Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

Who read and believed the fake news Russia used to elect him...

They also listened to what he said, what Hillary said and decided they wanted her less than they wanted him. A few Facebook posts didn't change their minds.

Trump won three key states, (46 electoral votes),by only 80k votes. That's only one district per state.

It would only take a very small percentage of those exposed to Russian propoganda who believed it and voted accordinly to acheive those results.

While Putin is a murdering thug...he brilliantly elected his Stooge into the White House.

Keep the faith.
While Putin is a murdering thug...he brilliantly elected his Stooge into the White House.
....squawks the Partisan Parrot, repeating the liberal mantra spewed by his masters, while having no more evidence to support the meaningless (to him) he repeats as his masters to.

Putin is brilliant...compared to snowflakes....which is why he was successful in using PsyOps programs to get so many to organize and march for him / Russia, which is why he successfully paid emotional, butt-hurt LIBERAL snowflake groups like BLM, Antifa, and the Black Fist to take cash from Russia to spread racial division and hatred, and which is why Russia still has butt-hurt snowflakes so emotionally bat-shit crazy that they refuse to accept the outcome of the election and still dividing this country with its witch hunt.

Without even knowing it, snowflakes are working for Putin, still carrying out his operation to divide America.
Poor liberal snowflakes. LOL! Where else can you find entertainment this good for free?


The literary equivalent of watching them slip on a banana peel.
While Putin is a murdering thug...he brilliantly elected his Stooge into the White House.
....squawks the Partisan Parrot, repeating the liberal mantra spewed by his masters, while having no more evidence to support the meaningless (to him) he repeats as his masters to.

Putin is brilliant...compared to snowflakes....which is why he was successful in using PsyOps programs to get so many to organize and march for him / Russia, which is why he successfully paid emotional, butt-hurt LIBERAL snowflake groups like BLM, Antifa, and the Black Fist to take cash from Russia to spread racial division and hatred, and which is why Russia still has butt-hurt snowflakes so emotionally bat-shit crazy that they refuse to accept the outcome of the election and still dividing this country with its witch hunt.

Without even knowing it, snowflakes are working for Putin, still carrying out his operation to divide America.
Poor liberal snowflakes. LOL! Where else can you find entertainment this good for free?


The literary equivalent of watching them slip on a banana peel.
Uhh...that wasn't a banana peel. What was it, you ask? Use your immagination.
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