Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Until you provide evidence of you wild conspiracy theories, there is no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

Yeah, all the denials of contacts between Trump campaign officials and Russia and all the lies they were caught in after the fact and some even under oath and all the missed opportunities for Trump to confront Putin are all just coincidences. We'll see.

There is plenty if evidence....there is a connection between trump-Russia-Cambridge Analytics- NRA

You can bet Mueller is putting the pieces together right now.

So you keep saying ;)
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Until you provide evidence of you wild conspiracy theories, there is no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

Yeah, all the denials of contacts between Trump campaign officials and Russia and all the lies they were caught in after the fact and some even under oath and all the missed opportunities for Trump to confront Putin are all just coincidences. We'll see.

There is plenty if evidence....there is a connection between trump-Russia-Cambridge Analytics- NRA

You can bet Mueller is putting the pieces together right now.

Care to provide this evidence that you have?
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Until you provide evidence of you wild conspiracy theories, there is no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

Yeah, all the denials of contacts between Trump campaign officials and Russia and all the lies they were caught in after the fact and some even under oath and all the missed opportunities for Trump to confront Putin are all just coincidences. We'll see.

There is plenty if evidence....there is a connection between trump-Russia-Cambridge Analytics- NRA

You can bet Mueller is putting the pieces together right now.

Care to provide this evidence that you have?

Mueller will soon...
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Until you provide evidence of you wild conspiracy theories, there is no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

Yeah, all the denials of contacts between Trump campaign officials and Russia and all the lies they were caught in after the fact and some even under oath and all the missed opportunities for Trump to confront Putin are all just coincidences. We'll see.

There is plenty if evidence....there is a connection between trump-Russia-Cambridge Analytics- NRA

You can bet Mueller is putting the pieces together right now.

Care to provide this evidence that you have?

Mueller will soon...

But, you keep claiming there is evidence, so, that means you must know what it is.... what is it?
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Until you provide evidence of you wild conspiracy theories, there is no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

Yeah, all the denials of contacts between Trump campaign officials and Russia and all the lies they were caught in after the fact and some even under oath and all the missed opportunities for Trump to confront Putin are all just coincidences. We'll see.

There is plenty if evidence....there is a connection between trump-Russia-Cambridge Analytics- NRA

You can bet Mueller is putting the pieces together right now.

Care to provide this evidence that you have?

Mueller will soon...

Any day now.....
Until you provide evidence of you wild conspiracy theories, there is no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

Yeah, all the denials of contacts between Trump campaign officials and Russia and all the lies they were caught in after the fact and some even under oath and all the missed opportunities for Trump to confront Putin are all just coincidences. We'll see.

There is plenty if evidence....there is a connection between trump-Russia-Cambridge Analytics- NRA

You can bet Mueller is putting the pieces together right now.

Care to provide this evidence that you have?

Mueller will soon...

But, you keep claiming there is evidence, so, that means you must know what it is.... what is it?

I'm a believer in if it quacks like a duck etc. There's a mountain of circumstantial evidence and we've got a good man on the case so I'm confident he'll get to the bottom of it all. Any day now? I hope he takes all the time he needs to build a lawyer proof case and a technicality proof case. And it'll happen when he's through. What's your hurry? According to the right he's going to exonerate Trump so let's give him time to do that.
Yeah, all the denials of contacts between Trump campaign officials and Russia and all the lies they were caught in after the fact and some even under oath and all the missed opportunities for Trump to confront Putin are all just coincidences. We'll see.

There is plenty if evidence....there is a connection between trump-Russia-Cambridge Analytics- NRA

You can bet Mueller is putting the pieces together right now.

Care to provide this evidence that you have?

Mueller will soon...

But, you keep claiming there is evidence, so, that means you must know what it is.... what is it?

I'm a believer in if it quacks like a duck etc. There's a mountain of circumstantial evidence and we've got a good man on the case so I'm confident he'll get to the bottom of it all. Any day now? I hope he takes all the time he needs to build a lawyer proof case and a technicality proof case. And it'll happen when he's through. What's your hurry? According to the right he's going to exonerate Trump so let's give him time to do that.

I don't care... just a lot of people claiming they have evidence of a crime, yet they never cite anything. I'm just curious how the Russian government could have changed the election results.
There is plenty if evidence....there is a connection between trump-Russia-Cambridge Analytics- NRA

You can bet Mueller is putting the pieces together right now.

Care to provide this evidence that you have?

Mueller will soon...

But, you keep claiming there is evidence, so, that means you must know what it is.... what is it?

I'm a believer in if it quacks like a duck etc. There's a mountain of circumstantial evidence and we've got a good man on the case so I'm confident he'll get to the bottom of it all. Any day now? I hope he takes all the time he needs to build a lawyer proof case and a technicality proof case. And it'll happen when he's through. What's your hurry? According to the right he's going to exonerate Trump so let's give him time to do that.

I don't care... just a lot of people claiming they have evidence of a crime, yet they never cite anything. I'm just curious how the Russian government could have changed the election results.

They did not change the results...but they did distribute enough fake negative news about Hillary to sway public opinion. I had a long time Democrat tell me he couldn't support Hillary cause he "read" over 80% of the donations to the Clinton Foundation went directly to Bill and Hillary.

I told him that was a lie....but he stuck with the fake news. That is a example if Russian tampering.
doing business with foreign nationals is not illegal. Paying them to create a dossier of lies and then using that in a FISA filing to spy on americans is illegal.
The dossier was not used to obtain a warrant.

parts of it were used, that has been clearly established, and that is illegal.

Who says?
Redfish says.

NO, not me. the DOJ. I don't have access to the FISA warrant, do you?
The FISA warrant has not been released and the DOJ is mute on that matter. Thanks for admitting you lied again.
When the heat gets too much on trump....They pull the Hillary card. It is old and no one cares!

trump is an illegitimate president.

beating Hillary makes him illegitimate? can you explain further?

He was chosen and aided by a foreign adversary in order to remove the US as the free world leader. He is doing Putin's bidding.

are you really that stupid? Putin had everything he needed to blackmail Hillary into doing exactly what he wanted. He has nothing on Trump. Do you ever think before typing bullshit?

Mueller will find out why Putin and trump are married...
You need to loosen that Tin foil hat of yours.

Coming from you, of all people?? That’s fucking hysterical.


Shit, I’m still wait for you to explain how 9.11 was pulled off with no planes involved. :cuckoo:
beating Hillary makes him illegitimate? can you explain further?

He was chosen and aided by a foreign adversary in order to remove the US as the free world leader. He is doing Putin's bidding.

are you really that stupid? Putin had everything he needed to blackmail Hillary into doing exactly what he wanted. He has nothing on Trump. Do you ever think before typing bullshit?

Mueller will find out why Putin and trump are married...
You need to loosen that Tin foil hat of yours.

Coming from you, of all people?? That’s fucking hysterical.


Shit, I’m still wait for you to explain how 9.11 was pulled off with no planes involved. :cuckoo:
With no planes involved? I guess I missed that one, please explain. LOL
He was chosen and aided by a foreign adversary in order to remove the US as the free world leader. He is doing Putin's bidding.

are you really that stupid? Putin had everything he needed to blackmail Hillary into doing exactly what he wanted. He has nothing on Trump. Do you ever think before typing bullshit?

Mueller will find out why Putin and trump are married...
You need to loosen that Tin foil hat of yours.

Coming from you, of all people?? That’s fucking hysterical.


Shit, I’m still wait for you to explain how 9.11 was pulled off with no planes involved. :cuckoo:
With no planes involved? I guess I missed that one, please explain. LOL
I tried and tried to get him to explain how it was done, but as crazy as that lunatic is, there’s a part of him deep inside somewhere, fighting to hold on to his last bit of sanity, which knew better and was too embarrassed to say.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Uh, then what would you call hiring an ex-spy to get dirt on Trump from the Russians? And what do you call it when certain DOJ-FBI officials used that Russian-provided dirt as a key basis for getting a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page?

And what do you call it when Obama secretly (or so he thought) assured then-Russian president Medvedev that he would be more flexible about missile defense after he won reelection? Hey? What do you call THAT?

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration? Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

If that's your criterion for collusion--simply meeting with Russians to see if they had valid derogatory information on Hillary--then how on earth can you pretend that the DNC and Hillary's paying for and using the Russian-provided Steele dossier was not "collusion"? Hillary and the DNC did not just meet with Russians to see if they had any valid dirt on Trump: they gladly gobbled up any and every lie the Russians told them about Trump, leaked those lies to the media, and then got their buddies in the DOJ and FBI to use those lies to help get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Uh, then what would you call hiring an ex-spy to get dirt on Trump from the Russians? And what do you call it when certain DOJ-FBI officials used that Russian-provided dirt as a key basis for getting a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page?

And what do you call it when Obama secretly (or so he thought) assured then-Russian president Medvedev that he would be more flexible about missile defense after he won reelection? Hey? What do you call THAT?

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration? Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

If that's your criterion for collusion--simply meeting with Russians to see if they had valid derogatory information on Hillary--then how on earth can you pretend that the DNC and Hillary's paying for and using the Russian-provided Steele dossier was not "collusion"? Hillary and the DNC did not just meet with Russians to see if they had any valid dirt on Trump: they gladly gobbled up any and every lie the Russians told them about Trump, leaked those lies to the media, and then got their buddies in the DOJ and FBI to use those lies to help get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page.

When did Britian become a foreign adversary/ And Obama was trying to build relations with Putin and he learned early that he couldn't. But he never groveled at Putin's feet the way that the Orange King has....
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Uh, then what would you call hiring an ex-spy to get dirt on Trump from the Russians?
Please read this very slowly... I am going to do you a favor, here:

There is a world of difference between hiring a pr firm that then hires a foreign citizen to gather raw intelligence and a campaign official meeting directly wth officials of a foreign government for the sole purpose of gaining material support.

You and the other Trumpkins REALLY need to get this through your thick skulls and find another talking point, because this one is going exactly nowhere.

You're welcome.
I am still waiting for one of you lefties to tell us exactly what the Russians did, which votes were affected, how many were affected, in what states, and how they did it.

Talking to a person from a foreign country is not collusion and is not a crime. the Mueller witch hunt has found nothing, except actual collusion by the Hillary campaign in paying for a dossier of lies and then the Obama admin using it fraudulently at the FISA court to get warrants to spy on political enemies during the campaign.

You hand a note to a bank teller demanding money but then you flee because you notice a cop -- according to your idiocy, no crime was committed because the bank robber didn't benefit from the crime.

OK, once again, how exactly did Trump benefit from the Russians posting crap on facebook?

before you try to answer, remember that the Hillary campaign did exactly the same thing but spent millions more on it.

OK, once again, how exactly did Trump benefit from the Russians posting crap on facebook?

He's president, fool.

Listen to his more “LARGER POINT” that President Obama was trying to make and wanted to ensure Trump and the American people of. Then look at the article headline below.

Obama White House Knew of Russian Election Hacking, but Delayed Telling

Why do you believe President Obama responded as he did on the White House lawn?

Because in all intensive purposes everyone, (I mean the media was SOLD on this with all their polling numbers) they honestly believed Hillary would win and no one would be the wiser. If there was another Clinton in the White House, would we EVER know anything about Russia?

Then Hillary lost. You can end it right there, because all these theories and conspiracies are going to hit IMMEDIATELY. Suddenly things didn’t go as planned, the American people didn’t elect a woman. Wait a minute, the Russians were behind this! Even while Hillary contends it was Comey’s fault with the talk of those damn emails again. Today she says “No, It’s the women! Yes they were not strong enough. Listening to their white male husbands, boss, sons, because we all know white males are all republican. See you don’t want to elect her!!! She is a criminal!” - Hillary Clinton’s own words.

What IS rather evident in all this is everyone’s hatred for Trump. Regardless of the facts they want to impeach him, just like Maxine Waters. “Impeach 45!!! Impeach 45!! “

Truth hurts. However there is plenty of evidence out there from the DNC and liberal progressives. All they need to do is drum up a little evidence...

Shall we continue?

Continue what? Your rambling?

If you can’t honestly handle someone throwing a little opposition at THIS point of the discussion, do you honestly think you can handle a real debate? My response was only geared towards those who’s not afraid at all to have their opinions challenged. If you can’t bring your A game, you’re not a challenge for me, move on to a lighter topic that fits your

I seriously doubt you have what it takes.
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Russia probed at least 7 states’ voter systems before the 2016 election

Department of Homeland Security officials confirmed in a June 2017 Senate intelligence hearing that at least 21 states were targeted and hackers had probed their registration systems. Only Illinois election officials testified to a breach — “a malicious cyber-attack of unknown origin” against the Illinois voter registration system that allowed hackers to access 90,000 voter registration records.

Officials with the Department of Homeland Security didn’t elaborate on the other targeted states. Sam Liles, then-acting director of the Cyber Division of the DHS, testified that Russians were testing systems’ vulnerability — which he compared to “someone walking down the street to see if you are home.”

At the same time, Liles conceded that ”a small number of networks were exploited — they made it through the door.” Then, as now, intelligence officials say none of the breaches affected the 2016 vote.

Report: Russia probed at least 7 states’ voter systems before the 2016 election

Why aren't Western sanctions stopping Putin?

"Facing international condemnation and new punitive measures over disrupting Western democracies and suspected of ordering the murder of a defector living in the U.K., Putin nonetheless coasted to a fourth presidential term, earning a congratulatory phone call and an offer of a summit meeting from President Trump."

Thanks for showing Obama and the Russians worked together to attempt to hack US states' election devices / systems......

Has Mueller been made aware of this? (Not that he would care....)

keep dreaming, trumptard.

"no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections." - Barrack Obama October 18, 2016
Russia probed at least 7 states’ voter systems before the 2016 election

Department of Homeland Security officials confirmed in a June 2017 Senate intelligence hearing that at least 21 states were targeted and hackers had probed their registration systems. Only Illinois election officials testified to a breach — “a malicious cyber-attack of unknown origin” against the Illinois voter registration system that allowed hackers to access 90,000 voter registration records.

Officials with the Department of Homeland Security didn’t elaborate on the other targeted states. Sam Liles, then-acting director of the Cyber Division of the DHS, testified that Russians were testing systems’ vulnerability — which he compared to “someone walking down the street to see if you are home.”

At the same time, Liles conceded that ”a small number of networks were exploited — they made it through the door.” Then, as now, intelligence officials say none of the breaches affected the 2016 vote.

Report: Russia probed at least 7 states’ voter systems before the 2016 election

Why aren't Western sanctions stopping Putin?

"Facing international condemnation and new punitive measures over disrupting Western democracies and suspected of ordering the murder of a defector living in the U.K., Putin nonetheless coasted to a fourth presidential term, earning a congratulatory phone call and an offer of a summit meeting from President Trump."

Thanks for showing Obama and the Russians worked together to attempt to hack US states' election devices / systems......

Has Mueller been made aware of this? (Not that he would care....)

keep dreaming, trumptard.

"no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections." - Barrack Obama October 18, 2016
Of course, as anyone with the correct number of chromosomes knows, he was referring to physically changing vote totals.
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