Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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While Putin is a murdering thug...he brilliantly elected his Stooge into the White House.
....squawks the Partisan Parrot, repeating the liberal mantra spewed by his masters, while having no more evidence to support the meaningless (to him) he repeats as his masters to.

Putin is brilliant...compared to snowflakes....which is why he was successful in using PsyOps programs to get so many to organize and march for him / Russia, which is why he successfully paid emotional, butt-hurt LIBERAL snowflake groups like BLM, Antifa, and the Black Fist to take cash from Russia to spread racial division and hatred, and which is why Russia still has butt-hurt snowflakes so emotionally bat-shit crazy that they refuse to accept the outcome of the election and still dividing this country with its witch hunt.

Without even knowing it, snowflakes are working for Putin, still carrying out his operation to divide America.
Poor liberal snowflakes. LOL! Where else can you find entertainment this good for free?


The literary equivalent of watching them slip on a banana peel.
Uhh...that wasn't a banana peel. What was it, you ask? Use your immagination.

More like stepped in one of Ruth Bader Ginsburgs opinions (the equivalent of goose crap).

May she die soon.
Elitist Liberals who are escorted by armed bodyguards and who live behind tall, well-protected security fences / walls, isolated from the 'real world', all seem to know more / better about the 'real world', how to run it better, how to spend YOUR money better, etc....
Elitist Liberals who are escorted by armed bodyguards and who live behind tall, well-protected security fences / walls, isolated from the 'real world', all seem to know more / better about the 'real world', how to run it better, how to spend YOUR money better, etc....
In other words, they're blithering idiots. Not sure what blithering means, but it sounds good. I should probably look up the definition.
OK, once again, how exactly did Trump benefit from the Russians posting crap on facebook?

before you try to answer, remember that the Hillary campaign did exactly the same thing but spent millions more on it.

OK, once again, how exactly did Trump benefit from the Russians posting crap on facebook?

He's president, fool.

Listen to his more “LARGER POINT” that President Obama was trying to make and wanted to ensure Trump and the American people of. Then look at the article headline below.

Obama White House Knew of Russian Election Hacking, but Delayed Telling

Why do you believe President Obama responded as he did on the White House lawn?

Because in all intensive purposes everyone, (I mean the media was SOLD on this with all their polling numbers) they honestly believed Hillary would win and no one would be the wiser. If there was another Clinton in the White House, would we EVER know anything about Russia?

Then Hillary lost. You can end it right there, because all these theories and conspiracies are going to hit IMMEDIATELY. Suddenly things didn’t go as planned, the American people didn’t elect a woman. Wait a minute, the Russians were behind this! Even while Hillary contends it was Comey’s fault with the talk of those damn emails again. Today she says “No, It’s the women! Yes they were not strong enough. Listening to their white male husbands, boss, sons, because we all know white males are all republican. See you don’t want to elect her!!! She is a criminal!” - Hillary Clinton’s own words.

What IS rather evident in all this is everyone’s hatred for Trump. Regardless of the facts they want to impeach him, just like Maxine Waters. “Impeach 45!!! Impeach 45!! “

Truth hurts. However there is plenty of evidence out there from the DNC and liberal progressives. All they need to do is drum up a little evidence...

Shall we continue?

Continue what? Your rambling?

If you can’t honestly handle someone throwing a little opposition at THIS point of the discussion, do you honestly think you can handle a real debate? My response was only geared towards those who’s not afraid at all to have their opinions challenged. If you can’t bring your A game, you’re not a challenge for me, move on to a lighter topic that fits your

I seriously doubt you have what it takes.

You can't dump convoluted conspiracies on the table and talk about a "real debate" at the same time. You're simply rehashing the same tired narratives as everyone else.

This has not a damn thing to do with a hatred of Trump.

of course it does, that's all it has to do with. You and your kind hate Trump because he beat your beloved crooked Hillary. Admit it, that's all this is about.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

On the other hand, Hillary buying for fake dirt on Trump from Russia doesn't make you blink.

Sniff. Sniff sniff. What is that? OMG, it reeks. It's ... hypocrisy!

Whew, you need to open a window before you fire one of those off. Better yet, go outside
No, it's evidence of a gullible idiot.
Sure and it only took 80k gullible idiots to win Trump the EC.

Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

Who read and believed the fake news Russia used to elect him...

They also listened to what he said, what Hillary said and decided they wanted her less than they wanted him. A few Facebook posts didn't change their minds.

Trump won three key states, (46 electoral votes),by only 80k votes. That's only one district per state.

It would only take a very small percentage of those exposed to Russian propoganda who believed it and voted accordinly to acheive those results.

Russian propaganda on facebook was both pro Trump and pro Hillary, as well as anti Trump and anti Hillary.

What the Russians wanted to do is get us all screaming at each other and not working together--------------because of fools like you and the stupid media pukes, they succeeded.
They did not change the results...but they did distribute enough fake negative news about Hillary to sway public opinion. I had a long time Democrat tell me he couldn't support Hillary cause he "read" over 80% of the donations to the Clinton Foundation went directly to Bill and Hillary.

I told him that was a lie....but he stuck with the fake news. That is a example if Russian tampering.

No, it's evidence of a gullible idiot.
Sure and it only took 80k gullible idiots to win Trump the EC.

Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

I knew it would be too complex a thought for you.

And I STILL elevated the level of complexity.

Quite the opposite, dope. :laugh2:
He's president, fool.

Listen to his more “LARGER POINT” that President Obama was trying to make and wanted to ensure Trump and the American people of. Then look at the article headline below.

Obama White House Knew of Russian Election Hacking, but Delayed Telling

Why do you believe President Obama responded as he did on the White House lawn?

Because in all intensive purposes everyone, (I mean the media was SOLD on this with all their polling numbers) they honestly believed Hillary would win and no one would be the wiser. If there was another Clinton in the White House, would we EVER know anything about Russia?

Then Hillary lost. You can end it right there, because all these theories and conspiracies are going to hit IMMEDIATELY. Suddenly things didn’t go as planned, the American people didn’t elect a woman. Wait a minute, the Russians were behind this! Even while Hillary contends it was Comey’s fault with the talk of those damn emails again. Today she says “No, It’s the women! Yes they were not strong enough. Listening to their white male husbands, boss, sons, because we all know white males are all republican. See you don’t want to elect her!!! She is a criminal!” - Hillary Clinton’s own words.

What IS rather evident in all this is everyone’s hatred for Trump. Regardless of the facts they want to impeach him, just like Maxine Waters. “Impeach 45!!! Impeach 45!! “

Truth hurts. However there is plenty of evidence out there from the DNC and liberal progressives. All they need to do is drum up a little evidence...

Shall we continue?

Continue what? Your rambling?

If you can’t honestly handle someone throwing a little opposition at THIS point of the discussion, do you honestly think you can handle a real debate? My response was only geared towards those who’s not afraid at all to have their opinions challenged. If you can’t bring your A game, you’re not a challenge for me, move on to a lighter topic that fits your

I seriously doubt you have what it takes.

You can't dump convoluted conspiracies on the table and talk about a "real debate" at the same time. You're simply rehashing the same tired narratives as everyone else.

This has not a damn thing to do with a hatred of Trump.

of course it does, that's all it has to do with. You and your kind hate Trump because he beat your beloved crooked Hillary. Admit it, that's all this is about.

Sure and it only took 80k gullible idiots to win Trump the EC.

Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

Who read and believed the fake news Russia used to elect him...

They also listened to what he said, what Hillary said and decided they wanted her less than they wanted him. A few Facebook posts didn't change their minds.

Trump won three key states, (46 electoral votes),by only 80k votes. That's only one district per state.

It would only take a very small percentage of those exposed to Russian propoganda who believed it and voted accordinly to acheive those results.

Russian propaganda on facebook was both pro Trump and pro Hillary, as well as anti Trump and anti Hillary.

What the Russians wanted to do is get us all screaming at each other and not working together--------------because of fools like you and the stupid media pukes, they succeeded.
Put is simply taking advantage of our public education system. Can you blame him?
Sure and it only took 80k gullible idiots to win Trump the EC.

Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

Who read and believed the fake news Russia used to elect him...

They also listened to what he said, what Hillary said and decided they wanted her less than they wanted him. A few Facebook posts didn't change their minds.

Trump won three key states, (46 electoral votes),by only 80k votes. That's only one district per state.

It would only take a very small percentage of those exposed to Russian propoganda who believed it and voted accordinly to acheive those results.

Russian propaganda on facebook was both pro Trump and pro Hillary, as well as anti Trump and anti Hillary.

What the Russians wanted to do is get us all screaming at each other and not working together--------------because of fools like you and the stupid media pukes, they succeeded.

It was most decidedly anti-clinton. That really doesn't matter though. What matters is, you dopes don't see that as a problem at all.
Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

Who read and believed the fake news Russia used to elect him...

They also listened to what he said, what Hillary said and decided they wanted her less than they wanted him. A few Facebook posts didn't change their minds.

Trump won three key states, (46 electoral votes),by only 80k votes. That's only one district per state.

It would only take a very small percentage of those exposed to Russian propoganda who believed it and voted accordinly to acheive those results.

Russian propaganda on facebook was both pro Trump and pro Hillary, as well as anti Trump and anti Hillary.

What the Russians wanted to do is get us all screaming at each other and not working together--------------because of fools like you and the stupid media pukes, they succeeded.

It was most decidedly anti-clinton. That really doesn't matter though. What matters is, you dopes don't see that as a problem at all.

Of course its a problem and we need to prevent it in the future. But you lose all credibility when you pretend that it was collusion by either side. the Russians succeeded in dividing us and taking us away from the real issues. They outsmarted us, that is the bottom line.
He's president, fool.

Listen to his more “LARGER POINT” that President Obama was trying to make and wanted to ensure Trump and the American people of. Then look at the article headline below.

Obama White House Knew of Russian Election Hacking, but Delayed Telling

Why do you believe President Obama responded as he did on the White House lawn?

Because in all intensive purposes everyone, (I mean the media was SOLD on this with all their polling numbers) they honestly believed Hillary would win and no one would be the wiser. If there was another Clinton in the White House, would we EVER know anything about Russia?

Then Hillary lost. You can end it right there, because all these theories and conspiracies are going to hit IMMEDIATELY. Suddenly things didn’t go as planned, the American people didn’t elect a woman. Wait a minute, the Russians were behind this! Even while Hillary contends it was Comey’s fault with the talk of those damn emails again. Today she says “No, It’s the women! Yes they were not strong enough. Listening to their white male husbands, boss, sons, because we all know white males are all republican. See you don’t want to elect her!!! She is a criminal!” - Hillary Clinton’s own words.

What IS rather evident in all this is everyone’s hatred for Trump. Regardless of the facts they want to impeach him, just like Maxine Waters. “Impeach 45!!! Impeach 45!! “

Truth hurts. However there is plenty of evidence out there from the DNC and liberal progressives. All they need to do is drum up a little evidence...

Shall we continue?

Continue what? Your rambling?

If you can’t honestly handle someone throwing a little opposition at THIS point of the discussion, do you honestly think you can handle a real debate? My response was only geared towards those who’s not afraid at all to have their opinions challenged. If you can’t bring your A game, you’re not a challenge for me, move on to a lighter topic that fits your

I seriously doubt you have what it takes.

You can't dump convoluted conspiracies on the table and talk about a "real debate" at the same time. You're simply rehashing the same tired narratives as everyone else.

This has not a damn thing to do with a hatred of Trump.

of course it does, that's all it has to do with. You and your kind hate Trump because he beat your beloved crooked Hillary. Admit it, that's all this is about.

You know that was a Russian narrative, don't you? You know, the kind they used to get us at each other?

But it had no effect at all. :laugh2:
Who read and believed the fake news Russia used to elect him...

They also listened to what he said, what Hillary said and decided they wanted her less than they wanted him. A few Facebook posts didn't change their minds.

Trump won three key states, (46 electoral votes),by only 80k votes. That's only one district per state.

It would only take a very small percentage of those exposed to Russian propoganda who believed it and voted accordinly to acheive those results.

Russian propaganda on facebook was both pro Trump and pro Hillary, as well as anti Trump and anti Hillary.

What the Russians wanted to do is get us all screaming at each other and not working together--------------because of fools like you and the stupid media pukes, they succeeded.

It was most decidedly anti-clinton. That really doesn't matter though. What matters is, you dopes don't see that as a problem at all.

Of course its a problem and we need to prevent it in the future. But you lose all credibility when you pretend that it was collusion by either side. the Russians succeeded in dividing us and taking us away from the real issues. They outsmarted us, that is the bottom line.

I've lost no credibility as it hasn't been confirmed either way. No, they've outsmarted you, fool. While their narratives may not have changed your vote, you certainly believe quite a few of them.

Listen to his more “LARGER POINT” that President Obama was trying to make and wanted to ensure Trump and the American people of. Then look at the article headline below.

Obama White House Knew of Russian Election Hacking, but Delayed Telling

Why do you believe President Obama responded as he did on the White House lawn?

Because in all intensive purposes everyone, (I mean the media was SOLD on this with all their polling numbers) they honestly believed Hillary would win and no one would be the wiser. If there was another Clinton in the White House, would we EVER know anything about Russia?

Then Hillary lost. You can end it right there, because all these theories and conspiracies are going to hit IMMEDIATELY. Suddenly things didn’t go as planned, the American people didn’t elect a woman. Wait a minute, the Russians were behind this! Even while Hillary contends it was Comey’s fault with the talk of those damn emails again. Today she says “No, It’s the women! Yes they were not strong enough. Listening to their white male husbands, boss, sons, because we all know white males are all republican. See you don’t want to elect her!!! She is a criminal!” - Hillary Clinton’s own words.

What IS rather evident in all this is everyone’s hatred for Trump. Regardless of the facts they want to impeach him, just like Maxine Waters. “Impeach 45!!! Impeach 45!! “

Truth hurts. However there is plenty of evidence out there from the DNC and liberal progressives. All they need to do is drum up a little evidence...

Shall we continue?

Continue what? Your rambling?

If you can’t honestly handle someone throwing a little opposition at THIS point of the discussion, do you honestly think you can handle a real debate? My response was only geared towards those who’s not afraid at all to have their opinions challenged. If you can’t bring your A game, you’re not a challenge for me, move on to a lighter topic that fits your

I seriously doubt you have what it takes.

You can't dump convoluted conspiracies on the table and talk about a "real debate" at the same time. You're simply rehashing the same tired narratives as everyone else.

This has not a damn thing to do with a hatred of Trump.

of course it does, that's all it has to do with. You and your kind hate Trump because he beat your beloved crooked Hillary. Admit it, that's all this is about.

You know that was a Russian narrative, don't you? You know, the kind they used to get us at each other?

But it had no effect at all. :laugh2:

no, actually it was, and is, a dem lib narrative. You fools were so sure that crooked Hillary was going to win that you cannot wrap your little brains around the fact that the America voters rejected her. the result had nothing to do with the Russians, Hillary lost because she is a liar, a criminal, a terrible candidate, mean, old, sick, and bitchy, and she continues to display those characteristics today as she blames everyone but herself for her pathetic showing.
Sure and it only took 80k gullible idiots to win Trump the EC.

Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

Who read and believed the fake news Russia used to elect him...

They also listened to what he said, what Hillary said and decided they wanted her less than they wanted him. A few Facebook posts didn't change their minds.

Trump won three key states, (46 electoral votes),by only 80k votes. That's only one district per state.

It would only take a very small percentage of those exposed to Russian propoganda who believed it and voted accordinly to acheive those results.

Russian propaganda on facebook was both pro Trump and pro Hillary, as well as anti Trump and anti Hillary.

What the Russians wanted to do is get us all screaming at each other and not working together--------------because of fools like you and the stupid media pukes, they succeeded.
^^^ a post dripping with irony
Sure and it only took 80k gullible idiots to win Trump the EC.

Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

Who read and believed the fake news Russia used to elect him...

They also listened to what he said, what Hillary said and decided they wanted her less than they wanted him. A few Facebook posts didn't change their minds.

Trump won three key states, (46 electoral votes),by only 80k votes. That's only one district per state.

It would only take a very small percentage of those exposed to Russian propoganda who believed it and voted accordinly to acheive those results.

Russian propaganda on facebook was both pro Trump and pro Hillary, as well as anti Trump and anti Hillary.

What the Russians wanted to do is get us all screaming at each other and not working together--------------because of fools like you and the stupid media pukes, they succeeded.
Yes thats part of what they wanted. But more importantly, they wanted a president they could control to their advantage.
But their propaganda was not pro hillary. It was only pro Trump mostly, and pro bernie sanders when he was running
They also listened to what he said, what Hillary said and decided they wanted her less than they wanted him. A few Facebook posts didn't change their minds.

Trump won three key states, (46 electoral votes),by only 80k votes. That's only one district per state.

It would only take a very small percentage of those exposed to Russian propoganda who believed it and voted accordinly to acheive those results.

Russian propaganda on facebook was both pro Trump and pro Hillary, as well as anti Trump and anti Hillary.

What the Russians wanted to do is get us all screaming at each other and not working together--------------because of fools like you and the stupid media pukes, they succeeded.

It was most decidedly anti-clinton. That really doesn't matter though. What matters is, you dopes don't see that as a problem at all.

Of course its a problem and we need to prevent it in the future. But you lose all credibility when you pretend that it was collusion by either side. the Russians succeeded in dividing us and taking us away from the real issues. They outsmarted us, that is the bottom line.

I've lost no credibility as it hasn't been confirmed either way. No, they've outsmarted you, fool. While their narratives may not have changed your vote, you certainly believe quite a few of them.

I believe that the American people chose Trump. He is doing a good job as president in spite of the lies being spread by the media and the dems. THAT is what really scares you guys, that he is succeeding and fixing the mess created by years of liberal policies by both parties.
Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

Who read and believed the fake news Russia used to elect him...

They also listened to what he said, what Hillary said and decided they wanted her less than they wanted him. A few Facebook posts didn't change their minds.

Trump won three key states, (46 electoral votes),by only 80k votes. That's only one district per state.

It would only take a very small percentage of those exposed to Russian propoganda who believed it and voted accordinly to acheive those results.

Russian propaganda on facebook was both pro Trump and pro Hillary, as well as anti Trump and anti Hillary.

What the Russians wanted to do is get us all screaming at each other and not working together--------------because of fools like you and the stupid media pukes, they succeeded.
Yes thats part of what they wanted. But more importantly, they wanted a president they could control to their advantage.
But their propaganda was not pro hillary. It was only pro Trump mostly, and pro bernie sanders when he was running

if they wanted a president they could control, they would have chosen Hillary, they had tons of material on her and bubba that they could use to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted. They had 30,000 of her emails, did you forget that?

they had nothing on trump, and they still don't.
Sure and it only took 80k gullible idiots to win Trump the EC.

Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

Who read and believed the fake news Russia used to elect him...

They also listened to what he said, what Hillary said and decided they wanted her less than they wanted him. A few Facebook posts didn't change their minds.

Trump won three key states, (46 electoral votes),by only 80k votes. That's only one district per state.

It would only take a very small percentage of those exposed to Russian propoganda who believed it and voted accordinly to acheive those results.

Russian propaganda on facebook was both pro Trump and pro Hillary, as well as anti Trump and anti Hillary.

What the Russians wanted to do is get us all screaming at each other and not working together--------------because of fools like you and the stupid media pukes, they succeeded.

All intelligence agencies came to the conclusion that Russia overwhelmingly supported trump with fake ads damaging Hillary....nice try though.
No, it's evidence of a gullible idiot.
Sure and it only took 80k gullible idiots to win Trump the EC.

Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

I knew it would be too complex a thought for you.

And I STILL elevated the level of complexity.

Quite the opposite, dope. :laugh2:

Perhaps it was too complex a thought for you.
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