Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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Putin wanted trump....

Please, finally, put up the undeniable evidence to support this claim....

...or do us all a favor and STFU.

1 years is the statue limitation for 'Sore-Loser, Butt-Hurt, Hate-Driven , Election Result Denial'....Your time is up.

Clinton was investigated for five years...4 more to go for Putin's Boy...
Clinton was investigated for five years...4 more to go for Putin's Boy...

There was a crime that warranted an investigation...there was never one proven regarding Trump warranting a witch Hunt.
Investigations of the Clintons, like with Whitewater, resulted in the imprisonment of just about everyone BUT the Clintons, who - as usual - were protected.

Evidence shows the only reason Hillary is not in jail today is because of Barry, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, etc...

So AGAIN put up the undeniable evidence to support your claim....

...or do us all a favor and STFU.
Putin wanted trump....

Please, finally, put up the undeniable evidence to support this claim....

...or do us all a favor and STFU.

1 years is the statue limitation for 'Sore-Loser, Butt-Hurt, Hate-Driven , Election Result Denial'....Your time is up.

Clinton was investigated for five years...4 more to go for Putin's Boy...

Clinton would not have been investigated for 5 years OR impeached if his Attorney General, Janet Reno, had not asked Starr to expand his investigation
Putin wanted trump....

Please, finally, put up the undeniable evidence to support this claim....

...or do us all a favor and STFU.

1 years is the statue limitation for 'Sore-Loser, Butt-Hurt, Hate-Driven , Election Result Denial'....Your time is up.

Clinton was investigated for five years...4 more to go for Putin's Boy...

Clinton would not have been investigated for 5 years OR impeached if his Attorney General, Janet Reno, had not asked Starr to expand his investigation

So....the Russian investigation makes Whitewater look like child's play.

Unless the jolly orange dictator fires Mueller....the Criminal in Chief will go down.

Dowd has resigned and Joe Digenova is obviously winning in the WH. Remember him? He was a conspiracy theorist from way back. He also was an OJ Simpson supporter.

Now he has another criminal to defend....he is going from black to orange....
Clinton would not have been investigated for 5 years OR impeached if his Attorney General, Janet Reno, had not asked Starr to expand his investigation
Janet Reno....the woman who had a little illegal boy who made it to his family in the US seized at gunpoint in the middle of the night and deported to Cuba...the woman who caused the deaths of women and children in Waco, storming the compound, starting the fire that burned them alive, because they were such a threat to this country they had to be taken THAT MOMENT with her 'army'.




'Ummm....Janet...why'd ya need TANKS
against women and children?'
[QUOTE="JimH52, post: 19558777, member: 6882"So....the Russian investigation makes Whitewater look like child's play.[/QUOTE]
There was an actual CRIME in Whitewater.
There was actual EVIDENCE in Whitewater.
There was actually convictions based on that evidence.
Mueller has none.
You have none.
Clinton would not have been investigated for 5 years OR impeached if his Attorney General, Janet Reno, had not asked Starr to expand his investigation
Janet Reno....the woman who had a little illegal boy who made it to his family in the US seized at gunpoint in the middle of the night and deported to Cuba...the woman who caused the deaths of women and children in Waco, storming the compound, starting the fire that burned them alive, because they were such a threat to this country they had to be taken THAT MOMENT with her 'army'.


View attachment 184055

View attachment 184056
'Ummm....Janet...why'd ya need TANKS
against women and children?'

[QUOTE="JimH52, post: 19558777, member: 6882"So....the Russian investigation makes Whitewater look like child's play.
There was an actual CRIME in Whitewater.
There was actual EVIDENCE in Whitewater.
There was actually convictions based on that evidence.
Mueller has none.
You have none.[/QUOTE]

He is surrounding the orange clown...
Clinton would not have been investigated for 5 years OR impeached if his Attorney General, Janet Reno, had not asked Starr to expand his investigation
Janet Reno....the woman who had a little illegal boy who made it to his family in the US seized at gunpoint in the middle of the night and deported to Cuba...the woman who caused the deaths of women and children in Waco, storming the compound, starting the fire that burned them alive, because they were such a threat to this country they had to be taken THAT MOMENT with her 'army'.


View attachment 184055

View attachment 184056
'Ummm....Janet...why'd ya need TANKS
against women and children?'

I am not the one who brought Reno up, snowflake. I just reminded people what scumbags work for Liberal presidents.....
He is surrounding the orange clown...
Mueller has no evidence.
You have no evidence.
You constantly remind everyone of that every time you post.
AGAIN, post some evidence or STFU already.....your constant BS posts is like the sound of a mosquito you can't see in your ear....
Clinton would not have been investigated for 5 years OR impeached if his Attorney General, Janet Reno, had not asked Starr to expand his investigation
Janet Reno....the woman who had a little illegal boy who made it to his family in the US seized at gunpoint in the middle of the night and deported to Cuba...the woman who caused the deaths of women and children in Waco, storming the compound, starting the fire that burned them alive, because they were such a threat to this country they had to be taken THAT MOMENT with her 'army'.


View attachment 184055

View attachment 184056
'Ummm....Janet...why'd ya need TANKS
against women and children?'


Sounds like the Mueller investigation
Clinton was investigated for five years...4 more to go for Putin's Boy...

There was a crime that warranted an investigation...there was never one proven regarding Trump warranting a witch Hunt.
Investigations of the Clintons, like with Whitewater, resulted in the imprisonment of just about everyone BUT the Clintons, who - as usual - were protected.

Evidence shows the only reason Hillary is not in jail today is because of Barry, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, etc...

So AGAIN put up the undeniable evidence to support your claim....

...or do us all a favor and STFU.

If Trump doesn't want a witch hunt, he should stop being a witch.
Putin wanted trump....

Please, finally, put up the undeniable evidence to support this claim....

...or do us all a favor and STFU.

1 years is the statue limitation for 'Sore-Loser, Butt-Hurt, Hate-Driven , Election Result Denial'....Your time is up.

1 years? Statue? Yeah, you're a Trumper alright.
For you, since you are an extra special butt-hurt loser, we will make an exception. You can have an extra 3 months to piss and moan before you need to finally accept the outcome of the 2016 election....

[QUOTE="JimH52, post: 19558777, member: 6882"So....the Russian investigation makes Whitewater look like child's play.
There was an actual CRIME in Whitewater.
There was actual EVIDENCE in Whitewater.
There was actually convictions based on that evidence.
Mueller has none.
You have none.

He is surrounding the orange clown...[/QUOTE]

Keep the faith.
But he DID collude! He had to! If he didn't, then all this hate, angst and loss of sanity was for nothing and we'll have to find something else to wail about.

Anybody find anything about his wife? Maybe if everyone is really obnoxious about her, it'll put Hillary in the White House and she won't even need a visitor's badge.

Continue what? Your rambling?

If you can’t honestly handle someone throwing a little opposition at THIS point of the discussion, do you honestly think you can handle a real debate? My response was only geared towards those who’s not afraid at all to have their opinions challenged. If you can’t bring your A game, you’re not a challenge for me, move on to a lighter topic that fits your

I seriously doubt you have what it takes.

You can't dump convoluted conspiracies on the table and talk about a "real debate" at the same time. You're simply rehashing the same tired narratives as everyone else.

This has not a damn thing to do with a hatred of Trump.

of course it does, that's all it has to do with. You and your kind hate Trump because he beat your beloved crooked Hillary. Admit it, that's all this is about.

You know that was a Russian narrative, don't you? You know, the kind they used to get us at each other?

But it had no effect at all. :laugh2:

no, actually it was, and is, a dem lib narrative. You fools were so sure that crooked Hillary was going to win that you cannot wrap your little brains around the fact that the America voters rejected her. the result had nothing to do with the Russians, Hillary lost because she is a liar, a criminal, a terrible candidate, mean, old, sick, and bitchy, and she continues to display those characteristics today as she blames everyone but herself for her pathetic showing.
no, actually it was, and is, a dem lib narrative.

You're the one who used it, dope. I've never seen anyone but your ilk use it.
Sure and it only took 80k gullible idiots to win Trump the EC.

Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

I knew it would be too complex a thought for you.

And I STILL elevated the level of complexity.

Quite the opposite, dope. :laugh2:

Perhaps it was too complex a thought for you.

More like you're hopelessly lost. Millions did vote for him but it was those 80k that made the difference.
Who read and believed the fake news Russia used to elect him...

They also listened to what he said, what Hillary said and decided they wanted her less than they wanted him. A few Facebook posts didn't change their minds.

Trump won three key states, (46 electoral votes),by only 80k votes. That's only one district per state.

It would only take a very small percentage of those exposed to Russian propoganda who believed it and voted accordinly to acheive those results.

Russian propaganda on facebook was both pro Trump and pro Hillary, as well as anti Trump and anti Hillary.

What the Russians wanted to do is get us all screaming at each other and not working together--------------because of fools like you and the stupid media pukes, they succeeded.

It was most decidedly anti-clinton. That really doesn't matter though. What matters is, you dopes don't see that as a problem at all.

If Facebook makes you decide how to vote, you shouldn't be voting.

I wouldn't disagree but that changes nothing.
Well, them combined with millions of very smart people who also voted for him.

I knew it would be too complex a thought for you.

And I STILL elevated the level of complexity.

Quite the opposite, dope. :laugh2:

Perhaps it was too complex a thought for you.

More like you're hopelessly lost. Millions did vote for him but it was those 80k that made the difference.

Yeah, it was close. Yippee skippee. You are arbitrarily choosing one group of people and assigning to them a special status, when in reality it was the totality of the voters in those states that made the difference and defeated Hillary. Think of it. It was ALL those voters, young, old, black, white, Hispanic, gun owners, gun haters, voters who voted and those who refused to vote that all combined to deny Hillary her throne.

Good job everyone.
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