Trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway says Trump supporters are downright nasty and skeeze

Anyone with a brain knows that his supporters are nasty and violent.

Really who burned down Ferguson asshole?
Black people, who are only Dem because they know where all the racists
Everyone knows all the racists are at the democrat party of the kkk......
When you say things like that, everyone knows what a total idiot you are.
Trump's got the pissed off white guy vote in the bag.

I find it funny that uneducated males feel that they know what is right for this country but everyone else disagrees with them. lol

Being like HItler and screaming about shit isn't sane.

I find it scary that people think 'uneducated' shouldn't participate in deciding how this country should be ran. Do you support democracy?

Good grief. The same people who think asking for voter ID is a sin now want a freaking Masters degree to vote.
Anyone with a brain knows that his supporters are nasty and violent.

Really who burned down Ferguson asshole?
Black people, who are only Dem because they know where all the racists
Everyone knows all the racists are at the democrat party of the kkk......
When you say things like that, everyone knows what a total idiot you are.

The Democrats begat the KKK. FACT.
Trump's got the pissed off white guy vote in the bag.

I find it funny that uneducated males feel that they know what is right for this country but everyone else disagrees with them. lol

Being like HItler and screaming about shit isn't sane.
Just a day or two ago, Lindsey Graham compared Trump to Hitler. Even his own people, conservatives/Republicans think he is a sleeze.

And yet Lindsey had not a problem embracing the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt that killed Christians and burned down churches in the blink of an eye.

Remember? Graham and McCain like good little lapdogs for Obama running to Egypt to plead Morsi's case for Bam Bam?

So little Lindsey is worried about Trump? Good.

Message to Trump. Give Graham a one way ticket to Egypt now. They'd love to put him behind bars for all the shit that happened when Obama took out Mubarak.
Anyone with a brain knows that his supporters are nasty and violent.

Really who burned down Ferguson asshole?
Black people, who are only Dem because they know where all the racists
Everyone knows all the racists are at the democrat party of the kkk......
When you say things like that, everyone knows what a total idiot you are.

The Democrats begat the KKK. FACT.

Those Democrats also 'begat' the modern Republican Party.
Trump's got the pissed off white guy vote in the bag.

I find it funny that uneducated males feel that they know what is right for this country but everyone else disagrees with them. lol

Being like HItler and screaming about shit isn't sane.
Just a day or two ago, Lindsey Graham compared Trump to Hitler. Even his own people, conservatives/Republicans think he is a sleeze.

And yet Lindsey had not a problem embracing the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt that killed Christians and burned down churches in the blink of an eye.

Remember? Graham and McCain like good little lapdogs for Obama running to Egypt to plead Morsi's case for Bam Bam?

So little Lindsey is worried about Trump? Good.

Message to Trump. Give Graham a one way ticket to Egypt now. They'd love to put him behind bars for all the shit that happened when Obama took out Mubarak.
Lindsey seems to have a great deal more common sense than you. And cares a great deal more about the security and health of this country.
Really who burned down Ferguson asshole?
Black people, who are only Dem because they know where all the racists
Everyone knows all the racists are at the democrat party of the kkk......
When you say things like that, everyone knows what a total idiot you are.

The Democrats begat the KKK. FACT.

Those Democrats also 'begat' the modern Republican Party.
That's a stupid leftist lie. Go ahead and try to back it up, I'll wait.

Only a libtard could believe it, Democrats decided to become Republicans and Republicans decided to become Democrats? It makes no sense and the the record only show a few changing sides, like today.
Really who burned down Ferguson asshole?
Black people, who are only Dem because they know where all the racists
Everyone knows all the racists are at the democrat party of the kkk......
When you say things like that, everyone knows what a total idiot you are.

The Democrats begat the KKK. FACT.

Those Democrats also 'begat' the modern Republican Party.
So proud of your party's kkk history you klansmen are....

Interesting. Has anyone found any incidents where Trump supporters are stealing or defacing Clinton for President signs planted in the homes of private citizens? Any incidents where Trump supporters are harassing and assaulting Clinton supporters entering and leaving Clinton rallies? How about Trump supporters violating "get out the vote" campaigns where it is illegal to push or promote a candidate or party?

These are pretty nasty tactics. Yet, we only see Democrats and Clinton supporters engaged in these activities. If Conservatives and otherwise Trump supporters are engaging in similar incidents, by all means, do tell.
Interesting. Has anyone found any incidents where Trump supporters are stealing or defacing Clinton for President signs planted in the homes of private citizens? Any incidents where Trump supporters are harassing and assaulting Clinton supporters entering and leaving Clinton rallies? How about Trump supporters violating "get out the vote" campaigns where it is illegal to push or promote a candidate or party?

These are pretty nasty tactics. Yet, we only see Democrats and Clinton supporters engaged in these activities. If Conservatives and otherwise Trump supporters are engaging in similar incidents, by all means, do tell.
Yep, noboday dares put a Trump sign up around here in Libville USA, ALTHOUGH I get a laugh everytime I pass by a nearby excavator with a huge Trump sign on it's massive bucket, left hoisted way up in the air. I guess no wienie libtards can reach it with eggs or anything.

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