Trump Campaign Paid Researchers To Prove 2020 Fraud But Kept Findings Secret

So, the Traitor won 2,497 Counties. Prove it. Also, as far as I know there are more than 2,497 Counties in the United States. Post your proof. NOT second and third hand hearsay NOT from some Reich Wing Bullshit site. Legal, verifiable proof.
Take an early Nappy ... Junior.On yer widdle soft blanket
and make sure to finish the box of animal crackers
and kiddie-sized orange drink first.
I'm so tired of you blatant Leftist punk believers in all things
that make no sense and never add up.
Take an early Nappy ... Junior.On yer widdle soft blanket
and make sure to finish the box of animal crackers
and kiddie-sized orange drink first.
I'm so tired of you blatant Leftist punk believers in all things
that make no sense and never add up.

I asked a legitimate question, and you respond with gibberish.
Tucker Carlson Privately Called Trump, 'A Demonic Force, A Destroyer': Court Filing.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson called then-President Donald Trumpa demonic force” and “a destroyer” in a text to his producer after thousands of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

But he’s not going to destroy us,” Carlson added in the text, revealed in a court filing Thursday that lays out how Fox News knowingly spread election lies.

The 192-page filing, part of an ongoing $1.6 billion defamation suit against Fox News by Dominion Voting Systems, reveals private messages between several network hosts and employees, as well as Fox media mogul Rupert Murdoch.
Tucker Carlson Privately Called Trump, 'A Demonic Force, A Destroyer': Court Filing.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson called then-President Donald Trumpa demonic force” and “a destroyer” in a text to his producer after thousands of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

But he’s not going to destroy us,” Carlson added in the text, revealed in a court filing Thursday that lays out how Fox News knowingly spread election lies.

The 192-page filing, part of an ongoing $1.6 billion defamation suit against Fox News by Dominion Voting Systems, reveals private messages between several network hosts and employees, as well as Fox media mogul Rupert Murdoch.
Fox filed a counter suit.

Huffpo??? Really?
I asked a legitimate question, and you respond with gibberish.
The Dinesh D'Souza documentary :
- 2000 Mules - which took time to make due to having
FOSIA style permission to have a few states hand over their
mandated closed circuit camera coverage of Drop Box locations.
States are required to use Video Surveillance of drop boxes.
But many like Georgia didn't.Plus the Georgia ballot rejection rate
was way lower than normal.Like around under 1 % vs. 2-3 %.
There was a massive dump of ballots in select states.
Precincts in Philly where more people voted
than registered to vote.Philly known for election fraud.
1.4 Million Absentee ballots were mailed out in Penna. and
2.2 Million came in.
- 2000 Mules - Proved that Mules were paid to collect and
drop off ballots.Often in the dead of night.Like 3 am.Since
only one or two ballots could be dropped at a time.Drop boxes
are not constructed for multiple election envelopes to be placed
at a time.
Fox filed a counter suit.

Huffpo??? Really?
How Ironic.That the origins of the Huffington go back to Web
saavy Andrew Breitbart and his hookup with Arianna Huffington who
asked him for help in developing a Web platform.
Breitbart was a Genius at being a political observer.
Charlie Kirk being the current latter-day version of Andrew.
Breitbart got himself in trouble by bragging that
he had a bombshell Video showing the Real Barack Obama in
action.It showed where Barack Obama with an afro was holding a
Harvard Student Rally/Protest concerning Tenure being denied to
his Mentor { Derrick Bell } who was teaching at Harvard.Bell was a big
proponent of Critical Race Theory.
It doesn't matter, they don't have to if the case brought before them has NO credible evidence to offer to begin with. Grow a brain.

Show the undoctored video then.
We have... its easy to find.... look for it and turn off the left wing greedy globalist media.... they are lying to you....
" Journalism justifies its own existence by the Great
Darwinian principle of the survival of the vulgarist."
" Instead of monopolizing the seat of judgement,
journalism should be apologizing in the dock."
{ Fingall O'Flahertie Wills } Wilde
You do know Oscar Wilde was gay, right ? Odd for an extremist on the far-right to give gays credit for anything. Preconceived ideas of the people and biased British journalism of his time destroyed him. Thanks.
You do know Oscar Wilde was gay, right ? Odd for an extremist on the far-right to give gays credit for anything. Preconceived ideas of the people and biased British journalism of his time destroyed him. Thanks.
What are you buckin' for a retake on whether or not to use
Wilde's nemesis { 9th Marquess of Queensberry } rules in a nice
bare knuckle argument.
Foolardi said in post #424 that Fox had filed a countersuit against Dominion.
Obviously your reading comprehension skills are out of whack.
A continnum problem around this pop joint.
I replied to a post where that was stated.Then again this is how
the left does business.They make-up ways to accuse others.
Attribute words,deeds and actions of utters to make political
hay.As if the entire - Russian Collusion and Steele Dossier
myth wasn't historically a prime example.
Now run along Hopalong.
What are you buckin' for a retake on whether or not to use
Wilde's nemesis { 9th Marquess of Queensberry } rules in a nice
bare knuckle argument.
Not at all, having trouble checking your aggression ?
random juvenile shenanigans here and there is not the same as a coordinated planned conspiratorial plot to subvert an election, my friends!

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