Trump Campaign Paid Researchers To Prove 2020 Fraud But Kept Findings Secret

Post your PROOF Delldud.
So that we can explain to you for the umpteenth time why accusations and heresay and ridiculous, unsubstantiated conspiracy theories fail to serve as actual proof of a damned thing.
Post your proof that the evidence that was presented by the witnesses was false.

Yes these were witnesses that were willing to be placed under oath, and for some of them I think they had already been placed under oath.
Yes, those were documented BUT again there was no widespread fraud nor any degree of fraud that would alter the election results.
Say's you and your Democrat machine. We don't have to believe you.
Post your proof that the evidence that was presented by the witnesses was false.

Yes these were witnesses that were willing to be placed under oath, and for some of them I think they had already been placed under oath.
And lied.
Hannity, Carlson and the lying blonde.
They said what ? What did they say ?

During the wavering back and forth that indicated the emotional rollercoaster ride that these three mentioned were on, and were struggling with (especially when Trump would get pissed off by the left), and would then say things that might bring a negative response from everyone (I just have to ask), were they just emotionally drained to the point that they would get side tracked on the issue at hand, otherwise with the assertion of election fraud ?? Seemed everytime Trump would get attacked, and then the attack would cause him to lose it, this is when the media would turn on him for a minute, until they realized why Trump lashed out, and probably why he should have.
How Putin's Goon Squad Used Mexican Gig Workers To Troll An American Election.

In March 2020, a freelance writer in Mexico City was browsing the internet at home when he saw an ad for a self-described "social media" company that was looking for writers to post messages online. The company didn't appear to have a name. Instead, there was a WhatsApp number and an address for an account on an encrypted email service. "Fluent English is a must," the ad emphasized.

The freelancer — I'll call him Carlos — thought the whole thing seemed sketchy. But he was a recent college graduate navigating the job market during the first weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic. He needed the money. Posting to social media sounded like an easy work-from-home gig, so he applied.

After a short interview over video chat with a woman named Vera, Carlos got the job. The company called itself "Social CMS." Vera, a Venezuelan national working in Mexico, sent him a contract with a physical address connected to a coworking space in Germany. She also put him in touch with one of her managers — a man called Tom, who never revealed his last name, and claimed to be based in Poland. Tom communicated with Carlos exclusively through WhatsApp. (Vera did not respond to repeated requests for comment.)
Post your proof that the evidence that was presented by the witnesses was false.

Yes these were witnesses that were willing to be placed under oath, and for some of them I think they had already been placed under oath.

Did anyone ask i a hearing ?

The Traitor commissioned this investigation that turned up NOTHING to support his Unsupported/Unsubstantiated allegations of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud.

When the that investigation failed to find any wide spread Election Fraud/Voter Fraud, the Traitor suppressed. The decision to suppress the report came from the Traitor. Ask him.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :rolleyes:


Lets see the report. This is bullshit.


As opposed to the totally biased bull shit that is posted here from Breitfart/Beltway Numb Nuts/Fucked Snooze and Sludge? The reporting on what the Traitor suppressed in very true. You do not like it because like the Traitor, that report does NOT your own twisted narrative.
Did anyone ask in a hearing ?

youre making me feel like this.
There was no fraud. Even your propagandists at Fox knew there was no frauud.

Wrong. The only thing he said he didn't believe was that the machines were programmed to switch votes. He NEVER stated that he didn't think there was shenanigans going on.
How Putin's Goon Squad Used Mexican Gig Workers To Troll An American Election.

In March 2020, a freelance writer in Mexico City was browsing the internet at home when he saw an ad for a self-described "social media" company that was looking for writers to post messages online. The company didn't appear to have a name. Instead, there was a WhatsApp number and an address for an account on an encrypted email service. "Fluent English is a must," the ad emphasized.

The freelancer — I'll call him Carlos — thought the whole thing seemed sketchy. But he was a recent college graduate navigating the job market during the first weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic. He needed the money. Posting to social media sounded like an easy work-from-home gig, so he applied.

After a short interview over video chat with a woman named Vera, Carlos got the job. The company called itself "Social CMS." Vera, a Venezuelan national working in Mexico, sent him a contract with a physical address connected to a coworking space in Germany. She also put him in touch with one of her managers — a man called Tom, who never revealed his last name, and claimed to be based in Poland. Tom communicated with Carlos exclusively through WhatsApp. (Vera did not respond to repeated requests for comment.)
Look, without an all out hearing on this stuff, we can sit here and spread hearsay and rhetoric to protect the hives all day long, so at some point the bull crap gets old. Either both sides need to agree to a huge hearing on all these issue's or just shut the heck up. It gets old the back and forth that just feeds the narcissist Ego's of the educated elite's who toy with everyone on the issue's because nothing's comes of the bull crap other than the vote hustling that goes on.

The bull crap show hearings that never brings about charge's, fines or firings is a disgusting display of abuse of our system that is being toyed with by those who use these systems to entice voter's or to unite voter's under cultural agenda's that work to separate the nation along cultural line's.

Now one side is right and one side is wrong, but without any charges brought, then it's all just show that breeds division.

Now in the case of stuffing an agenda down American's throat's, and using and abusing the system's in order to do so, this should be met with a huge resistance by American patriot's that care about God, Country, and Liberty.

The country needs to unite against the destruction of the country by people who are hell bent on pushing an agenda that a majority of American's are against, especially in the school's or educational systems.

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