Trump Campaign Paid Researchers To Prove 2020 Fraud But Kept Findings Secret


Says the one who can not see what he has long ago decided not to look at.

Didn't they used to teach critical thinking in grammar school? I know they used to because my late husband remembered the exact moment when the teachers union told him he could no longer teach critical thinking to his sixth grade classes.

I am still waiting for your PROOF of election fraud.
I am sorry about your husband.
I am sure he is in a much better place and much, much happier now.
You're lying, rambtard. There were cases where judges asked plantiffs for evidence to show their claims were valid; and then dismissed the case when the plaintiff couldn't show such evidence.
Did we see these instances where judge's openly conducted these interviews with the public witnessing them(?), and if so put the link's up where we can revisit such event's in order to confirm your assertions on these matters.... Thanks
The Berkeley Research Group's findings were squashed because they did not align with Trump's election lies.

A research firm investigated Donald Trump’s assertion that the presidential election was fraudulent, but its findings were suppressed because they found nothing to support his claims, The Washington Post reported citing four sources familiar with the matter.

The Berkeley Research Group, hired by the former president’s 2020 campaign, gathered a team of around a dozen people to look into alleged voter fraud and irregularities in six states, according to the Post.

The team reportedly briefed Trump, his former chief of staff Mark Meadows and others on a conference call held in the last days of 2020 — before Trump held a rally urging his supporters to march on the Capitol preceding the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection. The call reportedly became contentious.

But the researchers had looked at “everything,” one source told the Post.

Literally anything you could think of. Voter turnout anomalies, date of birth anomalies, whether dead people voted. If there was anything under the sun that could be thought of, they looked at it,” the source said.

Not even a group hired by the Traitor and Cabal Mindless Minions found proof of Election Fraud....
Total BS. Soros money talks.
There was no evidence of Election Fraud/Election Fraud. Accept it shit head.
Do you always swear at people with scatological epithets who do not agree with your little faerie tales? There was evidence on TV and everyone in America saw the precinct Democrats lock the door behind the Republicans leaving at a very late hour when the creepiest precinct cabal of the DNC said they would sweep the floors and lock up when they were done. After they lied they asses off, soon as they locked the damn door, they went scurrying around like automatons taking a suitcase of uncounted fake votes out of hiding places, and spent the next hours putting in the same "votes" over and over and over again. I have news for you, O gullible one. Either you discipline Maxine Waters for the crime of stalking people in the Executive Branch or your Democrat Party is going out in shame, escorted by stalwart men and women who don't bathe in your party's lying swill.

The pretense that :lalala: 'election fraud didn't occur" was created to tickle the fancy of gullible afficionados bleating :lalala: but who don't know how crooked stealing votes is to families who lost neighbors and loved ones in WWII all the way back to the Revolutionary War--brave men who gave their lives to fight off alien instigators from shameful monarchs who welched them to death with increasingly high taxes that threw the colonists into having no voice about their trials with having no one in the distant government who cared for them except forcing them to pay taxes for no representation whatsoever. When 2 years after that crime the accused play like they "didn't do it" (the obvious) you can bet your bottom dollar they did do it, backed up by a video tape unbeknownst to the criminals fixing that precinct up, and people coming forward to the Republican Party to let them know that they were horrified to see stuff like that going on in numerous states, same song and dance--send the tired people home and lock the doors tight, grab a box or case of phony ballots for the Demmie Party, in a mass suicide of their own integrity. We're done with the pretense and Biden's lie a minute propaganda timed to find sympathy with people who really and truly thought they were hearing the truth, but were listening to manipulated propaganda that murdered the truth.

I'm not buying your scatological critiques against President Trump, his Staff, his family, and people who supported and voted for him. You ought to be ashamed of yourself tying yourself down to extortionists of foreign aid packages, liars, theives, plaguarists, and fancy people with very, very dark souls. And those dark souls are busy beavers trying to end the First Amendment's freedom of religion and freedom of speech against worthless hacks like Joe Biden who manipulated their way into the limelight by way of tapping taxpayer money away from foreign aid packages by demanding stuff like a billion dollars piled into Air Force Two by a renegade Vice President who did the Democrat dirty work of fundraising for his own sick ambitions to be President at any cost to his integrity through false narratives, lying, cheating, and stealing from the American people.

And here's a little something for cleansing your filthy mouth trying to shock people with negativity by employing vituperative profanities:


There was no fraud. Even your propagandists at Fox knew there was no frauud.
You mean they vetted 48 million mail-in votes?
With all the political violence and bad rhetoric and a pandemic going on this surprises you. I'm surprised more didn't vote by mail. Even some of my republican neighbors voted. I voted early at the court house ( had to register my vehicle and noticed it was an option ).
How many courts went to discovery?
It doesn't matter, they don't have to if the case brought before them has NO credible evidence to offer to begin with. Grow a brain.
They had drop boxes in my town and there was no one there to watch them.... and we have video of people shoving stacks of ballots into them.... I do not lie... ever.... follow me.... if I lie call me on it....
Show the undoctored video then.
How many courts went to discovery?>the-consequences-of-playing-games-in-discovery Fake lawsuits are thrown out by the courts. Cases have to be based on facts / truths not lies. I'm surprised all those courts didn't file a class-action lawsuit against trump. A cause the Supreme Court should have lead. bankrupt the fraud and get rid of him once and for all. He's done more damage to our nation than any single person in history. What Benedict Arnold did was child's play in comparison.
Plenty of evidence was introduced... how can you say differently when we never heard the evidence presented in a courtroom...
the justice system just wanted this to go away rather than to expose the fraud and undo the election for fear of angry lib rioters....
I believe it.
And Breitfart/Owned/Fixed Lies are nothing Reich Wing Sound Machines you people those sites all the time.

I posted my proof and you ain't posted shit.
I get how screwed in the head Y'all Lefties are.It's as plain as
how Mom no longer bakes her own Apple Pies.
Or dad fixes and maintains the lawnmower.And Sis helps
her younger brother with his math homework.
because y'all have been played like subjects during the
French Revolution.As in let them eat cake when even bread
is scarce.
Or having some Old Bag and her boyfriend { Snopes } do the
Fact-checking.Or the Government with PolitiFact.
PolitiFact maintaining - Tucker Carlson - is wrong about
Diversity.Because the Biden Adm. exclusive mission for Diversity
develops More representation.It;s like making the case that
More beer or more different beers at a Keg Party makes for
a better time.When one keg and the quality of representation is
the best way to have a great Party.
Not some - Animal House - Toga Party.Biden out insisitng how
" Historic " his Presidency.No Presidency has put in their Adm.
in head positions a more diverse group of People.
As if Diversity is the key.Since when.Since how.
The Little Island hamlet of Tahiti was like heaven to
Marlon Brando Just because they did Not follow different drummers.
The people of Tahiti stuck to their traditions and old ways.
We are being overtaken by New ways and means.Look what it
yielded for Disney.It virtually ruined Disney.
Having a Pravda as a Free Press is provably harmful.
Or a Stasi as FBI.These type of changes are not always easy
to pinpoint.But a feverish Lying Mainstream media and their ilk surely
" Journalism justifies its own existence by the Great
Darwinian principle of the survival of the vulgarist."
" Instead of monopolizing the seat of judgement,
journalism should be apologizing in the dock."
{ Fingall O'Flahertie Wills } Wilde
Every judge, all the way to the USSC believed there was no fraud.
So they actually were convinced, as such was the FBI and CIA to hate Trump so badly, that they pretty much turned the American justice system on it's head in order to defeat him. Now we got our most cherished institution's worrying about the language usage of mother and wife being offensive to the people that led the entire charge against the republican's in order to bring all their agenda forward in this COUNTRY. Everyone see's the results, they can't be hidden because at some point the overall agenda's had to be revealed. Well here we are. You liking what you see ??
With all the political violence and bad rhetoric and a pandemic going on this surprises you. I'm surprised more didn't vote by mail. Even some of my republican neighbors voted. I voted early at the court house ( had to register my vehicle and noticed it was an option ).
Voting early is not voting by mail. You still had to show up at a precinct and booth. Mail-ins can’t prevent electioneering.
And you didn’t address my post.
So they actually were convinced, as such was the FBI and CIA to hate Trump so badly, that they pretty much turned the American justice system on it's head in order to defeat him. Now we got our most cherished institution's worrying about the language usage of mother and wife being offensive to the people that led the entire charge against the republican's in order to bring all their agenda forward in this COUNTRY. Everyone see's the results, they can't be hidden because at some point the overall agenda's had to be revealed. Well here we are. You liking what you see ??
Same pathetic crap they { Democrats and the MSM } pulled by insisting
that Trump was Never Spied on.Plus he colluded with Russia.
It took 3 years but those Assklown Liars were PROVEN Wrong.
In the Extreme.How did Trump manage to Win 2,497 counties to
Biden's 477 counties.And Lose.The same way that John Fetterman
beat Dr.Oz.Because the Fix was in.Like making sure with many absentee ballots
a signature verification will not be required.Particularly in Georgia.
And the Person { Stacy Abrams } who never conceded her 2018 Governors
lose to Brian Kemp { by around 50,ooo votes } became an instant celebrity.
Giving the Democrat SOTU rebuttal in Feb,2019.
Because Democrats reward Liars and Cheats.LIke Adam Schiff and
Eric Swalwell.They stick together better than Elmer's glue in their
nefarious Lies and Governance.
Voting early is not voting by mail. You still had to show up at a precinct and booth. Mail-ins can’t prevent electioneering.
And you didn’t address my post.
Trump was right before the Stolen 2020 Election to remind about
the 2005 Carter/Baker Commission on Federal Election reform.
Where a warning was issued about Mail-in and Absentee Voting
Then we had us around 105 Million such ballots being tabulated.
And not one concern over Obvious problems.
Give me a break.In fact don't give me a break.
Just hide yer Lying eyes and yappers and STFU.
Fox News Executive Reportedly Refused Trump Bid To Get On Air Jan. 6, Deeming It "Irresponsible"

Donald Trump reportedly called in to the Fox Business Network following the violence by his supporters at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. But executives wouldn’t allow the then-president on the air, deciding it would be "irresponsible" to provide him with a platform, a court filing has revealed.

Trump dialed in to “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” attempting to get on the program, according to the bombshell brief filed Thursday by attorneys for Dominion Voting Systems. The company is suing Fox News and its parent, the Fox Corporation, for $1.6 billion over alleged defamation.

But Fox Business Network President Lauren Petterson said the network believed “it would be irresponsible to put him on air” and that Trump’s words “could impact a lot of people in a negative way,” according to testimony quoted in the brief.
Same pathetic crap they { Democrats and the MSM } pulled by insisting
that Trump was Never Spied on.Plus he colluded with Russia.
It took 3 years but those Assklown Liars were PROVEN Wrong.
In the Extreme.How did Trump manage to Win 2,497 counties to
Biden's 477 counties.And Lose.The same way that John Fetterman
beat Dr.Oz.Because the Fix was in.Like making sure with many absentee ballots
a signature verification will not be required.Particularly in Georgia.
And the Person { Stacy Abrams } who never conceded her 2018 Governors
lose to Brian Kemp { by around 50,ooo votes } became an instant celebrity.
Giving the Democrat SOTU rebuttal in Feb,2019.
Because Democrats reward Liars and Cheats.LIke Adam Schiff and
Eric Swalwell.They stick together better than Elmer's glue in their
nefarious Lies and Governance.

So, the Traitor won 2,497 Counties. Prove it. Also, as far as I know there are more than 2,497 Counties in the United States. Post your proof. NOT second and third hand hearsay NOT from some Reich Wing Bullshit site. Legal, verifiable proof.
Fox News Executive Reportedly Refused Trump Bid To Get On Air Jan. 6, Deeming It "Irresponsible"

Donald Trump reportedly called in to the Fox Business Network following the violence by his supporters at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. But executives wouldn’t allow the then-president on the air, deciding it would be "irresponsible" to provide him with a platform, a court filing has revealed.

Trump dialed in to “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” attempting to get on the program, according to the bombshell brief filed Thursday by attorneys for Dominion Voting Systems. The company is suing Fox News and its parent, the Fox Corporation, for $1.6 billion over alleged defamation.

But Fox Business Network President Lauren Petterson said the network believed “it would be irresponsible to put him on air” and that Trump’s words “could impact a lot of people in a negative way,” according to testimony quoted in the brief.
That’s pretty creepy on the part of Fox or any so-called news establishment. Playing into the phony demmunist narrative.

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