Trump Campaign Storming Back

Donald Trump is locked on to his message and his timing perfect. Brilliant strategy. Be outrageous until August, lure liberal media to attack you, get voter sympathy, then make the pivot and go for jugular before Labor Day and debates. Brilliant! Liberals have been outfoxed and don't even know it!

Worst spin ever in the history of the world.

Sure. November is coming.

Do you really think that's long enough for Trump to get Americans to forget who he really is?

They just become more unhinged by the minute.

Gonna win. Be nervous...very nervous. Your candidate is a life long WashingtonDC insider consummate lying piece of shit. Our candidate is a man of the people.
Trump Campaign Storming Back

Ukrainian MP offers more details on alleged payments to Trump campaign chief

KIEV (Reuters) - A Ukrainian lawmaker on Friday divulged more details of what he said were payments made to Donald Trump's campaign chief in the U.S. presidential race by the political party of the Kremlin-backed former Ukrainian leader Viktor Yanukovich.

MP Serhiy Leshchenko said money was allocated for Trump aide Paul Manafort to finance services such as carrying out exit polls at elections, buying computers and conducting research. The largest single payment was $3.5 million.
Ukrainian MP offers more details on alleged payments to Trump campaign chief
Trump Campaign Storming Back

Ukrainian MP offers more details on alleged payments to Trump campaign chief

KIEV (Reuters) - A Ukrainian lawmaker on Friday divulged more details of what he said were payments made to Donald Trump's campaign chief in the U.S. presidential race by the political party of the Kremlin-backed former Ukrainian leader Viktor Yanukovich.

MP Serhiy Leshchenko said money was allocated for Trump aide Paul Manafort to finance services such as carrying out exit polls at elections, buying computers and conducting research. The largest single payment was $3.5 million.
Ukrainian MP offers more details on alleged payments to Trump campaign chief
Wow you can make big letters over a bullshit non story.
Trump Campaign Storming Back

Ukrainian MP offers more details on alleged payments to Trump campaign chief

KIEV (Reuters) - A Ukrainian lawmaker on Friday divulged more details of what he said were payments made to Donald Trump's campaign chief in the U.S. presidential race by the political party of the Kremlin-backed former Ukrainian leader Viktor Yanukovich.

MP Serhiy Leshchenko said money was allocated for Trump aide Paul Manafort to finance services such as carrying out exit polls at elections, buying computers and conducting research. The largest single payment was $3.5 million.
Ukrainian MP offers more details on alleged payments to Trump campaign chief
Average American does not care. They do care about being lied to over, and over again, by Democratic Party.
People will speak loud and clear. Do not think for a minute that news media is pulse of the people.

This forum is good "therapy" for your delusions.......Keep dreaming..That's ALL you got, loser........LOL
Trump Campaign Storming Back

Ukrainian MP offers more details on alleged payments to Trump campaign chief

KIEV (Reuters) - A Ukrainian lawmaker on Friday divulged more details of what he said were payments made to Donald Trump's campaign chief in the U.S. presidential race by the political party of the Kremlin-backed former Ukrainian leader Viktor Yanukovich.

MP Serhiy Leshchenko said money was allocated for Trump aide Paul Manafort to finance services such as carrying out exit polls at elections, buying computers and conducting research. The largest single payment was $3.5 million.
Ukrainian MP offers more details on alleged payments to Trump campaign chief
Average American does not care. They do care about being lied to over, and over again, by Democratic Party.
Did you run out of pronouns?
You didn't say you supported Trump of the Republicans, I kept saying you were a Hillary worshiper and you kept denying it. Fuck no you're not going to get me to stop bringing up that I called you out over and over ... and I was right ... over and over ...
I'm voting for Gary Johnson. Been saying so for months. I have no real preference between Trump and Hillary, though ever since the Pence pick I've worried that Trump may give in to the socially conservative nutjobs in the party.

As for my posts, I can't fucking stand Trump supporters and their populist fantasies.

And as of NOW I'm officialy only responding to you about this with laughter and dick jokes.

You sure spend a lot of time sucking Hillary's balls for someone who's going to vote for Johnson
Find a single positive comment I've made about Hillary. You won't.

Trump's base has to be made to realize how deranged and embarrassing they sound.

Well, that you kept saying you agree with them was a pretty good whack at accomplishing that
That was a blast. Those people are some hilarious allies to have. But they actually believe all that shit. It's crazy.

You were awful at pretending to be one of them. I've on another board pretended to be a liberal, and that was after years of talking about my libertarian views, and not a single liberal called me on it. Some of the non-liberals asked me WTF, but even they didn't call me on making it up. Finally I ended the game and came up clean.

Liberals just aren't smart enough to do that. You said you supported Trump, but you didn't back it up with any reason to believe it
the 20 per-cent of undecideds are finally waking up from their summer naps! looks like a 52/48 blow out for Trump !!!
Most independent voters make up mind after Labor Day. Goodbye Billary.
right, they are all waiting for the debate where Hillary will be sitting on a toilet
Trump will destroy her. She has a piss poor record of public service she cannot defend.

This is true and why Trump should have blown her out of contention months ago, yet here he is struggling still. This should not even be a contest.

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