Trump Can Win Nomination with 1,100 Delegates

Perhaps if Donald would have announced he was entering the race over a year ago they could have done something about it. Check NY's voting laws before calling them dipshits
Trump announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015.

The New York deadline for changing party registration was October 9.

The dipshits had plenty of time.
That law is unfair.

Exactly, they did it specifically to be unfair to Trump
And his children. Think of the humiliation they've heaped on those poor kids.

they've given the Donald a pass.....

and they've done nothing to his kids.

the only thing that's embarrassed trump's kids is trump

Swish, went right over your head
The GOP has already blown itself up. It doesn't matter wetherDonald gets the nom or not.

Trump is a symptom of the diseased state of the GOP. Too many years of ignoring the voters, ignoring the base, and caving to the democrats at every turn.
Trump will lose the WH and probably the senate and maybe the house, but Cruz most likely loses to Hillary too. So the question becomes what scenario is more likely to set the party up for 2020. If I'm a party insider, I don't like Trump, but I can also see the gop has to make a large shift to attract middle class voters. Trump is poison with the Latinos, but the party can lose this election and get past the immigration issue with something they can sell to the base as at least securing the border.

It's funny how clearly you see the Republican weaknesses and how blind you are to Democrat weaknesses. Hillary is in a lot of trouble and she's not liked by anyone but the most stalwart Democrat. And that assumes she doesn't get indicted
GD, I noticed the gop's lost 5 outta 6 and is most likely to add to its string.

Your math is off there, Skippy. Is this the thing again where the idiot Gore ran for the popular vote because he didn't understand the Electoral College? That was a hoot. And I didn't say anything about Democrats, I talked about Hillary. All you did was agree with me. The woman is unpleasant and untrustworthy and people see that. Well, except the truest blue hacks
Gore understood the electoral college. He and Buchanan just agreed all the old Jews intended to vote for him and not Pat. LOL

It's merely a measure of how bad the GOP has become that Hillary leads Trump in polls.
The GOP has already blown itself up. It doesn't matter wetherDonald gets the nom or not.

Trump is a symptom of the diseased state of the GOP. Too many years of ignoring the voters, ignoring the base, and caving to the democrats at every turn.
Trump will lose the WH and probably the senate and maybe the house, but Cruz most likely loses to Hillary too. So the question becomes what scenario is more likely to set the party up for 2020. If I'm a party insider, I don't like Trump, but I can also see the gop has to make a large shift to attract middle class voters. Trump is poison with the Latinos, but the party can lose this election and get past the immigration issue with something they can sell to the base as at least securing the border.

It's funny how clearly you see the Republican weaknesses and how blind you are to Democrat weaknesses. Hillary is in a lot of trouble and she's not liked by anyone but the most stalwart Democrat. And that assumes she doesn't get indicted
GD, I noticed the gop's lost 5 outta 6 and is most likely to add to its string.

Your math is off there, Skippy. Is this the thing again where the idiot Gore ran for the popular vote because he didn't understand the Electoral College? That was a hoot. And I didn't say anything about Democrats, I talked about Hillary. All you did was agree with me. The woman is unpleasant and untrustworthy and people see that. Well, except the truest blue hacks
Gore understood the electoral college. He and Buchanan just agreed all the old Jews intended to vote for him and not Pat. LOL

It's merely a measure of how bad the GOP has become that Hillary leads Trump in polls.
The GOP has already blown itself up. It doesn't matter wetherDonald gets the nom or not.

Trump is a symptom of the diseased state of the GOP. Too many years of ignoring the voters, ignoring the base, and caving to the democrats at every turn.
Trump will lose the WH and probably the senate and maybe the house, but Cruz most likely loses to Hillary too. So the question becomes what scenario is more likely to set the party up for 2020. If I'm a party insider, I don't like Trump, but I can also see the gop has to make a large shift to attract middle class voters. Trump is poison with the Latinos, but the party can lose this election and get past the immigration issue with something they can sell to the base as at least securing the border.

It's funny how clearly you see the Republican weaknesses and how blind you are to Democrat weaknesses. Hillary is in a lot of trouble and she's not liked by anyone but the most stalwart Democrat. And that assumes she doesn't get indicted
GD, I noticed the gop's lost 5 outta 6 and is most likely to add to its string.

Your math is off there, Skippy. Is this the thing again where the idiot Gore ran for the popular vote because he didn't understand the Electoral College? That was a hoot. And I didn't say anything about Democrats, I talked about Hillary. All you did was agree with me. The woman is unpleasant and untrustworthy and people see that. Well, except the truest blue hacks
Gore understood the electoral college. He and Buchanan just agreed all the old Jews intended to vote for him and not Pat. LOL

It's merely a measure of how bad the GOP has become that Hillary leads Trump in polls.

People too stupid to follow a line shouldn't be the ones deciding who's going to be President anyway
At the end of day it looks like you will have President Hillary no matter what as bad a candidate as she is Trump is worse and Cruz is only slightly better than Trump. Between both parties there were 22 candidates and Clinton, Cruz, Sanders, and Trump are the final four that's depressing.

NBC poll has Hillary and Trump in a statistical dead heat.

What's this shit that no one can beat Hillary? There's a dude called Barack Obama at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue that kicked her ass for crying out loud.
At the end of day it looks like you will have President Hillary no matter what as bad a candidate as she is Trump is worse and Cruz is only slightly better than Trump. Between both parties there were 22 candidates and Clinton, Cruz, Sanders, and Trump are the final four that's depressing.

NBC poll has Hillary and Trump in a statistical dead heat.

What's this shit that no one can beat Hillary? There's a dude called Barack Obama at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue that kicked her ass for crying out loud.
Obama won because electing the first black President overrode electing the first female President that NBC poll is an outlier every poll I have seen shows Hillary defeating Trump with ease. Even without those polls Trump has terrible numbers with women, black, and Hispanic voters he doesn't even do well with a majority of Republicans the odds of him winning a general election with numbers like that are poor to put it kindly.
The GOP has already blown itself up. It doesn't matter wetherDonald gets the nom or not.

Trump is a symptom of the diseased state of the GOP. Too many years of ignoring the voters, ignoring the base, and caving to the democrats at every turn.
Too many years of promising pie in the sky partisan nonsense is more like it.

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According to Republican National Committee member Randy Evans Trump can secure nomination with 1,100 delegates (137 shy of magic number)
"If Donald Trump exceeds 1,100 votes, he will become the nominee even though he may not have 1,237," Evans said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
He also said if he gets less than 1,000 it could lead to a contested convention that could go on for many many days.

Full article can be read HERE

Yes, and if aliens land and enslave the human race, the election won't matter.

You're turn again. This time, use elves.
Yeah, I know what Randy is saying.

And I know a lot of insiders have no intention of listening to the Randys.

Having said that, I also will say that I am glad that Ryan is saying "no way Jose."

According to Republican National Committee member Randy Evans Trump can secure nomination with 1,100 delegates (137 shy of magic number)
"If Donald Trump exceeds 1,100 votes, he will become the nominee even though he may not have 1,237," Evans said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
He also said if he gets less than 1,000 it could lead to a contested convention that could go on for many many days.

Full article can be read HERE

Yes, and if aliens land and enslave the human race, the election won't matter.

You're turn again. This time, use elves.
c_k is (I looked up his photo) yeah, I know

The GOP has already blown itself up. It doesn't matter wetherDonald gets the nom or not.

Trump is a symptom of the diseased state of the GOP. Too many years of ignoring the voters, ignoring the base, and caving to the democrats at every turn.
Too many years of promising pie in the sky partisan nonsense is more like it.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Yes, GOP partisanship is ridiculous, it's Democrat partisanship that we want.

Yeah, I know what Randy is saying.

And I know a lot of insiders have no intention of listening to the Randys.

Having said that, I also will say that I am glad that Ryan is saying "no way Jose."

If Drumpf gets close, like 1100, imo there will be enough Randy's for him to get the nomination. First, on the first ballot there will be more than 100 delegates who aren't pledged. That is, the gop's version of superdelegates. IF it goes to a second ballot, as did Ford and Reagan, I think the Randys can convince enough to tip it to Drumpf.

But in end "what does it matter?" (-: The only time since 1988 the gop got more popular votes than the dems, they had to cook up a phony war and scare the shite out of everyone.

According to Republican National Committee member Randy Evans Trump can secure nomination with 1,100 delegates (137 shy of magic number)
"If Donald Trump exceeds 1,100 votes, he will become the nominee even though he may not have 1,237," Evans said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
He also said if he gets less than 1,000 it could lead to a contested convention that could go on for many many days.

Full article can be read HERE

What a giant load of meaningless filler, masquerading as breaking news on a slow day.
Yeah, I know what Randy is saying.

And I know a lot of insiders have no intention of listening to the Randys.

Having said that, I also will say that I am glad that Ryan is saying "no way Jose."

If Drumpf gets close, like 1100, imo there will be enough Randy's for him to get the nomination. First, on the first ballot there will be more than 100 delegates who aren't pledged. That is, the gop's version of superdelegates. IF it goes to a second ballot, as did Ford and Reagan, I think the Randys can convince enough to tip it to Drumpf.

But in end "what does it matter?" (-: The only time since 1988 the gop got more popular votes than the dems, they had to cook up a phony war and scare the shite out of everyone.

Damn, think Democrats will ever stop running for the popularity vote and learn how the Electoral college works? You people are slow ...

I don't like how football works, instead of points, the winner should be the one with the most yards of offense. Let's go back in history and score games that way. It's not like it would change how coaches played the game if they scored it in yards instead of points, right? We can go back and figure out who was the real winner?

One question though. Why do you suppose the GOP spends virtually zero resources in California, New York or Illinois for example? Can you noodle that one?

According to Republican National Committee member Randy Evans Trump can secure nomination with 1,100 delegates (137 shy of magic number)
"If Donald Trump exceeds 1,100 votes, he will become the nominee even though he may not have 1,237," Evans said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
He also said if he gets less than 1,000 it could lead to a contested convention that could go on for many many days.

Full article can be read HERE

What a giant load of meaningless filler, masquerading as breaking news on a slow day.
You mad bro?

According to Republican National Committee member Randy Evans Trump can secure nomination with 1,100 delegates (137 shy of magic number)
"If Donald Trump exceeds 1,100 votes, he will become the nominee even though he may not have 1,237," Evans said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
He also said if he gets less than 1,000 it could lead to a contested convention that could go on for many many days.

Full article can be read HERE

I believe it will be brokered and Trump will be shy of the magical number needed.

I believe Trump only hope would be is getting Kasich Delegates while offering Kasich the VP spot, and if done that way then yeah I can see it, but any other way there is no way he will get the nod...
Little Marco has similar or more delegates. Funny how they get to keep them though so they can make a deal.

Let me guess. This is another eeeeevil plot to shaft the poor, martyred Orange Jesus on his gold-plated cross.

According to Republican National Committee member Randy Evans Trump can secure nomination with 1,100 delegates (137 shy of magic number)
"If Donald Trump exceeds 1,100 votes, he will become the nominee even though he may not have 1,237," Evans said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
He also said if he gets less than 1,000 it could lead to a contested convention that could go on for many many days.

Full article can be read HERE

I believe it will be brokered and Trump will be shy of the magical number needed.

I believe Trump only hope would be is getting Kasich Delegates while offering Kasich the VP spot, and if done that way then yeah I can see it, but any other way there is no way he will get the nod...
Kasich looked into the camera and said there is no way he'd ever consider being Trump's VP pick.
We'll see how truthful Mr. Kasich is now.
Only Trump has the balls to go toe to toe with Hillary.
Over decades he's dealt with the fucking business scum of the earth all over the globe.
He's consistently won.
Hillary is a fucking bantamweight dragging decades of criminality with her. She'll attempt her usual "I have a c88t so you have to be nice to me" bullshit. Won't work with Trump. That's a guarantee.
He'll eat her lunch on any debate stage and the bitch won't even know it.
Can't wait!

Why on earth should we conclude Trump has the balls to go toe to toe with Hillary? He freaking supported her

According to Republican National Committee member Randy Evans Trump can secure nomination with 1,100 delegates (137 shy of magic number)
"If Donald Trump exceeds 1,100 votes, he will become the nominee even though he may not have 1,237," Evans said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
He also said if he gets less than 1,000 it could lead to a contested convention that could go on for many many days.

Full article can be read HERE

I think if Trump doesn't win on the first ballot, then he's toast. Toast with marmalade ...

According to Republican National Committee member Randy Evans Trump can secure nomination with 1,100 delegates (137 shy of magic number)
"If Donald Trump exceeds 1,100 votes, he will become the nominee even though he may not have 1,237," Evans said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
He also said if he gets less than 1,000 it could lead to a contested convention that could go on for many many days.

Full article can be read HERE

What a giant load of meaningless filler, masquerading as breaking news on a slow day.
When I heard the guy on Morning Joe, I thought he made some sense, or at least he was discussing a question I've been asking myself. Drumpf's to 755 with about 720 more to be allocated. A lot of winner take all states, but some of those aren't really winner take all because it's winner take all but divided into congressional districts. The April NE states are Drumpf territory, but I think he'll find some love in CA too.

So, it's likely Drumpf goes into Clev with somewhere around 1125 or 1150. And Lyin' Ted's far behind at around 850. If Drumpf isn't the nominee, the party is going to come apart. People are going to not vote and never vote again. If Drumpf's the nominee, Hillary wins, and I think a good number of gopers will vote for her, but they won't consider it a scorched earth - never to return thing.

If that's the situation, and imo it is, how can the GOP NOT nominate Drumpf?

According to Republican National Committee member Randy Evans Trump can secure nomination with 1,100 delegates (137 shy of magic number)
"If Donald Trump exceeds 1,100 votes, he will become the nominee even though he may not have 1,237," Evans said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
He also said if he gets less than 1,000 it could lead to a contested convention that could go on for many many days.

Full article can be read HERE

I believe it will be brokered and Trump will be shy of the magical number needed.

I believe Trump only hope would be is getting Kasich Delegates while offering Kasich the VP spot, and if done that way then yeah I can see it, but any other way there is no way he will get the nod...
Kasich looked into the camera and said there is no way he'd ever consider being Trump's VP pick.
We'll see how truthful Mr. Kasich is now.
Only Trump has the balls to go toe to toe with Hillary.
Over decades he's dealt with the fucking business scum of the earth all over the globe.
He's consistently won.
Hillary is a fucking bantamweight dragging decades of criminality with her. She'll attempt her usual "I have a c88t so you have to be nice to me" bullshit. Won't work with Trump. That's a guarantee.
He'll eat her lunch on any debate stage and the bitch won't even know it.
Can't wait!

Why on earth should we conclude Trump has the balls to go toe to toe with Hillary? He freaking supported her

If balls are measured by willingness to do or say anything, Drumpf's the ONLY one to go balls to balls with HILLARY. LOL

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