Trump cancels visit to CDC but still goes to fund raiser in Florida

Just heard on ABC radio.

Can you say BAD OPTICS? WTF, are his campaign advisers asleep at the wheel?

Why give your opponents free ammunition? Dumb move if ABC is indeed correct.
Just seeing a picture of him is bad optics.

Hmm, so it is true? I hear that wetbacks, faggots, rug munchers, feminazis, chicks with dicks, lowlife degenerates, criminals and other filth sometimes piss their pants at the sight of Donny T.....Can you confirm?
Did you fix that dilapidated trailer of yours yet? Please confirm.
We are a nation of hypocrites.

'You' might be part of the hypocrites in this nation.

Don't invoke the 'We' word.

You, me all of us.

No, there are many of us that don't buy into your hateful and non-factual rhetoric.

There are many of us that don't buy into your hateful and non-factual rhetoric. See how that works, hypocrite?

Nope, I don't.

See, the Trump hate comes from you lefties.

The basic understanding of 'Respect for the Office' also left with you and your hate filled lefties.
I know time is short and you want Trump out of the picture.


Sometimes the stupidity on this forum still manages to surprise me.

When your children were young and you punished or scolded them for stupid behavior did that really mean you wished you had aborted them? Because that is the logic you are applying to me.

Get a grip ffs
We are a nation of hypocrites.

'You' might be part of the hypocrites in this nation.

Don't invoke the 'We' word.

You, me all of us.

No, there are many of us that don't buy into your hateful and non-factual rhetoric.

There are many of us that don't buy into your hateful and non-factual rhetoric. See how that works, hypocrite?

Nope, I don't.

See, the Trump hate comes from you lefties.

The basic understanding of 'Respect for the Office' also left with you and your hate filled lefties.

Just because I have zero respect for your Orange messiah doesn't mean anything beyond that. Your simple binary assumptions are entirely your problem.
Just heard on ABC radio.

Can you say BAD OPTICS? WTF, are his campaign advisers asleep at the wheel?

Why give your opponents free ammunition? Dumb move if ABC is indeed correct.
Can you honestly say you are surprised he would prioritize $ over everything else? It's how he rolls, it's how he's always rolled.

Your TDS apparently controls your entire life.
As someone who lives in Atlanta, I am fine with him not going to the CDC. Atlanta traffic on Fridays is bad enough. Add in a presidential motorcade and the added security, and you have a nightmare.

I agree. Bush came to Raleigh when I live there and what a mess.

They had to stop all traffic so Bush could get where he needed to go. The rest of us cursed his name for the rest of the day. What a fucking mess.
As someone who lives in Atlanta, I am fine with him not going to the CDC. Atlanta traffic on Fridays is bad enough. Add in a presidential motorcade and the added security, and you have a nightmare.

I agree. Bush came to Raleigh when I live there and what a mess.

They had to stop all traffic so Bush could get where he needed to go. The rest of us cursed his name for the rest of the day. What a fucking mess.

Yep! Plus, one of the jokes concerning Atlanta traffic is when you talk about rush hour. In Atlanta, morning rush hour is from around 6am until 9:30 am. Evening rush hour is from 3pm until 6:30pm. Friday morning rush hour starts Thursday afternoon.
As someone who lives in Atlanta, I am fine with him not going to the CDC. Atlanta traffic on Fridays is bad enough. Add in a presidential motorcade and the added security, and you have a nightmare.

I agree. Bush came to Raleigh when I live there and what a mess.

They had to stop all traffic so Bush could get where he needed to go. The rest of us cursed his name for the rest of the day. What a fucking mess.

Yep! Plus, one of the jokes concerning Atlanta traffic is when you talk about rush hour. In Atlanta, morning rush hour is from around 6am until 9:30 am. Evening rush hour is from 3pm until 6:30pm. Friday morning rush hour starts Thursday afternoon.

Bout the same in Raleigh. Rush hour took all day.
Just heard on ABC radio.

Can you say BAD OPTICS? WTF, are his campaign advisers asleep at the wheel?

Why give your opponents free ammunition? Dumb move if ABC is indeed correct.

President Trump isn't worried about it, he knows his enemies will say anything any time anyhow.

By continuing on other duties as his hand picked experts work on coronavirus, it gives him the advantage of knowing what the libs' next attacks will be.

his experts are directly CONtradicting his pablum, because donny's stable geniusness is sadly lacking. his 'hunch' about the mortality rate will be believed by his most poorly educated deplorables who will be either dying, or infecting others.
What is the mortality rate?

“Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 (the disease spread by the virus) cases have died,” said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at a briefing. “By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.”

Trump, March 4: Now, this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this, and it’s very mild. They will get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor. They don’t even call a doctor. You never hear about those people. So, you can’t put them down in the category of the overall population in terms of this corona flu and — or virus. So you just can’t do that. So, if we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better. And then, when you do have a death, like you have had in the state of Washington, like you had one in California — I believe you had one in New York — you know, all of a sudden, it seems like 3 or 4%, which is a very high number, as opposed to — as opposed to a fraction of 1%. But, again, they don’t — they don’t know about the easy cases, because the easy cases don’t go to the hospital. They don’t report to doctors or the hospital in many cases.

The actual mortality rate, Trump said, “is way under 1%.”

Trump and the Coronavirus Death Rate
He has a point, actually. I have been reading that they don't KNOW yet the death rate because not everyone infected has recovered yet and a lot of people with mild cases won't be seen by a doctor. If you look at the numbers of people infected by the Spanish flu in 1918, there is also a large range. To some degree, it will always be a guestimate, I think. But if the actual mortality rate was "way under 1%" WHO and the rest of the world would not be on this like ducks on a June bug.

he shouldn't be throwing in his opinion & bloviating about his 'hunch' when - even at best the experts don't know specifically the numbers. all he's doing is confusing people & some will outright believe whatever he says, & doubt what the scientists say regardless of the actual science 'cause they are just that stupid. i just want someone to say:

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If Trump went to the CDC, democommiecrats would accuse him of interfering and keeping doctors from their work.

his excuse was that he didn't wanna disrupt them.... now he's supposedly going. so did he lie then or is he lying now?
Just heard on ABC radio.

Can you say BAD OPTICS? WTF, are his campaign advisers asleep at the wheel?

Why give your opponents free ammunition? Dumb move if ABC is indeed correct.

President Trump isn't worried about it, he knows his enemies will say anything any time anyhow.

By continuing on other duties as his hand picked experts work on coronavirus, it gives him the advantage of knowing what the libs' next attacks will be.

his experts are directly CONtradicting his pablum, because donny's stable geniusness is sadly lacking. his 'hunch' about the mortality rate will be believed by his most poorly educated deplorables who will be either dying, or infecting others.
What is the mortality rate?

“Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 (the disease spread by the virus) cases have died,” said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at a briefing. “By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.”

Trump, March 4: Now, this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this, and it’s very mild. They will get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor. They don’t even call a doctor. You never hear about those people. So, you can’t put them down in the category of the overall population in terms of this corona flu and — or virus. So you just can’t do that. So, if we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better. And then, when you do have a death, like you have had in the state of Washington, like you had one in California — I believe you had one in New York — you know, all of a sudden, it seems like 3 or 4%, which is a very high number, as opposed to — as opposed to a fraction of 1%. But, again, they don’t — they don’t know about the easy cases, because the easy cases don’t go to the hospital. They don’t report to doctors or the hospital in many cases.

The actual mortality rate, Trump said, “is way under 1%.”

Trump and the Coronavirus Death Rate

President Trump is probably right. After all, coronavirus has only been around for a short time, and hasn't been studied for very long.

Especially the less serious cases. Most folks who have contracted coronavirus have recovered without being seen by any doctor. And most seen by a doctor weren't even given a culture to determine it was a case of CV.

As we get more knowledge about this, the death rate will go down.

the freakin problem is even those that have recovered - they were still infectious & some were outright carriers. there are a lotta older people out there & FLA was hit.... we are behind the 8 ball with this one & donny dropped it bigley.
Just heard on ABC radio.

Can you say BAD OPTICS? WTF, are his campaign advisers asleep at the wheel?

Why give your opponents free ammunition? Dumb move if ABC is indeed correct.
Um,. there was a suspected case of coronavirus at the CDC. That is why Trump cancelled. It has since been ruled out, so he is there today.
Very nice to see the Liar-in-Chief take the time to sign the bill funding efforts to contain the virus before he goes to Mar-A-Lago for some golf.

holy shit - he's really doing that? time to change my siggy - again.
Just heard on ABC radio.

Can you say BAD OPTICS? WTF, are his campaign advisers asleep at the wheel?

Why give your opponents free ammunition? Dumb move if ABC is indeed correct.

I just heard President Trump state the reason the CDC visit was originally canceled was supposedly someone at CDC had virus.
President Trump just moments ago said that the original concern i.e. coronavirus was no longer valid.
He said he MAY still go.. before he goes to Nashville.
So just wait for a few minutes "Grandpa" as I know time is short and you want Trump out of the picture. Just too bad you don't seem to follow
Matthew 7:5..."Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."

then that is what he should have said. donny is a liar & nothing he says about his 'hunches' can be trusted.
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