trump can't get anyone to post his bond

The statute is criminal.
Now that's FUNNY!
But ok....I'll play.
"Criminal" or not, right or wrong, just or unjust, whether you like it or not, that statute is the law of the land in NY state.
Like ALL laws anywhere, whether you like it or not it must be obeyed....or there will be consequences if you get caught making the choice to ignore it.
Trump made that choice, who knows why?
Maybe he thought the law shouldn't apply to him because he's not just an ordinary person?
Maybe he thought he wouldn't get caught because "everybody else does it?"
Now that would have been kind of stupid because when you run for president you do tend to draw a LOT of attention to yourself. Especially if you refuse to make your tax returns public.

At any rate, if you disagree with or just don't like a law there are legal processes for getting laws changed.
Simply ignoring the laws will usually get you into trouble.
What trial? they went right to the penalty phase.


The trail was held October 2, 2023–January 11, 2024 in a New York Courtroom.

You know, the one FPOTUS#45 attended on occasion.

And no, the trial was also about adjudicating 6 of the 7 original claims.

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Do your own research. There is nothing in the decision restricting the financing of escrow or a bond.

Depends, does Chase have any banks in New York? I think so, so they wouldn't be eligible.

He could probably find a front Russian, Chinese or North Korean bank to fund it, that would be perfectly legal under the terms of the judgement.

Don't forget Saudi Arabia!
He told them No before they even asked!
Predetermination bias from the onset

He didn't tell them no, they never asked.

He commented on how he "would have" ruled, but he was never asked to make such a ruling. If they had asked and were denied, then they would have had grounds to delay the trial and request via an interlockerly appeal on the jury question.

But FPOTUS#45 lawyers screwed the pooch on not filing a motion requesting a jury trial. Meaning jury trial is now not an appealable issue.

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  • Was Don fibbing?
Fibbing about how much cash he had at hand?
Why would he fib?
Does he have a history of fibbing?
Should the court now believe he has that $400 million?
Or should the court believe that he can only pay $100 million.

You be the judge.

He stated in a deposition in 2023 he had:
  • “substantially in excess of 400 million in cash.”
    “Developers usually don’t have cash. They have assets, not cash,” Trump said. “We have, I believe, 400 plus and going up very substantially every month.”

    Trump added later that, despite the legal fees he was facing, “I have over 400 — fairly substantially over $400 million in cash. That’s just cash. That’s just cash.”
From this morning's Politico:

"NEW YORK — An appeals court judge on Wednesday denied Donald Trump’s request to pause the enforcement of a $450 million judgment for widespread business fraud, dealing a blow to the former president’s efforts to delay payment.

In a court filing asking for the pause earlier in the day, Trump had signaled that he doesn’t have the cash to prevent the enforcement of the judgment. He asked an appeals court to put a hold on the monetary penalty as well as a series of other penalties..."


Was Don fibbing about his cash position in that deposition referenced above?
I ain't here to judge.
But, nobody is stopping you to judge him and his veracity.

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