trump can't get anyone to post his bond

No dummy you said that the judge AND James valuation Maga-Lardo and that would hurt there case. They didn't give it a valuation they went by the county auditor. If she chooses to liquidate it they will be looking to sell it at market value. How the hell will that hurt their case?
In court the judge did.... 18 to 23 million... where he got the estimate matters....
its already been destroyed, because Engoron never asserted that the property was worth $18 million.

A local property assessor recently valued mar-a-lago at $33.4 million, which still means Trump overvalued the property by orders of magnitude.
Assessors do not tender market value appraisals. They deliver tax assessment valuations for the purpose of deriving property taxes .
Banks do not and Did Not operate from what the applicant believes his property is worth

You lib loon Trump haters liars and know nothings MUST stop providing erroneous commentary based on the lethal duo of willful ignorance and wishes
Mar-a-Lago is a very beautiful resort and I know that none of you would ever be invited if I didn't offer to take one of you.
I won't offer. Do not ask. None of you would behave yourself and you would be an embarrassment to I and the Honorable Donald J. Trump.
Imagine playing golf with the Honorable Donald J. Trump and Sergeant Bill. It would be fabulous.
Nobody trusts him or believes he actually has access to that kinda money.

Not even the small judgement.

He's finally starting to pay the price for a lifetime of crime.

No one is perfect... everyone has broken some law that could be dug up by your haters like Latisha James did to Trump... its the beginning of the end of democracy in America... look at the two guys we have to choose from for president... its already having an effect...
Trump hasn't just "broken "some" law."
He is facing 91 very serious felonies.
That's different from most garden variety law breakers.
That is what I said dummy... but he relied on an appraisal from decades ago before Trump became a US president... and a Global brand....
The appraisals were for the same year he over inflated his value. It wasn't an old appraisal from years ago compared to the value today.

And yes, tax appraisals in most markets is lower than the market values of properties, but that is usually around 20% higher for the market value, NOT the 2000% higher market value vs tax appraisals....

Trump did the same over evaluations of several other properties.... Trump Tower he claimed was 30,000 square feet, instead of the 10,000 square feet it was, to over evaluate its value, golf resorts of his also over valued in the 1000% to 2000% range as well.....

It was not just Mara Lago.
The appraisals were for the same year he over inflated his value. It wasn't an old appraisal from years ago compared to the value today.
You just said two different things in two sentences... lol the Judge used an outdated appraisal... 18 to 23 million for west palm beach coast line golf club... bar and world class hotel and restaurant???... like I said the real estate agencies in Florida are still in shock...
Witch hunt....
Assessors do not tender market value appraisals. They deliver tax assessment valuations for the purpose of deriving property taxes .
Banks do not and Did Not operate from what the applicant believes his property is worth

You lib loon Trump haters liars and know nothings MUST stop providing erroneous commentary based on the lethal duo of willful ignorance and wishes
They have to lie its all they have... I guess we will have to watch them lie from here to November...
They have to lie its all they have... I guess we will have to watch them lie from here to November...
It will be no where near over in November, They will pursue him for all of his term. When 2028 rolls around you won’t hear or read of liberals pursuing Trump ever again
Good he can pay taxes on the $900,000,000 to 1,800,000,000 he thinks it is worth. I mean you just can't make this shit up!
He pays taxes based on the property tax assessment valuation and extrapolation which 90% of you liberal shit for brains keep calling The Appraisal

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