trump can't get anyone to post his bond

Engoron did not himself did NOT do a valuation of Maga-Lardo. He went from the county auditors office in Florida where Maga-Lardo is located!
That is what I said dummy... but he relied on an appraisal from decades ago before Trump became a US president... and a Global brand....

doesn't matter.
America's prisons are busting at the seams with otherwise good citizens whose only crime was thinking that certain laws weren't valid and fair and applicable to themselves.
Trump is no different.

Amazing the TDS in you. Either up your meds or get off them.
That is a myth that has been circulating for a while.
He'd need special protection for sure, but not an entire secret service team.
Totally doable.
We are AMERICANS! We can figure ANYTHING out!
Solitary confinement would suffice.
Or maybe we just say "fuck him! Let him fend for himself!"
The problem with being a multiple felon but still avoiding real prison time is it would make a complete mockery of our justice system in addition to being unconstitutional.
Our constitution goes to great lengths to ensure that the POTUS is NOT some "divine," untouchable monarch but rather an ordinary, humble, human being subject to the same laws of the land as any other ordinary person.
Once Trump is convicted of his numerous felonies we're going to have to walk our constitutional talk on that in order to set an example.
Either that or just fling open the doors to all our prisons because laws don't mean anything anymore.
SOME people get sent to prison for committing felonies....but some people don't just because of who they are?
WTF is THAT?????
Dude the prison system couldn't even protect Epstein...
I don't think you have thought about all of the ramification's of this... like who would be next... who in their right mind would want to be in politics after that?...
If a witch hunt from the opposing party could land you in prison it would be the end of democracy....
You're the one making shit up. You just posted that the judge questioned Trump's valuation of the property at $430 million. Yes, he questioned that valuation, based on the 2020 valuation of $28 million stated in court filings made by the Trump Corporation, in 2020, and then I posted 3 separate and credible links to back up my statement.

I didn't parrot Trump's lies and pretend what he said was true.
He used an old appraisal that placed the value between 18 million and 23 million... the real-estate community in Florida are still laughing at that...
In the same way that the guards are in jail with the other prisoners.

They (the guards) work their shift, then go home. For the prisoners, it is there home.

It would never happen in a million years... who would want to be president if the opposing party could witch hunt you into prison?... it would truly mean the end of democracy....
It would never happen in a million years... who would want to be president if the opposing party could witch hunt you into prison?... it would truly mean the end of democracy....

Trump's problems aren't a "witch hunt", they are due to his own fraudulent and illegal activities.

No one to blame but himself.

Trump's problems aren't a "witch hunt", they are due to his own fraudulent and illegal activities.

No one to blame but himself.

Come on man... over valuating property?... my question is who hasn't ever done that at one time or another...
THERE ARE NO VICTIMS... no one was harmed...
Have you ever undervalued compensation when doing your taxes?... you know you have everyone has... someone gives you a gift and you forget about it at tax time....

= witch hunt....
Dude the prison system couldn't even protect Epstein...
I don't think you have thought about all of the ramification's of this... like who would be next... who in their right mind would want to be in politics after that?...
If a witch hunt from the opposing party could land you in prison it would be the end of democracy....
Not if you choose to obey the law.
Just think, this could take the "crooked" out of politician.
Imagine that!
ALL politicians would hereby be expected to be honest and law abiding or suffer the same fate as Trump.
I like it!
Not if you choose to obey the law.
Just think, this could take the "crooked" out of politician.
Imagine that!
ALL politicians would hereby be expected to be honest and law abiding or suffer the same fate as Trump.
I like it!
No one is perfect... everyone has broken some law that could be dug up by your haters like Latisha James did to Trump... its the beginning of the end of democracy in America... look at the two guys we have to choose from for president... its already having an effect...
Suuuure they are

No way the fat orange criminal would lie

try to buy a pair 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
sold out :laughing0301:
sold out.jpg

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The seasoned appraisers destroyed Trump's claims. The property cannot be developed. Trump traded away all of the value of the property to get it rezoned to a beach club. The comparable sales that the Trump Family used to make their claims were all unrestricted properties.

Added to which, the main residence is designated as a "historical property" meaning it cannot be torn down, renovated, or substantially altered or updated, and since the main building is now 100 years old, or more, upkeep and repairs are substantial, and all must be approved by the local historical society. Who is their right mind is going to spend $1 billion or more on a property they can't develop, featuring an aging and expensive historical home, you cannot tear down, renovate or update?

The property was originally left to the federal government which couldn't afford to maintain it and put it on the market, where it sat for years before Trump bought it for $7 million. At that time, he could have developed it and sold it, but not any more.

The local residents didn't want Trump putting up one of his cheap ass, bankrupt, golf resorts and wrecking the neighbourhood property values. That's why Trump was precluded from developing the property.
Deed restrictions do not hamper nor devalue a property. They are generally considered an enhancement because they create uniformity. I know and have done a lot-you zero and zero.
An impartial court evaluation would not zero on limited specific use of ONE freaking building. It would rightfully contain All Land mass and All improvements. This predetermined bullshit treated tens of thousands of square footage of improvements as zero value.
Come on man... over valuating property?... my question is who hasn't ever done that at one time or another...
THERE ARE NO VICTIMS... no one was harmed...
Have you ever undervalued compensation when doing your taxes?... you know you have everyone has... someone gives you a gift and you forget about it at tax time....

= witch hunt....

I don't know who hasn't ever over valued property, I know:

#1 I've never valued deed restricted property which can't be sold in parcels as if it's not deed restricted. (MAL)

#2 I've never valued rent stabilized apartments like they weren't rent controlled. (NY Apartments)

#3 I've never tripled the size of a property in legal filings over what they were physically. (Trump Tower Apartment)

#4 I've never added the same valuation multiple times into the same property. (40 Wall Street)

#5 I've never held 30% in a limited partnership where interests were locked into the partnership and attempted to treat it like liquid cash. (Vernado)

#6 I've never listed assets for well over market value for units in a building over current market value for the exact same units. (Trump Park Avenue)

#7 I've never listed as assets as if property were already developed in ways that the property could not be developed thereby creating over valuation that didn't exist. (Seven Springs)

#8 I've never ordered an accountant to value something at $101M while hiding from them an appraisal that said the property was worth $45M. (Briarcliff)

I don't know who hasn't ever over valued property, I know:

#1 I've never valued deed restricted property which can't be sold in parcels as if it's not deed restricted. (MAL)

#2 I've never valued rent stabilized apartments like they weren't rent controlled. (NY Apartments)

#3 I've never tripled the size of a property in legal filings over what they were physically. (Trump Tower Apartment)

#4 I've never added the same valuation multiple times into the same property. (40 Wall Street)

#5 I've never held 30% in a limited partnership where interests were locked into the partnership and attempted to treat it like liquid cash. (Vernado)

#6 I've never listed assets for well over market value for units in a building over current market value for the exact same units. (Trump Park Avenue)

#7 I've never listed as assets as if property were already developed in ways that the property could not be developed thereby creating over valuation that didn't exist. (Seven Springs)

#8 I've never ordered an accountant to value something at $101M while hiding from them an appraisal that said the property was worth $45M. (Briarcliff)

That is his industry... real estate is what he does... Like I said the digging is unprecedented..... but now its going to be commonplace.... quality leadership in America is lost forever....
I don't know who hasn't ever over valued property, I know:

#1 I've never valued deed restricted property which can't be sold in parcels as if it's not deed restricted. (MAL)

#2 I've never valued rent stabilized apartments like they weren't rent controlled. (NY Apartments)

#3 I've never tripled the size of a property in legal filings over what they were physically. (Trump Tower Apartment)

#4 I've never added the same valuation multiple times into the same property. (40 Wall Street)

#5 I've never held 30% in a limited partnership where interests were locked into the partnership and attempted to treat it like liquid cash. (Vernado)

#6 I've never listed assets for well over market value for units in a building over current market value for the exact same units. (Trump Park Avenue)

#7 I've never listed as assets as if property were already developed in ways that the property could not be developed thereby creating over valuation that didn't exist. (Seven Springs)

#8 I've never ordered an accountant to value something at $101M while hiding from them an appraisal that said the property was worth $45M. (Briarcliff)

I have an example for you... I purchased an apartment building... the owner priced it at a certain price... my agent said it wasn't worth that price... I offered him less he took it... no one went to jail no DA came and arrested the guy...
That is what I said dummy... but he relied on an appraisal from decades ago before Trump became a US president... and a Global brand....
No dummy you said that the judge AND James valuation Maga-Lardo and that would hurt there case. They didn't give it a valuation they went by the county auditor. If she chooses to liquidate it they will be looking to sell it at market value. How the hell will that hurt their case?
its already been destroyed, because Engoron never asserted that the property was worth $18 million.

A local property assessor recently valued mar-a-lago at $33.4 million, which still means Trump overvalued the property by orders of magnitude.
Mar-a-Lago value is based on profits of the club and "not the value of the land". Mar-a-Lago is a business.

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