trump can't get anyone to post his bond

The judge should be in prison. Utter travesty.

Can anyone explain who the victim is?
The judge is one of the worst judges in American history. His name really isn’t worth mentioning. Obviously, the guy is a radical leftist. And you’re seeing this more in the country since the George Floyd riots based on people rioting for an unfortunate man who was addicted to drugs, and lead of life of violent crime. He got a state funeral from a Republican governor by the way.

So you’re seeing this poison play out in America today. That’s why we have the mass school shootings, crime surges in major cities. And yet Democrats and neoconservatives pat themselves on the back for waving a flag of Ukraine. Sending money hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine and Israel while we have record homelessness in this country. It’s a travesty of justice and we will write the wrongs. Just give it some time.

We have one of the worst political classes in American history right now , but we had that before.

Just remember the great depression we got through that
Nobody trusts him or believes he actually has access to that kinda money.

Not even the small judgement.

He's finally starting to pay the price for a lifetime of crime.

There aren't many companies that can handle something this size, and most of them won't want to be soiled with this thing.

Evidently he's making a lowball "offer", which isn't an option.
Nobody trusts him or believes he actually has access to that kinda money.

Not even the small judgement.

He's finally starting to pay the price for a lifetime of crime.

I get it.Just after securing a nutter huge Victory virtually
ensuring he has sewn-up the Republican Nomination,he gets
nothing but Lies and cheap skuttlebutt { Think the Lies about
Trump and Russian Collusion } to pound into the political
Trump is So well liked and in some cases Adored,he's like
Walt Disney come to life.I'm sure there are enough Leftist snotrags
around to speak crudely about Walt Disney.
It's what Leftism has created.A veritable Monstrocity of
human demons.At least those creeps from the cruddy schlock
- Night of the Living Dead - managed to stick around
and take jobs at MSNBC.

How is that going to happen when a significant percentage of Haley voters have stated they will refuse to vote for trump?
The judge is one of the worst judges in American history. His name really isn’t worth mentioning. Obviously, the guy is a radical leftist. And you’re seeing this more in the country since the George Floyd riots based on people rioting for an unfortunate man who was addicted to drugs, and lead of life of violent crime. He got a state funeral from a Republican governor by the way.

So you’re seeing this poison play out in America today. That’s why we have the mass school shootings, crime surges in major cities. And yet Democrats and neoconservatives pat themselves on the back for waving a flag of Ukraine. Sending money hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine and Israel while we have record homelessness in this country. It’s a travesty of justice and we will write the wrongs. Just give it some time.

We have one of the worst political classes in American history right now , but we had that before.

Just remember the great depression we got through that
Stay on topic, dummy.
Most Americans don’t care about any of this prosecution of Trump. They’re living in tiny apartments, and only dreaming of what used to be known as the American dream.

The country is a dump in many aspects today.

We have one of the worst middle classes in America history today. That’s why Trump’s going to get reelected in nov.

It’s pretty much only the pro BLM anti-American class that is anti Trump …they somehow believes that most American people still support Biden and the high inflation we have today.
The judge is one of the worst judges in American history. His name really isn’t worth mentioning. Obviously, the guy has radical leftist. And you’re seeing this more in the country since the George Floyd riots based on people riding for unfortunate man who is addicted to drugs, and lead of life of violent crime. He got a state funeral from a Republican governor by the way.

So you’re seeing this poison play out in America today. That’s why we have the mass school shootings, crime surges in major cities. And yet Democrats and neoconservatives packed themselves on the back for waving a flag of Ukraine. Sending money hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine and Israel while we have homelessness in this country. It’s a travesty of justice and we will write the wrongs. Just give it some time. We have one of the worst political classes in American history right now we had that before

Just remember the great depression we got through that
Actually thanks to FDR the Great Depression and The Dust Bowl
decade were hampered by F.D.R. and Eleanor Roosevelt.
They dint fix things but experimented.Like with WPA or
Works Progress Administration out to prove that Government
Activism works.
I get it.Just after securing a nutter huge Victory virtually
ensuring he has sewn-up the Republican Nomination,he gets
nothing but Lies and cheap skuttlebutt { Think the Lies about
Trump and Russian Collusion } to pound into the political
Trump is So well liked and in some cases Adored,he's like
Walt Disney come to life.I'm sure there are enough Leftist snotrags
around to speak crudely about Walt Disney.
It's what Leftism has created.A veritable Monstrocity of
human demons.At least those creeps from the cruddy schlock
- Night of the Living Dead - managed to stick around
and take jobs at MSNBC.
Not really a huge victory. Kinda just scraped by.
It seems like you cultists jerk off to the Trumped up charges.

Mar a Lago worth $18 million when the neighboring property 1/17 the size sold for $45 million recently.

STFU. If you claim that property is worth $18 million, you know exactly dick about real estate.

Or anything, really.
Most Americans don’t care about any of this prosecution of Trump. They’re living in tiny apartments, and only dreaming of what used to be known as the American dream.

The country is a dump in many aspects today.

We have one of the worst middle classes in America history today. That’s why Trump’s going to get reelected in nov.

It’s pretty much only the pro BLM anti-American class that is anti Trump …they somehow believes that most American people still support Biden and the high inflation we have today.
Trump is making huge strides in convincing Blacks that
Under Democrats their cities are terrible.In many cases
totally unfit for decent citizens.
Actually thanks to FDR the Great Depression and The Dust Bowl
decade were hampered by F.D.R. and Eleanor Roosevelt.
They dint fix things but experimented.Like with WPA or
Works Progress Administration out to prove that Government
Activism works.
All the World War II veterans I spoke with admire FDR. He worked across the aisle and was deeply loved by Ronald Reagan. Of course he saved the world. And because of the American citizen and the government working together in the 1940s we had the post World War II economic boom ushering in the greatest economy and American history for the middle class.

Herbert Hoover ushered in the Great Depression. It took some time, but Roosevelt got us out of the great depression and you can look up the “post World War II economic boom”, and how it gave us the greatest middle-class of the world history.

The country is a dump today. We got men playing in women’s sports. Homelessness all over the place. Record homelessness in this country according to the LA times. And America is the most obese country in the world.

In the 1940s, we had a healthy and productive society. At least we always have the glorious past to look back on compared to what the radical left and the neocons have done to us today.
Nobody trusts him or believes he actually has access to that kinda money.

Not even the small judgement.

He's finally starting to pay the price for a lifetime of crime.

No in fact many bond posters are being threatened .

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