Trump Can't Recall Name Of That Ohio Guy He Endorsed For Senate

Right, and your personal insults show your lack of a cogent rebuttal.
haha, what embarrassing, childish illogic. So, in your mind, if someone doesn't do something, it means they can't. makes sense, after a botched lobotomy.

Nah, let's talk about the mentally ill sociopath Trump, and how he views people as disposable objects not really worthy of having their names remembered.
No it doesn't. What is this embarrassing horseshit you are making up? haha.. your truck stop bumper stickers won't help you.

Also, you're still not telling me what my hissy fit is about.

I'd really like to know... well not really. I am just demonstrating to everyone you have nothing but bumper sticker slogans and buzzword responses to my queries.
So, in your mind, if someone doesn't do something, it means they can't. makes sense, after a botched lobotomy.

Lack of action can mean four things.

Fear, hesitation, uncertainty, or calculation.

I know there are reasons behind a lack of action. And yours is fear and calculation. Fear of having your points destroyed, calculation due to wanting to draw the emotionally frail into your emotional arguments.

Not hard to see.
Nah, let's talk about the mentally ill sociopath Trump, and how he views people as disposable objects not really worthy of having their names remembered.

Interesting, almost in the same way Democrats have discarded women in search of a genderless society. I get it. But you cannot cite an example where I don't have a counter.

Democrats as a party will willingly discard people if it no longer serves their political goals.

Women, minorities, gays... it doesn't matter. So don't lecture me about sociopathy. The Democrats have that in spades, my Stockholm syndrome struck friend.
No he hid in the bunker. You know the one he said the SS forced him into.

For a night, perhaps, as opposed to the entirety of a presidential campaign. One hid from violence, the other hid from inconvenient questions.

One reason was legitimate, the other was not.
:itsok: Let it all out. My sympathy. Did you take the meds, yet?
Get back to me when Trump surpasses Biden's level of senility.

Read an article today about the dems turning on 'ol Senile Joe' soon after the mid terms......doesn't look good for the Elmer Fuddnick president.

Soft coup coming......
I have successfully brought out your hostility by intentionally misstating the facts as you so often have in this thread.

In fact, that is Gaius Pompeius Magnus, who was outwitted in a bid for the leadership of the Roman Empire by none other than Julius Ceasar.

See, even a loser can recognize losers. Historical losers.

Have fun with that.
Trump‘s Agenda:

1) Take a shit.
2) Get out of bed.
3) Trump rally.

Hahahahaha he has dementia! Lololololol
One mental miscue by Trump. One. Compared to the slew of Biden's.

The denial is strong with you. Your willful ignorance is telling.

Too bad I'm shit with video editing, or I would lay down a supercut of all of Biden's mental episodes.

ONE??????? Are you deaf and blind. The list of Trump's gaffe's are endless. Ingesting disinfectants for covid.

Trump can't even string a sentence together or complete a thought, he just wanders off on another topic. Reading his interview transcripts is highly educational in that regard. And he talks at an 4th grade level.

If you listen to his interviews from 20 years ago, he's quite lucid, stays on topic, and completes his sentences. Today, he just rambles and blithers.
Trump‘s Agenda:

1) Take a shit.
2) Get out of bed.
3) Trump rally.

Hahahahaha he has dementia! Lololololol

LOL You do realize that you are helping your case, right? If he is going senile but does not want to use a teleprompter, then your orange douche bag is a bigger moron than I thought. Thanks, for playing. :itsok:
Yes, I'm helping my case. Thank you moron. People are always going to misspeak and forget names. I do it all the time and have for all my life. The difference again is Biden does it while he's got the message out there in print in front of him. Huge difference. And, Trump doesn't go shaking the hands of ghosts either.
ONE??????? Are you deaf and blind. The list of Trump's gaffe's are endless. Ingesting disinfectants for covid.
I see you fell for that lie and demonstrated my point to the OP in the same breath.

1) Fact-check: Did Trump tell people to drink bleach to kill the coronavirus?.

2) I criticize Biden, you go directly for Trump.

And no, I see and hear well. You are the one who is deaf and blind. I am not dismissing Trump's miscues, nor am I denying they happened. I am saying, however, that they are not the result of senility or cognitive decline, whereas you refuse to acknowledge anything is wrong with Biden.
Yes, I'm helping my case. Thank you moron. People are always going to misspeak and forget names. I do it all the time and have for all my life. The difference again is Biden does it while he's got the message out there in print in front of him. Huge difference. And, Trump doesn't go shaking the hands of ghosts either.
'I'm going to get in trouble'

'I'm not allowed to take questions'

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