Trump Can't Recall Name Of That Ohio Guy He Endorsed For Senate

So you think ranting on Biden will evoke the same childish reaction from me as you have demonstrated.

Like I said, all I have to do is point to this thread. The tu quoque (the 'nuh-uh, you too!' argument) is strong and is a predictable response from someone who feels compelled to defend the image of a failing president.

I've spent the better part of a decade on this forum, and I know people like you all too well who come and go, stumbling and falling as they go, fading into obscurity like you eventually will.
I am just watching your embarrasisng behavior. It is what it is.
I could say the same about your spelling.

But anyway.

My behavior? What behavior is that? There is a difference between forgetting now and then, and having the presence of mind to correct oneself, and forgetting all of the time and not having the presence of mind or mental acuity to know one is wrong.

This is essentially what this garbage comparison between Trump and Biden's intelligence is.
Yeah, it's been going for a while. But to confuse the guy he endorsed and promoted heavily over others? A whole new level of senility.

On your knees I see? The search will be long and hard after candycorn's pants are down, but when you succeed in finding your prize, I encourage you to suck for as long and as hard as you can.
Fort Fun Indiana

I love how you appear to have read the DSM-V and suddenly know what's wrong with me.

But then again, everyone on this board thinks they are experts on human emotion. Until they are brought down a peg.
*thread making fun of something stupid Trump did is started

Every squealing Trumper on USMB:

"Quick we have to get in there and post about Biden immediately!"
You believe the guy who campaigned from his basement won the election?

Doesn't take a psychic. Or a psychologist.

Nah, you seem to think you are both. Without having ever met me.

Now, specifically, what part of my behavior here was 'embarrassing'?

However, if you were confusing that with me embarrassing this troll OP into oblivion, then I can forgive your miscue.

If not, please state an example or remain quiet. Your choice.
*thread making fun of something stupid Trump did is started

Every squealing Trumper on USMB:

"Quick we have to get in there and post about Biden immediately!"

Every thread like this is essentially a response to criticism of Biden.

A) Biden did X! ----> BUT TRUMP!

B) Trump did X! ----> BUT BIDEN!

By the gods, your observational skills are nonexistent.
The difference is Trump is speaking without a teleprompter for 2 hours off the top of his head. Biden has a teleprompter, cheat notes and still can't get the words out. He has his own language as well.

LOL You do realize that you are helping your case, right? If he is going senile but does not want to use a teleprompter, then your orange douche bag is a bigger moron than I thought. Thanks, for playing. :itsok:
Does that make you feel better about that senile dipshit you adore so much? :lol:

Too bad I'm shit with video editing, or I would lay down a supercut of all of Biden's mental episodes.
Trumpers throw out the line "TDS" whenever trump is mentioned in a non trump thread title.
But lookie here ^^^^^^^ contards do it constantly.

Yup, biden struggles and I hate the choice, but no way I was voting for that other guy.
conman gonna con.
LOL You do realize that you are helping your case, right? If he is going senile but does not want to use a teleprompter, then your orange douche bag is a bigger moron than I thought. Thanks, for playing. :itsok:

A grand total of 5 or 6 miscues in the span of 7 years does not a senile Trump make.

Whereas numerous miscues by Biden over the span of 1 1/2 years is notable cognitive decline.
Now, specifically, what part of my behavior here was 'embarrassing'?
Your embarrassing hissy fit. I guess your cultist episodes also affect your memory and reading capabilities.

Your cultism is not normal. I know that's hard for you to see. But you have gone off the deep end. You act the way someone might act in defending their little sister on a playground.
Yup, biden struggles and I hate the choice, but no way I was voting for that other guy.
conman gonna con.

You voted for him on purpose, and you knew he wasn't capable of the job.

You fool. People like you are why this country is in the sorry state it's in right now.
Your embarrassing hissy fit. I guess your cultist episodes also affect your memory and reading capabilities.

Hissy fit? Regarding what precisely?

Also, even if what you say about me being a 'cultist' were true, I would remind you that it takes a cultist to recognize another.
Your embarrassing hissy fit. I guess your cultist episodes also affect your memory and reading capabilities.

Your cultism is not normal. I know that's hard for you to see. But you have gone off the deep end. You act the way someone might act in defending their little sister on a playground.

Right, and your personal insults show your lack of a cogent rebuttal.

I invite you to say something meaningful, if you can.
Hissy fit? Regarding what precisely?

Also, even if what you say about me being a 'cultist' were true, I would remind you that it takes a cultist to recognize another.
No it doesn't. What is this embarrassing horseshit you are making up? haha.. your truck stop bumper stickers won't help you.
See, this op was only meant to mislead others about Trump's cognitive state by pointing out a singular miscue. One miscue? One? Really? (One point in a dataset does not define the experiment.)

Whereas, other threads on Biden's numerous miscues are pointing out legitimate signs of mental and cognitive decline. (Whereas many points on a dataset provide greater resolution and clarity to the experiment and far more insight into the subject)

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