Trump Caravan, Police, Sued in Texas

Good. Put some in jail, and fine them BIGLY!

Ironic, given the fact that your party created, funded, and maintains the KKK to this day.

"maintains the KKK to this day"? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Say hi to your governor for me!


Not my governor.

He's desperately flailing. It's the short-term sugar buzz.
The idiots filmed themselves doing it and posted it on their own accounts.
Doing what?

Maybe even attempted vehicular homicide.

Based on what? Video doesn't show that.
Was there not intentional bumping of the staff member's car that was following directly behind the bus?

Why weren't police/State Patrol swarmed on that convoy, pulling cars over? They got the dispatch from 911, and were aware of the event and the campaign bus, because they were providing security.
This one will probably make it to Court. The Trump Train were explicit in their intention. To prevent the political rally and stop the bus from arriving.
There's no evidence of that and they cannot generally blame that on a political candidate who was not there, absent some concrete evidence Trump ordered them to "prevent" the bus from arriving.

They are suing the people in the Trump train. They can prove that easily. The idiots filmed themselves doing it snd posted it on their own accounts.
They are suing Trump. What does any of that prove regarding Trump himself?

Scooter. You have the news confused. Let’s go slowly so even you can understand. Several people in Congress are suing Trump and Giuliani for the 1/6 “protest” under the same law.

The people named in the Trump Train Lawsuit do not. Let me repeat. Do not. Let me bold this. Do not include Trump

Trump is not being sued. The Trump Fanboys are. The minions if you prefer.

From the news story.

The complaint alleges that the defendants -- named as Eliazar Cisneros, Hannah Ceh, Joeylynn Mesaros, Robert Mesaros, Dolores Park, and a Jane and John Doe -- conspired beforehand to surround and block the bus in violation of the Ku Klux Klan Act, passed by Congress in 1871 to prohibit the obstruction of free and fair elections via the coordinated intimidation of voters. As a result of their actions, they claim, the campaign was forced to cancel its stops in San Marcos and Austin out of fear for their safety.

Not Trump. Not Trump. The patriotic good Americans who violated the law. They are being sued.

Ok. Got it now? Biden campaign workers and ex-state lawmaker sue 'Trump Train' members involved in dangerous Texas highway incident
They are suing joe blow for "blocking" a campaign bus???

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That is even MORE stupid than I thought.

How pathetic. It will go NOWHERE!!!

A couple things. I doubt your abilities to think are significant. Second. It will drive the Trump Supporters first to a lawyer. And then to a different lawyer. The second one will be a Bankruptcy Attorney. Unless they decide to heed the advice of Abraham Lincoln and represent themselves.
Was there not intentional bumping of the staff member's car that was following directly behind the bus?

Are you referring to the vehicle that looked like a white Forerunner behind the bus? Is that the one you're saying was bumped? One of the videos I watched showed that particular vehicle driving into the Trump supporter's lane, not the other way around.
Good. Put some in jail, and fine them BIGLY!

the Civil Rights Act of 1871 or the anti-kkk act or enforcement act is one of the most widely used federal laws used sue.

i think the bus driver has a tough case reasonable person would say a drive by with a trump flag was why they decided to stop campaigning the rest of the day

I could do this all day long,,

but you go ahead with your singular event,,
Could you find on from a real media source? Those are all from RWNJ conspiracy theory sites.

I could do this all day long,,

but you go ahead with your singular event,,
Could you find on from a real media source? Those are all from RWNJ conspiracy theory sites.
there is video on tweeter in the link...tweeter! so it must be true
Was there not intentional bumping of the staff member's car that was following directly behind the bus?

Are you referring to the vehicle that looked like a white Forerunner behind the bus? Is that the one you're saying was bumped? One of the videos I watched showed that particular vehicle driving into the Trump supporter's lane, not the other way around.
I'm not going to argue minutiae. The intent is evident.
I'm not going to argue minutiae. The intent is evident.
If you're going to make a claim, back it up. The vehicle you're referring to was shown entering the Trump supporters lane, not the other way around, which belies the intent you're trying to argue.

I could do this all day long,,

but you go ahead with your singular event,,
Could you find on from a real media source? Those are all from RWNJ conspiracy theory sites.
there is video on tweeter in the link...tweeter! so it must be true
Tweeter isn't real news.

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